45 resultados para Fate and transport ocean model

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The air-sea exchange of two legacy persistent organic pollutants (POPs), γ-HCH and PCB 153, in the North Sea, is presented and discussed using results of regional fate and transport and shelf-sea hydrodynamic ocean models for the period 1996–2005. Air-sea exchange occurs through gas exchange (deposition and volatilization), wet deposition and dry deposition. Atmospheric concentrations are interpolated into the model domain from results of the EMEP MSC-East multi-compartmental model (Gusev et al, 2009). The North Sea is net depositional for γ-HCH, and is dominated by gas deposition with notable seasonal variability and a downward trend over the 10 year period. Volatilization rates of γ-HCH are generally a factor of 2–3 less than gas deposition in winter, spring and summer but greater in autumn when the North Sea is net volatilizational. A downward trend in fugacity ratios is found, since gas deposition is decreasing faster than volatilization. The North Sea is net volatilizational for PCB 153, with highest rates of volatilization to deposition found in the areas surrounding polluted British and continental river sources. Large quantities of PCB 153 entering through rivers lead to very high local rates of volatilization.


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Volatile organic compound (VOC) contamination of subsurface geological material and groundwater was discovered on the Nortel Monkstown industrial site, Belfast, Northern Ireland. The objectives of this study were to (1) investigate the characteristics of the geological material and its influences on contaminated groundwater flow across the site using borehole logs and hydrological evaluations, and (2) identify the contaminants and examine their distribution in the subsurface geological material and groundwater using chemical analysis. This report focuses on the eastern car park (ECP) which was a former storage area associated with trichloroethene (TCE) degreasing operations. This is where the greatest amount of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), particularly TCE, were detected. The study site is on a complex deposit of clayey glacial till with discontinuous coarser grained lenses, mainly silts, sands and gravel, which occur at 0.45–7.82 m below ground level (bgl). The lenses overall form an elongated formation that acts as a small unconfined shallow aquifer. There is a continuous low permeable stiff clayey till layer beneath the lenses that performs as an aquitard to the groundwater. Highest concentrations of VOCs, mainly TCE, in the geological material and groundwater are in these coarser lenses at ~4.5–7 m bgl. Highest TCE measurements at 390,000 µg L-1 for groundwater and at 39,000 µg kg-1 at 5.7 m for geological material were in borehole GA19 in the coarse lens zone. It is assumed that TCE gained entrance to the subsurface near this borehole where the clayey till was thin to absent above coarse lenses which provided little retardation to the vertical migration of this dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) into the groundwater. However, TCE is present in low concentrations in the geological material overlying the coarse lens zone. Additionally, VOCs appear to be associated with poorly drained layers and in peat


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Variability in nitrogen fate and transport in different catchments types is often not considered. This research considers the importance of such nitrogen processes within groundwater pathways in two agricultural catchments in Ireland; a well drained catchment, underlain by karstified Carboniferous limestone, and a poorly drained catchment, underlain by Silurian greywacke.
Depth specific low-flow groundwater sampling was used to evaluate the hydrochemical stratification in groundwater. Groundwater samples, as well as surface water samples, along river courses were analysed for nitrogen species (NO3, NH4 and NO2) and nitrate isotopes (d15N and d18O) as well as field parameters and major ions
The dominant nitrate (NO3) groundwater pathway in the poorly drained greywacke catchment is through the shallow weathered bedrock, as indicated by transmissivity values and the ionic and isotopic signatures, and a clear reduction in NO3 concentration is observed with depth. A similar chloride trend would suggest dilution is a major factor, however d15N and d18O isotopic values producing an enrichment ratio of 1.8 indicate that denitrification is also an important process involved in the fate of the NO3 within the groundwater flow system. This consistent trend with depth is in contrast to the stratification pattern observed in the karstified catchment. NO3 was not detected in the shallow groundwater pathway; the dominant groundwater pathway is in the deeper groundwater where there is little change in the nitrate isotope values with depth (d15N values range between 4.1 and 4.6 ‰). This deeper groundwater contributes the dominant proportion of the river flow through a number of springs. As a result, the deeper groundwater, springs and river have a similar ionic signature and NO3 concentration range (23 ± 3 mg/l). Despite this pattern, the NO3 isotopes show a distinct difference in isotopic values between the deeper groundwater in the diffuse karst and the springs indicating some denitrification is occurring during groundwater discharge into the river. Furthermore the isotopes give an indication of the variability of the spatial extent of the springs and the complexities of the fissures through which they are fed. The results of this study clearly show the importance of the geology in the fate and transport of NO3 in agricultural catchments.


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The environmental fate of selected persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the North Sea system is modelled with a high resolution Fate and Transport Ocean Model (FANTOM) that uses hydrodynamic model output from the Hamburg Shelf Ocean Model (HAMSOM). Large amounts of POPs enter the North Sea from the surrounding highly populated, industrialised and agricultural countries. Major pathways to the North Sea are atmospheric deposition and river inputs, with additional contributions coming from bottom sediments and adjacent seas. The model domain covers the entire North Sea region, extending northward as far as the Shetland Islands, and includes adjacent basins such as the Skagerrak, Kattegat, and the westernmost part of the Baltic Sea. Model resolution (for both models) is 1.5’ latitude x 2.5’ longitude (approximately 3 km horizontal resolution) with 30 vertical levels. The POP model also has 20 sediment layers. Important model processes controlling the fate of POPs in the North Sea system are discussed. Results focus on Lindane gamma- HCH or gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane) and PCB 153.


