27 resultados para BINDING ENERGY

em QUB Research Portal - Research Directory and Institutional Repository for Queen's University Belfast


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We present first-principles calculations for a number of metals adsorbed on several different metallic substrates. Some of these systems are very relevant in electrochemistry, especially in the field of underpotential deposition phenomena. The present studies reveal the existence of a relationship between the excess binding energy and the surface energy difference between substrate and adsorbate. Comparisons with experimental underpotential shifts show that excess binding energies are systematically underestimated. By analyzing experimental information on different systems, we conclude that this discrepancy between our vacuum calculations and experiments carried out in an electrolytic solution is likely to be due to anion adsorption and/or solvent effects.


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The two-electron QED contributions to the ground-state binding energy of Kr34+ ions have been determined in two independent experiments performed with electron beam ion traps (EBIT) in Heidelberg (HD) and Tokyo (BT, Belfast-Tokyo collaboration). X rays arising from radiative recombination (RR) of free electrons to the ground state of initially bare Kr36+ and hydrogenlike Kr35+ ions were observed as a function of the interacting electron energy. The K edge absorption by thin Eu and W foils provided fixed photon energy references used to measure the difference in binding energy Delta E-2e between the H- and He-like Kr ions (Kr35+ and Kr34+, respectively). The two values agree well, yielding a final result of Delta E-2e=641.8 +/- 1.7 eV, confirming recent results of rigorous QED calculations. This accuracy is just of the order required to access screened radiative QED contributions.


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A model for positron binding to polar molecules is considered by combining the dipole potential outside the molecule with a strongly repulsive core of a given radius. Using existing experimental data on binding energies leads to unphysically small core radii for all of the molecules studied. This suggests that electron–positron correlations neglected in the simple model play a large role in determining the binding energy. We account for these by including the polarization potential via perturbation theory and non-perturbatively. The perturbative model makes reliable predictions of binding energies for a range of polar organic molecules and hydrogen cyanide. The model also agrees with the linear dependence of the binding energies on the polarizability inferred from the experimental data (Danielson et al 2009 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 42 235203). The effective core radii, however, remain unphysically small for most molecules. Treating molecular polarization non-perturbatively leads to physically meaningful core radii for all of the molecules studied and enables even more accurate predictions of binding energies to be made for nearly all of the molecules considered.


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We have made self-consistent models of the density and temperature profiles of the gas and dust surrounding embedded luminous objects using a detailed radiative transfer model together with observations of the spectral energy distribution of hot molecular cores. Using these profiles we have investigated the hot core chemistry which results when grain mantles are evaporated, taking into account the different binding energies of the mantle molecules, as well a model in which we assume that all molecules are embedded in water ice and have a common binding energy. We find that most of the resulting column densities are consistent with those observed toward the hot core G34.3+0.15 at a time around 10^4 years after central luminous star formation. We have also investigated the dependence of the chemical structure on the density profile which suggests an observational possibility of constraining density profiles from determination of the source sizes of line emission from desorbed molecules.


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Calculations are reported for positronium (Ps) scattering by atomic hydrogen (H) in the energy range 0-6.5 eV in a coupled- pseudostate approximation in which excitation and ionization channels of both the Ps and the H are taken into account. The approximation contains an accurate representation of the van der Waals coefficient. Results are presented for phase shifts, scattering lengths, effective ranges, and various cross sections including partial wave, total, and ortho-para conversion cross sections. An analysis of the possible spin transitions is provided and the energy of the positronium hydride (PsH) bound state is determined. Substantial differences are found from earlier work within the frozen target approximation, now clearly confirming the importance of target excitation channels. Good agreement is obtained with recent calculations of S-wave phase shifts and scattering lengths using the stabilization method. Convergence to the exact binding energy for PsH appears to be slow. Resonances corresponding to unstable states of the positron orbiting H- are seen in the electronic spin singlet partial waves. The importance of the H- formation channel is discussed.


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A comparative study of high harmonic generation (HHG) by atoms and ions with active p-electrons is carried out in the theoretical framework of the rescattering mechanism. The substate with m(l) = 0, i.e. zero orbital momentum projection along the electric vector of a linearly polarized laser wave, is found to give the major contribution to the HHG rate. Our calculations for HHG by an H atom in an excited 2p-state demonstrate that the rate for recombination into a final state with a different value of m(l) (= +/- 1), is higher for lower harmonic orders N, while for higher N (beyond the plateau domain) the difference vanishes. For species with closed electron shells, the m(l)-changing transitions are forbidden by the Pauli exclusion principle. We report absolute HHG rates for halogen ions and noble gas atoms at various intensities. These results demonstrate that the Coulomb binding potential of the atoms considerably enhances both the ionization and recombination steps in the rescattering process. However, the weak binding energy of the anions allows lower orders of HHG to be efficiently produced at relatively low intensities, from which we conclude that observation of HHG by an anion is experimentally feasible.


