169 resultados para preterm birth


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Data from animal models indicate that neonatal stress or pain can permanently alter subsequent behavioral and/or physiological reactivity to stressors. However, cumulative effects of pain related to acute procedures in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) on later stress and/or pain reactivity has received limited attention. The objective of this study is to examine relationships between prior neonatal pain exposure (number of skin breaking procedures), and subsequent stress and pain reactivity in preterm infants in the NICU. Eighty-seven preterm infants were studied at 32 (+/-1 week) postconceptional age (PCA). Infants who received analgesia or sedation in the 72 h prior to each study, or any postnatal dexamethasone, were excluded. Outcomes were infant responses to two different stressors studied on separate days in a repeated measures randomized crossover design: (1) plasma cortisol to stress of a fixed series of nursing procedures; (2) behavioral (Neonatal Facial Coding System; NFCS) and cardiac reactivity to pain of blood collection. Among infants born


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To compare academic and cognitive ability, attention, attitudes, and behavior of extremely low birth weight (ELBW) adolescents who are free of major impairments at 17 years of age with term-born control subjects.


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Stress systems may be altered in the long term in preterm infants for multiple reasons, including early exposure to procedural pain in neonatal intensive care. This question has received little attention beyond hospital discharge. Stress responses (cortisol) to visual novelty in preterm infants who were born at extremely low gestational age (ELGA; <or =28 weeks), very low gestational age (VLGA; 29-32 weeks), and term were compared at 8 months of age corrected for prematurity (corrected chronological age [CCA]). In addition, among the preterm infants, we evaluated whether cortisol levels at 8 months were related to neonatal exposure to procedural pain and morphine in the neonatal intensive care unit.


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The Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program (NIDCAP) is widely used in neonatal intensive care units and comprises 85 discrete infant behaviors, some of which may communicate infant distress. The objective of this study was to identify developmentally relevant movements indicative of pain in preterm infants.


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The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of prone and supine position in preterm infants during acute pain of blood collection.


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There are multiple lines of evidence suggesting that in vulnerable prematurely born infants, repeated and prolonged pain exposure may affect the subsequent development of pain systems, as well as potentially contribute to alterations in long-term development and behavior. Multiple factors cumulatively contribute to altered developmental trajectories in such infants. These include characteristics of the developing organism (low tactile threshold, sensitization, rapid brain development), characteristics intrinsic to the infant (gestation, illness severity), characteristics of the experience in the neonatal intensive care unit (pain exposure and cumulative stress), and characteristics of the caregivers within their family and social context. This article provides a model for examining long-term effects of pain in the newborn period embedded in a developmental context framework.


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Children with neurologic impairments have shown diminished pain response compared with control subjects; however, it remains unclear what mechanisms underlie this response or when it develops. If this were also true with premature infants who undergo neonatal intensive care, then infants with parenchymal brain injury (PBI) would be at increased risk of underrecognition and undertreatment of procedural pain. The purpose of this study was to determine whether infants with PBI display altered responses to acute procedural pain at 32 weeks' postconceptional age (PCA), compared with control subjects.


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To examine the prevalence and pattern of specific areas of learning disability (LD) in neurologically normal children with extremely low birth weight (ELBW) (<or = 800 g) who have broadly average intelligence compared with full-term children with normal birth weight of comparable sociodemographic background, and to explore concurrent cognitive correlates of the specific LDs.


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Developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is defined as an impairment in the development of motor coordination that interferes with academic achievement or activities of daily living (DSM-IV). DCD has been reported to affect 5% to 9% of children in the normal population. This study describes the prevalence of DCD in a cohort of extremely low birth weight children (ELBW, <or = l800 g) at 8.9 years of age, from which were excluded children with major impairments. Seventy-three children were included in the study group, along with 18 term-born, socially matched controls. Of the 73 ELBW children, 37 (51%) were classified as having DCD. ELBW children with DCD also had significantly lower Performance IQ (PIQ) scores and were more likely (43%) to have a learning difficulty in arithmetic than ELBW children who did not have DCD. This study found that DCD is a common problem in school-aged ELBW children.


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Management of pain in very low birth weight infants is limited by a lack of empiric knowledge about the multiple determinants of biobehavioral reactivity in infants receiving neonatal intensive care.


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This article explores the literature concerning responses to pain of both premature and term-born newborn infants, the evidence for short-term and long-term effects of pain, and behavioral sequelae in individuals who have experienced repeated early pain in neonatal life as they mature. There is no doubt that pain causes stress in babies and this in turn may adversely affect long-term neurodevelopmental outcome. Although there are methods for assessing dimensions of acute reactivity to pain in an experimental setting, there are no very good measures available at the present time that can be used clinically. In the clinical setting repeated or chronic pain is more likely the norm rather than infrequent discrete noxious stimuli of the sort that can be readily studied. The wind-up phenomenon suggests that, exposed to a cascade of procedures as happens with clustering of care in the clinical setting in an attempt to provide periods of rest for stressed babies, an infant may in fact perceive procedures that are not normally viewed as noxious, as pain. Pain exposure during lifesaving intensive medical care of ELBW neonates may also affect subsequent reactivity to pain in the neonatal period, but behavioral differences are probably not likely to be clinically significant in the long term. Prolonged and repeated untreated pain in the newborn period, however, may produce a relatively permanent shift in basal autonomic arousal related to prior NICU pain experience, which may have long-term sequelae. In the long run, the most significant clinical effects of early pain exposure may be on neurodevelopment, contributing to later attention, learning, and behavior problems in these vulnerable children. Although there is considerable evidence to support a variety of adverse effects of early pain, there is less information about the long-term effects of opiates and benzodiazepines on the developing central nervous system. Current evidence reviewed suggests that judicious use of morphine for adjustment to mechanical ventilation may ameliorate the altered autonomic response. It may be very important, however, to distinguish stress from pain. Animal evidence suggests that the neonatal brain is affected differently when exposed to morphine administered in the absence of pain than in the presence of pain. Pain control may be important for many reasons but overuse of morphine or benzodiazepines may have undesirable long-term effects. This is a rapidly evolving area of knowledge of clear relevance to clinical management likely to affect long-term outcomes of high-risk children.


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To compare biobehavioral responses to acute pain at 4 months' corrected age between former extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants and term-born controls.


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The impact of invasive procedures on preterm neonates has received little systematic attention. We examined facial activity, body movements, and physiological measures in 56 preterm and full-term newborns in response to heel lancing, along with comparison preparatory and recovery intervals. The measures were recorded in special care and full-term nurseries during routine blood sampling. Data analyses indicated that in all measurement categories reactions of greatest magnitude were to the lancing procedure. Neonates with gestational ages as short as 25-27 weeks displayed physiological responsivity to the heel lance, but only in the heart rate measure did this vary with gestational age. Bodily activity was diminished in preterm neonates in general, relative to full-term newborns. Facial activity increased with the gestational age of the infant. Specificity of the response to the heel lance was greatest on the facial activity measure. Identification of pain requires attention to gestational age in the preterm neonate.