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The dispersal capabilities of intertidal organisms may represent a key factor to their survival in the face of global warming, as species that cannot adapt to the various effects of climate change will have to migrate to track suitable habitat. Although species with pelagic larval phases might be expected to have a greater capacity for dispersal than those with benthic larvae, interspecies comparisons have shown that this is not always the case. Consequently, population genetic approaches are being increasingly used to gain insights into dispersal through studying patterns of gene flow. In the present study, we used nuclear single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequencing to elucidate fine-scale patterns of genetic variation between populations of the Black Katy Chiton, Katharina tunicata, separated by 15-150 km in south-west Vancouver Island. Both the nuclear and mitochondrial data sets revealed no genetic differentiation between the populations studied, and an isolation-with-migration analysis indicated extensive local-scale gene flow, suggesting an absence of barriers to dispersal. Population demographic analysis also revealed long-term population stability through previous periods of climate change associated with the Pleistocene glaciations. Together, the findings of the present study suggest that this high potential for dispersal may allow K. tunicata to respond to current global warming by tracking suitable habitat, consistent with its long-term demographic stability through previous changes in the Earth's climate. (C) 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106, 589597.


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For the first time, the coupling of fast transient kinetic switching and the use of an isotopically labelled reactant (15NO) has allowed detailed analysis of the evolution of all the products and reactants involved in the regeneration of a NOx storage reduction (NSR) material. Using realistic regeneration times (ca. 1 s) for Pt, Rh and Pt/Rh-containing Ba/Al2O3 catalysts we have revealed an unexpected double peak in the evolution of nitrogen. The first peak occurred immediately on switching from lean to rich conditions, while the second peak started at the point at which the gases switched from rich to lean. The first evolution of nitrogen occurs as a result of the fast reaction between H2 and/or CO and NO on reduced Rh and/or Pt sites. The second N2 peak which occurs upon removal of the rich phase can be explained by reaction of stored ammonia with stored NOx, gas phase NOx or O2. The ammonia can be formed either by hydrolysis of isocyanates or by direct reaction of NO and H2.

The study highlights the importance of the relative rates of regeneration and storage in determining the overall performance of the catalysts. The performance of the monometallic 1.1%Rh/Ba/Al2O3 catalyst at 250 and 350 °C was found to be dependent on the rate of NOx storage, since the rate of regeneration was sufficient to remove the NOx stored in the lean phase. In contrast, for the monometallic 1.6%Pt/Ba/Al2O3 catalyst at 250 °C, the rate of regeneration was the determining factor with the result that the amount of NOx stored on the catalyst deteriorated from cycle to cycle until the amount of NOx stored in the lean phase matched the NOx reduced in the rich phase. On the basis of the ratio of exposed metal surface atoms to total Ba content, the monometallic 1.6%Pt/Ba/Al2O3 catalyst outperformed the Rh-containing catalysts at 250 and 350 °C even when CO was used as a reductant.


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Background: Neurodevelopmental and behavioural problems have been repeatedly reported in very preterm. survivors, often showing themselves later in childhood as poor school performance. Early identification of problems would mean that appropriate remedial therapy can be implemented. We have previously shown that neurodevelopmental status at 1 year was predictive of outcome at 8 years in a cohort of preterm. infants. The aim of this paper was to see if neurodevelopmental outcome in adolescence could be predicted by assessment by 1 year in the same cohort of pretem infants. Study design: Prospective cohort study. Subjects: 150 adolescents, born before 33 weeks gestation. Outcome measures: Neurological examination, developmental quotient, vision and hearing by 1 year. At 14-15 years, neurological examination, school performance questionnaire, Schonnell test of reading age, a premorbid adjustment score, Rutter behavioural score and for those born from 1981, cognitive tests (WISC-R). Results: A highly significant relationship existed between neurological status by 1 year and the need for extra educational provision, overall neurodevelopmental status, cognitive function in those that had their IQs measured and premorbid adjustment score of prepsychotic symptoms in adolescence. However, status at 1 year was not predictive of adolescent reading age or behavioural score. Conclusions: Neurodevelopmental assessment at 1 year ispredictive of school performance and outcome in the adolescent period. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Over 1 million km2 of seafloor experience permanent low-oxygen conditions within oxygen minimum zones (OMZs). OMZs are predicted to grow as a consequence of climate change, potentially affecting oceanic biogeochemical cycles. The Arabian Sea OMZ impinges upon the western Indian continental margin at bathyal depths (150 - 1500 m) producing a strong depth dependent oxygen gradient at the sea floor. The influence of the OMZ upon the short term processing of organic matter by sediment ecosystems was investigated using in situ stable isotope pulse chase experiments. These deployed doses of 13C:15N labeled organic matter onto the sediment surface at four stations from across the OMZ (water depth 540 - 1100 m; [O2] = 0.35 - 15 μM). In order to prevent experimentally anoxia, the mesocosms were not sealed. 13C and 15N labels were traced into sediment, bacteria, fauna and 13C into sediment porewater DIC and DOC. However, the DIC and DOC flux to the water column could not be measured, limiting our capacity to obtain mass-balance for C in each experimental mesocosm. Linear Inverse Modeling (LIM) provides a method to obtain a mass-balanced model of carbon flow that integrates stable-isotope tracer data with community biomass and biogeochemical flux data from a range of sources. Here we present an adaptation of the LIM methodology used to investigate how ecosystem structure influenced carbon flow across the Indian margin OMZ. We demonstrate how oxygen conditions affect food-web complexity, affecting the linkages between the bacteria, foraminifera and metazoan fauna, and their contributions to benthic respiration. The food-web models demonstrate how changes in ecosystem complexity are associated with oxygen availability across the OMZ and allow us to obtain a complete carbon budget for the stationa where stable-isotope labelling experiments were conducted.


