74 resultados para Advanced characterization methods

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The introduction of advanced welding methods as an alternative joining process to riveting in the manufacture of primary aircraft structure has the potential to realize reductions in both manufacturing costs and structural weight. However, welding processes can introduce undesirable residual stresses and distortions in the final fabricated components, as well as localized loss of mechanical properties at the weld joints. The aim of this research is to determine and characterize the key process effects of advanced welding assembly methods on stiffened panel static strength performance. This in-depth understanding of the relationships between welding process effects and buckling and collapse strength is required to achieve manufacturing cost reductions without introducing structural analysis uncertainties and hence conservative over designed welded panels. This current work is focused at the sub-component level and examines the static strength of friction stir welded multi stiffener panels. The undertaken experimental and computational studies have demonstrated that local skin buckling is predominantly influenced by the magnitude of welding induced residual stresses and associated geometric distortions, whereas panel collapse behavior is sensitive to the lateral width of the physically joined skin and stiffener flange material, the strength of material in the Heat Affected Zone as well as the magnitude of the welding induced residual stresses. Copyright © 2006 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.


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The introduction of advanced welding methods as an alternative joining process to riveting in the manufacture of primary aircraft structure has the potential to realize reductions in both manufacturing costs and structural weight. Current design and analysis methods for aircraft panels have been developed and validated for riveted fabrication. For welded panels, considering the buckling collapse design philosophy of aircraft stiffened panels, strength prediction methods considering welding process effects for both local-buckling and post-buckling behaviours must be developed and validated. This article reports on the work undertaken to develop analysis methods for the crippling failure of stiffened panels fabricated using laser beam and friction stir welding. The work assesses modifications to conventional analysis methods and finite-element analysis methods for strength prediction. The analysis work is validated experimentally with welded single stiffener crippling specimens. The experimental programme has demonstrated the potential static strength of laser beam and friction stir welded sheet-stiffener joints for post-buckling panel applications. The work undertaken has demonstrated that the crippling behaviour of welded stiffened panels may be analysed considering standard-buckling behaviour. However, stiffened panel buckling analysis procedures must be altered to account for the weld joint geometry and process altered material properties. © IMechE 2006.


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To gain insight into IL5 receptor subunit recruitment mechanism, and in particular the experimentally elusive pathway for assembly of signaling subunit beta(c), we constructed a soluble beta(c) ectodomain (s(beta)(c)) and developed an optical biosensor assay to measure its binding kinetics. Functionally active s(beta)(c) was anchored via a C-terminal His tag to immobilized anti-His monoclonal antibodies on the sensor surface. Using this surface, we quantitated for the first time direct binding of s(beta)(c) to IL5R(alpha) complexed to either wild-type or single-chain IL5. Binding was much weaker if at all with either R(alpha) or IL5 alone. Kinetic evaluation revealed a moderate affinity (0.2-1 microM) and relatively fast off rate for the s(beta)(c) interaction with IL5:R(alpha) complexes. The data support a model in which beta(c) recruitment occurs with preformed IL5:R(alpha) complex. Dissociation kinetics analysis suggests that the IL5-alpha-beta(c) complex is relatively short-lived. Overall, this study solidifies a model of sequential recruitment of receptor subunits by IL5, provides a novel biosensor binding assay of beta(c) recruitment dynamics, and sets the stage for more advanced characterization of the roles of structural elements within R(alpha), beta(c), and cytokines of the IL5/IL3/GM-CSF family in receptor recruitment and activation.


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High power lasers have proven being capable to produce high energy γ-rays, charged particles and neutrons, and to induce all kinds of nuclear reactions. At ELI, the studies with high power lasers will enter for the first time into new domains of power and intensities: 10 PW and 10^23 W/cm^2. While the development of laser based radiation sources is the main focus at the ELI-Beamlines pillar of ELI, at ELI-NP the studies that will benefit from High Power Laser System pulses will focus on Laser Driven Nuclear Physics (this TDR, acronym LDNP, associated to the E1 experimental area), High Field Physics and QED (associated to the E6 area) and fundamental research opened by the unique combination of the two 10 PW laser pulses with a gamma beam provided by the Gamma Beam System (associated to E7 area). The scientific case of the LDNP TDR encompasses studies of laser induced nuclear reactions, aiming for a better understanding of nuclear properties, of nuclear reaction rates in laser-plasmas, as well as on the development of radiation source characterization methods based on nuclear techniques. As an example of proposed studies: the promise of achieving solid-state density bunches of (very) heavy ions accelerated to about 10 MeV/nucleon through the RPA mechanism will be exploited to produce highly astrophysical relevant neutron rich nuclei around the N~126 waiting point, using the sequential fission-fusion scheme, complementary to any other existing or planned method of producing radioactive nuclei.

The studies will be implemented predominantly in the E1 area of ELI-NP. However, many of them can be, in a first stage, performed in the E5 and/or E4 areas, where higher repetition laser pulses are available, while the harsh X-ray and electromagnetic pulse (EMP) environments are less damaging compared to E1.

