52 resultados para ISM: jets and outflows

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Context. The jets of compact accreting objects are composed of electrons and a mixture of positrons and ions. These outflows impinge on the interstellar or intergalactic medium and both plasmas interact via collisionless processes. Filamentation (beam-Weibel) instabilities give rise to the growth of strong electromagnetic fields. These fields thermalize the interpenetrating plasmas. 

Aims. Hitherto, the effects imposed by a spatial non-uniformity on filamentation instabilities have remained unexplored. We examine the interaction between spatially uniform background electrons and a minuscule cloud of electrons and positrons. The cloud size is comparable to that created in recent laboratory experiments and such clouds may exist close to internal and external shocks of leptonic jets. The purpose of our study is to determine the prevalent instabilities, their ability to generate electromagnetic fields and the mechanism, by which the lepton micro-cloud transfers energy to the background plasma. 

Methods. A square micro-cloud of equally dense electrons and positrons impinges in our particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation on a spatially uniform plasma at rest. The latter consists of electrons with a temperature of 1 keV and immobile ions. The initially charge- and current neutral micro-cloud has a temperature of 100 keV and a side length of 2.5 plasma skin depths of the micro-cloud. The side length is given in the reference frame of the background plasma. The mean speed of the micro-cloud corresponds to a relativistic factor of 15, which is relevant for laboratory experiments and for relativistic astrophysical outflows. The spatial distributions of the leptons and of the electromagnetic fields are examined at several times. 

Results. A filamentation instability develops between the magnetic field carried by the micro-cloud and the background electrons. The electromagnetic fields, which grow from noise levels, redistribute the electrons and positrons within the cloud, which boosts the peak magnetic field amplitude. The current density and the moduli of the electromagnetic fields grow aperiodically in time and steadily along the direction that is anti-parallel to the cloud's velocity vector. The micro-cloud remains conjoined during the simulation. The instability induces an electrostatic wakefield in the background plasma. 

Conclusions. Relativistic clouds of leptons can generate and amplify magnetic fields even if they have a microscopic size, which implies that the underlying processes can be studied in the laboratory. The interaction of the localized magnetic field and high-energy leptons will give rise to synchrotron jitter radiation. The wakefield in the background plasma dissipates the kinetic energy of the lepton cloud. Even the fastest lepton micro-clouds can be slowed down by this collisionless mechanism. Moderately fast charge- and current neutralized lepton micro-clouds will deposit their energy close to relativistic shocks and hence they do not constitute an energy loss mechanism for the shock.


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We introduce the equations of magneto-quantum-radiative hydrodynamics. By rewriting them in a dimensionless form, we obtain a set of parameters that describe scale-dependent ratios of characteristic hydrodynamic quantities. We discuss how these dimensionless parameters relate to the scaling between astrophysical observations and laboratory experiments.


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We analyze high temporal and spatial resolution time-series of spectralscans of the Hα line obtained with the CRisp Imaging SpectroPolarimeter instrument mounted on the Swedish Solar Telescope.The data reveal highly dynamic, dark, short-lived structures known asRapid Redshifted and Blueshifted Excursions (RREs, RBEs) that areon-disk absorption features observed in the red and blue wings ofspectral lines formed in the chromosphere. We study the dynamics of RREsand RBEs by tracking their evolution in space and time, measuring thespeed of the apparent motion, line of sight (LOS) Doppler velocity, andtransverse velocity of individual structures. A statistical study oftheir measured properties shows that RREs and RBEs have similaroccurrence rates, lifetimes, lengths, and widths. They also displaynon-periodic, nonlinear transverse motions perpendicular to their axesat speeds of 4-31 km s-1. Furthermore, both typesof structures either appear as high speed jets and blobs that aredirected outwardly from a magnetic bright point with speeds of50-150 km s-1, or emerge within a few seconds. Astudy of the different velocity components suggests that the transversemotions along the LOS of the chromospheric flux tubes are responsiblefor the formation and appearance of these redshifted/blueshiftedstructures. The short lifetime and fast disappearance of the RREs/RBEssuggests that, similar to type II spicules, they are rapidly heated totransition region or even coronal temperatures. We speculate that theKelvin-Helmholtz instability triggered by observed transversemotions of these structures may be a viable mechanism for their heating.


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Aims. The large and small-scale (pc) structure of the Galactic interstellar medium can be investigated by utilising spectra of early-type stellar probes of known distances in the same region of the sky. This paper determines the variation in line strength of Ca ii at 3933.661 Å as a function of probe separation for a large sample of stars, including a number of sightlines in the Magellanic Clouds. 

Methods. FLAMES-GIRAFFE data taken with the Very Large Telescope towards early-type stars in 3 Galactic and 4 Magellanic open clusters in Ca ii are used to obtain the velocity, equivalent width, column density, and line width of interstellar Galactic calcium for a total of 657 stars, of which 443 are Magellanic Cloud sightlines. In each cluster there are between 43 and 111 stars observed. Additionally, FEROS and UVES Ca ii K and Na i D spectra of 21 Galactic and 154 Magellanic early-type stars are presented and combined with data from the literature to study the calcium column density - parallax relationship. 

