166 resultados para more doctors


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An intriguing feature of mitochondrial complex I from several species is the so-called A/D transition, whereby the idle enzyme spontaneously converts from the active (A) form to the de-active (D) form. The A/D transition plays an important role in tissue response to the lack of oxygen and hypoxic deactivation of the enzyme is one of the key regulatory events that occur in mitochondria during ischaemia. We demonstrate for the first time that the A/D conformational change of complex I does not affect the macromolecular organisation of supercomplexes in vitro as revealed by two types of native electrophoresis. Cysteine 39 of the mitochondrially-encoded ND3 subunit is known to become exposed upon de-activation. Here we show that even if complex I is a constituent of the I + III + IV (S) supercomplex, cysteine 39 is accessible for chemical modification in only the D-form. Using lysine-specific fluorescent labelling and a DIGE-like approach we further identified two new subunits involved in structural rearrangements during the A/D transition: ND1 (MT-ND1) and 39 kDa (NDUFA9). These results clearly show that structural rearrangements during de-activation of complex I include several subunits located at the junction between hydrophilic and hydrophobic domains, in the region of the quinone binding site. De-activation of mitochondrial complex I results in concerted structural rearrangement of membrane subunits which leads to the disruption of the sealed quinone chamber required for catalytic turnover.


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This programme of research aimed to understand the extent to which current UK medical graduates are prepared for practice. Commissioned by the General Medical Council, we conducted: (1) A Rapid Review of the literature between 2009 and 2013; (2) narrative interviews with a range of stakeholders; and (3) longitudinal audio-diaries with Foundation Year 1 doctors. The Rapid Review (RR) resulted in data from 81 manuscripts being extracted and mapped against a coding framework (including outcomes from Tomorrow's Doctors (2009) (TD09)). A narrative synthesis of the data was undertaken. Narrative interviews were conducted with 185 participants from 8 stakeholder groups: F1 trainees, newly registered trainee doctors, clinical educators, undergraduate and postgraduate deans and foundation programme directors, other healthcare professionals, employers, policy and government and patient and public representatives. Longitudinal audio-diaries were recorded by 26 F1 trainees over 4 months. The data were analysed thematically and mapped against TD09. Together these data shed light onto how preparedness for practice is conceptualised, measured, how prepared UK medical graduates are for practice, the effectiveness of transition interventions and the currently debated issue of bringing full registration forward to align with medical students’ graduation. Preparedness for practice was conceptualised as both a long- and short-term venture that included personal readiness as well as knowledge, skills and attitudes. It has mainly been researched using self-report measures of generalised incidents that have been shown to be problematic. In terms of transition interventions: assistantships were found to be valuable and efficacious for proactive students as team members, shadowing is effective when undertaken close to employment/setting of F1 post and induction is generally effective but of inconsistent quality. The August transition was highlighted in our interview and audio-diary data where F1s felt unprepared, particularly for the step-change in responsibility, workload, degree of multitasking and understanding where to go for help. Evidence of preparedness for specific tasks, skills and knowledge was contradictory: trainees are well prepared for some practical procedures but not others, reasonably well prepared for history taking and full physical examinations, but mostly unprepared for adopting an holistic understanding of the patient, involving patients in their care, safe and legal prescribing, diagnosing and managing complex clinical conditions and providing immediate care in medical emergencies. Evidence for preparedness for interactional and interpersonal aspects of practice was inconsistent with some studies in the RR suggesting graduates were prepared for team working and communicating with colleagues and patients, but other studies contradicting this. Interview and audio-diary data highlights concerns around F1s preparedness for communicating with angry or upset patients and relatives, breaking bad news, communicating with the wider team (including interprofessionally) and handover communication. There was some evidence in the RR to suggest that graduates were unprepared for dealing with error and safety incidents and lack an understanding of how the clinical environment works. Interview and audio-diary data backs this up, adding that F1s are also unprepared for understanding financial aspects of healthcare. In terms of being personally prepared, RR, interview and audio diary evidence is mixed around graduates’ preparedness for identifying their own limitations, but all data points to graduates’ difficulties in the domain of time management. In terms of personal and situational demographic factors, the RR found that gender did not typically predict perceptions of preparedness, but graduates from more recent cohorts, graduate entry students, graduates from problem based learning courses, UK educated graduates and graduates with an integrated degree reported feeling better prepared. The longitudinal audio-diaries provided insights into the preparedness journey for F1s. There seems to be a general development in the direction of trainees feeling more confident and competent as they gain more experience. However, these developments were not necessarily linear as challenging circumstances (e.g. new specialty, new colleagues, lack of staffing) sometimes made them feel unprepared for situations where they had previously indicated preparedness.


