55 resultados para Electron-hole recombination

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We present results of a study of the effect of target polarization on electron-ion recombination, and show that coherent radiation by the target electrons gives a large contribution to the recombination rate. It significantly modifies the nonresonant photorecombination background. A procedure has been devised whereby this contribution can be evaluated together with the conventional radiative recombination, independently of the dielectronic recombination component. Numerical results are presented for Zn2+, Cd2+, Sn4+, and Xe8+, showing up to an order-of-magnitude enhancement.


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We investigate the role of dynamic polarization of the target electrons in the process of recombination of electrons with multicharged ions (polarizational recombination). Numerical calculations carried out for a number of Ni- and Ne-like ions demonstrate that the inclusion of polarizational recombination leads to a noticeable increase (up to 30%) in the cross sections for incident electron energies outside the regions of dielectronic resonances. We also present a critical analysis of theoretical approaches used by other authors to describe the phenomenon of polarizational recombination.


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It has been suggested (Gribakin et al 1999 Aust. J. Phys. 52 443–57, Flambaum et al 2002 Phys. Rev. A 66 012713) that strongly enhanced low-energy electron recombination observed in Au25+ (Hoffknecht et al 1998 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 31 2415–28) is mediated by complex multiply excited states, while simple dielectronic excitations play the role of doorway states for the electron capture process. We present the results of an extensive study of con?guration mixing between doubly excited (doorway) states and multiply excited states which account for the large electron recombination rate on Au25+ . A detailed analysis of spectral statistics and statistics of eigenstate components shows that the dielectronic doorway states are virtually ‘dissolved’ in complicated chaotic multiply excited eigenstates. This work provides a justi?cation for the use of statistical theory to calculate the recombination rates of Au25+ and similar complex multiply charged ions. We also investigate approaches which allow one to study complex chaotic many-body eigenstates and criteria of strong con?guration mixing, without diagonalizing large Hamiltonian matrices.


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A number of different electron acceptors are tested for efficacy in the oxidation of water to oxygen, photocatalysed by titanium dioxide. The highly UV-absorbing metal ion electron acceptors, Ce4+ and Fe3+, appear ineffective at high concentration (10(-2) M), due to UV-screening, but more effective at lower concentrations (10(-3) M). The metal-depositing electron acceptor, Ag+, is initially effective, but loses activity upon prolonged irradiation due to metal deposition which promotes electron-hole recombination as well as UV-screening the titania particles. Most striking of the electron acceptors tested is persulfate, particularly in alkaline solution (0.1 M NaOH). The kinetics of the photo-oxidation of water by persulfate, photocatalysed by titania are studied as a function of pH, [S2O82-] and incident light intensity (I). The initial rate of water oxidation increases with pH, is directly proportional to the concentration of persulfate present and depends upon I-0.6. The TiO2/alkaline persulfate photosystem is robust and shows very little evidence of photochemical wear upon repeated irradiation. The results of this work are discussed with regard to previous work in this area and current mechanistic thinking. The formal quantum efficiency of the TiO2/alkaline persulfate photosystem was estimated as ca. 2%. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study second-harmonic generation in h-BN and MoS$_2$ monolayers using a novel \emph{ab initio} approach based on Many-body theory. We show that electron-hole interaction doubles the signal intensity at the excitonic resonances with respect to the contribution from independent electronic transitions. This implies that electron-hole interaction is essential to describe second-harmonic generation in those materials. We argue that this finding is general for nonlinear optical properties in nanostructures and that the present methodology is the key to disclose these effects.


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Nanocrystalline SnO2, ncSnO(2), is used as a photosensitiser in a colourimetric O-2 indicator that comprises a sacrificial electron donor, glycerol, a redox dye, methylene blue (MB), and an encapsulating polymer, hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC). Upon exposure to a burst of UVB light the indicator is activated (photo-bleached) as the MB is photoreduced by the ncSnO(2) particles. In the absence of oxygen, the film stays bleached, but recovers its original colour upon exposure to oxygen. Unlike its TiO2-based predecessor, the HEC/glycerol/MB/ncSnO(2) O-2 indicator is not activated by UVA light from white fluorescent lamps, but is by UVB light. This feature provides much greater control in the activation of the indicator. Other work shows the rate of activation depends upon I-0.75, where I is the UVB irradiance, indicating a partial dependence upon the electron-hole recombination process. The half-life of the recovery of the original colour of a UV-activated film, t(50), is directly proportional to the ambient level of oxygen. The advantages of using this indicator in modified atmosphere packaging as a possible quality assurance indicator are discussed briefly. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A wide range of organic pollutants can be destroyed by semiconductor photocatalysis using titania. The purification of water and air contaminated with organic pollutants has been investigated by semiconductor photocatalysis for many years and in attempts to improve the purification rate platinum and palladium have been deposited, usually as fine particles, on the titania surface. Such deposits are expected to improve the rate of reduction of oxygen and so reduce the probability of electron-hole recombination and increase the overall rate of the reaction. The effectiveness of the deposits is reviewed here and appears very variable with reported rate enhancement factors ranging from 8 to 0.1. Semiconductor photocatalysis can be used to purify air (at temperatures > 100 degrees C) and Pt deposits can markedly improve the overall rate of mineralisation. However, volatile organic compounds containing an heteroatom can deactivate the photocatalyst completely and irreversibly. Factors contributing to the success of the processes are considered. The use of chloro-Pt(IV)-titania and other chloro-platinum group metals-titania complexes as possible visible light sensitisers for water and air purification is briefly reviewed.


