34 resultados para 1 Sigma error

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We are conducting an ESO Large Program that includes optical photometry, thermal-IR observations, and optical-NIR spectroscopy of selected NEAs. Among the principal goals of the program are shape and spin-state modeling, and searching for YORP-induced changes in rotation periods. One of our targets is asteroid (1917) Cuyo, a near-Earth asteroid from the Amor group. We carried out an extensive observing campaign on Cuyo between April 2010 and April 2013, operating primarily at the ESO 3.6m NTT for optical photometry, and the 8.2m VLT at Paranal for thermal-IR imaging. Further optical observations were acquired at the ESO 2.2m telescope, the Palomar 200" Hale telescope (California), JPL’s Table Mountain Observatory (California) and the Faulkes Telescope South (Australia). We obtained optical imaging data for rotational lightcurves throughout this period, as the asteroid passed through a wide range of observational geometries, conducive to producing a good shape model and spin state solution. The preliminary shape and spin state model indicates a nearly spherical shape and a rotation pole at ecliptic longitude λ = 53° ± 20° and latitude β = -37° ± 10° (1-sigma error bars are approximate). The sidereal rotation period was measured to be 2.6899522 ± (3 × 10^-7) hours. Linkage with earlier lightcurve data shows possible evidence of a small change in rotation rate during the period 1989-2013. We applied the NEATM thermal model (Harris A., Icarus 131, 291, 1998) to our VLT thermal-IR measurements (8-19.6 μm), obtained in September and December 2011. The derived effective diameter ranges from 3.4 to 4.2 km, and the geometric albedo is 0.16 (+0.07, -0.04). Using the shape model and thermal fluxes we will perform a detailed thermophysical analysis using the new Advanced Thermophysical Model (Rozitis, B. & Green, S.F., MNRAS 415, 2042, 2011; Rozitis, B. & Green, S.F., MNRAS 423, 367, 2012). This work was performed in part at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory under a contract with NASA.


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We report on the optical spectroscopy of the eclipsing halo low-mass X-ray binary 2S 0921-630, which reveals the absorption-line radial velocity curve of the K0 III secondary star with a semiamplitude K-2=92.89+/-3.84 km s(-1), a systemic velocity gamma=34.9+/-3.3 km s(-1), and an orbital period P-orb of 9.0035+/-0.0029 days (1 sigma). Given the quality of the data, we find no evidence for the effects of X-ray irradiation. Using the previously determined rotational broadening of the mass donor and applying conservative limits on the orbital inclination, we constrain the compact object mass to be 2.0-4.3 M-circle dot (1 sigma), ruling out a canonical neutron star at the 99% level. Since the nature of the compact object is unclear, this mass range implies that the compact object is either a low-mass black hole with a mass slightly higher than the maximum possible neutron star mass (2.9 M-circle dot) or a massive neutron star. If the compact object is a black hole, it confirms the prediction of the existence of low-mass black holes, while if the object is a massive neutron star, its high mass severely constrains the equation of state of nuclear matter.


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All extra-solar planet masses that have been derived spectroscopically are lower limits since the inclination of the orbit to our line-of-sight is unknown except for transiting systems. In theory, however, it is possible to determine the inclination angle, i, between the rotation axis of a star and an observer's line-of-sight from measurements of the projected equatorial velocity (v sin i), the stellar rotation period (P(rot)) and the stellar radius (R(*)). For stars which host planetary systems this allows the removal of the sin i dependency of extra-solar planet masses derived from spectroscopic observations under the assumption that the planetary orbits lie perpendicular to the stellar rotation axis.
We have carried out an extensive literature search and present a catalogue of v sin i, P(rot) and R(*) estimates for stars hosting extra-solar planets. In addition, we have used Hipparcos parallaxes and the Barnes-Evans relationship to further supplement the R(*) estimates obtained from the literature. Using this catalogue, we have obtained sin i estimates using a Markov-chain Monte Carlo analysis. This technique allows proper 1 Sigma two-tailed confidence limits to be placed on the derived sin i's along with the transit probability for each planet to be determined.
While we find that a small proportion of systems yield sin i's significantly greater than 1, most likely due to poor P(rot) estimations, the large majority are acceptable. We are further encouraged by the cases where we have data on transiting systems, as the technique indicates inclinations of similar to 90 degrees and high transit probabilities. In total, we are able to estimate the true masses of 133 extra-solar planets. Of these 133 extra-solar planets, only six have revised masses that place them above the 13M(J) deuterium burning limit; four of those six extra-solar planet candidates were already suspected to lie above the deuterium burning limit before correcting their masses for the sin i dependency. Our work reveals a population of high-mass extra-solar planets with low eccentricities, and we speculate that these extra-solar planets may represent the signature of different planetary formation mechanisms at work. Finally, we discuss future observations that should improve the robustness of this technique.


