15 resultados para Insult

em QUB Research Portal - Research Directory and Institutional Repository for Queen's University Belfast


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We have evaluated the role played by BRCA1 in mediating the phenotypic response to a range of chemotherapeutic agents commonly used in cancer treatment. Here we provide evidence that BRCA1 functions as a differential mediator of chemotherapy-induced apoptosis. Specifically, we demonstrate that BRCA1 mediates sensitivity to apoptosis induced by antimicrotubule agents but conversely induces resistance to DNA-damaging agents. These data are supported by a variety of experimental models including cells with inducible expression of BRCA1, siRNA-mediated inactivation of endogenous BRCA1, and reconstitution of BRCA1-deficient cells with wild-type BRCA1. Most notably we demonstrate that BRCA1 induces a 10–1000-fold increase in resistance to a range of DNA-damaging agents, in particular those that give rise to double-strand breaks such as etoposide or bleomycin. In contrast, BRCA1 induces a >1000-fold increase in sensitivity to the spindle poisons, paclitaxel and vinorelbine. Fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis demonstrated that BRCA1 mediates G2/M arrest in response to both antimicrotubule and DNA-damaging agents. However, poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase and caspase-3 cleavage assays indicate that the differential effect mediated by BRCA1 in response to these agents occurs through the inhibition or induction of apoptosis. Therefore, our data suggest that BRCA1 acts as a differential modulator of apoptosis depending on the nature of the cellular insult.


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BACKGROUND/AIMS: Chronic inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) synthesis is associated with hypertension, myocardial ischemia, oxidative stress and hypertrophy; expression of adrenomedullin (AM) and intermedin (IMD) and their receptor activity modifying proteins (RAMPs 1-3) is augmented in cardiomyocytes, indicating that the myocardial AM/ IMD system may be activated in response to pressure loading and ischemic insult. The aim was to examine effects on (i) parameters of cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and on (ii) expression of AM and IMD and their receptor components in NO-deficient cardiomyocytes of an intervention chosen specifically for ability to alleviate pressure loading and ischemic injury concurrently. METHODS: The NO synthesis inhibitor, N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME, 35 mg.kg(-1).day(-1)) was given to rats for 8 weeks, with/ without concurrent administration of beta-adrenoceptor antagonist, atenolol (25 mg.kg(-1).day(-1)) / calcium channel blocker, nifedipine (20mg.kg(-1).day(-1)). RESULTS: In L-NAME treated rats, atenolol / nifedipine abolished increases in systolic blood pressure and plasma AM and IMD levels and in left ventricular cardiomyocytes: (i) normalized increased cell width and mRNA expression of hypertrophic (sk-alpha-actin) and cardio-endocrine (ANP, BNP, ET) genes; (ii) normalized augmented membrane protein oxidation; (iii) normalized mRNA expression of AM, IMD, RAMP1, RAMP2 and RAMP3. CONCLUSIONS: normalization of blood pressure and membrane oxidant status together with prevention of hypertrophy and normalization of the augmented expression of AM, IMD and their receptor components in NO-deficient cardiomyocytes by atenolol / nifedipine supports involvement of both pressure loading and ischemic insult in stimulating cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and induction of these counter-regulatory peptides and their receptor components. Attenuation of augmented expression of IMD in this model cannot however be explained simply by prevention of cardiomyocyte hypertrophy.


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BRCA1 (breast-cancer susceptibility gene 1) is a tumour suppressor gene that is mutated in the germline of women with a genetic predisposition to breast and ovarian cancer. In this review, we examine the role played by BRCA1 in mediating the cellular response to stress. We review the role played by BRCA1 in detecting and signalling the presence of DNA damage, particularly double-strand DNA breaks, and look at the evidence to support a role for BRCA1 in regulating stress response pathways such as the c-Jun N-terminal kinase/stress-activated protein kinase pathway. in addition, we examine the role played by BRCA1 in mediating both cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis following different types of cellular insult, and how this may be modulated by the presence or absence of associated proteins such as p53. Finally, we explore the possibility that many of the functions associated with BRCA1 may be based on transcriptional regulation of key downstream genes that have been implicated in the regulation of these specific cellular pathways.