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We present an IR-monitoring survey with the Spitzer Space Telescope of the star-forming region GGD 12-15. More than 1000 objects were monitored, including about 350 objects within the central 5′, which is found to be especially dense in cluster members. The monitoring took place over 38 days and is part of the Young Stellar Object VARiability project. The region was also the subject of a contemporaneous 67 ks Chandra observation. The field includes 119 previously identified pre-main sequence star candidates. X-rays are detected from 164 objects, 90 of which are identified with cluster members. Overall, we find that about half the objects in the central 5′ are young stellar objects (YSOs) based on a combination of their spectral energy distribution, IR variability, and X-ray emission. Most of the stars with IR excess relative to a photosphere show large amplitude (>0.1 mag) mid-infrared (mid-IR) variability. There are 39 periodic sources, and all but one is found to be a cluster member. Almost half of the periodic sources do not show IR excesses. Overall, more than 85% of the Class I, flat spectrum, and Class II sources are found to vary. The amplitude of the variability is larger in more embedded YSOs. Most of the Class I/ II objects exhibit redder colors in a fainter state, which is compatible with time-variable extinction. A few become bluer when fainter, which can be explained with significant changes in the structure of the inner disk. A search for changes in the IR due to X-ray events is carried out, but the low number of flares prevented an analysis of the direct impact of X-ray flares on the IR light curves. However, we find that X-ray detected Class II sources have longer timescales for change in the MIR than a similar set of non-X-ray detected Class IIs.


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The relatively high levels of cannabis use among young people is a cause of concern because of the positive relationship between its early onset use, antisocial behaviours and associated lifestyle. Amongst a survey of 3919 young people at school year 11 in Northern Ireland (aged 14/15 years) 142 reported daily cannabis use. These young people also reported particularly high levels of legal and illegal drug use and accounted for a high proportion of use of hard drugs such as cocaine and heroin for the full school cohort. Daily cannabis users also reported high levels of antisocial behaviour and disaffection with school. The findings perhaps raise questions about the existence of a potentially ‘hidden’ high risk school based group of young people during adolescence who require specific targeted prevention strategies.


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A combined experimental and theoretical investigation of the nature of the active form of gold in oxide-supported gold catalysts for the water gas shift reaction has been performed. In situ extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) and X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) experiments have shown that in the fresh catalysts the gold is in the form of highly dispersed gold ions. However, under water gas shift reaction conditions, even at temperatures as low as 100 degrees C, the evidence from EXAFS and XANES is only 14 consistent with rapid, and essentially complete, reduction of the gold to form metallic clusters containing about 50 atoms. The presence of Au-Ce distances in the EXAFS spectra, and the fact that about 15% of the gold atoms can be reoxidized after exposure to air at 150 degrees C, is indicative of a close interaction between a fraction (ca. 15%) of the gold atoms and the oxide support. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations are entirely consistent with this model and suggest that an important aspect of the active and stable form of gold under water gas shift reaction conditions is the location of a partially oxidized gold (Audelta+) species at a cerium cation vacancy in the surface of the oxide support. It is found that even with a low loading gold catalysts (0.2%) the fraction of ionic gold under water gas shift conditions is below the limit of detection by XANES (<5%). It is concluded that under water gas shift reaction conditions the active form of gold comprises small metallic gold clusters in intimate contact with the oxide support.


