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Adrenomedullin (AM) and intermedin (IMD; adrenomedulln-2) are vasodilator peptides related to calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). The actions of these peptides are mediated by the calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CLR) in association with one of three receptor activity-modifying proteins. CGRP is selective for CLR/receptor activity modifying protein (RAMP)1, AM for CLR/RAMP2 and -3, and IMD acts at both CGRP and AM receptors. In a model of pressure overload induced by inhibition of nitric-oxide synthase, up-regulation of AM was observed previously in cardiomyocytes demonstrating a hypertrophic phenotype. The current objective was to examine the effects of blood pressure reduction on cardiomyocyte expression of AM and IMD and their receptor components. Nomega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) (35 mg/kg/day) was administered to rats for 8 weeks, with or without concurrent administration of hydralazine (50 mg/kg/day) and hydrochlorothiazide (7.5 mg/kg/day). In left ventricular cardiomyocytes from L-NAME-treated rats, increases (-fold) in mRNA expression were 1.6 (preproAM), 8.4 (preproIMD), 3.4 (CLR), 4.1 (RAMP1), 2.8 (RAMP2), and 4.4 (RAMP3). Hydralazine/hydrochlorothiazide normalized systolic blood pressure (BP) and abolished mRNA up-regulation of hypertrophic markers sk-alpha-actin and BNP and of preproAM, CLR, RAMP2, and RAMP3 but did not normalize cardiomyocyte width nor preproIMD or RAMP1 mRNA expression. The robust increase in IMD expression indicates an important role for this peptide in the cardiac pathology of this model but, unlike AM, IMD is not associated with pressure overload upon the myocardium. The concordance of IMD and RAMP1 up-regulation indicates a CGRP-type receptor action; considering also a lack of response to BP reduction, IMD may, like CGRP, have an anti-ischemic function.


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The biological role of steroid 5 alpha-reductase isozymes (encoded by the SRD5A1 and SRD5A2 genes) and angiogenic factors that play important roles in the pathogenesis and vascularization of prostate cancer (PC) is poorly understood. The sub-cellular expression of these isozymes and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in PC tissue microarrays (n=62) was examined using immunohistochemistry. The effect of SRD5A inhibition on the angiogenesis pathway genes in PC was also examined in prostate cell lines, LNCaP, PC3, and RWPE-1, by treating them with the SRD5A inhibitors finasteride and dutasteride, followed by western blot, quantitative PCR, and ELISA chip array techniques. In PC tissues, nuclear SRD5A1 expression was strongly associated with higher cancer Gleason scores (P=0.02), higher cancer stage (P=0.01), and higher serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels (P=0.01), whereas nuclear SRD5A2 expression was correlated with VEGF expression (P=0.01). Prostate tumor cell viability was significantly reduced in dutasteride-treated PC3 and RWPE-1 cells compared with finasteride-treated groups. Expression of the angiogenesis pathway genes transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGFB1), endothelin (EDN1), TGF alpha (TGFA), and VEGFR1 was upregulated in LNCaP cells, and at least 7 out of 21 genes were upregulated in PC3 cells treated with finasteride (25 mu M). Our findings suggest that SRD5A1 expression predominates in advanced PC, and that inhibition of SRD5A1 and SRD5A2 together was more effective in reducing cell numbers than inhibition of SRD5A2 alone. However, these inhibitors did not show any significant difference in prostate cell angiogenic response. Interestingly, some angiogenic genes remained activated after treatment, possibly due to the duration of treatment and tumor resistance to inhibitors. Endocrine-Related Cancer (2010) 17 757-770


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Background/Aims: hDAB2IP is a candidate tumor suppressor gene. We studied the expression of its two variants, hDAB2IPA and hDAB2IPB, in normal tissues, and the expression and methylation status of hDAB2IPA in hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC) and cell lines.


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We have shown that Fasciola hepatica expresses at least six ß-tubulins in the adult stage of its life cycle, designated F.hep-ß-tub1-6 (Ryan et al., 2008). Here we show that different complements of tubulin isotypes are expressed in different tissues and at different life cycle stages; this information may inform the search for novel anthelmintics. The predominant (as judged by quantitative PCR) isotype transcribed at the adult stage was F.hep-ß-tub1 and immunolocalisation studies revealed that this isotype occurred mainly in mature spermatozoa and vitelline follicles. Quantitative PCR indicated that changes occurred in the transcription levels of ß-tubulin isotypes at certain life cycle stages and may be of importance in the efficacy of benzimidazole-based anthelmintic drugs, but there were no significant differences between the triclabendazole (TCBZ)-susceptible Leon isolate and the TCBZ-resistant Oberon isolate in the transcription levels of each of the isotypes. When three well-characterised isolates with differing susceptibilities to TCBZ were compared, only one amino acid change resulting from a homozygous coding sequence difference (Gly269Ser) in isotype 4 was observed. However, this change was not predicted to alter the overall structure of the protein. In conclusion, these findings indicate that there is tissue-specific expression of tubulin isotypes in the liver fluke but the development of resistance to TCBZ is not associated with changes in its presumed target molecule.


