128 resultados para gamma-LiAlO2


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Statistical distributions have been extensively used in modeling fading effects in conventional and modern wireless communications. In the present work, we propose a novel κ − µ composite shadowed fading model, which is based on the valid assumption that the mean signal power follows the inverse gamma distribution instead of the lognormal or commonly used gamma distributions. This distribution has a simple relationship with the gamma distribution, but most importantly, its semi heavy-tailed characteristics constitute it suitable for applications relating to modeling of shadowed fading. Furthermore, the derived probability density function of the κ − µ / inverse gamma composite distribution admits a rather simple algebraic representation that renders it convenient to handle both analytically and numerically. The validity and utility of this fading model are demonstrated by means of modeling the fading effects encountered in body centric communications channels, which have been known to be susceptible to the shadowing effect. To this end, extensive comparisons are provided between theoretical and respective real-time measurement results. It is shown that these comparisons exhibit accurate fitting of the new model for various measurement set ups that correspond to realistic communication scenarios.


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In this paper we propose a new composite fadingmodel which assumes that the mean signal power of an η−µ signalenvelope follows an inverse gamma distribution. The inversegamma distribution has a simple relationship with the gammadistribution and can be used to model shadowed fading due to itssemi heavy-tailed characteristics. To demonstrate the utility of thenew η−µ / inverse gamma composite fading model, we investigatethe characteristics of the shadowed fading behavior observed inbody centric communications channels which are known to besusceptible to shadowing effects, particularly generated by thehuman body. It is shown that the η−µ / inverse gamma compositefading model provided an excellent fit to the measurement data.Moreover, using Kullback-Leibler divergence, the η −µ / inversegamma composite fading model was found to provide a better fitto the measured data than the κ − µ / inverse gamma compositefading model, for the communication scenarios considered here.


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Many-body theory is developed to calculate the γ spectra for positron annihilation in noble-gas atoms. Inclusion of electron-positron correlation effects and core annihilation gives spectra in excellent agreement with experiment [K. Iwata et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 39 (1997)]. The calculated correlation enhancement factors γnl for individual electron orbitals nl are found to scale with the ionization energy Inl (in eV), as γnl=1+ √A/Inl+(B/Inl)β, where A≈40  eV, B≈24  eV, and β≈2.3.


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This paper investigates the characteristics of the shadowed fading observed in off-body communications channels at 5.8 GHz. This is realized with the aid of the $\kappa-\mu$ / gamma composite fading model which assumes that the transmitted signal undergoes $\kappa-\mu$ fading which is subject to \emph{multiplicative} shadowing. Based on this, the total power of the multipath components, including both the dominant and scattered components, is subject to non-negligible variations that follow the gamma distribution. For this model, we present an integral form of the probability density function (PDF) as well as important analytic expressions for the PDF, cumulative distribution function, moments and moment generating function. In the case of indoor off-body communications, the corresponding measurements were carried out in the context of four explicit individual scenarios namely: line of sight (LOS) and non-LOS (NLOS) walking, rotational and random movements. The measurements were repeated within three different indoor environments and considered three different hypothetical body worn node locations. With the aid of these results, the parameters for the $\kappa-\mu$ / gamma composite fading model were estimated and analyzed extensively. Interestingly, for the majority of the indoor environments and movement scenarios, the parameter estimates suggested that dominant signal components existed even when the direct signal path was obscured by the test subject's body. Additionally, it is shown that the $\kappa-\mu$ / gamma composite fading model provides an adequate fit to the fading effects involved in off-body communications channels. Using the Kullback-Leibler divergence, we have also compared our results with another recently proposed shadowed fading model, namely the $\kappa-\mu$ / lognormal LOS shadowed fading model. It was found that the $\kappa-\mu$ / gamma composite fading model provided a better fit for the majority of the scenarios considered in this study.


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PURPOSE: To provide a tool to enable gamma analysis software algorithms to be included in a quality assurance (QA) program.

METHODS: Four image sets were created comprising two geometric images to independently test the distance to agreement (DTA) and dose difference (DD) elements of the gamma algorithm, a clinical step and shoot IMRT field and a clinical VMAT arc. The images were analysed using global and local gamma analysis with 2 in-house and 8 commercially available software encompassing 15 software versions. The effect of image resolution on gamma pass rates was also investigated.

RESULTS: All but one software accurately calculated the gamma passing rate for the geometric images. Variation in global gamma passing rates of 1% at 3%/3mm and over 2% at 1%/1mm was measured between software and software versions with analysis of appropriately sampled images.

CONCLUSION: This study provides a suite of test images and the gamma pass rates achieved for a selection of commercially available software. This image suite will enable validation of gamma analysis software within a QA program and provide a frame of reference by which to compare results reported in the literature from various manufacturers and software versions.


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γ-Ray sources are among the most fundamental experimental tools currently available to modern physics. As well as the obvious benefits to fundamental research, an ultra-bright source of γ-rays could form the foundation of scanning of shipping containers for special nuclear materials and provide the bases for new types of cancer therapy.

However, for these applications to prove viable, γ-ray sources must become compact and relatively cheap to manufacture. In recent years, advances in laser technology have formed the cornerstone of optical sources of high energy electrons which already have been used to generate synchrotron radiation on a compact scale. Exploiting the scattering induced by a second laser, one can further enhance the energy and number of photons produced provided the problems of synchronisation and compact γ-ray detection are solved.

Here, we report on the work that has been done in developing an all-optical and hence, compact non-linear Thomson scattering source, including the new methods of synchronisation and compact γ-ray detection. We present evidence of the generation of multi-MeV (maximum 16–18 MeV) and ultra-high brilliance (exceeding 1020 photons s−1mm−2mrad−2 0.1% BW at 15 MeV) γ-ray beams. These characteristics are appealing for the paramount practical applications mentioned above.


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Since 1999, the rapid, inexpensive and non-destructive use of Th/K and Th/U ratios from spectral gamma ray measurements have been used as a proxy for changes in palaeo-hinterland weathering. This model is tested here by analysis of in situ palaeoweathering horizons where clay mineral contents are well-known. A residual palaeoweathered horizon of Palaeogene laterite (developed on basalt) has been logged at 14 locations across N. Ireland using spectral gamma ray detectors. The results are compared to published elemental and mineralogical data. While the model of K and U loss during the early stages of weathering to smectite and kaolinite is supported, the formation (during progressively more advanced weathering) of gibbsite and iron oxides has reversed the predicted pattern and caused U and Th retention in the weathering profile. The severity (duration, humidity) of weathering and palaeoweathering may be estimated using Th/K ratios as a proxy. The use of Th/U ratios is more problematic should detrital gibbsite (or similar clays) or iron oxides be detected. Mineralogical analysis is needed in order to evaluate the hosts for K, U and Th: nonetheless, the spectral gamma ray machine offers a real-time, inexpensive and effective tool for the preliminary or conjunctive assessment of degrees of weathering or palaeoweathering.