Results. For the four Magellanic clusters studied with FLAMES, the strength of the Galactic interstellar Ca ii K equivalent width on transverse scales from ∼0.05-9 pc is found to vary by factors of ∼1.8-3.0, corresponding to column density variations of ∼0.3-0.5 dex in the optically-thin approximation. Using FLAMES, FEROS, and UVES archive spectra, the minimum and maximum reduced equivalent widths for Milky Way gas are found to lie in the range ∼35-125 mÅ and ∼30-160 mÅ for Ca ii K and Na i D, respectively. The range is consistent with a previously published simple model of the interstellar medium consisting of spherical cloudlets of filling factor ∼0.3, although other geometries are not ruled out. Finally, the derived functional form for parallax (π) and Ca ii column density (NCaII) is found to be π(mas) = 1 / (2.39 × 10-13 × NCaII (cm-2) + 0.11). Our derived parallax is ∼25 per cent lower than predicted by Megier et al. (2009, A&A, 507, 833) at a distance of ∼100 pc and ∼15 percent lower at a distance of ∼200 pc, reflecting inhomogeneity in the Ca ii distribution in the different sightlines studied.


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In this paper, the on-body performance of a range of wearable antennas was investigated by measuring vertical bar S-21 vertical bar path gain between two devices mounted on tissue-equivalent numerical and experimental phantoms, representative of human muscle tissue at 2.45 GHz. In particular, the study focused on the performance of a compact higher mode microstrip patch antenna (HMMPA) with a profile as low as lambda/20. The 5- and 10-mm-high HMMPA prototypes had an impedance bandwidth of 6.7% and 8.6%, respectively, sufficient for the operating requirements of the 2.45-GHz industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) band and both antennas offered 11-dB higher path gain compared to a fundamental-mode microstrip patch antenna. It was also dernonstrated that a 7-dB improvement in path gain can be obtained for a fundamental-mode patch through the addition of a shortening wall. Notably, on-body HMMPA performance was comparable to a quarter wave monopole antenna on the same size of ground-plane, mounted normal to the tissue surface, indicating that the low-profile and physically more robust antenna is a promising solution for bodyworn antenna applications.


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Perhaps the greatest barrier to development of the field of transmembrane drug delivery is that only a limited number of drugs are amenable to administration by this route. The highly lipophilic nature and barrier function of the uppermost layer of the skin, the stratum corneum, for example, restricts the permeation of hydrophilic, high molecular weight and charged compounds into the systemic circulation. Other membranes in the human body can also present significant barriers to drug permeation. In order to successfully deliver hydrophilic drugs, and macromolecular agents of interest, including peptides, DNA and small interfering RNA, many research groups and pharmaceutical companies Worldwide are focusing on the use of microporation methods and devices. Whilst there are a variety of microporation techniques, including the use of laser, thermal ablation, electroporation, radiofrequency, ultrasound, high pressure jets, and microneedle technology, they share the common goal of enhancing the permeability of a biological membrane through the creation of transient aqueous transport pathways of micron dimensions across that membrane. Once created, these micropores are orders of magnitude larger than molecular dimensions and, therefore, should readily permit the transport of hydrophilic macromolecules. Additionally, microporation devices also enable minimally-invasive sampling and monitoring of biological fluids. This review deals with the innovations relating to microporation-based methods and devices for drug delivery and minimally invasive monitoring, as disclosed in recent patent literature. © 2010 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


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An improved dual-gas quasi-phase matching (QPM) foil target for high harmonic generation (HHG) is presented. The target can be setup with 12 individual gas inlets each feeding multiple nozzles separated by a minimum distance of 10 μm. Three-dimensional gas density profiles of these jets were measured using a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer. These measurements reveal how the jets influence the density of gas in adjacent jets and how this leads to increased local gas densities. The analysis shows that the gas profiles of the jets are well defined up to a distance of about 300 μm from the orifice. This target design offers experimental flexibility, not only for HHG/QPM investigations, but also for a wide range of experiments due to the large number of possible jet configurations. We demonstrate the application to controlled phase tuning in the extreme ultraviolet using a 1 kHz-10 mJ-30 fs-laser system where interference between two jets in the spectral range from 17 to 30 nm was observed.


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An ultra-relativistic electron beam passing through a thick, high-Z solid target triggers an electromagnetic cascade, whereby a large number of high energy photons and electron-positron pairs are produced. By exploiting this physical process, we present here the first experimental evidence of the generation of ultra-short, highly collimated and ultra-relativistic positron beams following the interaction of a laser-wake field accelerated electron beam with high-Z solid targets. Clear evidence has also been obtained of the generation of GeV electron-positron jets with variable composition depending on the solid target material and thickness. The percentage of positrons in the overall leptonic beam has been observed to vary from a few per cent up to almost fifty per cent, implying a quasi-neutral electron-positron beam. We anticipate that these beams will be of direct relevance to the laboratory study of astrophysical leptonic jets and their interaction with the interstellar medium.


