em QUB Research Portal - Research Directory and Institutional Repository for Queen's University Belfast


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The human coronavirus 229E (HCoV-229E) replicase gene-encoded nonstructural protein 13 (nsp13) contains an N-terminal zinc-binding domain and a C-terminal superfamily 1 helicase domain. A histidine-tagged form of nsp13, which was expressed in insect cells and purified, is reported to unwind efficiently both partial-duplex RNA and DNA of up to several hundred base pairs. Characterization of the nsp13-associated nucleoside triphosphatase (NTPase) activities revealed that all natural ribonucleotides and nucleotides are substrates of nsp13, with ATP, dATP, and GTP being hydrolyzed most efficiently. Using the NTPase active site, HCoV-229E nsp13 also mediates RNA 5'-triphosphatase activity, which may be involved in the capping of viral RNAs.


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Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV), a member of the Picornaviridae, is a pathogen of cloven-hoofed animals and causes a disease of major economic importance. Picornavirus-infected cells show changes in cell morphology and rearrangement of cytoplasmic membranes, which are a consequence of virus replication. We show here, by confocal immunofluorescence and electron microscopy, that the changes in morphology of FMDV-infected cells involve changes in the distribution of microtubule and intermediate filament components during infection. Despite the continued presence of centrosomes in infected cells, there is a loss of tethering of microtubules to the microtubule organizing center (MTOC) region. Loss of labeling for -tubulin, but not pericentrin, from the MTOC suggests a targeting of -tubulin (or associated proteins) rather than a total breakdown in MTOC structure. The identity of the FMDV protein(s) responsible was determined by the expression of individual viral nonstructural proteins and their precursors in uninfected cells. We report that the only viral nonstructural protein able to reproduce the loss of -tubulin from the MTOC and the loss of integrity of the microtubule system is FMDV 3Cpro. In contrast, infection of cells with another picornavirus, bovine enterovirus, did not affect -tubulin distribution, and the microtubule network remained relatively unaffected.


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Nidoviruses (arteriviruses, coronaviruses, and roniviruses) are a phylogenetically compact but diverse group of positive-strand RNA viruses that includes important human and animal pathogens. Nidovirus RNA synthesis is mediated by a cytoplasmic membrane-associated replication/transcription complex that includes up to 16 viral nonstructural proteins (nsps), which carry common enzymatic activities, like the viral RNA polymerase, but also unusual and poorly understood RNA-processing functions. Of these, a conserved endoribonuclease (NendoU) is a major genetic marker that is unique to nidoviruses. NendoU activity was previously verified in vitro for the coronavirus nsp15, but not for any of its distantly related orthologs from other nidovirus lineages, like the arterivirus nsp11. Here, we show that the bacterially expressed nsp11 proteins of two arteriviruses, equine arteritis virus and porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus, possess pyrimidine-specific endoribonuclease activity. RNA cleavage was independent of divalent cations in vitro and was greatly reduced by replacement of residues previously implicated in catalysis. Comparative characterization of the NendoU activity in arteriviruses and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus revealed common and distinct features of their substrate requirements and reaction mechanism. Our data provide the first biochemical evidence of endoribonuclease activity associated with arterivirus nsp11 and support the conclusion that this remarkable RNA-processing enzyme, whose substrate in the infected cell remains to be identified, distinguishes nidoviruses from all other RNA viruses.


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The replicase polyproteins, pp1a and pp1ab, of porcine Transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) have been predicted to be cleaved by viral proteases into 16 non-structural proteins (nsp). Here, enzymic activities residing in the amino-proximal region of nsp3, the largest TGEV replicase processing product, were characterized. It was shown, by in vitro translation experiments and protein sequencing, that the papain-like protease 1, PL1pro, but not a mutant derivative containing a substitution of the presumed active-site nucleophile, Cys1093, cleaves the nsp2|nsp3 site at 879Gly|Gly880. By using an antiserum raised against the pp1a/pp1ab residues 526–713, the upstream processing product, nsp2, was identified as an 85 kDa protein in TGEV-infected cells. Furthermore, PL1pro was confirmed to be flanked at its C terminus by a domain (called X) that mediates ADP-ribose 1''-phosphatase activity. Expression and characterization of a range of bacterially expressed forms of this enzyme suggest that the active X domain comprises pp1a/pp1ab residues Asp1320–Ser1486.