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The feasibility of laser cooling AlH and AlF is investigated using ab initio quantum chemistry. All the electronic states corresponding to the ground and lowest two excited states of the Al atom are calculated using multi-reference configuration interaction (MRCI) and the large AV6Z basis set for AlH. The smaller AVQZ basis set is used to calculate the valence electronic states of AlF. Theoretical Franck-Condon factors are determined for the A(1)Pi -> X(1)Sigma(+) transitions in both radicals and found to agree with the highly diagonal factors found experimentally, suggesting computational chemistry is an effective method for screening suitable laser cooling candidates. AlH does not appear to have a transition quite as diagonal as that in SrF (which has been laser cooled) but the A(1)Pi -> X(1)Sigma(+) transition transition of AlF is a strong candidate for cooling with just a single laser, though the cooling frequency is deep in the UV. Furthermore, the a (3)Pi -> X(1)Sigma(+) transitions are also strongly diagonal and in AlF is a practical method for obtaining very low final temperatures around 3 mu K.


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Architects use cycle-by-cycle simulation to evaluate design choices and understand tradeoffs and interactions among design parameters. Efficiently exploring exponential-size design spaces with many interacting parameters remains an open problem: the sheer number of experiments renders detailed simulation intractable. We attack this problem via an automated approach that builds accurate, confident predictive design-space models. We simulate sampled points, using the results to teach our models the function describing relationships among design parameters. The models produce highly accurate performance estimates for other points in the space, can be queried to predict performance impacts of architectural changes, and are very fast compared to simulation, enabling efficient discovery of tradeoffs among parameters in different regions. We validate our approach via sensitivity studies on memory hierarchy and CPU design spaces: our models generally predict IPC with only 1-2% error and reduce required simulation by two orders of magnitude. We also show the efficacy of our technique for exploring chip multiprocessor (CMP) design spaces: when trained on a 1% sample drawn from a CMP design space with 250K points and up to 55x performance swings among different system configurations, our models predict performance with only 4-5% error on average. Our approach combines with techniques to reduce time per simulation, achieving net time savings of three-four orders of magnitude. Copyright © 2006 ACM.


