17 resultados para BIOSPHERE

em QUB Research Portal - Research Directory and Institutional Repository for Queen's University Belfast


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Environments that are hostile to life are characterized by reduced microbial activity which results in poor soil- and plant-health, low biomass and biodiversity, and feeble ecosystem development. Whereas the functional biosphere may primarily be constrained by water activity (a w) the mechanism(s) by which this occurs have not been fully elucidated. Remarkably we found that, for diverse species of xerophilic fungi at a w values of = 0.72, water activity per se did not limit cellular function. We provide evidence that chaotropic activity determined their biotic window, and obtained mycelial growth at water activities as low as 0.647 (below that recorded for any microbial species) by addition of compounds that reduced the net chaotropicity. Unexpectedly we found that some fungi grew optimally under chaotropic conditions, providing evidence for a previously uncharacterized class of extremophilic microbes. Further studies to elucidate the way in which solute activities interact to determine the limits of life may lead to enhanced biotechnological processes, and increased productivity of agricultural and natural ecosystems in arid and semiarid regions.


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Understanding climate change and its potential impact on species, populations and communities is one of the most pressing questions of twenty-fi rst-century conservation planning. Palaeobiogeographers working on Cenozoic fossil records and other lines of evidence are producing important insights into the dynamic nature of climate and the equally dynamic response of species, populations and communities. Climatic variations ranging in length from multimillennia to decades run throughout the palaeo-records of the Quaternary and earlier Cenozoic and have been shown to have had impacts ranging from changes in the genetic structure and morphology of individual species, population sizes and distributions, community composition to large-scale bio-diversity gradients. The biogeographical impacts of climate change may be due directly to the effects of alterations in temperature and moisture on species, or they may arise due to changes in factors such as disturbance regimes. Much of the recent progress in the application of palaeobiogegraphy to issues of climate change and its impacts can be attributed to developments along a number of still advancing methodological frontiers. These include increasingly finely resolved chronological resolution, more refi ned atmosphere-biosphere modelling, new biological and chemical techniques in reconstructing past species distributions and past climates, the development of large and readily accessible geo-referenced databases of biogeographical and climatic information, and new approaches in fossil morphological analysis and new molecular DNA techniques.


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Phosphonates are organophosphorus molecules that contain the highly stable C-P bond, rather than the more common, and more labile, C-O-P phosphate ester bond. They have ancient origins but their biosynthesis is widespread among more primitive organisms and their importance in the contemporary biosphere is increasingly recognized; for example phosphonate-P is believed to play a particularly significant role in the productivity of the oceans. The microbial degradation of phosphonates was originally thought to occur only under conditions of phosphate limitation, mediated exclusively by the poorly characterized C-P lyase multienzyme system, under Pho regulon control. However, more recent studies have demonstrated the Pho-independent mineralization by environmental bacteria of three of the most widely distributed biogenic phosphonates: 2-aminoethylphosphonic acid (ciliatine), phosphonoacetic acid, and 2-amino-3-phosphonopropionic acid (phosphonoalanine). The three phosphonohydrolases responsible have unique specificities and are members of separate enzyme superfamilies; their expression is regulated by distinct members of the LysR family of bacterial transcriptional regulators, for each of which the phosphonate substrate of the respective degradative operon serves as coinducer. Previously no organophosphorus compound was known to induce the enzymes required for its own degradation. Whole-genome and metagenome sequence analysis indicates that the genes encoding these newly described C-P hydrolases are distributed widely among prokaryotes. As they are able to function under conditions in which C-P lyases are inactive, the three enzymes may play a hitherto-unrecognized role in phosphonate breakdown in the environment and hence make a significant contribution to global biogeochemical P-cycling.


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Microbial cells, and ultimately the Earth's biosphere, function within a narrow range of physicochemical conditions. For the majority of ecosystems, productivity is cold-limited, and it is microbes that represent the failure point. This study was carried out to determine if naturally occurring solutes can extend the temperature windows for activity of microorganisms. We found that substances known to disorder cellular macromolecules (chaotropes) did expand microbial growth windows, fungi preferentially accumulated chaotropic metabolites at low temperature, and chemical activities of solutes determined microbial survival at extremes of temperature as well as pressure. This information can enhance the precision of models used to predict if extraterrestrial and other hostile environments are able to support life; furthermore, chaotropes may be used to extend the growth windows for key microbes, such as saprotrophs, in cold ecosystems and manmade biomes.


