168 resultados para YEAST APOPTOSIS


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We hypothesised that primary bronchial epithelial cells (PBECs) from subjects with COPD respond differently to Pseudomonas aeruginosa lipopolysaccharide (PA LPS) after cigarette smoke extract (CSE) exposure than PBECs obtained from smokers without airflow obstruction (SWAO) and non-smokers (NS).PBECs from 16 COPD subjects, 10 SWAOand 9 NS were cultured at air-liquid interface. Cultures were incubated with CSE prior to stimulation with PA LPS. IL-6 and IL-8 were measured by ELISA and Toll-like receptor 4 expression by FACS. Activation of NF-?B was determined by western blotting and ELISA, and MAPK and caspase-3 activity by western blotting. Apoptosis was evaluated using Annexin-V staining and the terminal transferase-mediated dUTP nick end-labeling (TUNEL) methods.Constitutive release of IL-8 and IL-6 was greatest from the COPD cultures.However, CSE pre-treatment followed by PA LPS stimulation reduced IL-8 release from COPD PBECs, but increased it from cells of SWAOand NS. TLR-4 expression,MAPK and NF-?B activation in COPD cultures were reduced after CSE treatment, but not in the SWAOor NS groups, which was associated with increased apoptosis.CSE attenuates inflammatory responses to LPS in cells from people with COPD but not those from non-smoking individuals and those who smoke without airflow obstruction.


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Specific survival signals derived from extracellular matrix (ECM) and growth factors are required for mammary epithelial cell survival. We have previously demonstrated that inhibition of ECM-induced ERK1/2 MAPK pathway with PD98059 leads to apoptosis in primary mouse mammary epithelial cells. In this study, we have further investigated MAPK signal transduction in cell survival of these cells cultured on a laminin rich reconstituted basement membrane. ERK1/2 phosphorylation is activated in the absence of insulin by cell-cell substratum interactions that cause ligand-independent EGFR transactivation. Intact EGFR signal transduction is required for ECM determined cell survival as the EGFR pathway inhibitor, AG1478, induces apoptosis of these cultures. Rescue of AG1478 or PD98059 treated cultures by PTPase inhibition with vanadate restores cellular phospho-ERK1/2 levels and prevents apoptosis. These results emphasize that ERK1/2 phosphorylation and inhibition of PTPase activity are necessary for PMMEC cell survival.


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Therapeutic options for malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) are limited despite the increasing incidence globally. The vinca alkaloid vinorelbine exhibits clinical activity; however, to date, treatment optimization has not been achieved using biomarkers. BRCA1 regulates sensitivity to microtubule poisons; however, its role in regulating vinorelbine-induced apoptosis in mesothelioma is unknown. Here we demonstrate that BRCA1 plays an essential role in mediating vinorelbine-induced apoptosis, as evidenced by (1) the strong correlation between vinorelbine sensitivity and BRCA1 expression level; (2) induction of resistance to vinorelbine by BRCA1 using siRNA oligonucleotides; (3) dramatic down-regulation of BRCA1 following selection for vinorelbine resistance; and (4) the re-activation of vinorelbine-induced apoptosis following re-expression of BRCA1 in resistant cells. To determine whether loss of BRCA1 expression in mesothelioma was potentially relevant in vivo, BRCA1 immunohistochemistry was subsequently performed on 144 primary mesothelioma specimens. Loss of BRCA1 protein expression was identified in 38.9% of samples. Together, these data suggest that BRCA1 plays a critical role in mediating apoptosis by vinorelbine in mesothelioma, warranting its clinical evaluation as a predictive biomarker.


