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The dimerisation of cyclooctene (COE) to 1,9-cyclohexadecadiene, a molecule of interest to the fragrance industry, has been achieved using ruthenium catalysts in organic solvents with significantly better selectivities (47-74%) and yields (39-60%) than previously reported (34% and 30%, respectively). Grubbs' first and second generation catalysts, the Hoveyda-Grubbs' catalyst and a phosphonium alkylidene catalyst were tested in a range of organic solvents and ionic liquids (ILs), including 1:1 IL/dichloromethane mixtures and biphasic IL + pentane systems. The best results (74% selectivity, 60% yield) were obtained using Grubbs' first generation catalyst in 1,2-dichloroethane. The formation of trimer, tetramer and other higher molecular mass products were found to be favoured at low catalyst loadings (0.77 mM). Studies of metathesis reactions using 1,9-cyclohexadecadiene as substrate indicated that the monomer-dimer and monomer-trimer reactions are faster than the dimer-dimer reaction. The use of IL media allowed for the recyclability of the catalyst, although a drop in the yield of dimer generally occurred after the first run. Heterogeneized catalysts, where the IL-catalyst system was immobilised onto silica, resulted in fast reactions leading to poor yields of dimer. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The objectives of this study were to determine the fracture toughness of adhesive interfaces between dentine and clinically relevant, thin layers of dental luting cements. Cements tested included a conventional glass-ionomer, F (Fuji I), a resin-modified glass-ionomer, FP (Fuji Plus) and a compomer cement, D (DyractCem). Ten miniature short-bar chevron notch specimens were manufactured for each cement, each comprising a 40 µm thick chevron of lute, between two 1.5 mm thick blocks of bovine dentine, encased in resin composite. The interfacial KIC results (MN/m3/2) were median (range): F; 0.152 (0.14-0.16), FP; 0.306 (0.27-0.37), D; 0.351 (0.31-0.37). Non-parametric statistical analysis showed that the fracture toughness of F was significantly lower (p


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Calibration is essential for interpretation of radiocarbon dates, especially when the 14C dates are compared to historical or climatic records with a different chronological basis. 14C ages of samples from the marine environment, such as shells or fish bones, or samples with a marine component, such as human bone in coastal regions, require an additional consideration because of the reservoir age of the ocean. While the pre-industrial global mean reservoir correction, R(t), is about 400 years, local variations (?R) can be several hundred years or more. ?R compilations on a global scale have been undertaken previously (Stuiver et al. 1986; Stuiver and Braziunas 1993), but have not been updated recently. Here we describe an on-line reservoir correction database accessed via mapping software. Rather than publishing a static ?R compilation, new data will be incorporated when it becomes available. The on-line marine reservoir correction database can be accessed at the website http://www.calib.org/.


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Structural and magnetic properties of thin Mn films on the Fe(001) surface have been investigated by a combination of photoelectron spectroscopy and computer simulation in the temperature range 300 Kless than or equal toTless than or equal to750 K. Room-temperature as deposited Mn overlayers are found to be ferromagnetic up to 2.5-monolayer (ML) coverage, with a magnetic moment parallel to that of the iron substrate. The Mn atomic moment decreases with increasing coverage, and thicker samples (4-ML and 4.5-ML coverage) are antiferromagnetic. Photoemission measurements performed while the system temperature is rising at constant rate (dT/dtsimilar to0.5 K/s) detect the first signs of Mn-Fe interdiffusion at T=450 K, and reveal a broad temperature range (610 Kless than or equal toTless than or equal to680 K) in which the interface appears to be stable. Interdiffusion resumes at Tgreater than or equal to680 K. Molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations allow us to attribute the stability plateau at 610 Kless than or equal toTless than or equal to680 K to the formation of a single-layer MnFe surface alloy with a 2x2 unit cell and a checkerboard distribution of Mn and Fe atoms. X-ray-absorption spectroscopy and analysis of the dichroic signal show that the alloy has a ferromagnetic spin structure, collinear with that of the substrate. The magnetic moments of Mn and Fe atoms in the alloy are estimated to be 0.8mu(B) and 1.1mu(B), respectively.


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CO oxidation on TiO2 supported Au has been studied using density functional theory calculations. Important catalytic roles of the oxide have been identified: (i) CO oxidation occurs at the interface between Au and the oxide with a very small barrier; and (ii) O-2 adsorption at the interface is the key step in the reaction. The physical origin of the oxide promotion effect has been further investigated: The oxide enhances electron transfer from the Au to the antibonding states of O-2, giving rise to (i) strong ionic bonding between the adsorbed O-2, Au, and the Ti cation; and (ii) a significant activation of O-2 towards CO oxidation.