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Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), a newly identified group 2 coronavirus, is the causative agent of severe acute respiratory syndrome, a life-threatening form of pneumonia in humans. Coronavirus replication and transcription are highly specialized processes of cytoplasmic RNA synthesis that localize to virus-induced membrane structures and were recently proposed to involve a complex enzymatic machinery that, besides RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, helicase, and protease activities, also involves a series of RNA-processing enzymes that are not found in most other RNA virus families. Here, we characterized the enzymatic activities of a recombinant form of the SARS-CoV helicase (nonstructural protein [nsp] 13), a superfamily 1 helicase with an N-terminal zinc-binding domain. We report that nsp13 has both RNA and DNA duplex-unwinding activities. SARS-CoV nsp13 unwinds its substrates in a 5'-to-3' direction and features a remarkable processivity, allowing efficient strand separation of extended regions of double-stranded RNA and DNA. Characterization of the nsp13-associated (deoxy)nucleoside triphosphatase ([dNTPase) activities revealed that all natural nucleotides and deoxynucleotides are substrates of nsp13, with ATP, dATP, and GTP being hydrolyzed slightly more efficiently than other nucleotides. Furthermore, we established an RNA 5'-triphosphatase activity for the SARS-CoV nsp13 helicase which may be involved in the formation of the 5' cap structure of viral RNAs. The data suggest that the (d)NTPase and RNA 5'-triphosphatase activities of nsp13 have a common active site. Finally, we established that, in SARS-CoV-infected Vero E6 cells, nsp13 localizes to membranes that appear to be derived from the endoplasmic reticulum and are the likely site of SARS-CoV RNA synthesis.


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Replication of the giant RNA genome of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus (CoV) and synthesis of as many as eight subgenomic (sg) mRNAs are mediated by a viral replicase-transcriptase of outstanding complexity that includes an essential endoribonuclease activity. Here, we show that the CoV replicative machinery, unlike that of other RNA viruses, also uses an exoribonuclease (ExoN) activity, which is associated with nonstructural protein (nsp) 14. Bacterially expressed forms of SARS-CoV nsp14 were shown to act on both ssRNAs and dsRNAs in a 3'5' direction. The activity depended on residues that are conserved in the DEDD exonuclease superfamily. The protein did not hydrolyze DNA or ribose-2'-O-methylated RNA substrates and required divalent metal ions for activity. A range of 5'-labeled ssRNA substrates were processed to final products of 8–12 nucleotides. When part of dsRNA or in the presence of nonlabeled dsRNA, the 5'-labeled RNA substrates were processed to significantly smaller products, indicating that binding to dsRNA in cis or trans modulates the exonucleolytic activity of nsp14. Characterization of human CoV 229E ExoN active-site mutants revealed severe defects in viral RNA synthesis, and no viable virus could be recovered. Besides strongly reduced genome replication, specific defects in sg RNA synthesis, such as aberrant sizes of specific sg RNAs and changes in the molar ratios between individual sg RNA species, were observed. Taken together, the study identifies an RNA virus ExoN activity that is involved in the synthesis of multiple RNAs from the exceptionally large genomic RNA templates of CoVs.