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In this paper we use a zero-range potential (ZRP) method to model positron interaction with molecules. This allows us to investigate the e?ect of molecular vibrations on positron–molecule annihilation using the van der Waals dimer Kr2 as an example. We also use the ZRP to explore positron binding to polyatomics and examine the dependence of the binding energy on the size of the molecule for alkanes. We ?nd that a second bound state appears for a molecule with ten carbons, similar to recent experimental evidence for such a state emerging in alkanes with twelve carbons.


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This article presents an overview of current understanding of the interaction of low-energy positrons with molecules with emphasis on resonances, positron attachment, and annihilation. Measurements of annihilation rates resolved as a function of positron energy reveal the presence of vibrational Feshbach resonances (VFRs) for many polyatomic molecules. These resonances lead to strong enhancement of the annihilation rates. They also provide evidence that positrons bind to many molecular species. A quantitative theory of VFR-mediated attachment to small molecules is presented. It is tested successfully for selected molecule (e.g., methyl halides and methanol) where all modes couple to the positron continuum. Combination and overtone resonances are observed and their role is elucidated. Molecules that do not bind positrons and hence do not exhibit such resonances are discussed. In larger molecules, annihilation rates from VFR far exceed those explicable on the basis of single-mode resonances. These enhancements increase rapidly with the number of vibrational degrees of freedom, approximately as the fourth power of the number of atoms in the molecule. While the details are as yet unclear, intramolecular vibrational energy redistributio (IVR) to states that do not couple directly to the positron continuum appears to be responsible for these enhanced annihilation rates. In connection with IVR, experimental evidence indicates that inelastic positron escape channels are relatively rare. Downshifts of the VFR from the vibrational mode energies, obtained by measuring annihilate rates as a function of incident positron energy, have provided binding energies for 30 species. Their dependence upon molecular parameters and their relationship to positron-atom and positron-molecule binding-energy calculations are discussed. Feshbach resonances and positron binding to molecules are compared with the analogous electron-molecul (negative-ion) cases. The relationship of VFR-mediated annihilation to other phenomena such as Doppler broadening of the gamma-ray annihilation spectra, annihilation of thermalized positrons in gases, and annihilation-induced fragmentation of molecules is discussed. Possible areas for future theoretical and experimental investigation are also discussed.


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Absolute three-photon detachment cross sections are calculated for the fluorine negative ion within the lowest-order perturbation theory. The Dyson equation of the atomic many-body theory is used to obtain the ground-state 2p wavefunction with correct asymptotic behaviour, corresponding to the true (experimental) binding energy. We show that in accordance with the adiabatic theory this is crucial for obtaining absolute values of the multiphoton cross sections. Comparisons with other calculations and experimental data are presented.


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The role of sodium surface species in the modification of a platinum (Pt) catalyst film supported on 8 mol% yttria-stabilised-zirconia (YSZ) was investigated under a flow of 20 kPa oxygen at 400 °C. Cyclic and linear sweep voltammetry were used to investigate the kinetics of the oxygen charge transfer reaction. The Pt/YSZ systems of both ‘clean’ and variable-coverage sodium-modified catalyst surfaces were also characterised using SEM, XPS and work function measurements using the Kelvin probe technique.

Samples with sodium coverage from 0.5 to 100% were used. It was found that sodium addition modifies the binding energy of oxygen onto the catalyst surface. Cyclic voltammetry experiments showed that higher overpotentials were required for oxygen reduction with increasing sodium coverage. In addition, sodium was found to modify oxygen storage and/or adsorption and diffusion increasing current densities at higher cathodic overpotential. Ex situ XPS measurements showed the presence of sodium hydroxide, carbonate and/or oxide species on the catalyst surface, while the Kelvin probe technique showed a decrease of approximately 250 meV in the work function of samples with more than 50% sodium coverage (compared to a nominally ‘clean’ sample).


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The four DNA nucleosides guanosine, adenosine, cytidine and thymidine have been produced in the gas phase by a laser thermal desorption source, and irradiated by a beam of protons with 5 keV kinetic energy. The molecular ions as well as energetic neutrals formed have been analyzed by mass spectrometry in order to shed light on the ionization and fragmentation processes triggered by proton collision. A range of 8-20 eV has been estimated for the binding energy of the electron captured by the proton. Glycosidic bond cleavage between the base and sugar has been observed with a high probability for all nucleosides, resulting in predominantly intact base ions for guanosine, adenosine, and cytidine but not for thymidine where intact sugar ions are dominant. This behavior is influenced by the ionization energies of the nucleobases (G < A < C < T), which seems to determine the localization of the charge following the initial ionization. This charge transfer process can also be inferred from the production of protonated base ions, which have a similar dependence on the base ionization potential. Other dissociation pathways have also been identified, including further fragmentation of the base and sugar moieties for thymidine and guanosine, respectively, and partial breakup of the sugar ring without glycosidic bond cleavage mainly for adenosine and cytidine. These results show that charge localization following ionization by proton irradiation is important in determining dissociation pathways of isolated nucleosides, which could in turn influence direct radiation damage in DNA.


