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Context. The Public European Southern Observatory Spectroscopic Survey of Transient Objects (PESSTO) began as a public spectroscopic survey in April 2012. PESSTO classifies transients from publicly available sources and wide-field surveys, and selects science targets for detailed spectroscopic and photometric follow-up. PESSTO runs for nine months of the year, January - April and August - December inclusive, and typically has allocations of 10 nights per month. 

Aims. We describe the data reduction strategy and data products that are publicly available through the ESO archive as the Spectroscopic Survey data release 1 (SSDR1). 

Methods. PESSTO uses the New Technology Telescope with the instruments EFOSC2 and SOFI to provide optical and NIR spectroscopy and imaging. We target supernovae and optical transients brighter than 20.5<sup>m</sup> for classification. Science targets are selected for follow-up based on the PESSTO science goal of extending knowledge of the extremes of the supernova population. We use standard EFOSC2 set-ups providing spectra with resolutions of 13-18 Å between 3345-9995 Å. A subset of the brighter science targets are selected for SOFI spectroscopy with the blue and red grisms (0.935-2.53 μm and resolutions 23-33 Å) and imaging with broadband JHK<inf>s</inf> filters. 

Results. This first data release (SSDR1) contains flux calibrated spectra from the first year (April 2012-2013). A total of 221 confirmed supernovae were classified, and we released calibrated optical spectra and classifications publicly within 24 h of the data being taken (via WISeREP). The data in SSDR1 replace those released spectra. They have more reliable and quantifiable flux calibrations, correction for telluric absorption, and are made available in standard ESO Phase 3 formats. We estimate the absolute accuracy of the flux calibrations for EFOSC2 across the whole survey in SSDR1 to be typically ∼15%, although a number of spectra will have less reliable absolute flux calibration because of weather and slit losses. Acquisition images for each spectrum are available which, in principle, can allow the user to refine the absolute flux calibration. The standard NIR reduction process does not produce high accuracy absolute spectrophotometry but synthetic photometry with accompanying JHK<inf>s</inf> imaging can improve this. Whenever possible, reduced SOFI images are provided to allow this. 

Conclusions. Future data releases will focus on improving the automated flux calibration of the data products. The rapid turnaround between discovery and classification and access to reliable pipeline processed data products has allowed early science papers in the first few months of the survey.


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We present Gemini-N GMOS and CFHT MOS spectroscopy of Wolf-Rayet candidates in the Local Group dwarf galaxy IC 10 that were previously identified by Massey et al. and Royer et al. From the present spectroscopic survey, the WC/WN ratio for IC 10 remains unusually high, given its low metallicity, although none of the WC9 stars suspected from narrow-band imaging are confirmed. Our spectroscopy confirms 9 newly discovered Wolf-Rayet candidates from Royer et al., whilst spectral types of 14 Wolf-Rayet stars previously observed by Massey & Armandroff are refined here. In total, there are 26 spectroscopically confirmed Wolf-Rayet stars in IC 10. All but one of the fourteen WC stars are WC4-6 stars, the exception being # 10 from Massey et al., a broad-lined, apparently single WC7 star. There are a total of eleven WN stars, which are predominantly early WN3-4 stars, but include a rare WN10 star, # 8 from Royer et al. # 5 from Massey et al. is newly identified as a transition WN/C star. Consequently, the WC/WN ratio for IC10 is 14/11similar to1.3, unusually high for a metal-poor galaxy. Re-evaluating recent photometric data of Massey & Holmes, we suggest that the true WC/WN ratio may not be as low as similar to0.3. Finally, we present ground-based finding charts for all confirmed WR stars, plus HST/WFPC2 charts for twelve cases.


