35 resultados para Displaced homemakers

em QUB Research Portal - Research Directory and Institutional Repository for Queen's University Belfast


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The network is currently not only widely used for performative actions, but also extensively theorised. However, the artistic strategies in networked environments and the ways in which these new performance practices and cultural contexts can give rise to new design approaches have not been equally explored. This article therefore investigates the notion of dramaturgy as it provides a useful framework for addressing design strategies and performative relationships in networked environments. It is argued that dramaturgies suggest a robust method for understanding artistic practices in the network. The author refers to two different viewpoints that emerge in networked practice, which are entitled ;views from within' and ;views from without'. The article gives a brief overview of the history and the theories of the network. It then looks at the histories of dramaturgies in order to better understand artistic strategies, and in order to enhance collaborative work in network performance environments.


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Electric vehicles (EV) do not emit tailpipe exhaust fumes in the same manner as internal combustion engine vehicles. Optimal benefits can only be achieved, if EVS are deployed effectively, so that the tailpipe emissions are not substituted by additional emissions in the electricity sector. This paper examines the potential contributions that Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicles can make in reducing carbon dioxide. The paper presents the results of the generation expansion model for Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland built using the dynamic programming based long term generation expansion planning tool called the Wien Automatic System Planning IV tool. The model optimizes power dispatch using hourly electricity demand curves for each year up to 2020, while incorporating generator characteristics and certain operational requirements such as energy not served and loss of load probability while satisfying constraints on environmental emissions, fuel availability and generator operational and maintenance costs. In order to simulate the effect of PHEV, two distinct charging scenarios are applied based on a peak tariff and an off peak tariff. The importance and influence of the charging regime on the amount of energy used and gaseous emissions displaced is determined and discussed.


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We address the estimation of purity for a quantum oscillator initially prepared in a displaced thermal state and probed by a suitably prepared qubit interacting with the oscillator via Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian without the rotating-wave approximation. We evaluate the quantum Fisher information (QFI) and show that optimal estimation of purity can be achieved by measuring the population of the qubit after a properly chosen interaction time. We also address the estimation of purity at fixed total energy and show that the corresponding precision is independent of the presence of a coherent amplitude.


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The high level of escapes from Atlantic salmon farms, up to two million fishes per year in the North Atlantic, has raised concern about the potential impact on wild populations. We report on a twogeneration experiment examining the estimated lifetime successes, relative to wild natives, of farm, F1 and F2 hybrids and BC1 backcrosses to wild and farm salmon. Offspring of farm and hybrids (i.e. all F1 , F2 and BC1 groups) showed reduced survival compared with wild salmon but grew faster as juveniles and displaced wild parr, which as a group were significantly smaller. Where suitable habitat for these emigrant parr is absent, this competition would result in reduced wild smolt production. In the experimental conditions, where emigrants survived downstream, the relative estimated lifetime success ranged from 2% (farm) to 89% (BC1 wild) of that of wild salmon, indicating additive genetic variation for survival . Wild salmon primarily returned to fresh water after one sea winter (1SW) but farm and hybrids produced proportionately more 2SW salmon. However, lower overall survival means that this would result in reduced recruitment despite increased 2SW fecundity. We thus demonstrate that interaction of farm with wild salmon results in lowered fitness, with repeated escapes causing cumulative fitness depression and potentially an extinction vortex in vulnerable populations.


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During the 1992-95 war, Prijedor was synonymous with mass killing, ethnic cleansing and detention camps. A decade after the end of the war, international agencies consider this town to be an example of successful foreign intervention. Thousands of Muslim displaced persons (DPs) returned to their pre-war homes, mosques have been rebuilt, and hard-line Serb nationalists have lost much influence. How could Prijedor turn from a hopeless case of ethnic violence to an example of successful intervention? This essay argues that Prijedor's (relative) success is due more to the determination of Muslim DPs than to the international peacebuilding strategy. The initial post-Dayton international intervention exacerbated the problem of internal displacement, raised ethnic tensions and left Prijedor in the hands of the same indicted war criminals responsible for the war. Against the advice of international agencies, which feared a backlash among the Bosnian Serbs, in 1998 Muslim DPs began returning home. Eventually, large-scale return improved ethnic relations and helped marginalize Bosnian Serb extremists. The essay concludes by highlighting the lessons from Prijedor, and identifies the domestic and international contribution to Prijedor's post-settlement success.