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Nidoviruses (Coronaviridae, Arteriviridae, and Roniviridae) encode a nonstructural protein, called nsp10 in arteriviruses and nsp13 in coronaviruses, that is comprised of a C-terminal superfamily 1 helicase domain and an N-terminal, putative zinc-binding domain (ZBD). Previously, mutations in the equine arteritis virus (EAV) nsp10 ZBD were shown to block arterivirus reproduction by disrupting RNA synthesis and possibly virion biogenesis. Here, we characterized the ATPase and helicase activities of bacterially expressed mutant forms of nsp10 and its human coronavirus 229E ortholog, nsp13, and correlated these in vitro activities with specific virus phenotypes. Replacement of conserved Cys or His residues with Ala proved to be more deleterious than Cys-for-His or His-for-Cys replacements. Furthermore, denaturation-renaturation experiments revealed that, during protein refolding, Zn2+ is essential for the rescue of the enzymatic activities of nidovirus helicases. Taken together, the data strongly support the zinc-binding function of the N-terminal domain of nidovirus helicases. nsp10 ATPase/helicase deficiency resulting from single-residue substitutions in the ZBD or deletion of the entire domain could not be complemented in trans by wild-type ZBD, suggesting a critical function of the ZBD in cis. Consistently, no viral RNA synthesis was detected after transfection of EAV full-length RNAs encoding ATPase/helicase-deficient nsp10 into susceptible cells. In contrast, diverse phenotypes were observed for mutants with enzymatically active nsp10, which in a number of cases correlated with the activities measured in vitro. Collectively, our data suggest that the ZBD is critically involved in nidovirus replication and transcription by modulating the enzymatic activities of the helicase domain and other, yet unknown, mechanisms.


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The arterivirus equine arteritis virus nonstructural protein 10 (nsp10) has previously been predicted to contain a Zn finger structure linked to a superfamily 1 (SF1) helicase domain. A recombinant form of nsp10, MBP-nsp10, was produced in Escherichia coli as a fusion protein with the maltose-binding protein. The protein was partially purified by affinity chromatography and shown to have ATPase activity that was strongly stimulated by poly(dT), poly(U), and poly(dA) but not by poly(G). The protein also had both RNA and DNA duplex-unwinding activities that required the presence of 5' single-stranded regions on the partial-duplex substrates, indicating a 5'-to-3' polarity in the unwinding reaction. Results of this study suggest a close functional relationship between the arterivirus nsp10 and the coronavirus helicase, for which NTPase and duplex-unwinding activities were recently demonstrated. In a number of biochemical properties, both arterivirus and coronavirus SF1 helicases differ significantly from the previously characterized RNA virus SF1 and SF2 enzymes. Thus, the combined data strongly support the idea that nidovirus helicases may represent a separate group of RNA virus-encoded helicases with distinct properties.


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Rotavirus nonstructural protein 4 (NSP4) is a protein with pleiotropic properties. It functions in rotavirus morphogenesis, pathogenesis, and is the first described viral enterotoxin. Since many bacterial toxins function as potent mucosal adjuvants, we evaluated whether baculovirus-expressed recombinant simian rotavirus SA11 NSP4 possesses adjuvant activity by co-administering NSP4 with keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH), tetanus toxoid (TT) or ovalbumin (OVA) as model antigens in mice. Following intranasal immunization, NSP4 significantly enhanced both systemic and mucosal immune responses to model immunogens, as compared to the control group, in an antigen-specific manner. Both full-length and a cleavage product of SA11 NSP4 had adjuvant activity, localizing this activity to the C-terminus of the protein. NSP4 forms from virulent and avirulent porcine rotavirus OSU strain, and SA11 NSP4 localized within a 2/6-virus-like particle (VLP) also exhibited adjuvant effects. These studies suggest that the rotavirus enterotoxin NSP4 can function as an adjuvant to enhance immune responses for a co-administered antigen.


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Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection causes bronchiolitis and pneumonia in infants. RSV has a linear single-stranded RNA genome encoding 11 proteins, 2 of which are nonstructural (NS1 and NS2). RSV specifically downregulates STAT2 protein expression, thus enabling the virus to evade the host type I interferon response. Degradation of STAT2 requires proteasomal activity and is dependent on the expression of RSV NS1 and NS2 (NS1/2). Here we investigate whether RSV NS proteins can assemble ubiquitin ligase (E3) enzymes to target STAT2 to the proteasome. We demonstrate that NS1 contains elongin C and cullin 2 binding consensus sequences and can interact with elongin C and cullin 2 in vitro; therefore, NS1 has the potential to act as an E3 ligase. By knocking down expression of specific endogenous E3 ligase components using small interfering RNA, NS1/2, or RSV-induced STAT2, degradation is prevented. These results indicate that E3 ligase activity is crucial for the ability of RSV to degrade STAT2. These data may provide the basis for therapeutic intervention against RSV and/or logically designed live attenuated RSV vaccines.