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We present a spectroscopic analysis of an extremely rapidly rotating late O-type star, VFTS102, observed during a spectroscopic survey of 30 Doradus. VFTS102 has a projected rotational velocity larger than 500 km s(-1) and probably as large as 600 km s-1; as such it would appear to be the most rapidly rotating massive star currently identified. Its radial velocity differs by 40 kms(-1) from the mean for 30 Doradus, suggesting that it is a runaway. VFTS102 lies 12 pc from the X-ray pulsar PSR J0537-6910 in the tail of its X-ray diffuse emission. We suggest that these objects originated from a binary system with the rotational and radial velocities of VFTS102 resulting from mass transfer from the progenitor of PSR J0537-691 and the supernova explosion, respectively.


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We present optical spectra and light curves for three hydrogen-poor superluminous supernovae followed by the Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey of Transient Objects (PESSTO). Time series spectroscopy from a fewdays aftermaximum light to 100 d later shows them to be fairly typical of this class, with spectra dominated by Ca II, MgII, FeII, and Si II, which evolve slowly over most of the post-peak photospheric phase. We determine bolometric light curves and apply simple fitting tools, based on the diffusion of energy input by magnetar spin-down, Ni-56 decay, and collision of the ejecta with an opaque circumstellar shell. We investigate how the heterogeneous light curves of our sample (combined with others from the literature) can help to constrain the possible mechanisms behind these events. We have followed these events to beyond 100-200 d after peak, to disentangle host galaxy light from fading supernova flux and to differentiate between the models, which predict diverse behaviour at this phase. Models powered by radioactivity require unrealistic parameters to reproduce the observed light curves, as found by previous studies. Both magnetar heating and circumstellar interaction still appear to be viable candidates. A large diversity is emerging in observed tail-phase luminosities, with magnetar models failing in some cases to predict the rapid drop in flux. This would suggest either that magnetars are not responsible, or that the X-ray flux from the magnetar wind is not fully trapped. The light curve of one object shows a distinct rebrightening at around 100 d after maximum light. We argue that this could result either from multiple shells of circumstellar material, or from a magnetar ionization front breaking out of the ejecta.


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The recently discovered unbound asteroid pairs have been suggested to be the result of the decoupling of binary asteroids formed either through collision processes or, more likely, rotational fission of a rubble-pile asteroid after spin-up (Vokrouhlicky et al. 2008, AJ 136, 280; Pravec et al., 2010, Nature, 466, 1085). Much of the evidence for linkage of the asteroids in each pair relies solely on the backwards integrations of their orbits. We report new results from our continuing spectroscopic survey of the unbound asteroid pairs, including the youngest known pair, (6070) Rhineland - (54827) 2001 NQ8. The survey goal is to determine whether the asteroids in each unbound pair have similar spectra and therefore composition, expected if they have formed from a common parent body. Low-resolution spectroscopy covering the range 0.4-0.95 microns was conducted using the 3.6m ESO NTT+EFOSC2 during 2011-2012 and the 4.2m WHT+ACAM. We have attempted to maintain a high level of consistency between the observations of the components in each pair to ensure that differences in the asteroid spectra are not the result of the observing method or data reduction, but purely caused by compositional differences. Our WHT data indicates that the asteroids of unbound pair 17198 - 229056 exhibit different spectra and have been assigned different taxonomies, A and R respectively. Initial analysis of our data from the NTT suggests that the asteroids in unbound pairs 6070 - 54827 and 38707 - 32957 are likely silicate-dominated asteroids. The components of pair 23998 - 205383 are potentially X-type asteroids. We present final taxonomic classifications and the likelihood of spectral similarity in each pair.


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SN 2012ec is a Type IIP supernova (SN) with a progenitor detection and comprehensive photospheric phase observational coverage. Here, we present Very Large Telescope and Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey of Transient Objects observations of this SN in the nebular phase. We model the nebular [O I] lambda lambda 6300, 6364 lines and find their strength to suggest a progenitor main-sequence mass of 13-15 M-circle dot. SN2012ec is unique among hydrogen-rich SNe in showing a distinct line of stable nickel [Ni II] lambda 7378. This line is produced by Ni-58, a nuclear burning ash whose abundance is a sensitive tracer of explosive burning conditions. Using spectral synthesis modelling, we use the relative strengths of [Ni II] lambda 7378 and [Fe II] lambda 7155 (the progenitor of which is Ni-56) to derive a Ni/Fe production ratio of 0.20 +/- 0.07 (by mass), which is a factor 3.4 +/- 1.2 times the solar value. High production of stable nickel is confirmed by a strong [Ni II] 1.939 mu m line. This is the third reported case of a core-collapse SN producing a Ni/Fe ratio far above the solar value, which has implications for core-collapse explosion theory and galactic chemical evolution models.