A number of options are discussed through the document, having an important impact on the budget and needed resources. Depending on the TDR review and subsequent project decisions, they may be taken into account for space reservation, while their detailed design and implementation will be postponed.

The present TDR is the result of contributions from several institutions engaged in nuclear physics and high power laser research. A significant part of the proposed equipment can be designed, and afterwards can be built, only in close collaboration with (or subcontracting to) some of these institutions. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is currently under preparation with each of these key partners as well as with others that are interested to participate in the design or in the future experimental program.


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PURPOSE: Outward currents were characterized from cells resembling interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs) isolated from the detrusor of the guinea pig bladder. MATERIALS AND METHODS: ICC-like cells were studied using the whole cell patch clamp technique and K+ filled pipettes. Outward currents were evoked by stepping positively from a holding potential of -80 mV. RESULTS: ICC-like cells were distinguished from smooth muscle cells by the presence of lateral branches and an inability to contract spontaneously or when depolarized. Depolarization elicited large outward currents. Penitrem A, a blocker of large conductance, Ca activated K+ channels, significantly decreased the outward current. Its Ca dependence was demonstrated by significant inhibition with nifedipine and Ca-free solution. When large conductance, Ca activated K+ and Ca currents were blocked with penitrem A and nifedipine, a voltage dependent current was unmasked, which activated positive to -50 mV and displayed voltage dependent inactivation with half-maximal inactivation occurring at -71 mV. It was blocked in concentration dependent fashion by tetraethylammonium but unaffected by 4-aminopyridine, charybdotoxin or apamin, suggesting that small and intermediate conductance, calcium activated potassium channels, and Kv1.2 and Kv1.3 channels are unlikely to be involved. At maximal concentrations of tetraethylammonium a portion of the voltage dependent K+ current remained that was not affected by any of the blockers tested. CONCLUSIONS: ICC-like cells from the detrusor possess calcium activated and voltage dependent K+ currents.


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BACKGROUND: Diabetics have a significantly higher percentage of sperm with nuclear DNA (nDNA) fragmentation and increased levels of advanced glycation end products (AGEs), in their testis, epididymis and sperm. As the receptor for AGEs (RAGE) is important to oxidative stress and cell dysfunction, we hypothesise, that it may be involved in sperm nDNA damage. METHODS: Immunohistochemistry was performed to determine the presence of RAGE in the human testis and epididymis. A comparison of the receptor's incidence and localisation on sperm from 10 diabetic and 11 non-diabetic men was conducted by blind semi-quantitative assessment of the immunostaining. ELISA analysis ascertained RAGE levels in seminal plasma and sperm from 21 diabetic and 31 non-diabetic subjects. Dual labelling immunolocalisation was employed to evaluate RAGE's precise location on the sperm head. RESULTS: RAGE was found throughout the testis, caput epididymis, particularly the principle cells apical region, and on sperm acrosomes. The number of sperm displaying RAGE and the overall protein amount found in sperm and seminal plasma were significantly higher in samples from diabetic men (p


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PURPOSE: A critical event in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy is the inappropriate adherence of leukocytes to the retinal capillaries. Advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) are known to play a role in chronic inflammatory processes, and the authors postulated that these adducts may play a role in promoting pathogenic increases in proinflammatory pathways within the retinal microvasculature. METHODS: Retinal microvascular endothelial cells (RMECs) were treated with glycoaldehyde-modified albumin (AGE-Alb) or unmodified albumin (Alb). NFkappaB DNA binding was measured by electromobility shift assay (EMSA) and quantified with an ELISA: In addition, the effect of AGEs on leukocyte adhesion to endothelial cell monolayers was investigated. Further studies were performed in an attempt to confirm that this was AGE-induced adhesion by co-incubation of AGE-treated cells with soluble receptor for AGE (sRAGE). Parallel in vivo studies of nondiabetic mice assessed the effect of intraperitoneal delivery of AGE-Alb on ICAM-1 mRNA expression, NFkappaB DNA-binding activity, leukostasis, and blood-retinal barrier breakdown. RESULTS: Treatment with AGE-Alb significantly enhanced the DNA-binding activity of NFkappaB (P = 0.0045) in retinal endothelial cells (RMECs) and increased the adhesion of leukocytes to RMEC monolayers (P = 0.04). The latter was significantly reduced by co-incubation with sRAGE (P <0.01). Mice infused with AGE-Alb demonstrated a 1.8-fold increase in ICAM-1 mRNA when compared with control animals (P <0.001, n = 20) as early as 48 hours, and this response remained for 7 days of treatment. Quantification of retinal NFkappaB demonstrated a threefold increase with AGE-Alb infusion in comparison to control levels (AGE Alb versus Alb, 0.23 vs. 0.076, P <0.001, n = 10 mice). AGE-Alb treatment of mice also caused a significant increase in leukostasis in the retina (AGE-Alb versus Alb, 6.89 vs. 2.53, n = 12, P <0.05) and a statistically significant increase in breakdown of the blood-retinal barrier (AGE Alb versus Alb, 8.2 vs. 1.6 n = 10, P <0.001). CONCLUSIONS: AGEs caused upregulation of NFkappaB in the retinal microvascular endothelium and an AGE-specific increase in leukocyte adhesion in vitro was also observed. In addition, increased leukocyte adherence in vivo was demonstrated that was accompanied by blood-retinal barrier dysfunction. These findings add further evidence to the thinking that AGEs may play an important role in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy.