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Ultracold hybrid ion–atom traps offer the possibility of microscopic manipulation of quantum coherences in the gas using the ion as a probe. However, inelastic processes, particularly charge transfer can be a significant process of ion loss and has been measured experimentally for the ${\rm Y}{{{\rm b}}^{+}}$ ion immersed in a Rb vapour. We use first-principles quantum chemistry codes to obtain the potential energy curves and dipole moments for the lowest-lying energy states of this complex. Calculations for the radiative decay processes cross sections and rate coefficients are presented for the total decay processes; ${\rm Y}{{{\rm b}}^{+}}(6{\rm s}{{\;}^{2}}{\rm S})+{\rm Rb}(5{\rm s}{{\;}^{2}}{\rm S})\to {\rm Yb}(6{{{\rm s}}^{2}}{{\;}^{1}}{\rm S})+{\rm R}{{{\rm b}}^{+}}(4{{{\rm p}}^{6}}{{\;}^{1}}{\rm S})+h\nu $ and ${\rm Y}{{{\rm b}}^{+}}(6{\rm s}{{\;}^{2}}{\rm S})+{\rm Rb}(5{\rm s}{{\;}^{2}}{\rm S})\to {\rm YbR}{{{\rm b}}^{+}}({{X}^{1}}{{\Sigma }^{+}})+h\nu $. Comparing the semi-classical Langevin approximation with the quantum approach, we find it provides a very good estimate of the background at higher energies. The results demonstrate that radiative decay mechanisms are important over the energy and temperature region considered. In fact, the Langevin process of ion–atom collisions dominates cold ion–atom collisions. For spin-dependent processes [1] the anisotropic magnetic dipole–dipole interaction and the second-order spin–orbit coupling can play important roles, inducing coupling between the spin and the orbital motion. They measured the spin-relaxing collision rate to be approximately five orders of magnitude higher than the charge-exchange collision rate [1]. Regarding the measured radiative charge transfer collision rate, we find that our calculation is in very good agreement with experiment and with previous calculations. Nonetheless, we find no broad resonances features that might underly a strong isotope effect. In conclusion, we find, in agreement with previous theory that the isotope anomaly observed in experiment remains an open question.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate visual acuity, visual function, and prevalence of refractive error among Chinese secondary-school children in a cross-sectional school-based study. METHODS: Uncorrected, presenting, and best corrected visual acuity, cycloplegic autorefraction with refinement, and self-reported visual function were assessed in a random, cluster sample of rural secondary school students in Xichang, China. RESULTS: Among the 1892 subjects (97.3% of the consenting children, 84.7% of the total sample), mean age was 14.7 +/- 0.8 years, 51.2% were female, and 26.4% were wearing glasses. The proportion of children with uncorrected, presenting, and corrected visual disability (< or = 6/12 in the better eye) was 41.2%, 19.3%, and 0.5%, respectively. Myopia < -0.5, < -2.0, and < -6.0 D in both eyes was present in 62.3%, 31.1%, and 1.9% of the subjects, respectively. Among the children with visual disability when tested without correction, 98.7% was due to refractive error, while only 53.8% (414/770) of these children had appropriate correction. The girls had significantly (P < 0.001) more presenting visual disability and myopia < -2.0 D than did the boys. More myopic refractive error was associated with worse self-reported visual function (ANOVA trend test, P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Visual disability in this population was common, highly correctable, and frequently uncorrected. The impact of refractive error on self-reported visual function was significant. Strategies and studies to understand and remove barriers to spectacle wear are needed.


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Abstract: Raman spectroscopy has been used for the first time to predict the FA composition of unextracted adipose tissue of pork, beef, lamb, and chicken. It was found that the bulk unsaturation parameters could be predicted successfully [R-2 = 0.97, root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) = 4.6% of 4 sigma], with cis unsaturation, which accounted for the majority of the unsaturation, giving similar correlations. The combined abundance of all measured PUFA (>= 2 double bonds per chain) was also well predicted with R-2 = 0.97 and RMSEP = 4.0% of 4 sigma. Trans unsaturation was not as well modeled (R-2 = 0.52, RMSEP = 18% of 4 sigma); this reduced prediction ability can be attributed to the low levels of trans FA found in adipose tissue (0.035 times the cis unsaturation level). For the individual FA, the average partial least squares (PLS) regression coefficient of the 18 most abundant FA (relative abundances ranging from 0.1 to 38.6% of the total FA content) was R-2 = 0.73; the average RMSEP = 11.9% of 4 sigma. Regression coefficients and prediction errors for the five most abundant FA were all better than the average value (in some cases as low as RMSEP = 4.7% of 4 sigma). Cross-correlation between the abundances of the minor FA and more abundant acids could be determined by principal component analysis methods, and the resulting groups of correlated compounds were also well-predicted using PLS. The accuracy of the prediction of individual FA was at least as good as other spectroscopic methods, and the extremely straightforward sampling method meant that very rapid analysis of samples at ambient temperature was easily achieved. This work shows that Raman profiling of hundreds of samples per day is easily achievable with an automated sampling system.


