14 resultados para CYCLOTRON

em QUB Research Portal - Research Directory and Institutional Repository for Queen's University Belfast


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The nonlinear coupling between two magnetic-field-aligned electromagnetic electron-cyclotron (EMEC) waves in plasmas is considered. Evaluating the ponderomotive coupling between the EMEC waves and quasistationary plasma density perturbations, a pair of coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations (CNLSEs) is obtained. The CNLSEs are then used to investigate the occurrence of modulational instability in magnetized plasmas. Waves in the vicinity of the zero-group-dispersion point are considered, so that the group dispersion terms may either bear the same or different signs. It is found that a stable EMEC wave can be destabilized due to its nonlinear interactions with an unstable one, while a pair of unstable EMEC waves yields an increased instability growth rate. Individually stable waves remain stable while interacting with one another. Stationary nonlinear solutions of the coupled equations are presented. The relevance of our investigation to nonlinear phenomena in space plasmas is discussed. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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The parametric coupling between large amplitude magnetic field-aligned circularly polarized electromagnetic ion-cyclotron (EMIC) waves and ponderomotively driven ion-acoustic perturbations in magnetized space plasmas is considered. A cubic nonlinear Schrodinger equation for the modulated EMIC wave envelope is derived, and then solved analytically. The modulated EMIC waves are found to be stable (unstable) against ion-acoustic density perturbations, in the subsonic (supersonic, respectively) case, and they may propagate as "supersonic bright" ("subsonic dark", i.e. "black" or "grey") type envelope solitons, i.e. electric field pulses (holes, voids), associated with (co-propagating) density humps. Explicit bright and dark (black/grey) envelope excitation profiles are presented, and the relevance of our investigation to space plasmas is discussed.


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Presently, Queens University Belfast is constructing a unique permanent magnet EBIT which grants unparalleled access to the photons from the trap region. However measurements of ions would still require their transfer through the collector to other measurement areas. To allow more representative sampling, a new in situ analyzer is proposed to be situated immediately at the collector end of the trap region. This analyzer may detect ions by expanding the radius of their cyclotron motion using electric fields until the ions strike Microsphere Plates (MSPs). It may also be possible by using trochoidal motion to detect product electrons. This is important as these have never been detected before in an EBIT. The preliminary design is described in this paper. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Reported herein are measured absolute single, double, and triple charge exchange (CE) cross sections for the highly charged ions (HCIs) Cq+ (q=5,6), Oq+ (q=6,7,8), and Neq+ (q=7,8) colliding with the molecular species H2O, CO, and CO2. Present data can be applied to interpreting observations of x-ray emissions from comets as they interact with the solar wind. As such, the ion impact energies of 7.0q keV (1.62–3.06 keV/amu) are representative of the fast solar wind, and data at 1.5q keV for O6+ (0.56 keV/amu) on CO and CO2 and 3.5q keV for O5+ (1.09 keV/amu) on CO provide checks of the energy dependence of the cross sections at intermediate and typical slow solar wind velocities. The HCIs are generated within a 14 GHz electron cyclotron resonance ion source. Absolute CE measurements are made using a retarding potential energy analyzer, with measurement of the target gas cell pressure and incident and final ion currents. Trends in the cross sections are discussed in light of the classical overbarrier model (OBM), extended OBM, and with recent results of the classical trajectory Monte Carlo theory.