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Characterising catchment scale biogeochemical processes controlling nitrate fate in groundwater constitutes a fundamental consideration when applying programmes of measures to reduce risks posed by diffuse agricultural pollutants to water quality. Combining hydrochemical analyses with nitrate isotopic data and physical hydrogeological measurements permitted characterisation of biogeochemical processes influencing nitrogen fate and transport in the groundwater in two fractured bedrock aquifers with contrasting hydrogeology but comparable nutrient loads. Hydrochemical and isotopic analyses of groundwater samples collected from moderately fractured, diffusely karstified limestone indicated nitrification controlled dissolved nitrogen fate and delivery to aquatic receptors. By contrast nitrate concentrations in groundwater were considerably lower in a low transmissivity highly lithified sandstone and pyrite-bearing shale unit with patchy subsoil cover. Geophysical and hydrochemical investigations showed shallower intervals contained hydraulically active fractures where denitrification was reflected through lower nitrogen levels and an isotopic enrichment ratio of 1.7 between δ15N and δ18O. Study findings highlight the influence of bedrock hydrogeological conditions on aqueous nitrogen mobility. Investigation results demonstrate that bedrock conditions need to be considered when implementing catchment management plans to reduce the impact of agricultural practices on the quality of groundwater and baseflow in receiving rivers.


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The fate and cycling of two selected POPs is investigated for the North Sea system with an improved version of a fate and transport ocean model (FANTOM). The model uses atmospheric data from the EMEP MSC East POP model (Gusev et al., 2009), giving reasonable concentrations and seasonal distributions for the entire region, as opposed to the three observation stations that Ilyina et al. (2006) were limited to. Other model improvements include changes in the calculation of POP exchange between the water column and sediment.

We chose to simulate the fate of two POPs with very different properties, ?-HCH and PCB 153. Since the fate and cycling of POPs are strongly affected by hydrodynamic processes, a high resolution version of the Hamburg Shelf Ocean Model (HAMSOM) was developed and utilised. Simulations were made for the period 1996–2005. Both models were validated by comparing results with available data, which showed that the simulations were of very satisfactory quality.

Model results show that the North Sea is a net sink for ?-HCH and a net source to the atmosphere of PCB 153. Total masses of ?-HCH and PCB 153 in 2005 are reduced to 30% and 50%, respectively, of 1996 values.

Storms resuspending bottom sediments into the water column mobilise POPs into the atmosphere and have the potential to deliver substantial loads of these POPs into Europe.


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The fate and cycling of two selected legacy persistent organic pollutants (POPs), PCB 153 and gamma-HCH, in the North Sea in the 21st century have been modelled with combined hydrodynamic and fate and transport ocean models
(HAMSOM and FANTOM, respectively). To investigate the impact of climate variability on POPs in the North Sea in the 21st century, future scenario model runs for three 10-year periods to the year 2100 using plausible levels of both in
situ concentrations and atmospheric, river and open boundary inputs are performed. This slice mode under a moderate scenario (A1B) is sufficient to provide a basis for further analysis. For the HAMSOM and atmospheric forcing, results of the IPCC A1B (SRES) 21st century scenario are utilized, where surface forcing is provided by the REMO downscaling of the ECHAM5 global atmospheric model, and open boundary conditions are provided by the MPIOM global ocean model.
Dry gas deposition and volatilization of gamma-HCH increase in the future relative to the present by up to 20% (in the spring and summer months for deposition and in summer for volatilization). In the water column, total mass of
gamma-HCH and PCB 153 remain fairly steady in all three runs. In sediment,
gamma-HCH increases in the future runs, relative to the present, while PCB 153 in sediment decreases exponentially in all three runs, but even faster in the future, due to the increased number of storms, increased duration of gale wind conditions and increased water and air temperatures, all of which are the result of climate change. Annual net sinks exceed sources at the ends of all periods.
Overall, the model results indicate that the climate change scenarios considered here generally have a negligible influence on the simulated fate and transport of the two POPs in the North Sea, although the increased number and magnitude of storms in the 21st century will result in POP resuspension and ensuing revolatilization events. Trends in emissions from primary and secondary sources will remain the key driver of levels of these contaminants over time.


