79 resultados para Escherichia coli. Salmonella spp

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Escherichia coli K-12 WcaJ and the Caulobacter crescentus HfsE, PssY, and PssZ enzymes are predicted to initiate the synthesis of colanic acid (CA) capsule and holdfast polysaccharide, respectively. These proteins belong to a prokaryotic family of membrane enzymes that catalyze the formation of a phosphoanhydride bond joining a hexose-1-phosphate with undecaprenyl phosphate (Und-P). In this study, in vivo complementation assays of an E. coli K-12 wcaJ mutant demonstrated that WcaJ and PssY can complement CA synthesis. Furthermore, WcaJ can restore holdfast production in C. crescentus. In vitro transferase assays demonstrated that both WcaJ and PssY utilize UDP-glucose but not UDP-galactose. However, in a strain of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium deficient in the WbaP O antigen initiating galactosyltransferase, complementation with WcaJ or PssY resulted in O-antigen production. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) revealed the attachment of both CA and O-antigen molecules to lipid A-core oligosaccharide (OS). Therefore, while UDP-glucose is the preferred substrate of WcaJ and PssY, these enzymes can also utilize UDP-galactose. This unexpected feature of WcaJ and PssY may help to map specific residues responsible for the nucleotide diphosphate specificity of these or similar enzymes. Also, the reconstitution of O-antigen synthesis in Salmonella, CA capsule synthesis in E. coli, and holdfast synthesis provide biological assays of high sensitivity to examine the sugar-1-phosphate transferase specificity of heterologous proteins.


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We have previously shown that the TolA protein is required for the correct surface expression of the Escherichia coli O7 antigen lipopolysaccharide (LPS). In this work, delta tolA and delta pal mutants of E. coli K-12 W3110 were transformed with pMF19 (encoding a rhamnosyltransferase that reconstitutes the expression of O16-specific LPS), pWQ5 (encoding the Klebsiella pneumoniae O1 LPS gene cluster), or pWQ802 (encoding the genes necessary for the synthesis of Salmonella enterica O:54). Both DeltatolA and delta pal mutants exhibited reduced surface expression of O16 LPS as compared to parental W3110, but no significant differences were observed in the expression of K. pneumoniae O1 LPS and S. enterica O:54 LPS. Therefore, TolA and Pal are required for the correct surface expression of O antigens that are assembled in a wzy (polymerase)-dependent manner (like those of E. coli O7 and O16) but not for O antigens assembled by wzy-independent pathways (like K. pneumoniae O1 and S. enterica O:54). Furthermore, we show that the reduced surface expression of O16 LPS in delta tolA and delta pal mutants was associated with a partial defect in O-antigen polymerization and it was corrected by complementation with intact tolA and pal genes, respectively. Using derivatives of W3110 delta tolA and W3110 delta pal containing lacZ reporter fusions to fkpA and degP, we also demonstrate that the RpoE-mediated extracytoplasmic stress response is upregulated in these mutants. Moreover, an altered O16 polymerization was also detected under conditions that stimulate RpoE-mediated extracytoplasmic stress responses in tol+ and pal+ genetic backgrounds. A Wzy derivative with an epitope tag at the C-terminal end of the protein was stable in all the mutants, ruling out stress-mediated proteolysis of Wzy. We conclude that the absence of TolA and Pal elicits a sustained extracytoplasmic stress response that in turn reduces O-antigen polymerization but does not affect the stability of the Wzy O-antigen polymerase.


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The intermediate steps in the biosynthesis of the ADP-L-glycero-D-manno-heptose precursor of inner core lipopolysaccharide (LPS) are not yet elucidated. We isolated a mini-Tn10 insertion that confers a heptoseless LPS phenotype in the chromosome of Escherichia coli K-12. The mutation was in a gene homologous to the previously reported rfaE gene from Haemophilus influenzae. The E. coli rfaE gene was cloned into an expression vector, and an in vitro transcription-translation experiment revealed a polypeptide of approximately 55 kDa in mass. Comparisons of the predicted amino acid sequence with other proteins in the database showed the presence of two clearly separate domains. Domain I (amino acids 1 to 318) shared structural features with members of the ribokinase family, while Domain II (amino acids 344 to 477) had conserved features of the cytidylyltransferase superfamily that includes the aut gene product of Ralstonia eutrophus. Each domain was expressed individually, demonstrating that only Domain I could complement the rfaE::Tn10 mutation in E. coli, as well as the rfaE543 mutation of Salmonella enterica SL1102. DNA sequencing of the rfaE543 gene revealed that Domain I had one amino acid substitution and a 12-bp in-frame deletion resulting in the loss of four amino acids, while Domain II remained intact. We also demonstrated that the aut::Tn5 mutation in R. eutrophus is associated with heptoseless LPS, and this phenotype was restored following the introduction of a plasmid expressing the E. coli Domain II. Thus, both domains of rfaE are functionally different and genetically separable confirming that the encoded protein is bifunctional. We propose that Domain I is involved in the synthesis of D-glycero-D-manno-heptose 1-phosphate, whereas Domain II catalyzes the ADP transfer to form ADP-D-glycero-D-manno-heptose.