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The spectrum of collective excitations of oblate toroidal condensates within the Bogoliubov approximation was studied, and the dynamical stability of ring currents around the torus explored. The transition from spheroidal to toroidal geometry of the trap displaced the energy levels into narrow bands. A simple, but accurate, formula was detailed for the lowest angular acoustic modes of excitation, and the splitting energy when a background current is present.


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Protein TrwC is the conjugative relaxase responsible for DNA processing in plasmid R388 bacterial conjugation. TrwC has two catalytic tyrosines, Y18 and Y26, both able to carry out cleavage reactions using unmodified oligonucleotide substrates. Suicide substrates containing a 30-Sphosphorothiolate linkage at the cleavage site displaced TrwC reaction towards covalent adducts and thereby enabled intermediate steps in relaxase reactions to be investigated. Two distinct covalent TrwC–oligonucleotide complexes could be separated from noncovalently bound protein by SDS–PAGE. As observed by mass spectrometry, one complex contained a single, cleaved oligonucleotide bound to Y18, whereas the other contained two cleaved oligonucleotides, bound to Y18 and Y26. Analysis of the cleavage reaction using suicide substrates and Y18F or Y26F mutants showed that efficient Y26 cleavage only occurs after Y18 cleavage. Strand-transfer reactions carried out with the isolated Y18–DNA complex allowed the assignment of specific roles to each tyrosine. Thus, only Y18 was used for initiation. Y26 was specifically used in the second transesterification that leads to strand transfer, thus catalyzing the termination reaction that occurs in the recipient cell.


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In this experiment, we examined the extent to which the spatiotemporal reorganization of muscle synergies mediates skill acquisition on a two degree-of-freedom (df) target-acquisition task. Eight participants completed five practice sessions on consecutive days. During each session they practiced movements to eight target positions presented by a visual display. The movements required combinations of flexion/extension and pronation/supination of the elbow joint complex. During practice sessions, eight targets displaced 5.4 cm from the start position ( representing joint excursions of 54) were presented 16 times. During pre- and posttests, participants acquired the targets at two distances (3.6 cm [36 degrees] and 7.2 cm [72 degrees]). EMG data were recorded from eight muscles contributing to the movements during the pre- and posttests. Most targets were acquired more rapidly after the practice period. Performance improvements were, in most target directions, accompanied by increases in the smoothness of the movement trajectories. When target acquisition required movement in both dfs, there were also practice-related decreases in the extent to which the trajectories deviated from a direct path to the target. The contribution of monofunctional muscles ( those producing torque in a single df) increased with practice during movements in which they acted as agonists. The activity in bifunctional muscles ( those contributing torque in both dfs) remained at pretest levels in most movements. The results suggest that performance gains were mediated primarily by changes in the spatial organization of muscles synergies. These changes were expressed most prominently in terms of the magnitude of activation of the monofunctional muscles.


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Invasive species and environmental change often occur simultaneously across a habitat and therefore our understanding of their relative roles in the decline of native species is often poor. Here, the environmental mediation of a critical interspecific interaction, intraguild predation (IGP), was examined between invasive (Gammarus pulex) and native (G. d. celticus) freshwater amphipods. In the laboratory, IGP asymmetries (males preying on congeneric females) were examined in river water sourced from zones where: (1) the invader has completely displaced the native; (2) the two species currently co-exist, and (3) the native currently persists uninvaded. The invader was always a more effective IG predator, but this asymmetry was significantly weaker moving from 'invader-only water' through 'co-existence water' to 'native-only water'. The constituent of the water that drives this mediation of IGP was not identified. However, balancing the rigour of laboratory experiments with field derived 'environment' has advanced understanding of known patterns in a native species decline, and its co-existence and persistence in the face of an invader.