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The propagation of a Gaussian electromagnetic beam along the direction of magnetic field in a plasma is investigated. The extraordinary (E-x+iE(y)) mode is explicitly considered in the analysis, although the results for the ordinary mode can be obtained upon replacing the electron cyclotron frequency omega(c) by -omega(c). The propagating beam electric field is coupled to the surrounding plasma via the dielectric tensor, taking into account the existence of a stationary magnetic field. Both collisionless and collisional cases are considered, separately. Adopting an established methodological framework for beam propagation in unmagnetized plasmas, we extend to magnetized plasmas by considering the beam profile for points below the critical curve in the beam-power versus beam-width plane, and by employing a relationship among electron concentration and electron temperature, provided by kinetic theory (rather than phenomenology). It is shown that, for points lying above the critical curve in the beam-power versus beam-width plane, the beam experiences oscillatory convergence (self-focusing), while for points between the critical curve and divider curve, the beam undergoes oscillatory divergence and for points on and below the divider curve the beam suffers a steady divergence. For typical values of parameters, numerical results are presented and discussed. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Absolute photoionization cross-section measurements for a mixture of ground and metastable states of Xe4+, Xe5+, and Xe6+ are reported in the photon energy range of 4d -> nf transitions, which occur within or adjacent to the 13.5 nm window for extreme ultraviolet lithography light source development. The reported values allow the quantification of opacity effects in xenon plasmas due to these 4d -> nf autoionizing states. The oscillator strengths for the 4d -> 4f and 4d -> 5f transitions in Xeq+ (q=1-6) ions are calculated using nonrelativistic Hartree-Fock and random phase approximations. These are compared with published experimental values for Xe+ to Xe3+ and with the values obtained from the present experimental cross-section measurements for Xe4+ to Xe6+. The calculations assisted in the determination of the metastable content in the ion beams for Xe5+ and Xe6+. The experiments were performed by merging a synchrotron photon beam generated by an undulator beamline of the Advanced Light Source with an ion beam produced by an electron cyclotron resonance ion source.


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Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry experiments showed that liquid Group 1 metal salts of the bistriflamide anion undergoing reduced-pressure distillation exhibit a remarkable behavior that is in transition between that of the vapor-liquid equilibrium characteristics of aprotic ionic liquids and that of the Group 1 metal halides: the unperturbed vapors resemble those of aprotic ionic liquids, in the sense that they are essentially composed of discrete ion pairs. However, the formation of large aggregates through a succession of ion-molecule reactions is closer to what might be expected for Group I metal halides. Similar experiments were also carried out with bis{(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl}amine to investigate the effect of H+, which despite being the smallest Group 1 cation, is generally regarded as a nonmetal species. In this case, instead of the complex ion-molecule reaction pattern found for the vapors of Group I metal salts, an equilibrium similar to those observed for aprotic ionic liquids was observed.


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Charge exchange (CE) plays a fundamental role in the collisions of solar- and stellar-wind ions with lunar and planetary exospheres, comets, and circumstellar clouds. Reported herein are absolute cross sections for single, double, triple, and quadruple CE of Feq+ (q = 5-13) ions with H2O at a collision energy of 7q keV. One measured value of the pentuple CE is also given for Fe9+ ions. An electron cyclotron resonance ion source is used to provide currents of the highly charged Fe ions. Absolute data are derived from knowledge of the target gas pressure, target path length, and incident and charge-exchanged ion currents. Experimental cross sections are compared with new results of the n-electron classical trajectory Monte Carlo approximation. The radiative and non-radiative cascades following electron transfers are approximated using scaled hydrogenic transition probabilities and scaled Auger rates. Also given are estimates of cross sections for single capture, and multiple capture followed by autoionization, as derived from the extended overbarrier model. These estimates are based on new theoretical calculations of the vertical ionization potentials of H2O up to H2O10+.


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Dielectronic recombination was investigated for He+, the simplest ion for which this process is possible. This work was done using the light-ion storage ring and electron cooler at the Indiana University Cyclotron Facility. Resonant recombination yields resulting from 1s +e- --> nln'l' transitions were observed with sufficient resolution (about 1 eV in the center of mass) to isolate and obtain cross sections for the 2s 2p 3P0 and 2p2 1D terms. The measured cross sections, integrated over the DELTAn = 1 2ln'l' states, agree in magnitude with theoretical calculations. Additionally, DELTAn = 2 dielectronic recombination events associated with 3ln'l' intermediate states were observed.