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Architecture Description Languages (ADLs) have emerged in recent years as a tool for providing high-level descriptions of software systems in terms of their architectural elements and the relationships among them. Most of the current ADLs exhibit limitations which prevent their widespread use in industrial applications. In this paper, we discuss these limitations and introduce ALI, an ADL that has been developed to address such limitations. The ALI language provides a rich and flexible syntax for describing component interfaces, architectural patterns, and meta-information. Multiple graphical architectural views can then be derived from ALI's textual notation.


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The practical untenability of the quasi-static assumption makes any realistic engine intrinsically irreversible and its operating time finite, thus implying friction effects at short cycle times. An important technological goal is thus the design of maximally efficient engines working at the maximum possible power. We show that, by utilising shortcuts to adiabaticity in a quantum engine cycle, one can engineer a thermodynamic cycle working at finite power and zero friction. Our findings are illustrated using a harmonic oscillator undergoing a quantum Otto cycle.


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A series of individual poems selected for a special contemporary Irish edition of the American journal Atlanta Review.


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TAP pulse responses are normally analysed using moments, which are integrals of the full TAP pulse response. However, in some cases the entire pulse response may not be recorded due to technical reasons, thereby compromising any data analysis due to moments generated from incomplete pulse responses. The current work discloses the development of a function which mathematically expands the tail of a TAP pulse response, so that the TAP data analysis can be accurately conducted. This newly developed analysis method has been applied to the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane over Co–Cr–Sn–WOx/α-Al2O3 and Co–Cr–Sn–WOx/α-Al2O3 catalysts as a case study.


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Background and Aims: Although hybridization can play a positive role in plant evolution, it has been shown that excessive unidirectional hybridization can result in replacement of a species’ gene pool, and even the extinction ofrare species via genetic assimilation. This study examines levels of introgression between the common Saxifraga spathularis and its rarer congener S. hirsuta, which have been observed to hybridize in the wild where they occursympatrically. 
Methods: Seven species-specific single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were analysed in 1025 plants representing both species and their hybrid, S. polita, from 29 sites across their ranges in Ireland. In addition, species distributionmodelling was carried out to determine whether the relative abundance of the two parental species is likely to change under future climate scenarios. 
Key Results: Saxifraga spathularis individuals tended to be genetically pure, exhibiting little or no introgression from S. hirsuta, but significant levels of introgression of S. spathularis alleles into S. hirsuta were observed, indicatingthat populations exhibiting S. hirsuta morphology are more like a hybrid swarm, consisting of backcrosses and F2s. Populations of the hybrid, S. polita, were generally comprised of F1s or F2s, with some evidence of backcrossing. Species distribution modelling under projected future climate scenarios indicated an increase in suitable habitats for both parental species.
Conclusions: Levels of introgression observed in this study in both S. spathularis and S. hirsuta would appear to be correlated with the relative abundance of the species. Significant introgression of S. spathularis alleles was detectedin the majority of the S. hirsuta populations analysed and, consequently, ongoing introgression would appear to represent a threat to the genetic integrity of S. hirsuta, particularly in areas where the species exists sympatricallywith its congener and where it is greatly outnumbered.


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Recent work has noted an increase in the number of parties at the national level in both proportional and majoritarian electoral systems. While the conventional wisdom maintains that the incentives provided by the electoral system will prevent the number of parties at the district level from exceeding two in majoritarian systems, the evidence presented here demonstrates otherwise. I argue that this has occurred because the number of cleavages articulated by parties has increased as several third parties have begun articulating cleavages that are not well represented by the two larger parties.


