27 resultados para Matter-wave interferometry

em QUB Research Portal - Research Directory and Institutional Repository for Queen's University Belfast


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We combine matter-wave interferometry and cavity optomechanics to propose a coherent matter-light interface based on mechanical motion at the quantum level. We demonstrate a mechanism that is able to transfer non-classical features imprinted on the state of a matter-wave system to an optomechanical device, transducing them into distinctive interference fringes. This provides a reliable tool for the inference of quantum coherence in the particle beam. Moreover, we discuss how our system allows for intriguing perspectives, paving the way to the construction of a device for the encoding of quantum information in matter-wave systems. Our proposal, which highlights previously unforeseen possibilities for the synergistic exploitation of these two experimental platforms, is explicitly based on existing technology, available and widely used in current cutting-edge experiments.


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We analyse a proposal that we have recently put forward for an interface between matter-wave and optomechanical technologies from the perspective of macroscopic quantumness. In particular, by making use of a measure of macroscopicity in quantum superpositions that is particularly well suited for continuous variables systems, we demonstrate the existence of working points for our interface at which a quantum mechanical superposition of genuinely mesoscopic states is achieved. Our proposal thus holds the potential to affirm itself as a viable atom-to-mechanics transducer of quantum coherences.


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Do the laws of quantum physics still hold for macroscopic objects - this is at the heart of Schrödinger’s cat paradox - or do gravitation or yet unknown effects set a limit for massive particles? What is the fundamental relation between quantum physics and gravity? Ground-based experiments addressing these questions may soon face limitations due to limited free-fall times and the quality of vacuum and microgravity. The proposed mission Macroscopic Quantum Resonators (MAQRO) may overcome these limitations and allow addressing such fundamental questions. MAQRO harnesses recent developments in quantum optomechanics, high-mass matter-wave interferometry as well as state-of-the-art space technology to push macroscopic quantum experiments towards their ultimate performance limits and to open new horizons for applying quantum technology in space. The main scientific goal is to probe the vastly unexplored ‘quantum-classical’ transition for increasingly massive objects, testing the predictions of quantum theory for objects in a size and mass regime unachievable in ground-based experiments. The hardware will largely be based on available space technology. Here, we present the MAQRO proposal submitted in response to the 4th Cosmic Vision call for a medium-sized mission (M4) in 2014 of the European Space Agency (ESA) with a possible launch in 2025, and we review the progress with respect to the original MAQRO proposal for the 3rd Cosmic Vision call for a medium-sized mission (M3) in 2010. In particular, the updated proposal overcomes several critical issues of the original proposal by relying on established experimental techniques from high-mass matter-wave interferometry and by introducing novel ideas for particle loading and manipulation. Moreover, the mission design was improved to better fulfill the stringent environmental requirements for macroscopic quantum experiments.


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Phase resolved optical emission spectroscopy, with high temporal resolution, shows that wave-particle interactions play a fundamental role in sustaining capacitively coupled rf plasmas. The measurements are in excellent agreement with a simple particle-in-cell simulation. Excitation and ionization mechanisms are dominated by beam-like electrons, energized through the advancing and retreating electric fields of the rf sheath. The associated large-amplitude electron waves, driven by a form of two-stream instability, result in power dissipation through electron trapping and phase mixing. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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The nonlinear nature of the rf absorption in a helicon-produced plasma was recently evidenced by the observation that the helicon wave damping as well as the level of short-scale electrostatic fluctuations excited in the helicon plasma increases with rf power. Correlation methods using electrostatic probes as well as microwave back-scattering at the upper-hybrid resonance allow identifying the fluctuations as ion-sound and Trivelpiece– Gould waves satisfying the frequency and wavenumber matching conditions for the parametric decay instability of the helicon pump wave. Furthermore, the growth rates and thresholds deduced from their temporal growth are in good agreement with theoretical predictions for the parametric decay instability that takes into account realistic damping rates for the decay waves as well as a non-vanishing parallel wavenumber of the helicon pump. The close relationship between the rf absorption and the excitation of the fluctuations was investigated in more detail by performing time- and space-resolved measurements of the helicon wave field and the electrostatic fluctuations.


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This paper examines the DC power requirements of PIN diodes which, with suitable applied DC bias, have the potential to reflect or to permit transmission of millimetre wave energy through them by the process of inducing a semiconductor plasma layer in the i-region. The study is conducted using device level simulation of SOI and bulk PIN diodes and reflection modelling based on the Drude conduction model. We examined five diode lengths (60–140 µm) and seven diode thicknesses (4–100 µm). Simulation output for the diodes of varying thicknesses was subsequently used in reflection modelling to assess their performance for 100 GHz operation. It is shown that substantially high DC input power is required in order to induce near total reflection in SOI PIN diodes at 100 GHz. Thinner devices consume less DC power, but reflect less incident radiation for given input power. SOI diodes are shown to have improved carrier confinement compared with bulk diodes.


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An extension of the pole-zero matching method proposed by Stefano Maci et al. for the analysis of electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) structures composed by lossless dipole-based frequency selective surfaces (FSS) printed on stratified dielectric media, is presented in this paper. With this novel expansion, the dipoles length appears as a variable in the analytical dispersion equation. Thus, modal dispersion curves as a function of the dipoles length can be easily obtained with the only restriction of single Floquet mode propagation. These geometry-dispersion curves are essential for the efficient analysis and design of practical EBG structures, such as waveguides loaded with artificial magnetic conductors (AMC) for miniaturization, or leaky-wave antennas (LWA) using partially reflective surfaces (PRS). These two practical examples are examined in this paper. Results are compared with full-wave 2D and 3D simulations showing excellent agreement, thus validating the proposed technique and illustrating its utility for practical designs.