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Ubiquitous noxious hydrophobic substances, such as hydrocarbons, pesticides and diverse industrial chemicals, stress biological systems and thereby affect their ability to mediate biosphere functions like element and energy cycling vital to biosphere health. Such chemically diverse compounds may have distinct toxic activities for cellular systems; they may also share a common mechanism of stress induction mediated by their hydrophobicity. We hypothesized that the stressful effects of, and cellular adaptations to, hydrophobic stressors operate at the level of water : macromolecule interactions. Here, we present evidence that: (i) hydrocarbons reduce structural interactions within and between cellular macromolecules, (ii) organic compatible solutes-metabolites that protect against osmotic and chaotrope-induced stresses-ameliorate this effect, (iii) toxic hydrophobic substances induce a potent form of water stress in macromolecular and cellular systems, and (iv) the stress mechanism of, and cellular responses to, hydrophobic substances are remarkably similar to those associated with chaotrope-induced water stress. These findings suggest that it may be possible to devise new interventions for microbial processes in both natural environments and industrial reactors to expand microbial tolerance of hydrophobic substances, and hence the biotic windows for such processes.


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Amphibian skin secretions are unique sources of bioactive peptides and their donor species are currently rapidly disappearing from the biosphere. Here, we report that both peptides and polyadenylated mRNAs from skin granular glands remain amenable to study in samples of stimulated skin secretions following their storage in 0.1 % aqueous trifluoroacetic acid at -20 °C for many years. Frozen acidified solutions of toad (Bombina variegata) skin secretions, stored for 12 years, were thawed and samples removed for direct reverse phase HPLC fractionation. Additional samples were removed, snap frozen and lyophilised for construction of cDNA libraries following polyadenylated mRNA capture using magnetic oligo-dT beads and reverse transcription. Using the bombesin and bradykinin peptides found in bombinid toad skin as models, individual variant peptides of each type were located in reverse phase HPLC fractions and their corresponding biosynthetic precursor-encoding mRNA transcripts were cloned from the cDNA library using a RACE PCR strategy. This study illustrates unequivocally that both amphibian skin secretion peptides and their biosynthetic precursor-encoding polyadenylated mRNAs are stable in frozen acid-solvated skin secretion samples for considerable periods of time-a finding that may have fundamental implications in the study of archived materials but also in the wider field of molecular biology.


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Diverse parameters, including chaotropicity, can limit the function of cellular systems and thereby determine the extent of Earth's biosphere. Whereas parameters such as temperature, hydrophobicity, pressure, pH, Hofmeister effects, and water activity can be quantified via standard scales of measurement, the chao-/kosmotropic activities of environmentally ubiquitous substances have no widely accepted, universal scale. We developed an assay to determine and quantify chao-/kosmotropicity for 97 chemically diverse substances that can be universally applied to all solutes. This scale is numerically continuous for the solutes assayed (from +361kJkg-1mol-1 for chaotropes to -659kJkg-1mol-1 for kosmotropes) but there are key points that delineate (i) chaotropic from kosmotropic substances (i.e. chaotropes =+4; kosmotropes =-4kJkg-1mol-1); and (ii) chaotropic solutes that are readily water-soluble (log P<1.9) from hydrophobic substances that exert their chaotropic activity, by proxy, from within the hydrophobic domains of macromolecular systems (log P>1.9). Examples of chao-/kosmotropicity values are, for chaotropes: phenol +143, CaCl2 +92.2, MgCl2 +54.0, butanol +37.4, guanidine hydrochloride +31.9, urea +16.6, glycerol [>6.5M] +6.34, ethanol +5.93, fructose +4.56; for kosmotropes: proline -5.76, sucrose -6.92, dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) -9.72, mannitol -6.69, trehalose -10.6, NaCl -11.0, glycine -14.2, ammonium sulfate -66.9, polyethylene glycol- (PEG-)1000 -126; and for relatively neutral solutes: methanol, +3.12, ethylene glycol +1.66, glucose +1.19, glycerol [<5M] +1.06, maltose -1.43 (kJkg-1mol-1). The data obtained correlate with solute interactions with, and structure-function changes in, enzymes and membranes. We discuss the implications for diverse fields including microbial ecology, biotechnology and astrobiology.


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Since a key requirement of known life forms is available water (water activity; aw), recent searches for signatures of past life in terrestrial and extraterrestrial environments have targeted places known to have contained significant quantities of biologically available water. However, early life on Earth inhabited high-salt environments, suggesting an ability to withstand low water-activity. The lower limit of water activity that enables cell division appears to be ∼ 0.605 which, until now, was only known to be exhibited by a single eukaryote, the sugar-tolerant, fungal xerophile Xeromyces bisporus. The first forms of life on Earth were, though, prokaryotic. Recent evidence now indicates that some halophilic Archaea and Bacteria have water-activity limits more or less equal to those of X. bisporus. We discuss water activity in relation to the limits of Earth's present-day biosphere; the possibility of microbial multiplication by utilizing water from thin, aqueous films or non-liquid sources; whether prokaryotes were the first organisms able to multiply close to the 0.605-aw limit; and whether extraterrestrial aqueous milieux of ≥ 0.605 aw can resemble fertile microbial habitats found on Earth.