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Cerebral palsy (CP) refers to a collection of motor impairments which result in abnormal posture and movement following an insult or damage to the developing brain. Psychological adjustment in children with CP is under researched with little population-based or longitudinal data, but there is sufficient evidence to suggest that children with CP are at increased risk for psychological problems. The types of difficulties they experience include emotional, hyperactivity and peer problems with conduct disorder being more prevalent in mildly affected children. The origins of psychological problems in this group are complex but include ‘disease’ and ‘psychosocial’ factors related to having a brain-based disability in the family, as well as other factors that influence adjustment in all children. There are no intervention studies in children with CP aimed at preventing psychological problems or promoting mental wellbeing. However, evidence from other work suggests it is possible to work with the child and family to develop skills, manage symptoms, and build confidence and resilience. Acting as early as possible has been found to be beneficial for bonding, child development and reducing parental anxiety.


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Chronic inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) synthesis is associated with hypertension, myocardial ischemia, oxidative stress and hypertrophy; expression of the vasodilator peptide, adrenomedullin (AM) and its receptors is augmented in cardiomyocytes, indicating that the myocardial AM system may be activated in response to pressure loading and ischemic insult to serve a counter-regulatory, cardio-protective role. The study examined the hypothesis that oxidative stress and hypertrophic remodeling in NO-deficient cardiomyocytes are attenuated by adenoviral vector-mediated delivery of the human adrenomedullin (hAM) gene in vivo.

The NO synthesis inhibitor, N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME, 15mg . kg(-1) . day(-1)) was given to rats for 4 weeks following systemic administration via the tail vein of a single injection of either adenovirus harbouring hAM cDNA under the control of the cytomegalovirus promoter-enhancer (Ad.CMV-hAM-4F2), or for comparison, adenovirus alone (Ad.Null) or saline. Cardiomyocytes were subsequently isolated for assessment of the influence of each intervention on parameters of oxidative stress and hypertrophic remodelling.

RESULTS: Cardiomyocyte expression of the transgene persisted for > or =4 weeks following systemic administration of adenoviral vector. In L-NAME treated rats, relative to Ad.Null or saline administration, Ad.CMV-hAM-4F2 (i) reduced augmented cardiomyocyte membrane protein oxidation and mRNA expression of pro-oxidant (p22phox) and anti-oxidant (SOD-3, GPx) genes; (ii) attenuated increased cardiomyocyte width and mRNA expression of hypertrophic (sk-alpha-actin) and cardio-endocrine (ANP) genes; (iii) did not attenuate hypertension.

CONCLUSIONS: Adenoviral vector mediated delivery of hAM resulted in attenuation of myocardial oxidative stress and hypertrophic remodelling in the absence of blood pressure reduction in this model of chronic NO-deficiency. These findings are consistent with a direct cardio-protective action in the myocardium of locally-derived hAM which is not dependant on NO generation.


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Esophageal adenocarcinoma develops on a background of Barrett's esophagus. A number of risk factors have been linked to both conditions, including gastroesophageal reflux and smoking. However, the molecular mechanisms by which these factors influence disease progression remain unclear. One possibility is that risk factors generate promutagenic DNA damage in the esophagus. The comet assay was used to measure DNA damage in esophageal (Barrett's and squamous) and gastric mucosa of Barrett's patients with (n = 24) or without (n = 50) associated adenocarcinoma or high-grade dysplasia in comparison with control patients (squamous mucosa) without Barrett's esophagus (n = 64). Patients completed a questionnaire detailing exposure to some of the known risk factors for Barrett's esophagus and adenocarcinoma. In Barrett's esophagus patients, DNA damage was higher in Barrett's mucosa compared with normal esophageal and gastric mucosa (P < 0.001). In addition, the highest quartile of DNA damage in Barrett's mucosa was associated with an increased risk (odds ratio, 9.4; 95% confidence interval, 1.1-83.4; P = 0.044) of developing adenocarcinoma or high-grade dysplasia compared with DNA damage levels in the lowest quartile. Smoking was associated with higher DNA damage in squamous epithelium in all patient groups (P < 0.01) and in Barrett's mucosa (P < 0.05) in Barrett's esophagus patients only. In controls only, current reflux was associated with higher DNA damage, whereas anti-inflammatory drug use resulted in lower levels. Collectively, these data imply a genotoxic insult to the premalignaint Barrett's mucosa that may explain the genetic instability in this tissue and the progression to adenocarcinoma. There is an indication for a role for smoking in inducing DNA damage in esophageal mucosa but an understanding of the role of reflux requires further investigation.