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To investigate changes in gene expression during aging of the retina in the mouse.

Total RNA was extracted from the neuroretina of young (3-month-old) and old (20-month-old) mice and processed for microarray analysis. Age-related, differentially expressed genes were assessed by the empiric Bayes shrinkagemoderated t-statistics method. Statistical significance was based on dual criteria of a ratio of change in gene expression >2 and a P < 0.01. Differential expression in 11 selected genes was further verified by real-time PCR. Functional pathways involved in retinal ageing were analyzed by an online software package (DAVID-2008) in differentially expressed gene lists. Age-related changes in differential expression in the identified retinal molecular pathways were further confirmed by immunohistochemical staining of retinal flat mounts and retinal cryosections.

With ageing of the retina, 298 genes were upregulated and 137 genes were downregulated. Functional annotation showed that genes linked to immune responses (Ir genes) and to tissue stress/injury responses (TS/I genes) were most likely to be modified by ageing. The Ir genes affected included those regulating leukocyte activation, chemotaxis, endocytosis, complement activation, phagocytosis, and myeloid cell differentiation, most of which were upregulated, with only a few downregulated. Increased microglial and complement activation in the aging retina was further confirmed by confocal microscopy of retinal tissues. The most strongly upregulated gene was the calcitonin receptor (Calcr; >40-fold in old versus young mice).

The results suggest that retinal ageing is accompanied by activation of gene sets, which are involved in local inflammatory responses. A modified form of low-grade chronic inflammation (para-inflammation) characterizes these aging changes and involves mainly the innate immune system. The marked upregulation of Calcr in ageing mice most likely reflects this chronic inflammatory/stress response, since calcitonin is a known systemic biomarker of inflammation/sepsis. © Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.


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Understanding the determinants of resistance of 5-fluorouracil (5FU) is of significant value to optimizing administration of the drug, and introducing novel agents and treatment strategies. Here, the expression of 92 genes involved in 5FU transport, metabolism, co-factor (folate) metabolism and downstream effects was measured by real-time PCR low density arrays in 14 patient-derived colorectal cancer xenografts characterized for 5FU resistance. Candidate gene function was tested by siRNA and uridine modulation, and immunoblotting, apoptosis and cell cycle analysis. Predictive significance was tested by immunohistochemistry of tumors from 125 stage III colorectal cancer patients treated with and without 5FU. Of 8 genes significantly differentially expressed between 5FU sensitive and resistant xenograft tumors, CTPS2 was the gene with the highest probability of differential expression (p = 0.008). Reduction of CTPS2 expression by siRNA increased the resistance of colorectal cancer cell lines DLD1 and LS174T to 5FU and its analog, FUDR. CTPS2 siRNA significantly reduced cell S-phase accumulation and apoptosis following 5FU treatment. Exposure of cells to uridine, a precursor to the CTPS2 substrate uridine triphosphate, also increased 5FU resistance. Patients with low CTPS2 did not gain a survival benefit from 5FU treatment (p = 0.072), while those with high expression did (p = 0.003). Low CTPS2 expression may be a rationally-based determinant of 5FU resistance.


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The differential diagnosis of soft tissue tumours poses a considerable challenge for pathologists, especially adipocytic tumours, as these may show considerable overlap in clinical presentation and morphological features with many other mesenchymal neoplasms. Hence, a specific and reliable marker that identifies adipocytic differentiation is much sought. We investigated the immunohistochemical expression of PIM-1 kinase in 35 samples of soft tissue tumours using tissue microarray technology and 49 full sections of adipocytic (n = 26) and non-adipocytic tumours (n = 23). Benign and malignant adipocytic tumours showed strong expression of PIM-1 while the non-adipocytic tumours were either negative or showed only weak staining for the protein. In myxoid liposarcomas, PIM-1 showed a distinct, unique vacuolar staining pattern, clearly outlining fine cytoplasmic lipid vacuoles. By contrast, non-adipocytic myxoid tumours (myxoma, chordoma and myxoid chondrosarcoma) did not show this vacuolar pattern of PIM-1 staining, although vacuolated cells were present on H&E. This differential expression was confirmed at a gene expression level in selected cases. Our results indicate that the expression of PIM-1 in adipose tissue may be a useful marker of adipocytic differentiation, in particular if the staining is both of high intensity and present in a unique, vacuolar pattern.