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The question of whether there is or was life on Mars has been one of the most pivotal since Schiaparellis' telescopic observations of the red planet. With the advent of the space age, this question can be addressed directly by exploring the surface of Mars and by bringing samples to Earth for analysis. The latter, however, is not free of problems. Life can be found virtually everywhere on Earth. Hence the potential for contaminating the Mars samples and compromising their scientific integrity is not negligible. Conversely, if life is present in samples from Mars, this may represent a potential source of extraterrestrial biological contamination for Earth. A range of measures and policies, collectively termed ‘planetary protection’, are employed to minimise risks and thereby prevent undesirable consequences for the terrestrial biosphere. This report documents discussions and conclusions from a workshop held in 2012, which followed a public conference focused on current capabilities for performing life-detection studies on Mars samples. The workshop focused on the evaluation of Mars samples that would maximise scientific productivity and inform decision making in the context of planetary protection. Workshop participants developed a strong consensus that the same measurements could be employed to effectively inform both science and planetary protection, when applied in the context of two competing hypotheses: 1) that there is no detectable life in the samples; or 2) that there is martian life in the samples. Participants then outlined a sequence for sample processing and defined analytical methods that would test these hypotheses. They also identified critical developments to enable the analysis of samples from Mars.


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Growth and metabolism of fungi can be curtailed by chaotropic solutes and hydrophobic substances, both of which can weaken or inhibit non-covalent interactions within and between macromolecular systems. Here we explore the potential to utilize the fungistatic and fungicidal activities of such stressors as the basis for commercial formulations. A method was developed for the quantification of chaotropicity, which can be used for chemically diverse substances, in order elucidate roles of chaotropicity and hydrophobicity in microbial ecology (both of which are sufficiently potent to limit the Earth’s microbial biosphere). A large number of naturally occurring substances act as chaotropic or hydrophobic stressors including aliphatic alcohols, salts such as MgCl2, aromatics such as phenol, and hydrocarbons such as hexane and octene. We suggest that these stress parameters provide the (hitherto unidentified) modes-of-action for some extant antifungal products. The findings are discussed in relation to the development of a new generation of antifungals.


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Microbial habitats that contain an excess of carbohydrate in the form of sugar are widespread in the microbial biosphere. Depending on the type of sugar, prevailing water activity and other substances present, sugar-rich environments can be highly dynamic or relatively stable, osmotically stressful, and/or destabilizing for macromolecular systems, and can thereby strongly impact the microbial ecology. Here, we review the microbiology of different high-sugar habitats, including their microbial diversity and physicochemical parameters, which act to impact microbial community assembly and constrain the ecosystem. Saturated sugar beet juice and floral nectar are used as case studies to explore the differences between the microbial ecologies of low and higher water-activity habitats respectively. Nectar is a paradigm of an open, dynamic and biodiverse habitat populated by many microbial taxa, often yeasts and bacteria such as, amongst many others, Metschnikowia spp. and Acinetobacter spp., respectively. By contrast, thick juice is a relatively stable, species-poor habitat and is typically dominated by a single, xerotolerant bacterium (Tetragenococcus halophilus). A number of high-sugar habitats contain chaotropic solutes (e.g. ethyl acetate, phenols, ethanol, fructose and glycerol) and hydrophobic stressors (e.g. ethyl octanoate, hexane, octanol and isoamyl acetate), all of which can induce chaotropicity-mediated stresses that inhibit or prevent multiplication of microbes. Additionally, temperature, pH, nutrition, microbial dispersion and habitat history can determine or constrain the microbiology of high-sugar milieux. Findings are discussed in relation to a number of unanswered scientific questions.


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The limits to biological processes on Earth are determined by physicochemical parameters, such as extremes of temperature and low water availability. Research into microbial extremophiles has enhanced our understanding of the biophysical boundaries which define the biosphere. However, there remains a paucity of information on the degree to which rates of microbial multiplication within extreme environments are determined by the availability of specific chemical elements. Here, we show that iron availability and composition of the gaseous phase (aerobic vs. microaerobic) determine susceptibility of a marine bacterium, Halomonas hydrothermalis, to sub-optimal and elevated temperature and salinity by impacting rates of cell division (but not viability). In particular, iron starvation combined with microaerobic conditions (5 % v/v of O2, 10 % v/v of CO2, reduced pH) reduced sensitivity to temperature across the 13 °C range tested. These data demonstrate that nutrient limitation interacts with physicochemical parameters to determine biological permissiveness for extreme environments. The interplay between resource availability and stress tolerance, therefore, may shape the distribution and ecology of microorganisms within Earth's biosphere.