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Attenuation processes controlling virus fate and transport in the vadose zone of karstified systems can strongly influence groundwater quality. This research compares the breakthrough of two bacteriophage tracers (H40/1 and T7), with contrasting properties, at subsurface monitoring points following application onto an overlying composite sequence of thin organic soil and weathered limestone (epikarst). Short pulse multi-tracer test results revealed that T7 (Source concentration, Co=1.8x106pfu/mL) and H40/1(Co=5.9x106pfu/mL) could reach sampling points 10m below ground less than 30 minutes after tracer application. Contrasting deposition rates, determined from simulated tracer responses, reflected the potential of the ground to differentially attenuate viruses. Prolonged application of both T7 (Co=2.3x104pfu/mL) and H40/1 (Co=1.3x105pfu/mL) over a five hour period during a subsequent test, in which ionic strength levels observed at monitoring points rose consistently, corresponded to a rapid rise in T7 levels, followed by a gradual decline before the end of tracer injection; this reflected reaction-limited deposition in the system. T7’s response contrasted with that of H40/1, whose concentration remained constant over a three hour period before declining dramatically prior to the end of tracer injection. Subsequent application of lower ionic strength tracer-free flush water generated a rapid rise in H40/1 levels and a more gradual release of T7. Results highlight the benefits of employing prolonged injection multi-tracer tests for identifying processes not apparent from conventional short pulse tests. Study findings demonstrate that despite rapid transport rates, the epikarst is capable of physicochemical filtration of viruses and their remobilization, depending on virus type and hydrochemical conditions.


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Density, rheological properties, and conductivity of a homologous series of ammonium-based ionic liquids N-alkyl-triethylammonium bis{(trifluoromethyl) sulfonyl}imide were studied at atmospheric pressure as a function of alkyl chain length on the cation, as well as of the temperature from (293.15 to 363.15) K. From these investigations, the effect of the cation structure was quantified on each studied properties, which demonstrated, as expected, a decrease of the density and conductivity, a contrario of an increase of the viscosity with the alkyl chain length on the ammonium cation. Furthermore, rheological properties were measured for both pure and water-saturated ionic liquids. The studied ionic liquids were found to be Newtonian and non-Arrhenius. Additionally, the effect of water content in the studied ionic liquids on their viscosity was investigated by adding water until they were saturated at 293.15 K. By comparing the viscosity of pure ionic liquids with the data measured in water-saturated samples, it appears that the presence of water decreases dramatically the viscosity of ionic liquids by up to three times. An analysis of involved transport properties leads us to a classification of the studied ionic liquids in terms of their ionicity using the Walden plot, from which it is evident that they can be classified as "good" ionic liquids. Finally, from measured density data, different volumetric properties, that is, molar volumes and thermal expansion coefficients were determined as a function of temperature and of cationic structure. Based on these volumetric properties, an extension of Jacquemin's group contribution model has been then established and tested for alkylammonium-based ionic liquids within a relatively good uncertainty close to 0.1 %. © 2012 American Chemical Society.


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Turbulence characteristics in the Indonesian seas on the horizontal scale of order of 100 km were calculated with a regional model of the Indonesian seas circulation in the area based on the Princeton Ocean Model (POM). As is well known, the POM incorporates the Mellor–Yamada turbulence closure scheme. The calculated characteristics are: twice the turbulence kinetic energy per unit mass, <i>q</i><sup>2</sup>; the turbulence master scale, &ell;; mixing coefficients of momentum, <i>K</i><sub>M</sub>; and temperature and salinity, <i>K</i><sub>H</sub>; etc. The analyzed turbulence has been generated essentially by the shear of large-scale ocean currents and by the large-scale wind turbulence. We focused on the analysis of turbulence around important topographic features, such as the Lifamatola Sill, the North Sangihe Ridge, the Dewakang Sill, and the North and South Halmahera Sea Sills. In general, the structure of turbulence characteristics in these regions turned out to be similar. For this reason, we have carried out a detailed analysis of the Lifamatola Sill region because dynamically this region is very important and some estimates of mixing coefficients in this area are available. <br><br> Briefly, the main results are as follows. The distribution of <i>q</i><sup>2</sup> is quite adequately reproduced by the model. To the north of the Lifamatola Sill (in the Maluku Sea) and to the south of the Sill (in the Seram Sea), large values of <i>q</i><sup>2</sup> occur in the deep layer extending several hundred meters above the bottom. The observed increase of <i>q</i><sup>2</sup> near the very bottom is probably due to the increase of velocity shear and the corresponding shear production of <i>q</i><sup>2</sup> very close to the bottom. The turbulence master scale, &ell;, was found to be constant in the main depth of the ocean, while &ell; rapidly decreases close to the bottom, as one would expect. However, in deep profiles away from the sill, the effect of topography results in the &ell; structure being unreasonably complicated as one moves towards the bottom. Values of 15 to 20 × 10<sup>&minus;4</sup> m<sup>2</sup> s<sup>-1</sup> were obtained for <i>K</i><sub>M</sub> and <i>K</i><sub>H</sub> in deep water in the vicinity of the Lifamatola Sill. These estimates agree well with basin-scale averaged values of 13.3 × 10<sup>&minus;4</sup> m<sup>2</sup> s<sup>-1</sup> found diagnostically for <i>K</i><sub>H</sub> in the deep Banda and Seram Seas (Gordon et al., 2003) and a value of 9.0 × 10<sup>&minus;4</sup> m<sup>2</sup> s<sup>-1</sup> found diagnostically for <i>K</i><sub>H</sub> for the deep Banda Sea system (van Aken et al., 1988). The somewhat higher simulated values can be explained by the presence of steep topography around the sill.