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The kinetics of the photomineralisation of 4-chlorophenol, 4-CP, by oxygen, sensitized by TiO2 as a function of incident light intensity are described. Degussa P25 TiO2 in the form of either a thin film or a dispersion is used as the photocatalyst. With a TiO2 dispersion the initial rate of photomineralisation, R-i, depends upon I-0.64, implying that electron-hole recombination is the dominant process with respect to photogenerated holes (where R-i is expected proportional to I-0.5), but that the light intensities used spanned both the high (R-i expected proportional to I-0.5) and low (R-i expected proportional to I) intensity regimes. With a TiO2 film R-i is proportional to I indicating that the photocatalytically active particles of the TiO2 film are shielded in some way and so operate under low intensity conditions. Most significantly, it was also found that the apparent value of the Langmuir adsorption coefficient, K4-CP, as determined from the kinetic data, was not independent of I for either a TiO2, film or dispersion photocatalyst. Rather K4-CP increased with decreasing light intensity. A possible mechanism is suggested as a rationale for the observed light intensity effects reported.


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Electron-ion recombination in a laser-induced electron recollision is of fundamental importance as the underlying mechanism responsible for the generation of high harmonic radiation, and hence for the production of attosecond pulse trains in the extreme ultraviolet and soft X-ray spectral regions. By using an ion beam target, remotely prepared to be partially in long-lived excited states, the recombination process has for the first time been directly observed and studied.


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The direct observation and full characterization of a phase space electron hole (EH) generated during laser-matter interaction is presented. This structure, propagating in a tenuous, nonmagnetized plasma, has been detected via proton radiography during the irradiation with a ns laser pulse (I?2 ˜ 1014 W/cm2) of a gold hohlraum. This technique has allowed the simultaneous detection of propagation velocity, potential, and electron density spatial profile across the EH with fine spatial and temporal resolution allowing a detailed comparison with theoretical and numerical models.


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The strong mixing of many-electron basis states in excited atoms and ions with open f shells results in very large numbers of complex, chaotic eigenstates that cannot be computed to any degree of accuracy. Describing the processes which involve such states requires the use of a statistical theory. Electron capture into these “compound resonances” leads to electron-ion recombination rates that are orders of magnitude greater than those of direct, radiative recombination and cannot be described by standard theories of dielectronic recombination. Previous statistical theories considered this as a two-electron capture process which populates a pair of single-particle orbitals, followed by “spreading” of the two-electron states into chaotically mixed eigenstates. This method is similar to a configuration-average approach because it neglects potentially important effects of spectator electrons and conservation of total angular momentum. In this work we develop a statistical theory which considers electron capture into “doorway” states with definite angular momentum obtained by the configuration interaction method. We apply this approach to electron recombination with W20+, considering 2×106 doorway states. Despite strong effects from the spectator electrons, we find that the results of the earlier theories largely hold. Finally, we extract the fluorescence yield (the probability of photoemission and hence recombination) by comparison with experiment.


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Time-resolved resonance Raman spectroscopy of the lowest energy excited state of the 4,4'-bipyridyl ligand-bridged complex, [(CO)(5)W(L)W(CO5] (1), and Raman spectroscopy of electrochemically reduced 1, both give bands characteristic of the the L(.-) species. This confirms that the ligand L is negatively charged in the lowest energy exicited state which is therefore metal-ligand charge transfer (MLCT) in character. Raman spectra of the radical anion of 1 excited in the far red (800 nm) exhibited a band near 2050 cm(-1) due to a vco symmetric CO stretching mode, compared to the corresponding band at 2070 cm(-1) in the spectrum of the parent, uncharged complex. The lower vco in the reduced complex supports the recent finding by time-resolved IR spectroscopy of a similar frequency decrease for nu(CO) in the longest lived (MLCT) excited state of 1 which was attributed to electron/hole localisation in this state on the IR time scale.


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The electronic stopping power of H and He moving through gold is obtained to high accuracy using time-evolving density-functional theory, thereby bringing usual first principles accuracies into this kind of strongly coupled, continuum nonadiabatic processes in condensed matter. The two key unexplained features of what observed experimentally have been reproduced and understood: (i)The nonlinear behavior of stopping power versus velocity is a gradual crossover as excitations tail into the d-electron spectrum; and (ii)the low-velocity H/He anomaly (the relative stopping powers are contrary to established theory) is explained by the substantial involvement of the d electrons in the screening of the projectile even at the lowest velocities where the energy loss is generated by s-like electron-hole pair formation only. © 2012 American Physical Society.


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Within the Tamm-Dancoff approximation, ab initio approaches describe excitons as packets of electron-hole pairs propagating only forward in time. However, we show that in nanoscale materials excitons and plasmons hybridize, creating exciton-plasmon states where the electron-hole pairs oscillate back and forth in time. Then, as exemplified by the trans-azobenzene molecule and the carbon nanotubes, the Tamm-Dancoff approximation yields errors larger than the accuracy claimed in ab initio calculations. Instead, we propose a general and efficient approach that avoids the Tamm-Dancoff approximation, correctly describes excitons, plasmons, and exciton-plasmon states, and provides a good agreement with experimental results.