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An effective ellipsometric technique to determine parameters that characterize second-harmonic optical and magneto-optical effects in centrosymmetric media within the electric-dipole approximation is proposed and outlined in detail. The parameters, which are ratios of components of the nonlinear-surface-susceptibility tensors, are obtained from experimental data related to the state of polarization of the second-harmonic-generated radiation as a function of the angle between the plane of incidence and the polarization plane of the incident, linearly polarized, fundamental radiation. Experimental details of the technique are described. A corresponding theoretical model is given as an example for a single isotropic surface assuming polycrystalline samples. The surfaces of air-Au and air-Ni (in magnetized and demagnetized states) have been investigated ex situ in ambient air, and the results are presented. A nonlinear, least-squares-minimization fitting procedure between experimental data and theoretical formulas has been shown to yield realistic, unambiguous results for the ratios corresponding to each of the above materials. Independent methods for verifying the validity of the fitting parameters are also presented. The influence of temporal variations at the surfaces on the state of polarization (due to adsorption, contamination, or oxidation) is also illustrated for the demagnetized air-Ni surface. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America


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PURPOSE. Vascular repair by marrow-derived endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) is impaired during diabetes, although the precise mechanism of this dysfunction remains unknown. The hypothesis for the study was that progressive basement membrane (BM) modification by advanced glycation end products (AGEs) contributes to impairment of EPC reparative function after diabetes-related endothelial injury.

METHODS. EPCs isolated from peripheral blood were characterized by immunocytochemistry and flow cytometry. EPC interactions on native or AGE-modified fibronectin (AGE-FN) were studied for attachment and spreading, whereas chemotaxis to SDF-1 was assessed with the Dunn chamber assay. In addition, photoreactive agent-treated monolayers of retinal microvascular endothelial cells (RMECs) produced circumscribed areas of apoptosis and the ability of EPCs to “endothelialize” these wounds was evaluated.

RESULTS. EPC attachment and spreading on AGE-FN was reduced compared with control cells (P < 0.05–0.01) but was significantly restored by pretreatment with Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD). Chemotaxis of EPCs was abolished on AGE-FN but was reversed by treatment with exogenous RGD. On wounded RMEC monolayers, EPCs showed clustering at the wound site, compared with untreated regions (P < 0.001); AGE-FN significantly reduced this targeting response (P < 0.05). RGD supplementation enhanced EPC incorporation in the monolayer, as determined by EPC participation in tight junction formation and restoration of transendothelial electric resistance (TEER).

CONCLUSIONS. AGE-modification of vascular substrates impairs EPC adhesion, spreading, and migration; and alteration of the RGD integrin recognition motif plays a key role in these responses. The presence of AGE adducts on BM compromises repair by EPC with implications for vasodegeneration during diabetic microvasculopathy.


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This study describes the formulation and physicochemical characterization of poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) organogels, designed as bioactive implants for improved treatment of infectious diseases of the oral cavity. Organogels were formulated containing a range of concentrations of PAA (3-10% w/w) and metronidazole (2 or 5% w/w, representing a model antimicrobial agent) in different nonaqueous solvents, namely, glycerol (Gly), polyethylene glycol (PEG 400), or propylene glycol (PG). Characterization of the organogels was performed using flow rheometry, compressional analysis, oscillatory rheometry, in vitro mucoadhesion, moisture uptake, and drug release, methods that provide information pertaining to the nonclinical and clinical use of these systems. Increasing the concentration of PAA significantly increased the consistency, compressibility, storage modulus, loss modulus, dynamic viscosity, mucoadhesion, and the rate of drug release. These observations may be accredited to enhanced molecular polymer entanglement. In addition, the choice of solvent directly affected the physicochemical parameters of the organogels, with noticeable differences observed between the three solvents examined. These differences were accredited to the nature of the interaction of PAA with each solvent and, importantly, the density of the resultant physical cross-links. Good correlation was observed between the viscoelastic properties and drug release, with the exception of glycerol-based formulations containing 5 and 10% w/w PAA. This disparity was due to excessive swelling during the dissolution analysis. Ideally, formulations should exhibit controlled drug release, high viscoelasticity, and mucoadhesion, but should flow under minimal stresses. Based on these criteria, PEG 400-based organogels composed of 5% or 10% w/w PAA exhibited suitable physicochemical properties and are suggested to be a potentially interesting strategy for use as bioactive implants designed for use in the oral cavity. © 2008 American Chemical Society.