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Pain expression in neonates instigated by heel-lance for blood sampling purposes was systematically described using measures of facial expression and cry and compared across sleep/waking states and sex. From gate-control theory it was hypothesized that pain behavior would vary with the ongoing functional state of the infant, rather than solely reflecting tissue insult. Awake-alert but inactive infants responded with the most facial activity, consistent with current views that infants in this state are most receptive to environmental stimulation. Infants in quiet sleep showed the least facial reaction and the longest latency to cry. Fundamental frequency of cry was not related to sleep/waking state. This suggested that findings from the cry literature on qualities of pain cry as a reflection of nervous system 'stress', in unwell newborns, do not generalize directly to healthy infants as a function of state. Sex differences were apparent in speed of response, with boys showing shorter time to cry and to display facial action following heel-lance. The findings of facial action variation across sleep/waking state were interpreted as indicating that the biological and behavioral context of pain events affects behavioral expression, even at the earliest time developmentally, before the opportunity for learned response patterns occurs. Issues raised by the study include the importance of using measurement techniques which are independent of preconceived categories of affective response.


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Purpose: To determine relationship between the magnitude of intraocular pressure (IOP) during a fixed-duration episode of acute elevation and the loss of retinal function and structure 4 weeks later in rats.

Methods: Unilateral elevation of IOP (105 minutes) was achieved manometrically in adult Brown Norway rats (9 groups; n = 4 to 8 each, 10–100 mm Hg and sham control). Full-field ERGs were recorded simultaneously from treated and control eyes 4 weeks after IOP elevation. Scotopic ERG stimuli were white flashes (26.04 to 2.72 log cd.s.m^-2). Photopic ERGs were recorded (1.22 to 2.72 log cd.s.m22) after 15 min of light adaptation (150 cd/m2). Relative amplitude (treated/control, %) of ERG components versus IOP was described with a cummulative normal function. Retinal ganglion cell (RGC) layer density was determined post mortem by histology.

Results: All ERG components failed to recover completely normal amplitudes by 4 weeks after the insult if IOP was 70 mmHg or greater during the episode. There was no ERG recovery at all if IOP was 100 mmHg. Outer retinal (photoreceptor) function demonstrated the least sensitivity to prior acute IOP elevation. ERG components reflecting inner retinal function were correlated with post mortem RGC layer density.

Conclusions: Retinal function recovers after IOP normalization, such that it requires a level of acute IOP elevation approximately 10 mmHg higher to cause a pattern of permanent dysfunction similar to that observed during the acute event. There is a ‘threshold’ for permanent retinal functional loss in the rat at an IOP between 60 and 70 mmHg if sustained for 105 minutes or more.


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This article examines what is wrong with some expressive acts, ‘insults’. Their putative wrongfulness is distinguished from the causing of indirect harms, aggregated harms, contextual harms, and damaging misrepresentations. The article clarifies what insults are, making use of work by Neu and Austin, and argues that their wrongfulness cannot lie in the hurt that is caused to those at whom such acts are directed. Rather it must lie in what they seek to do, namely to denigrate the other. The causing of offence is at most evidence that an insult has been communicated; it is not independent grounds of proscription or constraint. The victim of an insult may know that she has been insulted but not accept or agree with the insult, and thereby submit to the insulter. Hence insults need not, as Waldron argues they do, occasion dignitary harms. They do not of themselves subvert their victims' equal moral status. The claim that hateful speech endorses inequality should not be conflated with a claim that such speech directly subverts equality.

Thus, ‘wounding words’ should not unduly trouble the liberal defender of free speech either on the grounds of preventing offence or on those of avoiding dignitary harms.