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We present optical observations of the peculiar Type Ibn supernova (SN Ibn) OGLE-2012-SN-006, discovered and monitored by the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment-IV survey, and spectroscopically followed by Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey of Transient Objects (PESSTO) at late phases. Stringent pre-discovery limits constrain the explosion epoch with fair precision to JD = 245 6203.8 +/- 4.0. The rise time to the I-band light-curve maximum is about two weeks. The object reaches the peak absolute magnitude M-I = -19.65 +/- 0.19 on JD = 245 6218.1 +/- 1.8. After maximum, the light curve declines for about 25 d with a rate of 4 mag (100 d)(-1). The symmetric I-band peak resembles that of canonical Type Ib/c supernovae (SNe), whereas SNe Ibn usually exhibit asymmetric and narrower early-time light curves. Since 25 d past maximum, the light curve flattens with a decline rate slower than that of the Co-56-Fe-56 decay, although at very late phases it steepens to approach that rate. However, other observables suggest that the match with the Co-56 decay rate is a mere coincidence, and the radioactive decay is not the main mechanism powering the light curve of OGLE-2012-SN-006. An early-time spectrum is dominated by a blue continuum, with only a marginal evidence for the presence of He I lines marking this SN type. This spectrum shows broad absorptions bluewards than 5000 angstrom, likely O II lines, which are similar to spectral features observed in superluminous SNe at early epochs. The object has been spectroscopically monitored by PESSTO from 90 to 180 d after peak, and these spectra show the typical features observed in a number of SN 2006jc-like events, including a blue spectral energy distribution and prominent and narrow (v(FWHM) approximate to 1900 km s(-1)) He I emission lines. This suggests that the ejecta are interacting with He-rich circumstellar material. The detection of broad (10(4) km s(-1)) O I and Ca II features likely produced in the SN ejecta (including the [OI] lambda lambda 6300,6364 doublet in the latest spectra) lends support to the interpretation of OGLE-2012-SN-006 as a core-collapse event.


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We present observational data for a peculiar supernova discovered by the OGLE-IV survey and followed by the Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey for Transient Objects. The inferred redshift of z = 0.07 implies an absolute magnitude in the rest-frame I-band of M-1 similar to -17.6 mag. This places it in the luminosity range between normal Type Ia SNe and novae. Optical and near infrared spectroscopy reveal mostly Ti and Ca lines, and an unusually red color arising from strong depression of flux at rest wavelengths


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We present data for LSQ14bdq, a hydrogen-poor super-luminous supernova (SLSN) discovered by the La Silla QUEST survey and classified by the Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey of Transient Objects. The spectrum and light curve are very similar to slow-declining SLSNe such as PTF12dam. However, detections within ∼1 day after explosion show a bright and relatively fast initial peak, lasting for ∼15 days, prior to the usual slow rise to maximum light. The broader, main peak can be fit with either central engine or circumstellar interaction models. We discuss the implications of the precursor peak in the context of these models. It is too bright and narrow to be explained as a normal <sup>56</sup>Ni-powered SN, and we suggest that interaction models may struggle to fit the two peaks simultaneously. We propose that the initial peak may arise from the post-shock cooling of extended stellar material, and reheating by a central engine drives the second peak. In this picture, we show that an explosion energy of ∼2 × 10<sup>52</sup> erg and a progenitor radius of a few hundred solar radii would be required to power the early emission. The competing engine models involve rapidly spinning magnetars (neutron stars) or fallback onto a central black hole. The prompt energy required may favor the black hole scenario. The bright initial peak may be difficult to reconcile with a compact Wolf-Rayet star as a progenitor since the inferred energies and ejected masses become unphysical.


