168 resultados para highly charged ion-atom collisions


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Most of the experimental and theoretical studies of electron-impact ionization of atoms, referred to as (e, 2e), have concentrated on the scattering plane. The assumption has been that all the important physical effects will be observable in the scattering plane. However, very recently it has been shown that, for C6+-helium ionization, experiment and theory are in nice agreement in the scattering plane and in very bad agreement out of the scattering plane. This lack of agreement between experiment and theory has been explained in terms of higher-order scattering effects between the projectile and target ion. We have examined electron-impact ionization of magnesium and have observed similar higher-order effects. The results of the electron-impact ionization of magnesium indicate the possible deficiencies in the calculation of fully differential cross sections in previous heavy particle ionization work.


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We measured ejected electron spectra caused by autoionization of doubly excited states in He atoms; the excited He was made by double electron capture of low-energy He2+ ions colliding with Ba atoms. Measurements were performed by means of zero degree electron spectroscopy at projectile energies from 40 to 20 keV. Electron spectra due to autoionization from the states He(2lnl') to He+(1s) for n greater than or equal to2, and those from He(3lnl') to He+ (2s or 2p) for n greater than or equal to3, were observed. Line peaks in the spectra were identified by comparing observed electron spectra with those of several theoretical calculations. It was found that doubly excited states of relatively high angular momenta such as the D and F terms were conspicuously created in a quite different manner from the cases of the production of doubly excited states by the use of photon, electron, or ion impacts on neutral He atoms. Rydberg states with large n values were observed with high population in both the He(2lnl') and He(3lnl') series. Other remarkable features in the electron spectra are described and the mechanisms for the production of these electron spectra are discussed qualitatively.


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Experimental and theoretical studies of one-electron capture in collisions of He2+ ions with H2O molecules have been carried out in the range 0.025-12 keV amu(-1) corresponding to typical solar wind velocities of 70-1523 km s(-1). Translational energy spectroscopy (TES), photon emission spectroscopy (PES), and fragment ion spectroscopy were employed to identify and quantify the collision mechanisms involved. Cross sections for selective single electron capture into n=1, 2, and 3 states of the He+ ion were obtained using TES while PES provided cross sections for capture into the He+(2p) and He+(3p) states. Our model calculations show that He+(n=2) and He+(n=3) formation proceeds via a single-electron process governed by the nucleus-electron interaction. In contrast, the He+(1s) formation mechanism involves an exothermic two-electron process driven by the electron-electron interaction, where the potential energy released by the electron capture is used to remove a second electron thereby resulting in fragmentation of the H2O molecule. This process is found to become increasingly important as the collision energy decreases. The experimental cross sections are found to be in reasonable agreement with cross sections calculated using the Demkov and Landau-Zener models.


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Measurements of electron capture and ionization of O-2 molecules in collisions with H+ and O+ ions have been made over an energy range 10 - 100 keV. Cross sections for dissociative and nondissociative interactions have been separately determined using coincidence techniques. Nondissociative channels leading to O-2(+) product formation are shown to be dominant for both the H+ and the O+ projectiles in the capture collisions and only for the H+ projectiles in the ionization collisions. Dissociative channels are dominant for ionizing collisions involving O+ projectiles. The energy distributions of the O+ fragment products from collisions involving H+ and O+ have also been measured for the first time using time-of-flight methods, and the results are compared with those from other related studies. These measurements have been used to describe the interaction of the energetic ions trapped in Jupiter's magnetosphere with the very thin oxygen atmosphere of the icy satellite Europa. It is shown that the ionization of oxygen molecules is dominated by charge exchange plus ion impact ionization processes rather than photoionization. In addition, dissociation is predominately induced through excitation of electrons into high-lying repulsive energy states ( electronically) rather than arising from momentum transfer from knock-on collisions between colliding nuclei, which are the only processes included in current models. Future modeling will need to include both these processes.


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Ground state energy, structure, and harmonic vibrational modes of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium triflate ([bmim][Tf]) clusters have been computed using an all-atom empirical potential model. Neutral and charged species have been considered up to a size (30 [bmim][Tf] pairs) well into the nanometric range. Free energy computations and thermodynamic modeling have been used to predict the equilibrium composition of the vapor phase as a function of temperature and density. The results point to a nonnegligible concentration of very small charged species at pressures (P ~ 0.01 Pa) and temperatures (T 600 K) at the boundary of the stability range of [bmim][Tf]. Thermal properties of nanometric neutral droplets have been investigated in the 0 T 700 K range. A near-continuous transition between a liquidlike phase at high T and a solidlike phase at low T takes place at T ~ 190 K in close correspondence with the bulk glass point Tg ~ 200 K. Solidification is accompanied by a transition in the dielectric properties of the droplet, giving rise to a small permanent dipole embedded into the solid cluster. The simulation results highlight the molecular precursors of several macroscopic properties and phenomena and point to the close competition of Coulomb and dispersion forces as their common origin.


