121 resultados para LASER ADAPTIVE OPTICS

em QUB Research Portal - Research Directory and Institutional Repository for Queen's University Belfast


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We report the first planet discovery from the two-wheeled Kepler (K2) mission: HIP 116454 b. The host star HIP 116454 is a bright (V = 10.1, K = 8.0) K1 dwarf with high proper motion and a parallax-based distance of 55.2 +/- 5.4 pc. Based on high-resolution optical spectroscopy, we find that the host star is metal-poor with [Fe/H]= -0.16 +/- 0.08 and has a radius R-star = 0.716 +/- 0.024 R-circle dot and mass M-star = 0.775 +/- 0.027M(circle dot). The star was observed by the Kepler spacecraft during its Two-Wheeled Concept Engineering Test in 2014 February. During the 9 days of observations, K2 observed a single transit event. Using a new K2 photometric analysis technique, we are able to correct small telescope drifts and recover the observed transit at high confidence, corresponding to a planetary radius of R-p = 2.53 +/- 0.18 R-circle plus. Radial velocity observations with the HARPS-N spectrograph reveal a 11.82 +/- 1.33 M-circle plus planet in a 9.1 day orbit, consistent with the transit depth, duration, and ephemeris. Follow-up photometric measurements from the MOST satellite confirm the transit observed in the K2 photometry and provide a refined ephemeris, making HIP 116454 b amenable for future follow-up observations of this latest addition to the growing population of transiting super-Earths around nearby, bright stars.


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We discuss the application of quantitatively accurate computational methods to the study of laser-driven two-electron atoms in short intense laser pulses. The fundamental importance of such calculations to the subject area is emphasized. Calculations of single- and double-electron ionization rates at 390 nm are presented. (C) 2001 Optical Society of America.


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Multipulse irradiation with 100 ps pulses of stripe Germanium targets is shown to enhance by up to several orders-of-magnitude the output of Ne-like Ge lasing on the J = 0-1 line at 196 Angstrom compared to single pulse pumping. Various pre-pulse and multipulse configurations have been experimentally investigated for irradiances of approximate to 4 x 10(13) W/cm(2) with a 1.06 mu m wavelength pumping laser. The ionisation balance measured by a KeV crystal spectrometer (KAP crystal) has been found to not affect the X-ray laser output. Good agreement between the experimental results and a fluid code incorporating atomic physics, gain and X-ray beam ray tracing is obtained. The code results show that the enhanced X-ray laser output is produced by multipulse irradiation reducing the electron density gradients in the gain region and simultaneously increasing the gain region spatial size. These changes reduce the effect of refraction on the X-ray laser beam propagation.


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A beam of amplified spontaneous emission at 23.2/23.6 nm from a GeXXIII XUV laser has been injected into a separate amplifier plasma and the astigmatic aberrations introduced by plasma density gradients in the amplifier have been estimated from analysis of images of the amplified beam.


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Through the use of time-integrated space-resolved keV spectroscopy, we characterize line plasmas showing gain in Ne-like Zn with prepulsed irradiation to explain the enhanced performances of x-ray lasers using the prepulse technique. It is observed that the value of the electron temperature does not vary significantly with prepulse level, nor does its spatially resolved profile along the line. The lateral width and density of the Ne-like region in the plasma are seen to increase with the prepulse level. (C) 1995 Optical Society of America


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The XUV lasing output from one germanium slab target has been efficiently coupled into, and further amplified in, a second plasma produced by irradiation of a similar target from the opposite direction. The operation of such a double target was shown to be strongly dependent on the distance by which the two target surfaces were displaced. The line brightness peaked for a surface displacement of approximately 200-mu-m and it was observed that the pointing direction of one output beam could be controlled by the surface separation in an asymmetric geometry. Gain length products of approximately 16 with estimated output powers close to the megawatt level were achieved on both the 23.2 and 23.6 nm J=2-1 transitions for an optimised target configuration. Maximum effective coupling efficiencies of the individual outputs from double targets, comprising 2.2 and 1.4 cm length components, approached 100% for beams propagating from the shorter to the longer target.


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Temporal overlapping of ultra-short and focussed laser pulses is a particularly challenging task, as this timescale lies orders of magnitude below the typical range of fast electronic devices. Here we present an optical technique that allows for the measurement of the temporal delay between two focussed and ultra-short laser pulses. This method is virtually applicable to any focussing geometry and relative intensity of the two lasers. Experimental implementation of this technique provides excellent quantitative agreement with theoretical expectations. The proposed technique will prove highly beneficial for high-power multiple-beam laser experiments.