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We present early photometric and spectroscopic observations of SN 2013ej, a bright Type IIP supernova (SN) in M74. SN 2013ej is one of the closest SNe ever discovered. The available archive images and the early discovery help to constrain the nature of its progenitor. The earliest detection of this explosion was on 2013 July 24.125 UT and our spectroscopic monitoring with the FLOYDS spectrographs began on July 27.7 UT, continuing almost daily for two weeks. Daily optical photometric monitoringwas achieved with the 1mtelescopes of the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope (LCOGT) network, and was complemented by UV data from Swift and near-infrared spectra from Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey of Transient Objects and Infrared Telescope Facility. The data from our monitoring campaign show that SN 2013ej experienced a 10 d rise before entering into a well-defined plateau phase. This unusually long rise time for a Type IIP has been seen previously in SN 2006bp and SN 2009bw. A relatively rare strong absorption blueward of Hα is present since our earliest spectrum. We identify this feature as Si II, rather than high-velocity Hα as sometimes reported in the literature. 


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We present optical and infrared monitoring data of SN 2012hn collectedby the Public European Southern Observatory Spectroscopic Survey forTransient Objects. We show that SN 2012hn has a faint peak magnitude(MR ˜ -15.65) and shows no hydrogen and no clearevidence for helium in its spectral evolution. Instead, we detectprominent Ca II lines at all epochs, which relates this transient topreviously described `Ca-rich' or `gap' transients. However, thephotospheric spectra (from -3 to +32 d with respect to peak) of SN2012hn show a series of absorption lines which are unique and a redcontinuum that is likely intrinsic rather than due to extinction. Linesof Ti II and Cr II are visible. This may be a temperature effect, whichcould also explain the red photospheric colour. A nebular spectrum at+150 d shows prominent Ca II, O I, C I and possibly Mg I lines whichappear similar in strength to those displayed by core-collapsesupernovae (SNe). To add to the puzzle, SN 2012hn is located at aprojected distance of 6 kpc from an E/S0 host and is not close to anyobvious star-forming region. Overall SN 2012hn resembles a group offaint H-poor SNe that have been discovered recently and for which aconvincing and consistent physical explanation is still missing. Theyall appear to explode preferentially in remote locations offset from amassive host galaxy with deep limits on any dwarf host galaxies,favouring old progenitor systems. SN 2012hn adds heterogeneity to thissample of objects. We discuss potential explosion channels includingHe-shell detonations and double detonations of white dwarfs as well aspeculiar core-collapse SNe.


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We present photometric and spectroscopic observations of SN 2013fc, a bright type II supernova (SN) in a circumnuclear star-forming ring in the luminous infrared galaxy ESO 154-G010, observed as part of the Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey of Transient Objects. SN 2013fc is both photometrically and spectroscopically similar to the well-studied type IIn SN 1998S and to the bright type II-L SN 1979C. It exhibits an initial linear decline, followed by a short plateau phase and a tail phase with a decline too fast for 56Co decay with full γ -ray trapping. Initially, the spectrum was blue and featureless. Later on, a strong broad (~8000 km s-1) H α emission profile became prominent. We apply a STARLIGHT stellar population model fit to the SN location (observed when the SN had faded) to estimate a high extinction of AV = 2.9 ± 0.2 mag and an age of 10+3 -2 Myr for the underlying cluster.We compare the SN to SNe 1998S and 1979C and discuss its possible progenitor star considering the similarities to these events. With a peak brightness of B = -20.46 ± 0.21 mag, SN 2013fc is 0.9 mag brighter than SN 1998S and of comparable brightness to SN 1979C.We suggest that SN 2013fc was consistent with a massive red supergiant (RSG) progenitor. Recent mass loss probably due to a strong RSG wind created the circumstellar matter illuminated through its interaction with the SN ejecta. We also observe a near-infrared excess, possibly due to newly condensed dust.