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Invasive species may threaten the fundamental role played by native macroinvertebrate shredders in determining energy flow and the trophic dynamics of freshwater ecosystems. Functionally, amphipods have long been regarded as mainly shredders, but they are increasingly recognized as major predators of other macroinvertebrate taxa. Furthermore, intraguild predation (IGP) between native and invasive amphipods underlies many species displacements. We used laboratory mesocosms to investigate what might happen to shredders and leaf-litter processing in water bodies invaded by the highly predatory Ponto-Caspian amphipod Dikerogammarus villosus, which is spreading rapidly throughout Europe and may soon invade the North American Great Lakes. The leaf-shredding efficiency of D. villosus was significantly lower than that of 3 Gammarus species (2 native and 1 invasive) that D. villosus has either already displaced or may be currently displacing in The Netherlands. In addition, D. villosus was a major predator of all of these native and invasive amphipod shredders and of a common isopod shredder Asellus aquaticus. Leaf processing in Gammarus and Asellus mesocosms declined rapidly in the presence of D. villosus and ceased altogether within 4 d because by then, all potential shredders had been killed and consumed. Furthermore, the shredding efficiency of surviving amphipods and isopods declined significantly within 2 d of the release of D. villosus, a result indicating that predator-avoidance behavior may override leaf processing. We discuss the implications of these direct and indirect effects of D. villosus invasions and species displacements on community structure and litter processing in aquatic ecosystems. © 2011 The North American Benthological Society.


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Extracts from the Ginkgo biloba tree are widely used as herbal medicines, and include bilobalide (BB) and ginkgolides A and B (GA and GB). Here we examine their effects on human 5-HT(3)A and 5-HT(3)AB receptors, and compare these to the effects of the structurally related compounds picrotin (PTN) and picrotoxinin (PXN), the two components of picrotoxin (PTX), a known channel blocker of 5-HT3, nACh and GABA(A) receptors. The compounds inhibited 5-HT-induced responses of 5-HT3 receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes, with IC50 values of 470 mu M (BB), 730 mu M (GB), 470 mu M (PTN), 11 mu M (PXN) and > 1 mM (GA) in 5-HT(3)A receptors, and 3.1 mM (BB), 3.9 mM (GB), 2.7 mM (PTN), 62 mu M (PXN) and > 1 mM (GA) in 5-HT(3)AB receptors. Radioligand binding on receptors expressed in HEK 293 cells showed none of the compounds displaced the specific 5-HT3 receptor antagonist [H-3]granisetron, confirming that they do not act at the agonist binding site. Inhibition by GB at 5-HT(3)A receptors is weakly use-dependent, and recovery is activity dependent, indicating channel block. To further probe their site of action at 5-HT(3)A receptors, BB and GB were applied alone or in combination with PXN, and the results fitted to a mathematical model; the data revealed partially overlapping sites of action. We conclude that BB and GB block the channel of the 5-HT(3)A receptor. Thus these compounds have comparable, although less potent, behaviour than at some other Cys-loop receptors, demonstrating their actions are conserved across the family. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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To what degree juvenile migrant birds are able to correct for orientation errors or wind drift is still largely unknown. We studied the orientation of passerines on the Faroe Islands far off the normal migration routes of European migrants. The ability to compensate for displacement was tested in naturally occurring vagrants presumably displaced by wind and in birds experimentally displaced 1100 km from Denmark to the Faroes. The orientation was studied in orientation cages as well as in the free-flying birds after release by tracking departures using small radio transmitters. Both the naturally displaced and the experimentally displaced birds oriented in more easterly directions on the Faroes than was observed in Denmark prior to displacement. This pattern was even more pronounced in departure directions, perhaps because of wind influence. The clear directional compensation found even in experimentally displaced birds indicates that first-year birds can also possess the ability to correct for displacement in some circumstances, possibly involving either some primitive form of true navigation, or 'sign posts', but the cues used for this are highly speculative. We also found some indications of differences between species in the reaction to displacement. Such differences might be involved in the diversity of results reported in displacement studies so far.


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The XUV lasing output from one germanium slab target has been efficiently coupled into, and further amplified in, a second plasma produced by irradiation of a similar target from the opposite direction. The operation of such a double target was shown to be strongly dependent on the distance by which the two target surfaces were displaced. The line brightness peaked for a surface displacement of approximately 200-mu-m and it was observed that the pointing direction of one output beam could be controlled by the surface separation in an asymmetric geometry. Gain length products of approximately 16 with estimated output powers close to the megawatt level were achieved on both the 23.2 and 23.6 nm J=2-1 transitions for an optimised target configuration. Maximum effective coupling efficiencies of the individual outputs from double targets, comprising 2.2 and 1.4 cm length components, approached 100% for beams propagating from the shorter to the longer target.