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This article explores the conformation in discourse of a verbal exchange and its subsequent mediatised and legal ramifications. The event concerns an allegedly racist insult directed by high profile English professional footballer John Terry towards another player, Anton Ferdinand, during a televised match in October 2011. The substance of Terry’s utterance, which included the noun phrase ‘fucking black cunt’, was found by a Chief Magistrate not to be a racist insult, although the fact that these actual words were framed within the utterance was not in dispute. The upshot of this ruling was that Terry was acquitted of a racially aggravated public order offence. A subsequent investigation by the regulatory commission of the English Football Association (FA) ruled, almost a year after the event, that Terry was guilty of racially abusing Ferdinand. Terry was banned for four matches and fined £220,000.

It is our contention that this event, played out in legal rulings, social media and print and broadcast media, constitutes a complex web of linguistic structures and strategies in discourse, and as such lends itself well to analysis with a broad range of tools from pragmatics, discourse analysis and cognitive linguistics. Amongst other things, such an analysis can help explain the seemingly anomalous - even contradictory - position adopted in the legal ruling with regard to the speech act status of ‘fucking black cunt’; namely, that the racist content of the utterance was not contested but that the speaker was found not to have issued a racist insult. Over its course, the article addresses this broader issue by making reference to the systemic-functional interpersonal function of language, particularly to the concepts of modality, polarity and modalisation. It also draws on models of verbal irony from linguistic pragmatics, notably from the theory of irony as echoic mention (c.f. Sperber and Wilson, 1981; Wilson and Sperber, 1992). Furthermore, the article makes use of the cognitive-linguistic framework, Text World Theory (c.f. Gavins, 2007; Werth, 1999) to examine the discourse positions occupied by key actors and adapts, from cognitive poetics, the theory of mind-modelling (c.f. Stockwell, 2009) to explore the conceptual means through which these actors discursively negotiate the event.

It is argued that the pragmatic and cognitive strategies that frame the entire incident go a long way towards mitigating the impact of so ostensibly stark an act of racial abuse. Moreover, it is suggested here that the reconciliation of Terry’s action was a result of the confluence of strategies of discourse with relations of power as embodied by the media, the law and perceptions of nationhood embraced by contemporary football culture. It is further proposed that the outcome of this episode, where the FA was put in the spotlight, and where both the conflict and its key antagonists were ‘intranational’, was strongly impelled by the institution of English football and its governing body both to reproduce and maintain social, cultural and ethnic cohesion and to avoid any sense that the event featured a discernable ‘out-group’.


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Inflammation is an adaptive response of the immune system to noxious insults to maintain homeostasis and restore functionality. The retina is considered an immune-privileged tissue as a result of its unique anatomic and physiologic properties. During aging, the retina suffers from a low-grade chronic oxidative insult, which sustains for decades and increases in level with advancing age. As a result, the retinal innate-immune system, particularly microglia and the complement system, undergoes low levels of activation (parainflammation). In many cases, this parainflammatory response can maintain homeostasis in the healthy aging eye. However, in patients with age-related macular degeneration, this parainflammatory response becomes dysregulated and contributes to macular damage. Factors contributing to the dysregulation of age-related retinal parainflammation include genetic predisposition, environmental risk factors, and old age. Dysregulated parainflammation (chronic inflammation) in age-related macular degeneration damages the blood retina barrier, resulting in the breach of retinal-immune privilege, leading to the development of retinal lesions. This review discusses the basic principles of retinal innate-immune responses to endogenous chronic insults in normal aging and in age-related macular degeneration and explores the difference between beneficial parainflammation and the detrimental chronic inflammation in the context of age-related macular degeneration.