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A better understanding of events triggering chronic myeloid leukemia progression are critical to optimised clinical management of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). We sought to validate that increased Musashi 2 (MSI2), a post transcription regulator, expression is associated with progression and prognosis. Screening of 152 CML patients showed MSI2 was significantly decreased among CML patients in CP at diagnosis (p<0.0001), but found no significant difference between the normal control group and treated CML patients in CP. Moreover it was significantly increased (p<0.0001) in advance disease (AD) CML patients. Furthermore, our human hematopoietic cell line data imply MSI2 and BCR-ABL1 mRNA expression correlate. However, these data cast a doubt on earlier reports that MSI2 effects HES1 expression via NUMB-NOTCH signaling.


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Analysis of gamma-H2AX foci in blood lymphocytes is a promising approach for rapid dose estimation to support patient triage after a radiation accident but has one major drawback: the rapid decline of foci levels post-exposure cause major uncertainties in situations where the exact timing between exposure and blood sampling is unknown. To address this issue, radiation-induced apoptosis (RIA) in lymphocytes was investigated using fluorogenic inhibitors of caspases (FLICA) as an independent biomarker for radiation exposure, which may complement the gamma-H2AX assay. Ex vivo X-irradiated peripheral blood lymphocytes from 17 volunteers showed dose-and time-dependent increases in radiation-induced apoptosis over the first 3 days after exposure, albeit with considerable interindividual variation. Comparison with gamma-H2AX and 53BP1 foci counts suggested an inverse correlation between numbers of residual foci and radiation-induced apoptosis in lymphocytes at 24 h postirradiation (P = 0.007). In T-helper (CD4), T-cytotoxic (CD8) and B-cells (CD19), some significant differences in radiation induced DSBs or apoptosis were observed, however no correlation between foci and apoptosis in lymphocyte subsets was observed at 24 h postirradiation. While gamma-H2AX and 53BP1 foci were rapidly induced and then repaired after exposure, radiation-induced apoptosis did not become apparent until 24 h after exposure. Data from six volunteers with different ex vivo doses and post-exposure times were used to test the capability of the combined assay. Results show that simultaneous analysis of gamma-H2AX and radiation-induced apoptosis may provide a rapid and more accurate triage tool in situations where the delay between exposure and blood sampling is unknown compared to gamma-H2AX alone. This combined approach may improve the accuracy of dose estimations in cases where blood sampling is performed days after the radiation exposure. 


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The global financial crisis has led many regulators and lawmakers to a rethinking about current versus optimum financial market structures and activities that include a variety and even radical ideas about delevaraging and downsizing finance. This paper focuses on the flaws and shortcomings of regulatory reforms of finance and on the necessity of and scope for more radical transformative strategies. With 'crisis economics' back, the most developed countries, including the EU member states, are still on the edge of disaster and confronted with systemic risk. Changes in financial regulation adopted in the aftermath of the financial meltdown have not been radical enough to transform the overall system of finance-driven capitalism towards a more sustainable system with a more embedded finance. The paper discusses financialisation in order to understand the development trends in finance over the past decades and examines various theories to describe the typical trends and patterns in financial regulation. By focusing on a limited number of regulatory reforms in the European Union, the limitations of current reforms and the need for additional transformative strategies necessary to overcome the finance-driven accumulation regime are explored. Finally, the regulatory space for such transformative strategies and for taming finance in times of crisis, austerity, and increased public protest potential is analysed.


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Quantum effects in hybrid atomic optomechanics in a system comprising a cloud of atoms and a mobile mirror mediated by a single-mode cavity are studied. Tripartite non-locality is observed in the atom-light-mirror system, as demonstrated by the violation of the Mermin-Klyshko (MK) inequality. It has been shown [C. Genes, et al., PRA 77, 050307 (R) (2008)] that tripartite entanglement is optimized when the cavity is resonant with the anti-Stokes sideband of the driving laser and the atomic frequency matches the Stokes one. However, we show that this is not the case for the nonlocality. The MK function achieves minima when the atoms are resonant with both the Stokes and anti-Stokes sidebands, and unexpectedly, we find violation of the MK inequality only in a parameter region where entanglement is far from being maximum. A negative relation exists between nonlocality and entanglement with consideration of the possibility of bipartite nonlocality in the violation of the MK inequality. We also study the non-classicality of the mirror by post-selected measurements, e.g. Geiger-like detection, on the cavity and/or the atoms. We show that with feasible parameters Geiger-like detection on the atoms can effectively induce mechanical non-classicality.