19 resultados para Light-front field theory

em QUB Research Portal - Research Directory and Institutional Repository for Queen's University Belfast


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We investigate entanglement between collective operators of two blocks of oscillators in an infinite linear harmonic chain. These operators are defined as averages over local operators (individual oscillators) in the blocks. On the one hand, this approach of "physical blocks" meets realistic experimental conditions, where measurement apparatuses do not interact with single oscillators but rather with a whole bunch of them, i.e., where in contrast to usually studied "mathematical blocks" not every possible measurement is allowed. On the other, this formalism naturally allows the generalization to blocks which may consist of several noncontiguous regions. We quantify entanglement between the collective operators by a measure based on the Peres-Horodecki criterion and show how it can be extracted and transferred to two qubits. Entanglement between two blocks is found even in the case where none of the oscillators from one block is entangled with an oscillator from the other, showing genuine bipartite entanglement between collective operators. Allowing the blocks to consist of a periodic sequence of subblocks, we verify that entanglement scales at most with the total boundary region. We also apply the approach of collective operators to scalar quantum field theory.


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Starting from a Lagrangian mean-field theory, a set of time-dependent tight-binding equations is derived to describe dynamically and self-consistently an interacting system of quantum electrons and classical nuclei. These equations conserve norm, total energy and total momentum. A comparison with other tight-binding models is made. A previous tight-binding result for forces on atoms in the presence of electrical current flow is generalized to the time-dependent domain and is taken beyond the limit of local charge neutrality.


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By means of the time dependent density matrix renormalization group algorithm we study the zero-temperature dynamics of the Von Neumann entropy of a block of spins in a Heisenberg chain after a sudden quench in the anisotropy parameter. In the absence of any disorder the block entropy increases linearly with time and then saturates. We analyse the velocity of propagation of the entanglement as a function of the initial and final anisotropies and compare our results, wherever possible, with those obtained by means of conformal field theory. In the disordered case we find a slower ( logarithmic) evolution which may signal the onset of entanglement localization.


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When a pulse of light reflects from a mirror that is travelling close to the speed of light, Einstein's theory of relativity predicts that it will be up-shifted to a substantially higher frequency and compressed to a much shorter duration. This scenario is realized by the relativistically oscillating plasma surface generated by an ultraintense laser focused onto a solid target. Until now, it has been unclear whether the conditions necessary to exploit such phenomena can survive such an extreme interaction with increasing laser intensity. Here, we provide the first quantitative evidence to suggest that they can. We show that the occurrence of surface smoothing on the scale of the wavelength of the generated harmonics, and plasma denting of the irradiated surface, enables the production of high-quality X-ray beams focused down to the diffraction limit. These results improve the outlook for generating extreme X-ray fields, which could in principle extend to the Schwinger limit.


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We investigate the entanglement spectrum near criticality in finite quantum spin chains. Using finite size scaling we show that when approaching a quantum phase transition, the Schmidt gap, i.e., the difference between the two largest eigenvalues of the reduced density matrix ?1, ?2, signals the critical point and scales with universal critical exponents related to the relevant operators of the corresponding perturbed conformal field theory describing the critical point. Such scaling behavior allows us to identify explicitly the Schmidt gap as a local order parameter.


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The different quantum phases appearing in strongly correlated systems as well as their transitions are closely related to the entanglement shared between their constituents. In 1D systems, it is well established that the entanglement spectrum is linked to the symmetries that protect the different quantum phases. This relation extends even further at the phase transitions where a direct link associates the entanglement spectrum to the conformal field theory describing the former. For 2D systems much less is known. The lattice geometry becomes a crucial aspect to consider when studying entanglement and phase transitions. Here, we analyze the entanglement properties of triangular spin lattice models by also considering concepts borrowed from quantum information theory such as geometric entanglement.


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The context of Northern Ireland in the transition of conflict has produced a range of efforts to bring about reconciliation. However, definitions and understandings of the nature of reconciliation differ. This paper draws together how reconciliation has been defined in theory in Northern Ireland and elsewhere, examines some models of practice in the light of that theory and illustrates the process of reconciliation through general initiatives in Northern Ireland and specific projects seeking to reconcile at community level. It is concluded that, while political and public processes can set a context and space for engagement to take place, reconciliation is fundamentally about personal encounter and relationship, which have to take place in a range of settings and at all levels of a society that has experienced conflict.