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The first definitive high-resolution single-crystal X-ray structure for the coordination of the 1-methylimidazole (Meimid) ligand to UO2(Ac)2 (Ac = CH3CO2) is reported. The crystal structure evidence is confirmed by IR, Raman, and UV-vis spectroscopic data. Direct participation of the nitrogen atom of the Meimid ligand in binding to the uranium center is confirmed. Structural analysis at the DFT (B3LYP) level of theory showed a conformational difference of the Meimid ligand in the free gas-phase complex versus the solid state due to small energetic differences and crystal packing effects. Energetic analysis at the MP2 level in the gas phase supported stronger Meimid binding over H2O binding to both UO2(Ac)2 and UO2(NO3)2. In addition, self-consistent reaction field COSMO calculations were used to assess the aqueous phase energetics of combination and displacement reactions involving H2O and Meimid ligands to UO2R2 (R = Ac, NO3). For both UO2(NO3)2 and UO2(Ac)2, the displacement of H2O by Meimid was predicted to be energetically favorable, consistent with experimental results that suggest Meimid may bind uranyl at physiological pH. Also, log(Knitrate/KAc) calculations supported experimental evidence that the binding stoichiometry of the Meimid ligand is dependent upon the nature of the reactant uranyl complex. These results clearly demonstrate that imidazole binds to uranyl and suggest that binding of histidine residues to uranyl could occur under normal biological conditions.


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This paper discusses the calculation of electron impact collision strengths and effective collision strengths for iron peak elements of importance in the analysis of many astronomical and laboratory spectra. It commences with a brief overview of R-matrix theory which is the basis of computer programs which have been widely used to calculate the relevant atomic data used in this analysis. A summary is then given of calculations carried out over the last 20 y for electron collisions with Fe II. The grand challenge, represented by the calculation of accurate collision strengths and effective collision strengths for this ion, is then discussed. A new parallel R-matrix program PRMAT, which is being developed to meet this challenge, is then described and results of recent calculations, using this program to determine optically forbidden transitions in e- – Ni IV on a Cray T3E-1200 parallel supercomputer, are presented. The implications of this e- – Ni IV calculation for the determination of accurate data from an isoelectronic e- – Fe II calculation are discussed and finally some future directions of research are reviewed.


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Theoretical and numerical studies are carried out of the nonlinear amplitude modulation of dust-ion acoustic waves propagating in an unmagnetized weakly coupled plasma comprised of electrons, positive ions, and charged dust grains, considering perturbations oblique to the carrier wave propagation direction. The stability analysis, based on a nonlinear Schrodinger-type equation, exhibits a wide instability region, which depends on both the angle theta between the modulation and propagation directions and the dust number density n(d). Explicit expressions for the instability increment and threshold are obtained. The possibility and conditions for the existence of different types of localized excitations are also discussed. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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Translational energy spectroscopy (TES) has been used to study one-electron capture by He2+, C4+, and O6+ ions in collisions with CH4 within the range 200 - 2000 eV amu—1. In each case the main collisions mechanisms and product channels have been identified. The measurements reveal significant differences in the way the dissociative and non-dissociative mechanisms contribute to electron capture. However, in all cases, the highly selective nature of the charge transfer process is confirmed in spite of the wide range of energy defects associated with possible product channels.


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In this paper we report the results of the first experimental study of the irradiation of low temperature water ice (30 and 90 k) using low energy (4keV) C-13(+) and C-(2+) ions. (CO2)-C-13 and H2o2 were readily formed within the H2O ice with the product ion yield and grwoth rate observed to be highly dependent on both the sample temperature and the ion charge state.


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Comparisons of 2D fluid simulations with experimental measurements of Ar/Cl-2 plasmas in a low-pressure inductively coupled reactor are reported. Simulations show that the wall recombination coefficient of Cl atom (gamma) is a crucial parameter of the model and that neutral densities are very sensitive to its variations. The best agreement between model and experiment is obtained for gamma = 0.02, which is much lower than the value predicted for stainless steel walls (gamma = 0.6). This is consistent with reactor wall contaminations classically observed in such discharges. The electron density, negative ion fraction and Cl atom density have been investigated under various conditions of chlorine and argon concentrations, gas pressure and applied rf input power. The plasma electronegativity decreases with rf power and increases with chlorine concentration. At high pressure, the power absorption and distribution of charged particles become more localized below the quartz window. Although the experimental trends are well reproduced by the simulations, the calculated charged particle densities are systematically overestimated by a factor of 3-5. The reasons for this discrepancy are discussed in the paper.


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A Thomson scattering system has been installed at the Tokyo electron beam ion trap for probing characteristics of the electron beam. A YVO4 green laser beam was injected antiparallel to the electron beam. The image of the Thomson scattering light from the electron beam has been observed using a charged-coupled device camera. By using a combination of interference filters, the spectral distribution of the Thomson scattering light has been measured. The Doppler shift observed for the scattered light is consistent with the beam energy. The beam radius dependence was investigated as a function of the beam energy, the beam current, and the magnetic field at the trap region. The variation of the measured beam radius against the beam current and the magnetic field were similar to those in Herrmann's prediction. The beam radius as a function of the beam energy was also similar to Herrmann's prediction but seemed to become larger at low energy. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.