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During O antigen lipopolysaccharide (LPS) synthesis in bacteria, transmembrane migration of undecaprenylpyrophosphate (Und-P-P)-bound O antigen subunits occurs before their polymerization and ligation to the rest of the LPS molecule. Despite the general nature of the translocation process, putative O-antigen translocases display a low level of amino acid sequence similarity. In this work, we investigated whether complete O antigen subunits are required for translocation. We demonstrate that a single sugar, GlcNAc, can be incorporated to LPS of Escherichia coli K-12. This incorporation required the functions of two O antigen synthesis genes, wecA (UDP-GlcNAc:Und-P GlcNAc-1-P transferase) and wzx (O-antigen translocase). Complementation experiments with putative O-antigen translocases from E. coli O7 and Salmonella enterica indicated that translocation of O antigen subunits is independent of the chemical structure of the saccharide moiety. Furthermore, complementation with putative translocases involved in synthesis of exopolysaccharides demonstrated that these proteins could not participate in O antigen assembly. Our data indicate that recognition of a complete Und-P-P-bound O antigen subunit is not required for translocation and suggest a model for O antigen synthesis involving recognition of Und-P-P-linked sugars by a putative complex made of Wzx translocase and other proteins involved in the processing of O antigen.


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We recently reported a novel genetic locus located in the sbcB-his region of the chromosomal map of Escherichia coli K-12 which directs the expression of group 6-positive phenotype in Shigella flexneri lipopolysaccharide, presumably due to the transfer of O-acetyl groups onto rhamnose residues of the S. flexneri O-specific polysaccharide (Z. Yao, H. Liu, and M. A. Valvano, J. Bacteriol. 174:7500-7508, 1992). In this study, we identified the genetic region encoding group 6 specificity as part of the rfb gene cluster of E. coli K-12 strain W3110 and established the DNA sequence of most of this cluster. The rfbBDACX block of genes, located in the upstream region of the rfb cluster, was found to be strongly conserved in comparison with the corresponding region in Shigella dysenteriae type 1 and Salmonella enterica. Six other genes, four of which were shown to be essential for the expression of group 6 reactivity in S. flexneri serotypes Y and 4a, were identified downstream of rfbX. One of the remaining two genes showed similarities with rfc (O-antigen polymerase) of S. enterica serovar typhimurium, whereas the other, located in the downstream end of the cluster next to gnd (gluconate-6-phosphate dehydrogenase), had an IS5 insertion. Recently, it has been reported that the IS5 insertion mutation (rfb-50) can be complemented, resulting in the formation of O16-specific polysaccharide by E. coli K-12 (D. Liu and P. R. Reeves, Microbiology 140:49-57, 1994). We present immunochemical evidence suggesting that S. flexneri rfb genes also complement the rfb-50 mutation; in the presence of rfb genes of E. coli K-12, S. flexneri isolates express O16-specific polysaccharide which is also acetylated in its rhamnose residues, thereby eliciting group 6 specificity.