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The results of a study aimed at determining the most important experimental parameters for automated, quantitative analysis of solid dosage form pharmaceuticals (seized and model 'ecstasy' tablets) are reported. Data obtained with a macro-Raman spectrometer were complemented by micro-Raman measurements, which gave information on particle size and provided excellent data for developing statistical models of the sampling errors associated with collecting data as a series of grid points on the tablets' surface. Spectra recorded at single points on the surface of seized MDMA-caffeine-lactose tablets with a Raman microscope (lambda(ex) = 785 nm, 3 mum diameter spot) were typically dominated by one or other of the three components, consistent with Raman mapping data which showed the drug and caffeine microcrystals were ca 40 mum in diameter. Spectra collected with a microscope from eight points on a 200 mum grid were combined and in the resultant spectra the average value of the Raman band intensity ratio used to quantify the MDMA: caffeine ratio, mu(r), was 1.19 with an unacceptably high standard deviation, sigma(r), of 1.20. In contrast, with a conventional macro-Raman system (150 mum spot diameter), combined eight grid point data gave mu(r) = 1.47 with sigma(r) = 0.16. A simple statistical model which could be used to predict sigma(r) under the various conditions used was developed. The model showed that the decrease in sigma(r) on moving to a 150 mum spot was too large to be due entirely to the increased spot diameter but was consistent with the increased sampling volume that arose from a combination of the larger spot size and depth of focus in the macroscopic system. With the macro-Raman system, combining 64 grid points (0.5 mm spacing and 1-2 s accumulation per point) to give a single averaged spectrum for a tablet was found to be a practical balance between minimizing sampling errors and keeping overhead times at an acceptable level. The effectiveness of this sampling strategy was also tested by quantitative analysis of a set of model ecstasy tablets prepared from MDEA-sorbitol (0-30% by mass MDEA). A simple univariate calibration model of averaged 64 point data had R-2 = 0.998 and an r.m.s. standard error of prediction of 1.1% whereas data obtained by sampling just four points on the same tablet showed deviations from the calibration of up to 5%.


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The accuracy and reliability of popular density functional approximations for the compounds giving origin to room temperature ionic liquids have been assessed by computing the T=0 K crystal structure of several 1-alkyl-3-methyl-imidazolium salts. Two prototypical exchange-correlation approximations have been considered, i.e., the local density approximation (LDA) and one gradient corrected scheme [PBE-GGA, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 3865 (1996)]. Comparison with low-temperature x-ray diffraction data shows that the equilibrium volume predicted by either approximations is affected by large errors, nearly equal in magnitude (~10%), and of opposite sign. In both cases the error can be traced to a poor description of the intermolecular interactions, while the intramolecular structure is fairly well reproduced by LDA and PBE-GGA. The PBE-GGA optimization of atomic positions within the experimental unit cell provides results in good agreement with the x-ray structure. The correct system volume can also be restored by supplementing PBE-GGA with empirical dispersion terms reproducing the r-6 attractive tail of the van der Waals interactions.


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Colourless crystals of [Hg-2(Mmt)(Dmt)(2)](NO3)(H2O) were obtained from a reaction of mercuric nitrate with nionomethyl- and dimethyl-1,2.4-triazolate (Mmt(-) and Dmt(-), respectively). In the crystal structure (monoclinic, C2/c (no. 15), a = 2579.4(4) b = 1231.1(2), c = 1634.8(2) pm, beta = 128.32(1)degrees V = 4073.3(11).10(6).pm(3): Z = 8, R-1 [I-0 > 2 sigma(I-0)]: 0.0355), half of the mercuric ions are essentially two-coordinate (Hg-N: 210-215 pm), the other half are tetrahedrally surrounded by N-donor atoms (Hg-N: 221, 225 pm) of the Mmt(-) and Dmt(-) anions. These three-N ligands construct a three-dimensional framework.


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The development of computer-based devices for music control has created a need to study how spectators understand new performance technologies and practices. As a part of a larger project examining how interactions with technology can be communicated to spectators, we present a model of a spectator's understanding of error by a performer. This model is broadly applicable throughout HCI, as interactions with technology are increasingly public and spectatorship is becoming more common.


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The primary aim of this article is to critically analyse the development of Six Sigma theory and practice within small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) using a multiple case study approach. The article also explores the subsequent development of Lean Six Sigma as a means of addressing the perceived limitations of the efficacy of Six Sigma in this context. The overarching theoretical framework is that of absorptive capacity, where Six Sigma is conceptualized as new knowledge to be absorbed by smaller firms. The findings from a multiple case study involving repeat interviews and focus groups informed the development of an analytical model demonstrating the dynamic underlying routines for the absorptive capacity process and the development of a number of summative propositions relating the characteristics of SMEs to Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma implementation.