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We have looked for SiO emission as evidence of shocks in the high mass star formation region G34.26+0.15. JCMT, VLA and FCRAO observations show that SiO emission is widespread across the region. The SiO emission highlights a massive, collimated out ow and other regions where stellar winds are interacting with molecular clumps. As in other star forming regions, there is also SiO at ambient velocities which is related to the out ow activity. No strong SiO abundance enhancement was measured in either the out ow or the low velocity gas, though abundances up to 10(-8) are possible if the SiO is locally enhanced in clumps and optically thick. SiO emission is not detected from the hot core itself, indicating either that SiO is not strongly enhanced in the hot core or that column densities in the region where grain mantle evaporation has taken place are low. In line of sight spiral arm clouds, we measure a SiO abundance of 0.4-2 x 10(-10), consistent with previous estimates for quiescent clouds.


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Recent progress in plasma science and technology has enabled the development of a new generation of stable cold non-equilibrium plasmas operating at ambient atmospheric pressure. This opens horizons for new plasma technologies, in particular in the emerging field of plasma medicine. These non-equilibrium plasmas are very efficient sources for energy transport through reactive neutral particles (radicals and metastables), charged particles (ions and electrons), UV radiation, and electro-magnetic fields. The effect of a cold radio frequency-driven atmospheric pressure plasma jet on plasmid DNA has been investigated. The formation of double strand breaks correlates well with the atomic oxygen density. Taken with other measurements, this indicates that neutral components in the jet are effective in inducing double strand breaks. Plasma manipulation techniques for controlled energy delivery are highly desirable. Numerical simulations are employed for detailed investigations of the electron dynamics, which determines the generation of reactive species. New concepts based on nonlinear power dissipation promise superior strategies to control energy transport for tailored technological exploitations. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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The flow through and downstream of a row of seven open draft tubes in a barrage has been investigated through laboratory experiments in a wide flume, a three-dimensional (3D) computational fluid dynamics simulation, and a two-dimensional depth-averaged computation. Agreement between the experiments and the 3D modeling is shown to be good, including the prediction of an asymmetric Coandă effect. One aim is to determine the distance downstream at which depth-averaged modeling provides a reasonable prediction; this is shown to be approximately 20 tube diameters downstream of the barrage. Upstream of this, the depth-averaged modeling inaccurately predicts water level, bed shear, and the 3D flow field. The 3D model shows that bed shear stress can be markedly magnified near the barrage, particularly where the jets become attached.


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Ellerman Bombs (EBs) are thought to arise as a result of photospheric magnetic reconnection. We use data from the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope(SST), to study EB events on the solar disk and at the limb. Both datasets show that EBs are connected to the foot-points of forming chromospheric jets. The limb observations show that a bright structure in the H$\alpha$ blue wing connects to the EB initially fuelling it,leading to the ejection of material upwards. The material moves along a loop structure where a newly formed jet is subsequently observed in the red wing of H$\alpha$. In the disk dataset, an EB initiates a jet which propagates away from the apparent reconnection site within the EB flame.The EB then splits into two, with associated brightenings in the inter-granular lanes (IGLs). Micro-jets are then observed, extending to500 km with a lifetime of a few minutes. Observed velocities of themicro-jets are approximately 5-10 km s$^{-1}$, while their chromospheric counterparts range from 50-80 km s$^{-1}$. MURaM simulations of quiet Sun reconnection show that micro-jets with similar properties to that of the observations follow the line of reconnection in the photosphere,with associated H$\alpha$ brightening at the location of increased temperature.


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Using data obtained by the high-resolution CRisp Imaging SpectroPolarimeter instrument on the Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope, we investigate the dynamics and stability of quiet-Sun chromospheric jets observed at the disk center. Small-scale features, such as rapid redshifted and blueshifted excursions, appearing as high-peed jets in the wings of the Hα line, are characterized by short lifetimes and rapid fading without any descending behavior. To study the theoretical aspects of their stability without considering their formation mechanism, we model chromospheric jets as twisted magnetic flux tubes moving along their axis, and use the ideal linear incompressible magnetohydrodynamic approximation to derive the governing dispersion equation. Analytical solutions of the dispersion equation indicate that this type of jet is unstable to Kelvin–Helmholtz instability (KHI), with a very short (few seconds) instability growth time at high upflow speeds. The generated vortices and unresolved turbulent flows associated with the KHI could be observed as a broadening of chromospheric spectral lines. Analysis of the Hα line profiles shows that the detected structures have enhanced line widths with respect to the background. We also investigate the stability of a larger-scale Hα jet that was ejected along the line of sight. Vortex-like features, rapidly developing around the jet’s boundary, are considered as evidence of the KHI. The analysis of the energy equation in the partially ionized plasma shows that ion–neutral collisions may lead to fast heating of the KH vortices over timescales comparable to the lifetime of chromospheric jets.