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A new approach to spectroscopy of laser induced proton beams using radiochromic film (RCF) is presented. This approach allows primary standards of absorbed dose-to-water as used in radiotherapy to be transferred to the calibration of GafChromic HD-810 and EBT in a 29 MeV proton beam from the Birmingham cyclotron. These films were then irradiated in a common stack configuration using the TARANIS Nd:Glass multi-terawatt laser at Queens University Belfast, which can accelerate protons to 10-12 MeV, and a depth-dose curve was measured from a collimated beam. Previous work characterizing the relative effectiveness (RE) of GafChromic film as a function of energy was implemented into Monte Carlo depth-dose curves using FLUKA. A Bragg peak (BP) "library" for proton energies 0-15 MeV was generated, both with and without the RE function. These depth-response curves were iteratively summed in a FORTRAN routine to solve for the measured RCF depth-dose using a simple direct search algorithm. By comparing resultant spectra with both BP libraries, it was found that the effect of including the RE function accounted for an increase in the total number of protons by about 50%. To account for the energy loss due to a 20 mu m aluminum filter in front of the film stack, FLUKA was used to create a matrix containing the energy loss transformations for each individual energy bin. Multiplication by the pseudo-inverse of this matrix resulted in "up-shifting" protons to higher energies. Applying this correction to two laser shots gave further increases in the total number of protons, N of 31% and 56%. Failure to consider the relative response of RCF to lower proton energies and neglecting energy losses in a stack filter foil can potentially lead to significant underestimates of the total number of protons in RCF spectroscopy of the low energy protons produced by laser ablation of thin targets.


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The occurrence of rogue waves (freak waves) associated with electromagnetic pulse propagation interacting with a plasma is investigated, from first principles. A multiscale technique is employed to solve the fluid Maxwell equations describing weakly nonlinear circularly polarized electromagnetic pulses in magnetized plasmas. A nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) type equation is shown to govern the amplitude of the vector potential. A set of non-stationary envelope solutions of the NLS equation are considered as potential candidates for the modeling of rogue waves (freak waves) in beam-plasma interactions, namely in the form of the Peregrine soliton, the Akhmediev breather and the Kuznetsov-Ma breather. The variation of the structural properties of the latter structures with relevant plasma parameters is investigated, in particular focusing on the ratio between the (magnetic field dependent) cyclotron (gyro-)frequency and the plasma frequency. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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PURPOSE: To investigate the variations in induction and repair of DNA damage along the proton path, after a previous report on the increasing biological effectiveness along clinically modulated 60-MeV proton beams.

METHODS AND MATERIALS: Human skin fibroblast (AG01522) cells were irradiated along a monoenergetic and a modulated spread-out Bragg peak (SOBP) proton beam used for treating ocular melanoma at the Douglas Cyclotron, Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology, Wirral, Liverpool, United Kingdom. The DNA damage response was studied using the 53BP1 foci formation assay. The linear energy transfer (LET) dependence was studied by irradiating the cells at depths corresponding to entrance, proximal, middle, and distal positions of SOBP and the entrance and peak position for the pristine beam.

RESULTS: A significant amount of persistent foci was observed at the distal end of the SOBP, suggesting complex residual DNA double-strand break damage induction corresponding to the highest LET values achievable by modulated proton beams. Unlike the directly irradiated, medium-sharing bystander cells did not show any significant increase in residual foci.

CONCLUSIONS: The DNA damage response along the proton beam path was similar to the response of X rays, confirming the low-LET quality of the proton exposure. However, at the distal end of SOBP our data indicate an increased complexity of DNA lesions and slower repair kinetics. A lack of significant induction of 53BP1 foci in the bystander cells suggests a minor role of cell signaling for DNA damage under these conditions.


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Photoionization cross section calculations on the halogen-like ions; Kr + and Xe + have been performed for a photon energy range from each ion threshold to 15 eV, using large-scale close-coupling calculations within the Dirac--Coulomb R -matrix approximation. The results from our theoretical work are compared with recent measurements made at the ASTRID merged-beam set-up at the University of Aarhus in Denmark and from the Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance trap method at the SOLEIL synchrotron radiation facility in Saint-Aubin, France Bizau et al (2011 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44 055205) and the advanced light source M{ü}ller (2012 private communication), Aguliar et al (2012 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser . at press). For each of these complex ions our theoretical cross section results over the photon energy range investigated are seen to be in excellent agreement with experiment. Resonance energy positions and quantum defects of the prominent Rydberg resonances series identified in the spectra are compared with experiment for these complex halogen-like ions.