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Investigation of the triclabendazole (TCBZ) resistance status of populations of Fasciola hepatica in field cases of fasciolosis, where treatment failure has been reported, can be supported by histological examination of flukes collected from recently treated hosts. In TCBZ-sensitive flukes (TCBZ-S) exposed to TCBZ metabolites for 1-4. days in vivo, but not in TCBZ-resistant flukes (TCBZ-R), morphological changes suggestive of apoptosis occur in cells undergoing meiosis or mitosis in the testis, ovary and vitelline follicles. In order to verify or refute the contention that efficacy of TCBZ treatment is associated with apoptosis in the reproductive organs of flukes, histological sections of TCBZ-S (Cullompton isolate) flukes and TCBZ-R (Sligo isolate) flukes were subjected to the TdT-mediated dUDP nick end labelling (TUNEL) in situ hybridisation method, a commercially available test specifically designed to label endonuclease-induced DNA strand breaks associated with apoptosis. Additionally, sections of in vivo-treated and untreated flukes originating from field outbreaks of suspected TCBZ-S and TCBZ-R fasciolosis were labelled by the TUNEL method. It was found that in treated TCBZ-S flukes, strong positive labelling indicating apoptosis was associated with morphologically abnormal cells undergoing mitosis or meiosis in the testis, ovary and vitelline follicles. Background labelling in the positive testis sections was attributed to heterophagy of cell debris by the sustentacular tissue. The triggering of apoptosis was probably related to failure of spindle formation at cell division, supporting the contention that TCBZ inhibits microtubule formation. In treated TCBZ-R (Sligo Type 1) flukes, and in treated flukes from field outbreaks of suspected TCBZ-R fasciolosis, no significant labelling was observed, while sections of fluke derived from a field case of fasciolosis where TCBZ resistance was not suspected were heavily labelled. Light labelling was associated with the testis of untreated Cullompton (TCBZ-S) and Sligo Type 2 (TCBZ-R) flukes, which exhibit abnormal spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis, respectively. This was attributed to apoptosis and to heterophagy of effete germ line cells by the sustentacular tissue. It is concluded that demonstration of apoptosis by in situ hybridisation using the TUNEL method on sections of 1-4. days in vivo TCBZ-treated F. hepatica can contribute to the diagnosis of TCBZ resistance in field outbreaks of fasciolosis. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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X-box binding protein 1 (XBP1) is a key signal transducer in endoplasmic reticulum stress response, and its potential role in the atherosclerosis development is unknown. This study aims to explore the impact of XBP1 on maintaining endothelial integrity related to atherosclerosis and to delineate the underlying mechanism. We found that XBP1 was highly expressed at branch points and areas of atherosclerotic lesions in the arteries of ApoE(-/-) mice, which was related to the severity of lesion development. In vitro study using human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) indicated that disturbed flow increased the activation of XBP1 expression and splicing. Overexpression of spliced XBP1 induced apoptosis of HUVECs and endothelial loss from blood vessels during ex vivo cultures because of caspase activation and down-regulation of VE-cadherin resulting from transcriptional suppression and matrix metalloproteinase-mediated degradation. Reconstitution of VE-cadherin by Ad-VEcad significantly increased Ad-XBP1s-infected HUVEC survival. Importantly, Ad-XBP1s gene transfer to the vessel wall of ApoE(-/-) mice resulted in development of atherosclerotic lesions after aorta isografting. These results indicate that XBP1 plays an important role in maintaining endothelial integrity and atherosclerosis development, which provides a potential therapeutic target to intervene in atherosclerosis.


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Small numbers of brain endothelial cells (BECs) are infected in children with neurologic complications of measles virus (MV) infection. This may provide a mechanism for virus entry into the central nervous system, but the mechanisms are unclear. Both in vitro culture systems and animal models are required to elucidate events in the endothelium. We compared the ability of wild-type (WT), vaccine, and rodent-adapted MV strains to infect, replicate, and induce apoptosis in human and murine brain endothelial cells (HBECs and MBECs, respectively). Mice also were infected intracerebrally. All MV stains productively infected HBECs and induced the MV receptor PVRL4. Efficient WT MV production also occurred in MBECs. Extensive monolayer destruction associated with activated caspase 3 staining was observed in HBECs and MBECs, most markedly with WT MV. Tumor necrosis factor–related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL), but not Fas ligand, was induced by MV infection. Treatment of MBECs with supernatants from MV-infected MBEC cultures with an anti-TRAIL antibody blocked caspase 3 expression and monolayer destruction. TRAIL was also expressed in the endothelium and other cell types in infected murine brains. This is the first demonstration that infection of low numbers of BECs with WT MV allows efficient virus production, induction of TRAIL, and subsequent widespread apoptosis.


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Pyrrolo-1,5-benzoxazepine-15 (PBOX-15) is a novel microtubule depolymerization agent that induces cell cycle arrest and subsequent apoptosis in a number of cancer cell lines. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is characterized by clonal expansion of predominately nonproliferating mature B cells. Here, we present data suggesting PBOX-15 is a potential therapeutic agent for CLL. We show activity of PBOX-15 in samples taken from a cohort of CLL patients (n = 55) representing both high-risk and low-risk disease. PBOX-15 exhibited cytotoxicity in CLL cells (n = 19) in a dose-dependent manner, with mean IC(50) of 0.55 mu mol/L. PBOX-15 significantly induced apoptosis in CLL cells (n = 46) including cells with poor prognostic markers: unmutated IgV(II) genes, CD38 and zeta-associated protein 70 (ZAP-70) expression, and fludarabine-resistant cells with chromosomal deletions in 17p. In addition, PBOX-15 was more potent than fludarabine in inducing apoptosis in fludarabine-sensitive cells. Pharmacologic inhibition and small interfering RNA knockdown of caspase-8 significantly inhibited PBOX-15-induced apoptosis. Pharmacologic inhibition of c-jun NH(2)-terminal kinase inhibited PBOX-15-induced apoptosis in mutated IgV(II) and ZAP-70(-) CLL cells but not in unmutated IgV(II) and ZAP-70(+) cells. PBOX-15 exhibited selective cytotoxicity in CLL cells compared with normal hematopoietic cells. Our data suggest that PBOX-15 represents a novel class of agents that are toxic toward both high-risk and low-risk CLL cells. The need for novel treatments is acute in CLL, especially for the subgroup of patients with poor clinical outcome and drug-resistant disease. This study identifies a novel agent with significant clinical potential.