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The O7-specific lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in strains of Escherichia coli consists of a repeating unit made of galactose, mannose, rhamnose, 4-acetamido-2,6-dideoxyglucose, and N-acetylglucosamine. We have recently cloned and characterized genetically the O7-specific LPS biosynthesis region (rfbEcO7) of the E. coli O7:K1 strain VW187 (C. L. Marolda, J. Welsh, L. Dafoe, and M. A. Valvano, J. Bacteriol. 172:3590-3599, 1990). In this study, we localized the gnd gene encoding gluconate-6-phosphate dehydrogenase at one end of the rfbEcO7 gene cluster and sequenced that end of the cluster. Three open reading frames (ORF) encoding polypeptides of 275, 464, and 453 amino acids were identified upstream of gndEcO7, all transcribed toward the gnd gene. ORF275 had 45% similarity at the protein level with ORF16.5, which occupies a similar position in the Salmonella enterica LT2 rfb region, and presumably encodes a nucleotide sugar transferase. The polypeptides encoded by ORFs 464 and 453 were expressed under the control of the ptac promoter and visualized in Coomassie blue-stained sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels and by maxicell analysis. ORF464 expressed GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase and ORF453 encoded a phosphomannomutase, the enzymes for the biosynthesis pathway of GDP-mannose, one of the nucleotide sugar precursors for the formation of the O7 repeating unit. They were designated rfbMEcO7 and rfbKEcO7, respectively. The RfbMEcO7 polypeptide was homologous to the corresponding protein in S. enterica LT2, XanB of Xanthomonas campestris, and AlgA of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, all GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylases. RfbKEcO7 was very similar to CpsG of S. enterica LT2, an enzyme presumably involved in the biosynthesis of the capsular polysaccharide colanic acid, but quite different from the corresponding RfbK protein of S. enterica LT2.


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Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a glycolipid molecule found on the outer leaflet of outer membranes of gram-negative bacteria, consists of three moieties: lipid A, core oligosaccharide, and the O-specific polysaccharide chain. The O-specific side chain, which extends to the extracellular milieu, plays an important role in pathogenicity, especially during the initial stages of infection, because of its ability to interact with serum complement. In recent years, several laboratories have used recombinant DNA tools to determine, at the molecular level, the organization, expression, and regulation of genes involved in LPS biosynthesis in Salmonella and Escherichia coli. An increased understanding of the molecular aspects of the O-specific side-chain genes will shed light on the intimate details related with the formation of the O-specific side chain, its assembly onto the lipid A--core, and the translocation and insertion of the complete LPS molecule into the outer membrane. It will also contribute to the understanding of the evolution of these genes and the correlation of chemical diversity of O-specific side chains with the genetic diversity of O-specific side-chain genes. In addition, since the O-specific side chains are involved in the pathogenicity of medically important gram-negative bacteria, a basic understanding of the regulation and expression of O-specific side chain LPS genes will contribute to the field of molecular pathogenesis. This article provides an overview of the role of O-specific side chains in septicemic infections and also discusses the current status of molecular genetic studies on O-specific side-chain genes from E. coli.


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In this study, the resistance of biodegradable biomaterials, composed of blends of poly(e-caprolactone) (PCL) and the polymeric antimicrobial complex, polyvinylpyrrolidone–iodine (PVP-I) to the adherence of a clinical isolate of Escherichia coli is described. Blends of PCL composed of a range of high (50,000 g mol1) to low (5000 g mol1) molecular weight ratios of polymer and either
devoid of or containing PVP-I (1% w/w) were prepared by solvent evaporation. Following incubation (4 h), there was no relationship between m. wt. ratio of PCL in ?lms devoid of PVP-I and adherence ofE. coli. Conversely, microbial adherence to PCL containing PVP-I decreased as the ratio of high:low m. wt. polymer was decreased and was approximately 1000 fold lower than that to comparator ?lms devoid of PVP-I. Following periods of immersion of PVP-I containing PCL ?lms under sink conditions in phosphate buffered saline, subsequent adherence of E. coli was substantially reduced for 2 days (40:60 m. wt. ratio) and 6 days (100:0 m. wt. ratio). Concurrent exposure of PCL and E. coli to sub-minimum inhibitory concentrations (sub-MIC) of PVP-I signi?cantly reduced microbial adherence to the biomaterial; however, the molecular weight ratio of PCL did not affect this outcome. Pretreatment of PCL with similar sub-MIC of PVP-I prior to inclusion within the microbial adherence assay signi?cantly decreased the subsequent adherence of E. coli. Greatest reduction in adherence was observed following treatment of PCL (40:60 m. wt. ratio) with 0.0156% w/w PVP-I. In conclusion, this study has illustrated the utility of PVP-I as a suitable therapeutic agent for incorporation within PCL as a novel biomaterial. Due to the combined antimicrobial and biodegradable properties, these biomaterials offer a promising strategy for the reduction in medical device related infection. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.