93 resultados para Ab-initio molecular dynamics

em QUB Research Portal - Research Directory and Institutional Repository for Queen's University Belfast


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Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations have been performed for the first time on the room-temperature organic ionic liquid dimethyl imidazolium chloride [DMIM][Cl] using density functional theory. The aim is to compare the local liquid structure with both that obtained from two different classical force fields and from neutron scattering experiments. The local structure around the cation shows significant differences compared to both the classical calculations and the neutron results. In particular, and unlike in the gas-phase ion pair, chloride ions tend to be located near a ring C-H proton in a position suggesting hydrogen bonding. The results are used to suggest ways in which the classical potentials may be improved.


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Recent experimental neutron diffraction data and ab initio molecular dynamics simulation of the ionic liquid dimethylimidazolium chloride ([dmim]Cl) have provided a structural description of the system at the molecular level. However, partial radial distribution functions calculated from the latter, when compared to previous classical simulation results, highlight some limitations in the structural description offered by force fieldbased simulations. With the availability of ab initio data it is possible to improve the classical description of [dmim]Cl by using the force matching approach, and the strategy for fitting complex force fields in their original functional form is discussed. A self-consistent optimization method for the generation of classical potentials of general functional form is presented and applied, and a force field that better reproduces the observed first principles forces is obtained. When used in simulation, it predicts structural data which reproduces more faithfully that observed in the ab initio studies. Some possible refinements to the technique, its application, and the general suitability of common potential energy functions used within many ionic liquid force fields are discussed.


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The effects of linear scaling of the atomic charges of a reference potential on the structure, dynamics, and energetics of the ionic liquid 1,3-dimethylimidazolium chloride are investigated. Diffusion coefficients that span over four orders of magnitude are observed between the original model and a scaled model in which the ionic charges are +/- 0.5 e. While the three-dimensional structure of the liquid is less affected, the partial radial distribution functions change markedly-with the positive result that for ionic charges of +/- 0.7 e, an excellent agreement is observed with ab initio molecular dynamics data. Cohesive energy densities calculated from these partial-charge models are also in better agreement with those calculated from the ab initio data. We postulate that ionic-liquid models in which the ionic charges are assumed to be +/- 1 e overestimate the intermolecular attractions between ions, which results in overstructuring, slow dynamics, and increased cohesive energy densities. The use of scaled-charge sets may be of benefit in the simulation of these systems-especially when looking at properties beyond liquid structure-thus providing on alternative to computationally expensive polarisable force fields.


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The dissolution of MnS inclusions could induce pitting corrosion in stainless steels, but its dissolution mechanism is poorly understood at the atomic scale. With the help of ab initio molecular dynamics calculations, one inevitable step in the dissolution of MnS is studied by simulating the process of one Mn ion leaving the surface. The reaction mechanism is determined to contain three steps with two large barriers and a small one, leading to two slow steps in the Mn ion dissolution. Comparing to the Na ion dissolution from NaCl, the barriers of the Mn ion dissolution are much larger, which is a reflection of their different electronic structures.


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We have performed ab initio density functional theory calculations with the generalized gradient approximation to investigate CO oxidation on Ru(0001). Several reaction pathways and transition states are identified. A much higher reaction barrier compared to that on Pt(111) is determined, confirming that the Ru is very inactive for CO oxidation under UHV conditions. The origin of the reaction barrier was analyzed. It is found that in the transition state the chemisorbed O atom sits in an unfavorable bonding site and a significant competition for bonding with the same substrate atoms occurs between the CO and the chemisorbed O, resulting in the high barrier. Ab initio molecular dynamics calculations show that the activation of the chemisorbed O atom from the initial hcp hollow site (the most stable site) to the bridge site is the crucial step for the reaction. The CO oxidation on Ru(0001) via the Eley-Rideal mechanism has also been investigated. A comparison with previous theoretical work has been made. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(00)31223-5].


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The reduction of CO2 on copper electrodes has attracted great attentions in the last decades, since it provides a sustainable approach for energy restore. During the CO2 reduction process, the electron transfer to COads is experimentally suggested to be the crucial step. In this work, we examine two possible pathways in CO activation, i.e. to generate COHads and CHOads, respectively, by performing the state-of-the-art constrained ab initio molecular dynamics simulations on the charged Cu(100) electrode under aqueous conditions, which is close to the realistic electrochemical condition. The free energy profile in the formation of COHads via the coupled proton and electron transfer is plotted. Furthermore, by Bader charge analyses, a linear relationship between C-O bond distance and the negative charge in CO fragment is unveiled. The formation of CHOads is identified to be a surface catalytic reaction, which requires the adsorption of H atom on the surface first. By comparing these two pathways, we demonstrate that kinetically the formation of COHads is more favored than that of CHOads, while CHOads is thermodynamically more stable. This work reveals that CO activation via COHads intermediate is an important pathway in electrocatalysis, which could provide some insights into CO2 electroreduction over Cu electrodes.


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An attosecond pump-probe scheme that combines the use of a free-electron laser pulse with an ultrashort pulse is applied in order to explore the ultrafast excitation dynamics in Ne. We describe the multielectron dynamics using a new nonperturbative time-dependent R-matrix theory. This theory enables the interaction of ultrashort light fields with multielectron atoms and atomic ions to be determined from first principles. By probing the emission of an inner 2s electron from Ne we are also able to study the bound state population dynamics during the free-electron laser pulse.