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This paper introduces a novel interface designed to help blind and visually impaired people to explore and navigate on the Web. In contrast to traditionally used assistive tools, such as screen readers and magnifiers, the new interface employs a combination of both audio and haptic features to provide spatial and navigational information to users. The haptic features are presented via a low-cost force feedback mouse allowing blind people to interact with the Web, in a similar fashion to their sighted counterparts. The audio provides navigational and textual information through the use of non-speech sounds and synthesised speech. Interacting with the multimodal interface offers a novel experience to target users, especially to those with total blindness. A series of experiments have been conducted to ascertain the usability of the interface and compare its performance to that of a traditional screen reader. Results have shown the advantages that the new multimodal interface offers blind and visually impaired people. This includes the enhanced perception of the spatial layout of Web pages, and navigation towards elements on a page. Certain issues regarding the design of the haptic and audio features raised in the evaluation are discussed and presented in terms of recommendations for future work.


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Au catalysis has been one of the hottest topics in chemistry in the last 10 years or so. How O-2 is supplied and what role water plays in CO oxidation are the two challenging issues in the field at the moment. In this study, using density functional theory we show that these two issues are in fact related to each other. The following observations are revealed: (i) water that can dissociate readily into OH groups can facilitate O-2 adsorption on TiO2; (ii) the effect of OH group on the O-2 adsorption is surprisingly long-ranged; and (iii) O-2 can also diffuse along the channel of Ti (5c) atoms on TiO2(1 10), and this may well be the rate-limiting step for the CO oxidation. We provide direct evidence that O-2 is supplied by O-2 adsorption on TiO2 in the presence of OH and can diffuse to the interface of Au/TiO2 to participate in CO oxidation. Furthermore, the physical origin of the water effects on Au catalysis has been identified by electronic structure analyses: There is a charge transfer from TiO2 in the presence of OH to O-2, and the O-2 adsorption energy depends linearly on the 02 charge. These results are of importance to understand water effects in general in heterogeneous catalysis.


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Electrochemical oxidation of hydrogen sulfide gas (H2S) has been studied at a platinum microelectrode (10 mu m diameter) in five room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs): [C(4)mim][OTf], [C(4)dmim][NTf2], [C(4)mim][PF6],. [C(6)mim][FAP], and [P-14,P-6,P-6,P-6][FAP] (where [C-n mim](+) = 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium, [C(n)dmim](+) = 1-alkyl-2,3-dimethylimidazolium, [P-14,P-6,P-6,P-6](+) = tris(p-hexyl)-tetradecylphosphonium, [OTf](-) = trifluoromethlysulfonate, [NTf2](-) = bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, [PF6](-) = hexafluorophosphate, and [FAP](-) = trifluorotris(pentafluoroethyl)phosphate). In four of the RTILs ([C(4)dmim][NTf2], [C(4)mim][PF6], [C(6)mim][FAP], and [P-14,P-6,P-6,P-6][FAP]), no clear oxidative signal was observed. In [C(4)mim][OTf], a chemically irreversible oxidation peak was observed on the oxidative sweep with no signal seen on the reverse scan. The oxidative signal showed an adsorptive stripping peak type followed by near steady-state limiting current behavior. Potential step chronoamperometry was carried out on the reductive wave, giving a diffusion coefficient and solubility of 1.6 x 10(-11) m(2) s(-1) and 7 mM, respectively (at 25 degrees C). Using these data, we modeled the oxidation signal kinetically, assuming adsorption preceded oxidation and that adsorption was approximately Langmuirian. The oxidation step was described by an electrochemically fully irreversible Tafel law/Butler-Volmer formalism. Modeling indicated a substantial buildup of H2S in the double layer in excess of the coverage that would be expected for a monolayer of chemisorbed H2S, reflecting high solubility of the gas in [C(4)mim][OTf] and possible attractive interactions with the [OTf](-) anions accumulated at the electrode at potentials positive of the potential of zero charge. Solute enrichment of the double layer in the solution adjacent to the electrode appears a novel feature of RTIL electrochemistry.


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To study some of the interfacial properties of PtSi/Si diodes, Schottky structures were fabricated on (100) crystalline silicon substrates by conventional thermal evaporation of Pt on Si followed by annealing at different temperatures (from 400 degrees C to 700 degrees C) to form PtSi. The PtSi/n-Si diodes, all yielded Schottky barrier (SB) heights that are remarkably temperature dependent. The temperature range (20-290 K) over which the I-V characteristics were measured in the present study is broader with a much lower limit (20 K), than what is usually reported in literature. These variations in the barrier height are adequately interpreted by introducing spatial inhomogeneity into the barrier potential with a Gaussian distribution having a mean barrier of 0.76 eV and a standard deviation of 30 meV. Multi-frequency capacitance-voltage measurements suggest that the barrier is primarily controlled by the properties of the silicide-silicon interface. The forward C-V characteristics, in particular, show small peaks at low frequencies that can be ascribed to interface states rather than to a series resistance effect.