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We report the discovery of WASP-3b, the third transiting exoplanet to be discovered by the WASP and SOPHIE collaboration. WASP-3b transits its host star USNO-B1.01256-0285133 every 1.846834 +/- 0.000002 d. Our high-precision radial velocity measurements present a variation with amplitude characteristic of a planetary-mass companion and in phase with the light curve. Adaptive optics imaging shows no evidence for nearby stellar companions, and line-bisector analysis excludes faint, unresolved binarity and stellar activity as the cause of the radial velocity variations. We make a preliminary spectroscopic analysis of the host star and find it to have Teff = 6400 +/- 100K and log g = 4.25 +/- 0.05 which suggests it is most likely an unevolved main-sequence star of spectral type F7-8V. Our simultaneous modelling of the transit photometry and reflex motion of the host leads us to derive a mass of 1.76+0.08-0.14 MJ and radius 1.31+0.07-0.14 RJ for WASP-3b. The proximity and relative temperature of the host star suggests that WASP-3b is one of the hottest exoplanets known, and thus has the potential to place stringent constraints on exoplanet atmospheric models.


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We present the detection of the putative progenitor of the Type IIb SN 2011dh in archival pre-explosion Hubble Space Telescope images. Using post-explosion Adaptive Optics imaging with Gemini NIRI+ALTAIR, the position of the supernova (SN) in the pre-explosion images was determined to within 23 mas. The progenitor candidate is consistent with an F8 supergiant star (logL/L sun = 4.92 ± 0.20 and T eff = 6000 ± 280 K). Through comparison with stellar evolution tracks, this corresponds to a single star at the end of core C-burning with an initial mass of M ZAMS = 13 ± 3 M sun. The possibility of the progenitor source being a cluster is rejected, on the basis of: (1) the source not being spatially extended, (2) the absence of excess Ha emission, and (3) the poor fit to synthetic cluster spectral energy distributions (SEDs). It is unclear if a binary companion is contributing to the observed SED, although given the excellent correspondence of the observed photometry to a single star SED we suggest that the companion does not contribute significantly. Early photometric and spectroscopic observations show fast evolution similar to the transitional Type IIb SN 2008ax and suggest that a large amount of the progenitor's hydrogen envelope was removed before explosion. Late-time observations will reveal if the yellow supergiant or the putative companion star were responsible for this SN explosion.


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We present adaptive optics imaging of the core-collapse supernova (SN) 2009md, which we use together with archival Hubble Space Telescope data to identify a coincident progenitor candidate. We find the progenitor to have an absolute magnitude of V=-4.63+0.3-0.4 mag and a colour of V-I= 2.29+0.25-0.39 mag, corresponding to a progenitor luminosity of log L/L?similar to 4.54 +/- 0.19 dex. Using the stellar evolution code STARS, we find this to be consistent with a red supergiant progenitor with M= 8.5+6.5-1.5 M?. The photometric and spectroscopic evolution of SN 2009md is similar to that of the class of sub-luminous Type IIP SNe; in this paper we compare the evolution of SN 2009md primarily to that of the sub-luminous SN 2005cs. We estimate the mass of 56Ni ejected in the explosion to be (5.4 +/- 1.3) x 10-3 M? from the luminosity on the radioactive tail, which is in agreement with the low 56Ni masses estimated for other sub-luminous Type IIP SNe. From the light curve and spectra, we show the SN explosion had a lower energy and ejecta mass than the normal Type IIP SN 1999em. We discuss problems with stellar evolutionary models, and the discrepancy between low observed progenitor luminosities (log L/L?similar to 4.35 dex) and model luminosities after the second dredge-up for stars in this mass range, and consider an enhanced carbon burning rate as a possible solution. In conclusion, SN 2009md is a faint SN arising from the collapse of a progenitor close to the lower mass limit for core collapse. This is now the third discovery of a low-mass progenitor star producing a low-energy explosion and low 56Ni ejected mass, which indicates that such events arise from the lowest end of the mass range that produces a core-collapse SN (78 M?).