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New Irish speakers in Belfast play a crucial, complex part in the revitalization and change of both the city and Irish within Northern Ireland. This paper examines the role of new Irish speakers in transforming Belfast, whose emergence from a post-conflict period involves a reassessment of communal cultural expressions. Markers of ethno-national identity are bitterly contentious locally, and yet increasingly celebrated, in line with international trends, as high status cultural forms and potentially profitable tourist attractions. Irish in Belfast currently occupies an ambiguous position: divisive enough for a sign reading ‘Happy Christmas’ in Irish to be experienced as an insult by some city councillors, yet a secure enough part of the establishment for a neighbourhood to be officially rebranded as the Gaeltacht Quarter.
When, how and where new Irish speakers use the language in Belfast has implications for the relationship of Irishness to the Northern Irish state and for the place of Belfast within regional frameworks across the UK, Ireland and Europe. Adult learners and young people exiting Irish medium education have an impact on life in Belfast beyond its small population of Irish speakers. Urbanisation fuelled by new speakers, which shifts the balance of Irish language resources and speakers away from traditional rural Gaeltacht areas and towards cities, also has implications for the language itself. Recent increase in new Irish speakers in Belfast is due to expansion in the Irish-medium sector as well as to adult learners, whose decisions contribute to the school expansion.
Urbanisation, multilingualism and intergenerational shift combine in Belfast to produce new linguistic norms. Moreover, in a minority language community where hierarchies of ‘authenticity’ are weighted towards the rural and the native speaker, where the rural and the native have traditionally been conflated, and where indigeneity is a central concept to contested nationalisms, the emergence of a self-confident, youthful Irish speaking community in Northern Ireland’s biggest city involves a recalibration of the qualities signifying ‘gaelicness’. As students, professionals, hobbyists and activists, new Irish speakers in Belfast occupy a vital position at the crux of changing ideas about place, language and identity.


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BACKGROUND: A number of studies have demonstrated the presence of a diabetic cardiomyopathy, increasing the risk of heart failure development in this population. Improvements in present-day risk factor control may have modified the risk of diabetes-associated cardiomyopathy.

AIM: We sought to determine the contemporary impact of diabetes mellitus (DM) on the prevalence of cardiomyopathy in at-risk patients with and without adjustment for risk factor control.

DESIGN: A cross-sectional study in a population at risk for heart failure.

METHODS: Those with diabetes were compared to those with other cardiovascular risk factors, unmatched, matched for age and gender and then matched for age, gender, body mass index, systolic blood pressure and low density lipoprotein cholesterol.

RESULTS: In total, 1399 patients enrolled in the St Vincent's Screening to Prevent Heart Failure (STOP-HF) cohort were included. About 543 participants had an established history of DM. In the whole sample, Stage B heart failure (asymptomatic cardiomyopathy) was not found more frequently among the diabetic cohort compared to those without diabetes [113 (20.8%) vs. 154 (18.0%), P = 0.22], even when matched for age and gender. When controlling for these risk factors and risk factor control Stage B was found to be more prevalent in those with diabetes [88 (22.2%)] compared to those without diabetes [65 (16.4%), P = 0.048].

CONCLUSION: In this cohort of patients with established risk factors for Stage B heart failure superior risk factor management among the diabetic population appears to dilute the independent diabetic insult to left ventricular structure and function, underlining the importance and benefit of effective risk factor control in this population on cardiovascular outcomes.


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Ischemia caused by coronary artery disease and myocardial infarction leads to aberrant ventricular remodeling and cardiac fibrosis. This occurs partly through accumulation of gene expression changes in resident fibroblasts, resulting in an overactive fibrotic phenotype. Long-term adaptation to a hypoxic insult is likely to require significant modification of chromatin structure in order to maintain the fibrotic phenotype. Epigenetic changes may play an important role in modulating hypoxia-induced fibrosis within the heart. Therefore, the aim of the study was to investigate the potential pro-fibrotic impact of hypoxia on cardiac fibroblasts and determine whether alterations in DNA methylation could play a role in this process. This study found that within human cardiac tissue, the degree of hypoxia was associated with increased expression of collagen 1 and alpha-smooth muscle actin (ASMA). In addition, human cardiac fibroblast cells exposed to prolonged 1% hypoxia resulted in a pro-fibrotic state. These hypoxia-induced pro-fibrotic changes were associated with global DNA hypermethylation and increased expression of the DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) enzymes DNMT1 and DNMT3B. Expression of these methylating enzymes was shown to be regulated by hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1α. Using siRNA to block DNMT3B expression significantly reduced collagen 1 and ASMA expression. In addition, application of the DNMT inhibitor 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine suppressed the pro-fibrotic effects of TGFβ. Epigenetic modifications and changes in the epigenetic machinery identified in cardiac fibroblasts during prolonged hypoxia may contribute to the pro-fibrotic nature of the ischemic milieu. Targeting up-regulated expression of DNMTs in ischemic heart disease may prove to be a valuable therapeutic approach.