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The aim of this study was to visualize integrin expression by cells in interface tissue in relation to their ligands. Tissue samples were obtained from 25 patients undergoing revision of aseptically loose total joint replacements. Serial sections were immunolabeled for the integrins alpha (2)beta (1) alpha (v)beta (3), alpha (4)beta (1) alpha (L)beta (2) (CD11a), alpha (M)beta (2) (CD11b), and alpha (x)beta (2) (CD11c), and the ligands fibronectin, laminin, vitronectin, intercellular adhesion molecule-1, and vascular adhesion molecule-1. Most cells were found to express alpha (2)beta (1) most macrophages and giant cells expressed CD11b, and the majority of CD11a was found on perivascular T lymphocytes. From the small amount of alpha (4)beta (1) and vascular adhesion molecule-1 expression in the interface tissue and the combination of CD11a, CD11b, and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 expression, it would seem that macrophages use beta (2) integrins to transmigrate. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Cationic dyes, such as methylene blue (MB), Thionine (TH) and Basic Fuschin (BF), but not anionic dyes, such as Acid Orange 7 (AO7), Acid Blue 9 (AB9) and Acid Fuschin (AF), are readily adsorbed onto mesoporous titania films at high pH (pH 11), i.e. well above the pzc of titania (pH 6.5), due to electrostatic forces of attraction and repulsion, respectively. The same anionic dyes, but not the cationic dyes, are readily adsorbed on the same titania films at low pH (pH 3), i.e. well below titania's pzc. MB appears to adsorb on mesoporous titania films at pH 11 as the trimer (lambda(max) = 570 nm) but, upon drying, although the trimer still dominates, there is an absorption peak at 665 nm, especially notable at low [MB], which may be due to the monomer, but more likely MB J-aggregates. In contrast, the absorption spectrum of AO7 adsorbed onto the mesoporous titania film at low pH is very similar to the dye monomer. For both MB and AO7 the kinetics of adsorption are first order and yield high rate constants (3.71 and 1.481 g(-1) min(-1)), indicative of a strong adsorption process. Indeed, both MB and AO7 stained films retained much of their colour when left overnight in dye-free pH 11 and 3 solutions, respectively, indicating the strong nature of the adsorption. The kinetics of the photocatalytic bleaching of the MB-titania films at high pH are complex and not well-described by the Julson-Ollis kinetic model [A.J. Julson, D.F. Ollis, Appl. Catal. B. 65 (2006) 315]. Instead, there appears to be an initial fast but not simple demethylation step, followed by a zero-order bleaching and further demethylation steps. In contrast, the kinetics of photocatalytic bleaching of the AO7-titania film give a good fit to the Julson-Ollis kinetic model, yielding values for the various fitting parameters not too dissimilar to those reported for AO7 adsorbed on P25 titania powder. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Matching query interfaces is a crucial step in data integration across multiple Web databases. The problem is closely related to schema matching that typically exploits different features of schemas. Relying on a particular feature of schemas is not suffcient. We propose an evidential approach to combining multiple matchers using Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence. First, our approach views the match results of an individual matcher as a source of evidence that provides a level of confidence on the validity of each candidate attribute correspondence. Second, it combines multiple sources of evidence to get a combined mass function that represents the overall level of confidence, taking into account the match results of different matchers. Our combination mechanism does not require use of weighing parameters, hence no setting and tuning of them is needed. Third, it selects the top k attribute correspondences of each source attribute from the target schema based on the combined mass function. Finally it uses some heuristics to resolve any conflicts between the attribute correspondences of different source attributes. Our experimental results show that our approach is highly accurate and effective.


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A novel approach for introducing aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) in a carbon-fibre composite pre-impregnated (prepreg) laminate, to improve the through-thickness fracture toughness, is presented. Carbon nanotube (CNT) 'forests' were grown on a silicon substrate with a thermal oxide layer, using a chemical vapour deposition (CVD) process. The forests were then transferred to a pre-cured laminate interface, using a combination of pressure and heat, while maintaining through-thickness CNT alignment. Standard Mode I and four-point bend end-notched flexure Mode II tests were undertaken on a set of specimens and compared with pristine specimens. Mode I fracture toughness for T700/M21 laminates was improved by an average of 31% while for T700/SE84LV specimens, an improvement of 61% was observed. Only T700/M21 specimens were tested in Mode II which yielded an average fracture toughness improvement of 161%. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) showed good wetting of the CNT forest as well as evidence of penetration of the forest into the adjacent plies. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.