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Background: In recent years, much progress has been made in the treatment of multiple myeloma. However, a major limitation of existing chemotherapeutic drugs is the eventual emergence of resistance; hence, the development of novel agents with new mechanisms of action is pertinent. Here, we describe the activity and mechanism of action of pyrrolo-1,5-benzoxazepine-15 (PBOX-15), a novel microtubule-targeting agent, in multiple myeloma cells.

Methods: The anti-myeloma activity of PBOX-15 was assessed using NCI-H929, KMS11, RPMI8226, and U266 cell lines, and primary myeloma cells. Cell cycle distribution, apoptosis, cytochrome c release, and mitochondrial inner membrane depolarisation were analysed by flow cytometry; gene expression analysis was carried out using TaqMan Low Density Arrays; and expression of caspase-8 and Bcl-2 family of proteins was assessed by western blot analysis.

Results: Pyrrolo-1,5-benzoxazepine-15 induced apoptosis in ex vivo myeloma cells and in myeloma cell lines. Death receptor genes were upregulated in both NCI-H929 and U266 cell lines, which displayed the highest and lowest apoptotic responses, respectively, following treatment with PBOX-15. The largest increase was detected for the death receptor 5 (DR5) gene, and cotreatment of both cell lines with tumour necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL), the DR5 ligand, potentiated the apoptotic response. In NCI-H929 cells, PBOX-15-induced apoptosis was shown to be caspase-8 dependent, with independent activation of extrinsic and intrinsic apoptotic pathways. A caspase-8-dependent decrease in expression of Bim(EL) preceded downregulation of other Bcl-2 proteins (Bid, Bcl-2, Mcl-1) in PBOX-15-treated NCI-H929 cells.

Conclusion: PBOX-15 induces apoptosis and potentiates TRAIL-induced cell death in multiple myeloma cells. Thus, PBOX-15 represents a promising agent, with a distinct mechanism of action, for the treatment of this malignancy. British Journal of Cancer (2011) 104, 281-289. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6606035 www.bjcancer.com Published online 21 December 2010 (C) 2011 Cancer Research UK


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Execution of programmed cell death (PCD) in nonmetazoan organisms is morphologically different from apoptotic PCD in animals and lacks a number of key molecular components of apoptotic machinery, including caspases. Yet protozoan, fungal, and plant cells exhibit caspase-like proteolytic activities, which increase in a PCD-dependent manner. This poses a question whether nonmetazoan organisms contain structurally dissimilar proteases that functionally substitute for caspases. Putative ancestors of caspases, metacaspases, are candidates for this role; however, their distinct substrate specificity raises doubts. The identification of a common biological target of caspases and metacaspases and previously unknown functions unrelated to cell death of metacaspases provide new food for thought.


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Plant embryogenesis is intimately associated with programmed cell death. The mechanisms of initiation and control of programmed cell death during plant embryo development are not known. Proteolytic activity associated with caspase-like proteins is paramount for control of programmed cell death in animals and yeasts. Caspase family of proteases has unique strong preference for cleavage of the target proteins next to asparagine residue. In this work, we have used synthetic peptide substrates containing caspase recognition sites and corresponding specific inhibitors to analyse the role of caspase-like activity in the regulation of programmed cell death during plant embryogenesis. We demonstrate that VEIDase is a principal caspase-like activity implicated in plant embryogenesis. This activity increases at the early stages of embryo development that coincide with massive cell death during shape remodeling. The VEIDase activity exhibits high sensitivity to pH, ionic strength and Zn2+ concentration. Altogether, biochemical assays show that VEIDase plant caspase-like activity resembles that of both mammalian caspase-6 and yeast metacaspase, YCA1. In vivo, VEIDase activity is localised specifically in the embryonic cells during both the commitment and in the beginning of the execution phase of programmed cell death. Inhibition of VEIDase prevents normal embryo development via blocking the embryo-suspensor differentiation. Our data indicate that the VEIDase activity is an integral part in the control of plant developmental cell death programme, and that this activity is essential for the embryo pattern formation.