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We report the identification of a source coincident with the position of the nearby Type II-P supernova (SN) 2008bk in high-quality optical and near-infrared preexplosion images from the ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT). The SN position in the optical and near-infrared preexplosion images is identified to within about +/- 70 and +/- 40 mas, respectively, using postexplosion-band images obtained with the NAOS CONICA adaptive optics system K-s on the VLT. The preexplosion source detected in four different bands is precisely coincident with SN 2008bk and is consistent with being dominated by a single point source. We determine the nature of the point source using the STARS stellar evolutionary models and find that its colors and luminosity are consistent with the source being a red supergiant progenitor of SN 2008bk with an initial mass of 8.5 +/- 1.0 M-circle dot.


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We report our attempts to locate the progenitor of the peculiar Type Ic SN 2007gr in Hubble Space Telescope (HST) preexplosion images of the host galaxy, NGC 1058. Aligning adaptive optics Altair/NIRI imaging of SN 2007gr from the Gemini ( North) Telescope with the preexplosion HST WFPC2 images, we identify the supernova (SN) position on the HST frames with an accuracy of 20 mas. Although nothing is detected at the SN position, we show that it lies on the edge of a bright source 134 +/- 23 mas (6.9 pc) from its nominal center. On the basis of its luminosity, we suggest that this object is possibly an unresolved, compact, and coeval cluster and that the SN progenitor was a cluster member, although we note that model profile fitting favors a single bright star. We find two solutions for the age of this assumed cluster: 7 -/+ 0.5 Myr and 20 - 30 Myr, with turnoff masses of 28 +/- M-circle dot and 12 - 9 M-circle dot, respectively. Preexplosion ground-based K- band images marginally favor the younger cluster 4 age/higher turnoff mass. Assuming the SN progenitor was a cluster member, the turnoff mass provides the best estimate for its initial mass. More detailed observations, after the SN has faded, should determine whether the progenitor was indeed part of a cluster and, if so, allow an age estimate to within similar to 2 Myr, thereby favoring either a high-mass single star or lower-mass interacting binary progenitor.


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Core-collapse supernovae (SNe) are the spectacular finale to massive stellar evolution. In this Letter, we identify a progenitor for the nearby core-collapse SN 2012aw in both ground based near-infrared, and space based optical pre-explosion imaging. The SN itself appears to be a normal Type II Plateau event, reaching a bolometric luminosity of 10$^{42}$ erg s$^{-1}$ and photospheric velocities of $\sim$11,000 \kms\ from the position of the H$\beta$ P-Cygni minimum in the early SN spectra. We use an adaptive optics image to show that the SN is coincident to within 27 mas with a faint, red source in pre-explosion HST+WFPC2, VLT+ISAAC and NTT+SOFI images. The source has magnitudes $F555W$=26.70$\pm$0.06, $F814W$=23.39$\pm$0.02, $J$=21.1$\pm$0.2, $K$=19.1$\pm$0.4, which when compared to a grid of stellar models best matches a red supergiant. Interestingly, the spectral energy distribution of the progenitor also implies an extinction of $A_V>$1.2 mag, whereas the SN itself does not appear to be significantly extinguished. We interpret this as evidence for the destruction of dust in the SN explosion. The progenitor candidate has a luminosity between 5.0 and 5.6 log L/\lsun, corresponding to a ZAMS mass between 14 and 26 \msun\ (depending on $A_V$), which would make this one of the most massive progenitors found for a core-collapse SN to date.


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We report the results of our search for the progenitor candidate of SN 2013dk, a Type Ic supernova (SN) that exploded in the Antennae galaxy system. We compare pre-explosion Hubble Space Telescope (HST) archival images with SN images obtained using adaptive optics at the ESO Very Large Telescope. We isolate the SN position to within 3σ uncertainty radius of 0.02 arcsec and show that there is no detectable point source in any of the HST filter images within the error circle. We set an upper limit to the absolute magnitude of the progenitor to be MF555W ≳ -5.7, which does not allow Wolf-Rayet (WR) star progenitors to be ruled out. A bright source appears 0.17 arcsec away, which is either a single bright supergiant or compact cluster, given its absolute magnitude of MF555W = -9.02 ± 0.28 extended wings and complex environment. However, even if this is a cluster, the spatial displacement of SN 2013dk means that its membership is not assured. The strongest statement that we can make is that in the immediate environment of SN 2013dk (within 10 pc or so), we find no clear evidence of either a point source coincident with the SN or a young stellar cluster that could host a massive WR progenitor.