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The reactivity of four different monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) with populations of Bacteroides fragilis NCTC 9343, enriched by density gradient centrifugation for a large capsule, small capsule and electron-dense layer (EDL) only visible by electronmicroscopy, was examined. The MAbs reacted strongly with polysaccharides present in both the large capsule- and EDL-enriched populations but not in the small capsule-enriched populations. The pattern of labelling was determined by immunoblotting, immunofluorescence and immuno-electronmicroscopy, and flow cytometry. The MAbs labelled cell membrane-associated epitopes in the large capsule- and EDL-enriched populations and cell-free material in the EDL population. By immunoblotting, ladders of repeating polysaccharide subunits were evident in the EDL population but not in the large capsule population. The proportion of cells labelled within each population was determined by flow cytometry. The reactivity of another MAb with the small capsule population was confirmed by flow cytometry. A qualitative indication of epitope expression was obtained by examination of the flow cytometric profiles. Differential expression of the same saccharide epitope was observed both between and within structurally distinct B. fragilis populations. The MAbs were species-specific and cross-reacted with several recent clinical isolates. These polysaccharides may be relevant to the virulence of B. fragilis.


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The authors previously reported increased expression of the Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (S. typhi) rfaH gene when the bacterial cells reach stationary phase. In this study, using a lacZ fusion to the rfaH promoter region, they demonstrate that growth-dependent regulation of rfaH expression occurs at the level of transcription initiation. It was also observed that production of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) O-antigen by S. typhi Ty2 correlated with the differential expression of rfaH during bacterial growth. This was probably due to the increased cellular levels of RfaH, since expression of the distal gene in the O-antigen gene cluster of S. typhi Ty2, wbaP, was also increased during stationary growth, as demonstrated by RT-PCR analysis. Examination of the sequences upstream of the rfaH coding region revealed homologies to potential binding sites for the RcsB/RcsA dimer of the RcsC/YopJ/RcsB phosphorelay regulatory system and for the RpoN alternative sigma factor. The expression of the rfaH gene in rpoN and rcsB mutants of S. typhi Ty2 was measured. The results indicate that inactivation of rpoN, but not of rcsB, suppresses the growth-phase-dependent induction of rfaH expression. Furthermore, production of beta-galactosidase mediated by the rfaH-lacZ fusion increased approximately fourfold when bacteria were grown in a nitrogen-limited medium. Nitrogen limitation was also shown to increase the expression of the O-antigen by the wild-type S. typhi Ty2, as demonstrated by a similar electrophoretic profile to that observed during the stationary phase of growth in rich media. It is therefore concluded that the relationship between LPS production and nitrogen limitation parallels the pattern of rfaH regulation under the control of RpoN and is consistent with the idea that RpoN modulates LPS formation via its effect on rfaH gene expression during bacterial growth.


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The 67LR (67 kDa laminin receptor) is a cell-surface receptor with high affinity for its primary ligand. Its role as a laminin receptor makes it an important molecule both in cell adhesion to the basement membrane and in signalling transduction following this binding event. The protein also plays critical roles in the metastasis of tumour cells. Isolation of the protein from either normal or cancerous cells results in a product with an approx. molecular mass of 67 kDa. This protein is believed to be derived from a smaller precursor, the 37LRP (37 kDa laminin receptor precursor). However, the precise mechanism by which cytoplasmic 37LRP becomes cell-membrane-embedded 67LR is unclear. The process may involve post-translational fatty acylation of the protein combined with either homo- or hetero-dimerization, possibly with a galectin-3-epitope-containing partner. Furthermore, it has become clear that acting as a receptor for laminin is not the only function of this protein. 67LR also acts as a receptor for viruses, such as Sindbis virus and dengue virus, and is involved with internalization of the prion protein. Interestingly, unmodified 37LRP is a ribosomal component and homologues of this protein are found in all five kingdoms. In addition, it appears to be strongly associated with histones in the eukaryotic cell nucleus, although the precise role of these interactions is not clear. Here we review the current understanding of the structure and function of this molecule, as well as highlighting areas requiring further research.