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The ground state potential energy surface for CO chemisorption across Pd{110} has been calculated using density functional theory with gradient corrections at monolayer coverage. The most stable site corresponds well with the experimental adsorption heat, and it is found that the strength of binding to sites is in the following order: pseudo-short-bridge>atop>long-bridge>hollow. Pathways and transition states for CO surface diffusion, involving a correlation between translation and orientation, are proposed and discussed. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics.


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We present a practical scheme for performing ab initio supercell calculations of charged slabs at constant electron chemical potential mu, rather than at constant number of electrons N-e. To this end, we define the chemical potential relative to a plane (or "reference electrode") at a finite distance from the slab (the distance should reflect the particular geometry of the situation being modeled). To avoid a net charge in the supercell, and thus make possible a standard supercell calculation, we restore the electroneutrality of the periodically repeated unit by means of a compensating charge, whose contribution to the total energy and potential is subtracted afterwards. The "constant mu" mode enables one to perform supercell calculation on slabs, where the slab is kept at a fixed potential relative to the reference electrode. We expect this to be useful in modeling many experimental situations, especially in electro-chemistry. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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To investigate the softening of CH vibrational frequencies and their implications for dehydrogenation of adsorbed hydrocarbons, an issue of scientific and technological importance, density functional theory calculations have been performed on the chemisorption and dehydrogenation of CH3 on Cu(111) and Pt(111) surfaces. By comparing these results with those of Ni(111) we find that the CH bonds of the adsorbate, when close enough, interact with metal atoms of the surface. It is this interaction and its associated lengthening and weakening of CH bonds that is the physical origin of mode softening. We rule out the possibility of a relationship between the mere presence of mode softening and dehydrogenation. We do show, however, that there is a clear relationship between the extent to which a surface can induce mode softening and the activation energy to dehydrogenation. In addition, periodic trends concerning the extent of mode softening are reproduced. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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The structure of one tautomer (amine form) of cyano-carbamimidic acid ethyl ester or (amino-ethoxy-methylidene)aminoformonitrile (CAS: 13947-84-7) was determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. Ab initio quantum chemical calculations at the B3LYP, MP2 and G3 levels were performed to investigate the stability and the formation of the different tautomers and conformers. The calculations indicate that the amine form is the more stable tautomer, showing a high degree of election conjugation. The most stable amine conformer located by the calculations corresponds to the crystallized structure. On the contrary, in the less stable imine form, the conjugation is separated by a N2-C2 single bond. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A computational approach to predict the thermodynamics for forming a variety of imidazolium-based salts and ionic liquids from typical starting materials is described. The gas-phase proton and methyl cation acidities of several protonating and methylating agents, as well as the proton and methyl cation affinities of many important methyl-, nitro-, and cyano- substituted imidazoles, have been calculated reliably by using the computationally feasible DFT (B3LYP) and MP2 (extrapolated to the complete basis set limit) methods. These accurately calculated proton and methyl cation affinities of neutrals and anions are used in conjunction with an empirical approach based on molecular volumes to estimate the lattice enthalpies and entropies of ionic liquids, organic solids, and organic liquids. These quantities were used to construct a thermodynamic cycle for salt formation to reliably predict the ability to synthesize a variety of salts including ones with potentially high energetic densities. An adjustment of the gas phase thermodynamic cycle to account for solid- and liquid-phase chemistries provides the best overall assessment of salt formation and stability. This has been applied to imidazoles (the cation to be formed) with alkyl, nitro, and cyano substituents. The proton and methyl cation donors studied were as follows: HCl, HBr, HI, (HO)(2)SO2, HSO3CF3 (TfOH), and HSO3(C6H4)CH3 (TsOH); CH3Cl, CH3Br, CH3I, (CH3O)(2)SO2, CH3SO3CF3 (TfOCH3) and CH3SO3(C6H4)CH3 (TsOCH3). As substitution of the cation with electron-withdrawing groups increases, the triflate reagents appear to be the best overall choice as protonating and methylating agents. Even stronger alkylating agents should be considered to enhance the chances of synthetic success. When using the enthalpies of reaction for the gas-phase reactants (eq 6) to form a salt, a cutoff value of - 13 kcal mol(-1) or lower (more negative) should be used as the minimum value for predicting whether a salt can be synthesized.


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Ab initio calculations for the strongly exoergic Li-2 + F harpoon reaction are presented using density-functional theory, complete active space self-consistent field, and multireference configuration interaction methods to argue that this reaction would be an ideal candidate for investigation with ultracold molecules. The lowest six states are calculated with the aug-correlation-consistent polarized valence triple-zeta basis set and at least two can be accessed by a ground rovibronic Li-2 molecule with zero collision energy at all reaction geometries. The large reactive cross section (characteristic of harpoon reactions) and chemiluminescent products are additional attractive features of these reactions.


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We demonstrate the capability of ab initio time-dependent R-matrix theory to obtain accurate harmonic generation spectra of noble-gas atoms at near-IR wavelengths between 1200 and 1800 nm and peak intensities up to 1.8 × 10^(14) W/cm^(2). To accommodate the excursion length of the ejected electron, we use an angular-momentum expansion up to Lmax=279. The harmonic spectra show evidence of atomic structure through the presence of a Cooper minimum in harmonic generation for Kr, and of multielectron interaction through the giant resonance for Xe. The theoretical spectra agree well with those obtained experimentally.


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CO oxidation on Pt(111) is studied with ab initio density functional theory. The low energy pathway and transition state for the reaction are identified. The key event is the breaking of an O-metal bond prior to the formation of a chemisorbed CO2 molecule. The pathway can be rationalized in terms of competition of the O and C atoms for bonding with the underlying surface, and the predominant energetic barrier is the strength of the O-metal bond.