5 resultados para ISOCHRONES

em QUB Research Portal - Research Directory and Institutional Repository for Queen's University Belfast


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Three distinct, first millennium BC tephras (BMR-190, OMH-185, GB4-150) have been recognized in Irish peat deposits, including a previously undated ash (BMR-190). We present the results of a programme of high-precision 14C wiggle-matching on a peat profile containing all three tephras from Glen West, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. The wiggle-match provides highly refined dates of 705-585cal. BC for BMR-190, 755-680cal. BC for OMH-185 and 800-758cal. BC for GB4-150. The tephras constitute valuable, widespread isochrones for palaeoecological research across the first millennium BC, when a prolonged 14C calibration plateau between 750 and 400 cal. BC presents a major problem to dating and correlating palaeoenvironmental events from multisite, multiproxy studies of the period.


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We report the discovery of a new transiting close-in giant planet, WASP-24 b, in a 2.341 day orbit, 0.037 AU from its F8-9 type host star. By matching the star's spectrum with theoretical models, we infer an effective temperature T eff = 6075 ± 100 K and a surface gravity of log g = 4.15 ± 0.10. A comparison of these parameters with theoretical isochrones and evolutionary mass tracks places only weak constraints on the age of the host star, which we estimate to be 3.8+1.3 –1.2 Gyr. The planetary nature of the companion was confirmed by radial velocity measurements and additional photometric observations. These data were fit simultaneously in order to determine the most probable parameter set for the system, from which we infer a planetary mass of 1.071+0.036 –0.038 M Jup and radius 1.3+0.039 –0.037 R Jup.


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Context. Hot-Jupiter planets must form at large separations from their host stars where the temperatures are cool enough for their cores to condense. They then migrate inwards to their current observed orbital separations. Different theories of how this migration occurs lead to varying distributions of orbital eccentricity and the alignment between the rotation axis of the star and the orbital axis of the planet. Aims: The spin-orbit alignment of a transiting system is revealed via the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect, which is the anomaly present in the radial velocity measurements of the rotating star during transit due to the planet blocking some of the starlight. In this paper we aim to measure the spin-orbit alignment of the WASP-3 system via a new way of analysing the Rossiter-McLaughlin observations. Methods: We apply a new tomographic method for analysing the time variable asymmetry of stellar line profiles caused by the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect. This new method eliminates the systematic error inherent in previous methods used to analyse the effect. Results: We find a value for the projected stellar spin rate of v sin i = 13.9 ± 0.03 km s-1 which is in agreement with previous measurements but has a much higher precision. The system is found to be well aligned, with ? = 5-5+6° which favours an evolutionary history for WASP-3b involving migration through tidal interactions with a protoplanetary disc. From comparison with isochrones we put an upper limit on the age of the star of 2 Gyr.


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We present the results of photometric surveys for stellar rotation in the Hyades and in Praesepe, using data obtained as part of the SuperWASP exoplanetary transit-search programme. We determined accurate rotation periods for more than 120 sources whose cluster membership was confirmed by common proper motion and colour-magnitude fits to the clusters' isochrones. This allowed us to determine the effect of magnetic braking on a wide range of spectral types for expected ages of ˜600 Myr for the Hyades and Praesepe. Both clusters show a tight and nearly linear relation between J-Ks colour and rotation period in the F, G and K spectral range. This confirms that loss of angular momentum was significant enough that stars with strongly different initial rotation rates have converged to the same rotation period for a given mass, by the ages of Hyades and Praesepe. In the case of the Hyades, our colour-period sequence extends well into the M dwarf regime and shows a steep increase in the scatter of the colour-period relation, with identification of numerous rapid rotators from ˜0.5 Msun down to the lowest masses probed by our survey (˜0.25 Msun). This provides crucial constraints on the rotational braking time-scales and further clears the way to use gyrochronology as an accurate age measurement tool for main-sequence stars.


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We report tephrochronological and geochemical data on early Holocene activity from Plosky volcanic massif in the Kliuchevskoi volcanic group, Kamchatka Peninsula. Explosive activity of this volcano lasted for similar to 1.5 kyr, produced a series of widely dispersed tephra layers, and was followed by profuse low-viscosity lava flows. This eruptive episode started a major reorganization of the volcanic structures in the western part of the Kliuchevskoi volcanic group. An explosive eruption from Plosky (M similar to 6), previously unstudied, produced tephra (coded PL2) of a volume of 10-12 km(3) (11-13 Gt), being one of the largest Holocene explosive eruptions in Kamchatka. Characteristic diagnostic features of the PL2 tephra are predominantly vitric sponge-shaped fragments with rare phenocrysts and microlites of plagioclase, olivine and pyroxenes, medium- to high-K basaltic andesitic bulk composition, high-K, high-Al and high-P trachyandesitic glass composition with SiO2 = 57.5-59.5 wt%, K2O = 2.3-2.7 wt%, Al2O3 = 15.8-16.5 wt%, and P2O5 = 0.5-0.7 wt%. Other diagnostic features include a typical subduction-related pattern of incompatible elements, high concentrations of all REE (> 10x mantle values), moderate enrichment in LREE (La/Yb similar to 5.3), and non-fractionated mantle-like pattern of LILE. Geochemical fingerprinting of the PL2 tephra with the help of EMP and LA-ICP-MS analyses allowed us to map its occurrence in terrestrial sections across Kamchatka and to identify this layer in Bering Sea sediment cores at a distance of > 600 km from the source. New high-precision C-14 dates suggest that the PL2 eruption occurred similar to 10,200 cal BP, which makes it a valuable isochrone for early Holocene climate fluctuations and permits direct links between terrestrial and marine paleoenvironmental records. The terrestrial and marine C-14 dates related to the PL2 tephra have allowed us to estimate an early Holocene reservoir age for the western Bering Sea at 1,410 +/- A 64 C-14 years. Another important tephra from the early Holocene eruptive episode of Plosky volcano, coded PL1, was dated at 11,650 cal BP. This marker is the oldest geochemically characterized and dated tephra marker layer in Kamchatka to date and is an important local marker for the Younger Dryas-early Holocene transition. One more tephra from Plosky, coded PL3, can be used as a marker northeast of the source at a distance of similar to 110 km.