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We present echelle spectrograph observations in the Na D lines, at resolutions of 6.2-8.5 km s(-1), for 11 stars located in the line-of-sight to the M15 intermediate velocity cloud (IVC), which has a radial velocity of similar to +70 km s(-1) in the Local Standard of Rest. This cloud is a part of IVC Complex gp. The targets range in magnitude from m(V) = 13.3-14.8. Seven of the observed stars are in the M15 globular cluster, the remaining four being field stars. Three of the observed cluster stars are located near a peak in intensity of the IVC Hi column density as observed at a resolution of similar to 1 arcmin. Intermediate velocity gas is detected in absorption towards 7 stars, with equivalent widths in NaD2 ranging from similar to0.09-0.20 Angstrom, corresponding to log(10)(N-Na cm(-2)) similar to 11.8-12.5, and Na I/H I column density ratios (neglecting the HII component) ranging from similar to(1-3) x 10(-8). Over scales ranging from 30 arcsec to 1 arcmin, the Na i column density and the Na i/H i ratio varies by upto 70 per cent and a factor of similar to 2, respectively. Combining the current sightlines with previously obtained Nai data from Kennedy et al. (1998b), the Na i/H i column density ratio over cluster sightlines varies by upto a factor of similar to 25, when using Hi data of resolution similar to 2 x 1 arcmin. One cluster star, M15 ZNG-1, was also observed in the Ca i (lambda(air) = 4226.728 Angstrom) and Ca ii (lambda(air) = 3933.663 Angstrom) lines. A column density ratio N(Ca i)/N(Ca ii) <0.03 was found, typical of values seen in the warm ionised interstellar medium. Towards this sightline, the IVC has a Nai/Ca ii column density ratio of &SIM; 0.25, similar to that observed in the local interstellar medium. Finally, we detect tentative evidence for IV absorption in Ki (?(air) = 7698:974 &ANGS) towards 3 cluster stars, which have N(K i)/N(H i) ratios of &SIM;0.5-3 x 10(-9).


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We present single-dish Arecibo 21-cm H i observations, covering a 0 degrees 675x0 degrees 625 RA-Dec. grid, of the intermediate-velocity cloud (IVC) centred upon the M15 globular cluster. The velocity and positional structure of the IVC gas at V-LSR=70 km s(-1) are investigated; it is found to be clumpy and has a peak surface density N(H i)similar to 8x10(19) cm(- 2). Additionally, we have performed a long H i integration towards HD 203664, a Galactic halo star some 3 degrees1 from M15, in which optical IVC absorption has previously been detected. No H i with a velocity exceeding 60 km s(-1) was found to a brightness temperature limit of 0.05 K. However, additional pointings did detect IVC gas approximately mid-way between HD 203664 and M15. Finally, we present both Arecibo H i pointings and low-resolution spectra in the Ca ii H and K lines towards 15 field stars in the general field towards M15, in an attempt to obtain the distance to the IVC. Intermediate- velocity H i is detected towards seven sightlines. Stellar spectral types are derived for 12 of the sample. Assuming that these stars lie on the main sequence, their distances are estimated to lie in the range 150 less than or equal tod less than or equal to 1350 pc. No Ca ii absorption is observed, either because the IVC is further away than similar to 1350 pc or more likely because the gas along these sightlines is of too low a density to be detected by the current observations.


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High-precision correlation of palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental records is crucial for testing hypotheses of synchronous change. Although radiocarbon is the traditional method for dating late Quaternary sedimentary sequences, particularly during the last glacial–interglacial transition (LGIT; 15–9?ka), there are inherent problems with the method, particularly during periods of climate change which are often accompanied by major perturbations in atmospheric radiocarbon content. An alternative method is the use of tephras that act as time-parallel marker horizons. Within Europe, numerous volcanic centres are known to have erupted during the LGIT, providing considerable potential for high-precision correlation independent of past radiocarbon fluctuations. Here we report the first identification of the Vedde Ash and Askja Tephra in Ireland, significantly extending the known provenance of these events. We have also identified two new horizons (the Roddans Port Tephras A and B) and tentatively recognise an additional horizon from Vallensgård Mose (Denmark) that provide crucial additional chronological control for the LGIT. Two phases of the Laacher See Tephra (LST) are reported, the lower Laacher See Tephra (LLST) and probably the C2 phase of the Middle Laacher See Tephra (MLST-C2) indicating a more northeasterly distribution of this fan than reported previously.