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A single layer, frequency selective surface based, sub-millimeter wave transmission polarizer is presented that converts incident slant linear 45° polarization into circular polarization upon transmission. The polarization convertor consists of a 30 mm diameter 10 thick silicon reinforced metalized screen containing 2700 resonator cells and perforated with nested split ring slot apertures. The screen was designed and optimized using CST Microwave Studio and predictions were validated experimentally by transmission measurements over the 250-365 GHz frequency range. This frequency range is used for remote environmental monitoring and 325 GHz represents a molecular emission line for H2O. The results obtained show good agreement between measured and modeled predictions. The measured 3 dB axial ratio bandwidth was 11.75%, measured minimum Axial Ratio was 0.19 dB and the measured insertion loss of the single layer screen was 3.38 dB


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A theoretical study is presented of the nonlinear amplitude modulation of waves propagating in unmagnetized plasmas contaminated by charged dust particles. Distinct well-known dusty plasma modes are explicitly considered, namely, the dust-acoustic wave, the dust-ion acoustic wave, and transverse dust-lattice waves. Using a multiple-scale technique, a nonlinear Schrodinger-type equation is derived, describing the evolution of the wave amplitude. A stability analysis reveals the possibility for modulational instability to occur, possibly leading to the formation of different types of envelope-localized excitations (solitary waves), under conditions which depend on the wave dispersion laws and intrinsic dusty plasma parameters.


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The parametric interaction between large amplitude whistlers and ponderomotively driven quasistationary density perturbations in plasmas is considered. A cubic nonlinear Schrodinger equation is derived and then solved analytically to show the occurrence of modulational instability as well as the existence of bright and dark envelope solitons, which are referred to as whistlerons. Explicit whistleron profiles are presented and the relevance to space and laboratory plasmas is discussed. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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The Nonlinear self-modulation of dust acoustic waves is studied in the presence of non-thermal (non-Maxwellian) ion and electron populations. By employing a multiple scale technique, a nonlinear Schrodinger-type equation (NLSE) is derived for the wave amplitude. The influence of non-thermality, in addition to obliqueness (between the propagation and modulation directions), on the conditions for modulational instability to occur is discussed. Different types of localized solutions (envelope excitations) which may possibly occur are discussed, and the dependence of their characteristics oil physical parameters is traced. The ion deviation from a Maxwellian distribution comes out to be more important than the electron analogous deviation alone. Both yield a de-stabilizing effect oil (the amplitude of) DAWs propagating in a dusty plasma with negative dust grains, and thus favour the formation of bright- (rather than dark-) type envelope structures, (solitons) in the plasma. A similar tendency towards amplitude de-stabilization is found for the ease of the presence of positively charged dust in the plasma.


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The amplitude modulation of dust lattice waves (DLWs) propagating in a two-dimensional hexagonal dust crystal is investigated in a continuum approximation, accounting for the effect of dust charge polarization (dressed interactions). A dusty plasma crystalline configuration with constant dust grain charge and mass is considered. The dispersion relation and the group velocity for DLWs are determined for wave propagation in both longitudinal and transverse directions. The reductive perturbation method is used to derive a (2+1)-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equation (NLSE). New expressions for the coefficients of the NLSE are derived and compared, for a Yukawa-type potential energy and for a


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The nonlinear amplitude modulation of electromagnetic waves propagating in pair plasmas, e.g., electron-positron or fullerene pair-ion plasmas, as well as three-component pair plasmas, e.g., electron-positron-ion plasmas or doped (dusty) fullerene pair-ion plasmas, assuming wave propagation in a direction perpendicular to the ambient magnetic field, obeying the ordinary (O-) mode dispersion characteristics. Adopting a multiple scales (reductive perturbation) technique, a nonlinear Schrodinger-type equation is shown to govern the modulated amplitude of the magnetic field (perturbation). The conditions for modulation instability are investigated, in terms of relevant parameters. It is shown that localized envelope modes (envelope solitons) occur, of the bright- (dark-) type envelope solitons, i.e., envelope pulses (holes, respectively), for frequencies below (above) an explicit threshold. Long wavelength waves with frequency near the effective pair plasma frequency are therefore unstable, and may evolve into bright solitons, while higher frequency (shorter wavelength) waves are stable, and may propagate as envelope holes.(c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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A study is presented of the nonlinear self-modulation of low-frequency electrostatic (dust acoustic) waves propagating in a dusty plasma, in the presence of a superthermal ion (and Maxwellian electron) background. A kappa-type superthermal distribution is assumed for the ion component, accounting for an arbitrary deviation from Maxwellian equilibrium, parametrized via a real parameter kappa. The ordinary Maxwellian-background case is recovered for kappa ->infinity. By employing a multiple scales technique, a nonlinear Schrodinger-type equation (NLSE) is derived for the electric potential wave amplitude. Both dispersion and nonlinearity coefficients of the NLSE are explicit functions of the carrier wavenumber and of relevant physical parameters (background species density and temperature, as well as nonthermality, via kappa). The influence of plasma background superthermality on the growth rate of the modulational instability is discussed. The superthermal feature appears to control the occurrence of modulational instability, since the instability window is strongly modified. Localized wavepackets in the form of either bright-or dark-type envelope solitons, modeling envelope pulses or electric potential holes (voids), respectively, may occur. A parametric investigation indicates that the structural characteristics of these envelope excitations (width, amplitude) are affected by superthermality, as well as by relevant plasma parameters (dust concentration, ion temperature).