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High spectral resolution (R similar to 40 000) and signal-to- noise ratio observations of five high Galactic latitude early- type stars taken from the Edinburgh-Cape (EC) Faint Blue Object Survey are presented. These were required to complete a magnitude range-limited survey of young B-type objects with 11 <V <15. Of the five stars, four were rejected on the grounds that they are either subluminous (subdwarf or horizontal branch), were part of a binary system or possessed colours later than the (U - B) = -0.5 cut-off employed. The remaining star in the data set, EC 19596-5356, is found to exhibit normal young B-type stellar properties. A kinematic analysis reveals that an origin in the Galactic disc appears likely for all the stars in the sample. Some statistics are drawn about the number density of young stars in the Galactic halo.


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High spectral resolution ( R similar to 40 000) and signal-to-noise optical spectra, obtained at the Very Large Telescope ( VLT), are presented for three post-asymptotic giant branch ( AGB) candidates selected from the Edinburgh-Cape ( EC) Faint Blue Object Survey. The stellar atmospheric parameters and chemical compositions, derived using sophisticated non-local thermodynamic equilibrium calculations, reveal that EC 14102-1337 and EC 20068-7324 are both in an evolved post-horizontal branch ( HB) evolutionary state. However, EC 11507-2253 is most likely a post-AGB star.


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Context: The initial distribution of spin rates of massive stars is a fingerprint of their elusive formation process. It also sets a key initial condition for stellar evolution and is thus an important ingredient in stellar population synthesis. So far, most studies have focused on single stars. Most O stars are, however, found in multiple systems. 

Aims: By establishing the spin-rate distribution of a sizeable sample of O-type spectroscopic binaries and by comparing the distributions of binary subpopulations with one another and with that of presumed-single stars in the same region, we aim to constrain the initial spin distribution of O stars in binaries, and to identify signatures of the physical mechanisms that affect the evolution of the spin rates of massive stars. 

Methods: We use ground-based optical spectroscopy obtained in the framework of the VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey (VFTS) to establish the projected equatorial rotational velocities (νesini) for components of 114 spectroscopic binaries in 30 Doradus. The νesini values are derived from the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of a set of spectral lines, using a FWHM vs. νesini calibration that we derive based on previous line analysis methods applied to single O-type stars in the VFTS sample. 

Results: The overall νesini distribution of the primary stars resembles that of single O-type stars in the VFTS, featuring a low-velocity peak (at νesini<200 kms-1) and a shoulder at intermediate velocities (200 <νesini<300 kms-1). The distributions of binaries and single stars, however, differ in two ways. First, the main peak at νesini ~ 100kms-1 is broader and slightly shifted towards higher spin rates in the binary distribution than that of the presumed-single stars. This shift is mostly due to short-period binaries (Porb~<10 d). Second, the νesini distribution of primaries lacks a significant population of stars spinning faster than 300 kms-1, while such a population is clearly present in the single-star sample. The νesini distribution of binaries with amplitudes of radial velocity variation in the range of 20 to 200 kms-1 (mostly binaries with Porb ~ 10-1000 d and/or with q<0.5) is similar to that of single O stars below νesini~<170kms-1

Conclusions: Our results are compatible with the assumption that binary components formed with the same spin distribution as single stars, and that this distribution contains few or no fast-spinning stars. The higher average spin rate of stars in short-period binaries may either be explained by spin-up through tides in such tight binary systems, or by spin-down of a fraction of the presumed-single stars and long-period binaries through magnetic braking (or by a combination of both mechanisms). Most primaries and secondaries of SB2 systems with Porb~<10 d appear to have similar rotational velocities. This is in agreement with tidal locking in close binaries where the components have similar radii. The lack of very rapidly spinning stars among binary systems supports the idea that most stars with νesini~> 300kms-1 in the single-star sample are actually spun-up post-binary interaction products. Finally, the overall similarities (low-velocity peak and intermediate-velocity shoulder) of the spin distribution of binary and single stars argue for a massive star formation process in which the initial spin is set independently of whether stars are formed as single stars or as components of a binary system.