130 resultados para Wind power industry


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This paper studies the impact of tower shadow effect on the power output of a fixed-speed wind farm. A data acquisition unit was placed at a wind farm in Northern Ireland which consists of ten fixed-speed wind turbines. The recording equipment logged the wind farmpsilas electrical data, which was time stamped using the global positioning network. Video footage of the wind farm was recorded and from it the blade angle of each turbine was determined with respect to time. Using the blade angle data and the wind farmpsilas power output, studies where performed to ascertain the extent of tower shadow effect on power fluctuation. This paper presents evidence that suggests that tower shadow effect has a significant impact on power fluctuation and that this effect is increased due to the synchronising of turbine blades around the tower region.


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This paper studies the system modelling and control aspects of switched reluctance generator (SRG) based variable speed wind turbines. A control system is implemented to provide proper operation of the SRG as well as power tracking capabilities for varying wind speeds. The control system for the grid side inverter that will allow the SRG to properly generate power to the system is also presented. Studies are presented of both the SRG and inverter control systems capabilities during a balanced three-phase fault. The paper will demonstrate that the SRG based wind turbine presents a feasible variable wind speed solution with good fault response capabilities.


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The inertia of fixed-speed wind turbine generators (WTGs) helps to mitigate under-frequency transients, promotes fault ride-through and damps inter-area oscillations. It is therefore important to quantify this inertia. The authors use measured wind farm responses during under-frequency transients to provide this information. They discuss the extent of the data and the criteria used to select certain events for further analysis. The estimation of WTG inertia is based on a induction generator model. The basis of the model will be described. The manner in which the model is applied to estimate the inertia from the measured data is then explained. Finally, the implications of the results for power system operation are assessed.


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Frequency stability has not necessarily been a major problem for the majority of power systems in the past. However, for economic and environmental reasons, power systems are now operated closer to stability limits to maximise the use of the existing networks. Therefore, introduction of new, more efficient and renewable generation technologies, and their effect on the power system must be fully understood if a reliable and secure electricity supply is to be maintained. Using the Northern Ireland, and interconnected Republic of Ireland electricity networks as a case study, this paper addresses some of the issues regarding integration and modelling of combined cycle gas turbines (CCGT), and wind turbine generator (WTG) technology on a small islanded power system.


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This paper examines power quality benchmarks in the electricity supply industry (ESI) and impact of standards for the reduction of voltage dip incidents. The paper considers adherence to particular standards and is supported by several case studies from incidents where voltage dips have been detected and assessed by the power systems division of Scottish Power and where improvements have been implemented to help militate against subsequent incidents.


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In this study, a constant suction technique for controlling boundary layer separation at low Reynolds numbers was designed and tested. This was later implemented on small wind turbines. Small wind turbines need to operate in low wind speeds, that is, in low Reynolds number regimes – typically in the range 104–105. Airfoils are prone to boundary layer separation in these conditions, leading to a substantial drop in aerodynamic performance of the blades. Under these conditions turbines will have reduced energy output. This paper presents experimental results of applying surface-suction over the suction-surface of airfoils for controlling boundary layer separation. The Reynolds numbers for the experiments are kept in the range 8×104–5×105. The air over the surface of the airfoil is drawn into the airfoil through a slit. It is found that the lift coefficient of the airfoils increases and the drag reduces. Based on the improved airfoil characteristics, an analysis of increase in Coefficient of Power (CP), versus input power for a small wind turbine blade with constant suction is presented.


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This paper discusses the use of primary frequency response metrics to assess the dynamics of frequency disturbance data with the presence of high system non synchronous penetration (SNSP) and system inertia variation. The Irish power system has been chosen as a study case as it experiences a significant level of SNSP from wind turbine generation and imported active power from HVDC interconnectors. Several recorded actual frequency disturbances were used in the analysis. These data were measured and collected from the Irish power system from October 2010 to June 2013. The paper has shown the impact of system inertia and SNSP variation on the performance of primary frequency response metrics, namely: nadir frequency, rate of change of frequency, inertial and primary frequency response.


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Social acceptance for wind turbines is variable, providing a challenge to the implementation of this energy source. Psychological research could contribute to the science of climate change. Here we focus on the emotional responses to the visual impact of wind turbines on the landscape, a factor which dominates attitudes towards this technology. Participants in the laboratory viewed images of turbines and other constructions (churches, pylons and power-plants) against rural scenes, and provided psychophysiological and self-report measures of their emotional reactions. We hypothesised that the emotional response to wind turbines would be more negative and intense than to control objects, and that this difference would be accentuated for turbine opponents. As predicted, the psychophysiological response to turbines was stronger than the response to churches, but did not differ from that of other industrial constructions. In contrast with predictions, turbines were rated as less aversive and more calming compared with other industrial constructions, and equivalent to churches. Supporters and non-supporters did not differ significantly from each other. We discuss how a methodology using photo manipulations and emotional self-assessments can help estimate the emotional reaction to the visual impact on the landscape at the planning stage for new wind turbine applications.


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This article examines precarious employment in the context of the mushroom industry in Northern Ireland. Migrant workers engaged in mushroom picking were interviewed in the context of wider research investigating forced labour in Northern Ireland. The research found that, while the boundaries between exploitation and forced labour are complex and difficult to discern, there was some evidence of borderline forced labour, according to ILO definitions. However, workers found themselves on a ‘continuum of exploitation’, where initial engagement with the prospect of decent work was superseded by increasing endurance of exploitative practices, brought about by unequal power relationships with employers originating in immigration status. This is examined in the wider theoretical context of precarity, of which precarious employment comprises a part.