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We study the growth of the explosion energy after shock revival in neutrino-driven explosions in two and three dimensions (2D/3D) using multi-group neutrino hydrodynamics simulations of an 11.2 M⊙ star. The 3D model shows a faster and steadier growth of the explosion energy and already shows signs of subsiding accretion after one second. By contrast, the growth of the explosion energy in 2D is unsteady, and accretion lasts for several seconds as confirmed by additional long-time simulations of stars of similar masses. Appreciable explosion energies can still be reached, albeit at the expense of rather high neutron star masses. In 2D, the binding energy at the gain radius is larger because the strong excitation of downward-propagating g modes removes energy from the freshly accreted material in the downflows. Consequently, the mass outflow rate is considerably lower in 2D than in 3D. This is only partially compensated by additional heating by outward-propagating acoustic waves in 2D. Moreover, the mass outflow rate in 2D is reduced because much of the neutrino energy deposition occurs in downflows or bubbles confined by secondary shocks without driving outflows. Episodic constriction of outflows and vertical mixing of colder shocked material and hot, neutrino-heated ejecta due to Rayleigh–Taylor instability further hamper the growth of the explosion energy in 2D. Further simulations will be necessary to determine whether these effects are generic over a wider range of supernova progenitors.


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Solution-processed hybrid organic–inorganic lead halide perovskites are emerging as one of the most promising candidates for low-cost light-emitting diodes (LEDs). However, due to a small exciton binding energy, it is not yet possible to achieve an efficient electroluminescence within the blue wavelength region at room temperature, as is necessary for full-spectrum light sources. Here, we demonstrate efficient blue LEDs based on the colloidal, quantum-confined 2D perovskites, with precisely controlled stacking down to one-unit-cell thickness (n = 1). A variety of low-k organic host compounds are used to disperse the 2D perovskites, effectively creating a matrix of the dielectric quantum wells, which significantly boosts the exciton binding energy by the dielectric confinement effect. Through the Förster resonance energy transfer, the excitons down-convert and recombine radiatively in the 2D perovskites. We report room-temperature pure green (n = 7–10), sky blue (n = 5), pure blue (n = 3), and deep blue (n = 1) electroluminescence, with record-high external quantum efficiencies in the green-to-blue wavelength region.


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An application of the tight binding approximation is presented for the description of electronic structure and interatomic force in magnetic iron, both pure and containing hydrogen impurities. We assess the simple canonical d-band description in comparison to a non orthogonal model including s and d bands. The transferability of our models is tested against known properties including the segregation energies of hydrogen to vacancies and to surfaces of iron. In many cases agreement is remarkably good, opening up the way to quantum mechanical atomistic simulation of the effects of hydrogen on mechanical properties.


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CCAAT enhancer binding protein α (C/EBPα) plays an essential role in cellular differentiation, growth, and energy metabolism. Here, we investigate the correlation between C/EBPα and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patient outcomes and how C/EBPα protects cells against energy starvation. Expression of C/EBPα protein was increased in the majority of HCCs examined (191 pairs) compared with adjacent nontumor liver tissues in HCC tissue microarrays. Its upregulation was correlated significantly with poorer overall patient survival in both Kaplan-Meier survival (P = 0.017) and multivariate Cox regression (P = 0.028) analyses. Stable C/EBPα-silenced cells failed to establish xenograft tumors in nude mice due to extensive necrosis, consistent with increased necrosis in human C/EBPα-deficient HCC nodules. Expression of C/EBPα protected HCC cells in vitro from glucose and glutamine starvation-induced cell death through autophagy-involved lipid catabolism. Firstly, C/EBPα promoted lipid catabolism during starvation, while inhibition of fatty acid beta-oxidation significantly sensitized cell death. Secondly, autophagy was activated in C/EBPα-expressing cells, and the inhibition of autophagy by ATG7 knockdown or chloroquine treatment attenuated lipid catabolism and subsequently sensitized cell death. Finally, we identified TMEM166 as a key player in C/EBPα-mediated autophagy induction and protection against starvation.

CONCLUSION: The C/EBPα gene is important in that it links HCC carcinogenesis to autophagy-mediated lipid metabolism and resistance to energy starvation; its expression in HCC predicts poorer patient prognosis.