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Since core-collapse supernova simulations still struggle to produce robust neutrino-driven explosions in 3D, it has been proposed that asphericities caused by convection in the progenitor might facilitate shock revival by boosting the activity of non-radial hydrodynamic instabilities in the post-shock region. We investigate this scenario in depth using 42 relativistic 2D simulations with multigroup neutrino transport to examine the effects of velocity and density perturbations in the progenitor for different perturbation geometries that obey fundamental physical constraints (like the anelastic condition). As a framework for analysing our results, we introduce semi-empirical scaling laws relating neutrino heating, average turbulent velocities in the gain region, and the shock deformation in the saturation limit of non-radial instabilities. The squared turbulent Mach number, 〈Ma2〉, reflects the violence of aspherical motions in the gain layer, and explosive runaway occurs for 〈Ma2〉 ≳ 0.3, corresponding to a reduction of the critical neutrino luminosity by ∼25∼25 per cent compared to 1D. In the light of this theory, progenitor asphericities aid shock revival mainly by creating anisotropic mass flux on to the shock: differential infall efficiently converts velocity perturbations in the progenitor into density perturbations δρ/ρ at the shock of the order of the initial convective Mach number Maprog. The anisotropic mass flux and ram pressure deform the shock and thereby amplify post-shock turbulence. Large-scale (ℓ = 2, ℓ = 1) modes prove most conducive to shock revival, whereas small-scale perturbations require unrealistically high convective Mach numbers. Initial density perturbations in the progenitor are only of the order of Ma2progMaprog2 and therefore play a subdominant role.


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We present a one-dimensional scattering theory which enables us to describe a wealth of effects arising from the coupling of the motional degree of freedom of scatterers to the electromagnetic field. Multiple scattering to all orders is taken into account. The theory is applied to describe the scheme of a Fabry-Perot resonator with one of its mirrors moving. The friction force, as well as the diffusion, acting on the moving mirror is derived. In the limit of a small reflection coefficient, the same model provides for the description of the mechanical effect of light on an atom moving in front of a mirror.


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The possibility of arbitrarily "adding" and "subtracting" single photons to and from a light field may give access to a complete engineering of quantum states and to fundamental quantum phenomena. We experimentally implemented simple alternated sequences of photon creation and annihilation on a thermal field and used quantum tomography to verify the peculiar character of the resulting light states. In particular, as the final states depend on the order in which the two actions are performed, we directly observed the noncommutativity of the creation and annihilation operators, one of the cardinal concepts of quantum mechanics, at the basis of the quantum behavior of light. These results represent a step toward the full quantum control of a field and may provide new resources for quantum information protocols


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We describe an ab initio nonperturbative time-dependent R-matrix theory for ultrafast atomic processes. This theory enables investigations of the interaction of few-femtosecond and -attosecond pulse lasers with complex multielectron atoms and atomic ions. A derivation and analysis of the basic equations are given, which propagate the atomic wave function in the presence of the laser field forward in time in the internal and external R-matrix regions. To verify the accuracy of the approach, we investigate two-photon ionization of Ne irradiated by an intense laser pulse and compare current results with those obtained using the R-matrix Floquet method and an alternative time-dependent method. We also verify the capability of the current approach by applying it to the study of two-dimensional momentum distributions of electrons ejected from Ne due to irradiation by a sequence of 2 as light pulses in the presence of a 780 nm laser field.


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The results of calculations investigating the effects of autodetaching resonances on the multiphoton detachment spectra of H are presented. The R-matrix Floquet method is used, in which the coupling of the ion with the laser field is described non-perturbatively. The laser field is fixed at an intensity of 10 W cm, while frequency ranges are chosen such that the lowest autodetaching states of the ion are excited through a two- or three-photon transition from the ground state. Detachment rates are compared, where possible, to previous results obtained using perturbation theory. An illustration of how non-lowest-order processes, involving autodetaching states, can lead to light-induced continuum structures is also presented. Finally, it is demonstrated that by using a frequency connecting the 1s and 2s states, the probability of exciting the residual hydrogen atom is significantly enhanced.


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The R-matrix Floquet approach is applied to study the negative F and Cl ions in a light field. Detachment rates are obtained for detachment processes involving up to three photons. The results obtained in the present approach are compared to other experimental and theoretical results. For two- and three-photon processes reasonable agreement with other calculations has been found, while for two-photon detachment the results agree with the experimental cross sections. The three-photon results are in less good agreement with experiment although the larger error bars make accurate comparisons more difficult. The changes in the detachment behaviour for these ions are compared to each other as well as to the detachment behaviour of H.