131 resultados para Total-energy Calculations


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Analyses of the widths and shifts of optically thin emission lines in the ultraviolet spectrum of the active dwarf e Eri (K2 V) are presented. The spectra were obtained using the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope and the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer. The linewidths are used to find the non-thermal energy density and its variation with temperature from the chromosphere to the upper transition region. The energy fluxes that could be carried by Alfvén and acoustic waves are investigated, to test their possible roles in coronal heating. Acoustic waves do not appear to be a viable means of coronal heating. There is, in principle, ample flux in Alfvén waves, but detailed calculations of wave propagation are required before definite conclusions can be drawn concerning their viability. The high sensitivity and spectral resolution of the above instruments have allowed two-component Gaussian fits to be made to the profiles of the stronger transition region lines. The broad and narrow components that result share some similarities with those observed in the Sun, but in e Eri the broad component is redshifted relative to the narrow component and contributes more to the total line flux. The possible origins of the two components and the energy fluxes implied are discussed. On balance our results support the conclusion of Wood, Linsky & Ayres, that the narrow component is related to Alfvén waves reaching to the corona, but the origin of the broad component is not clear.


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The use of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste crops has received considerable attention as a sustainable feedstock that can replace fossil fuels for the production of renewable energy. Therefore, municipal bin-waste in the form of hay was investigated as a potential energy crop for fermentable sugars production. Hydrolysis of hay by dilute phosphoric acid was carried out in autoclave parr reactor, where reactor temperature (135-200 degrees c) and acid concentration (2.5-10% (w/w)) were examined. Analysis of the decomposition rate of hemicellulosic biomass was undertaken using HPLC of the reaction products. Xylose production reached a maximum value of 13.5 g/100 g dry mass corresponding to a yield of 67% at the best identified conditions of 2.5 wt% H3PO4, 175 degrees C, 10 min reaction time, and at 5 wt% H3PO4, 150 degrees C, and 5 min reaction time. For glucose, an average yield of 25% was obtained at 5 wt% H3PO4, 175 degrees C and 30 min. Glucose degradation to HMF was achieved at 10 wt% H3PO4 and 200 degrees C. The maximum yield for produced arabinose was an average of 3 g/100 g dry. mass corresponding to 100% of the total possible arabinose. The kinetic study of the acid hydrolysis was also carried out using the Saeman and the Two-fraction models. It was found for both models that the kinetic constants (k) depend on the acid concentration and temperature. For xylose and arabinose it was found that the rate of formation was more favoured than the rate of degradation. By contrast, for glucose it was found that glucose degradation was occurring faster than glucose formation. It can be concluded that dilute phosphoric acid hydrolysis of hay crop is feasible for the production of fermentable sugars which are essential for bioethanol synthesis. 


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We present TProf, an energy profiling tool for OpenMP-like task-parallel programs. To compute the energy consumed by each task in a parallel application, TProf dynamically traces the parallel execution and uses a novel technique to estimate the per-task energy consumption. To achieve this estimation, TProf apportions the total processor energy among cores and overcomes the limitation of current works which would otherwise make parallel accounting impossible to achieve. We demonstrate the value of TProf by characterizing a set of task parallel programs, where we find that data locality, memory access patterns and task working sets are responsible for significant variance in energy consumption between seemingly homogeneous tasks. In addition, we identify opportunities for fine-grain energy optimization by applying per-task Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS).


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The R-matrix method describing the scattering of low-energy electrons by complex atoms and ions is extended to include terms of the Breit-Pauli Hamiltonian. An application is made to the astrophysically important 1s 2s S-1s 2s2p P transition in Fe XXIII, where in the most accurate calculations carried out all terms of the 1s 2s, 1s2s2p and 1s2p configurations are included in the expansion describing the collision. This gives up to 28 coupled channels for each total angular momentum and parity which are solved on a CRAY-1. The collision strengths are increased by more than a factor of two from their non-relativistic values at all energies considered.


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The relativistic R-matrix method is used to calculate elastic and inelastic cross sections for electrons incident on caesium atoms with energies from 0-3 eV. In addition to the total cross sections, results are presented on the differential cross sections, sigma , and the spin polarisation, P, of the scattered electrons as a function of energy at the scattering angles 10 degrees , 50 degrees , 90 degrees and 150 degrees . The calculation reveals a wealth of resonances around the P and P thresholds. The resonances are analysed in detail and their role in the scattering process is discussed.


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Phaseshifts, differential, total and momentum transfer cross sections are calculated using an R-matrix approach for the elastic scattering of electrons by argon atoms in the impact energy range 0-19 eV. The coupled-state calculation is based upon a single-configuration atomic ground-state wavefunction coupled to a P pseudostate. A critical assessment of earlier theoretical and experimental data is made and the conclusion is reached that the present results are the most satisfactory over the entire energy range considered.


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While investigations using covert food manipulations tend to suggest that individuals are poor at adjusting for previous energy intake, in the real world adults rarely consume foods of which they are ill-informed. This study investigated the impact in fully complicit consumers of consuming commercially available dark chocolate, milk chocolate, sweet biscuits and fruit bars on subsequent appetite. Using a repeated measures design, participants received four small portions (4 × 10-11 g) of either dark chocolate, milk chocolate, sweet biscuits, fruit bars or no food throughout five separate study days (counterbalanced in order), and test meal intake, hunger, liking and acceptability were measured. Participants consumed significantly less at lunch following dark chocolate, milk chocolate and sweet biscuits compared to no food (smallest t(19) = 2.47, p = 0.02), demonstrating very good energy compensation (269-334%). No effects were found for fruit bars (t(19) = 1.76, p = 0.09), in evening meal intakes (F(4,72) = 0.62, p = 0.65) or in total intake (lunch + evening meal + food portions) (F(4,72) = 0.40, p = 0.69). No differences between conditions were found in measures of hunger (largest F(4,76) = 1.26, p = 0.29), but fruit bars were significantly less familiar than all other foods (smallest t(19) = 3.14, p = 0.01). These findings demonstrate good compensation over the short term for small portions of familiar foods in complicit consumers. Findings are most plausibly explained as a result of participant awareness and cognitions, although the nature of these cognitions cannot be discerned from this study. These findings however, also suggest that covert manipulations may have limited transfer to real world scenarios.


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Thermal comfort is defined as “that condition of mind which expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment’ [1] [2]. Field studies have been completed in order to establish the governing conditions for thermal comfort [3]. These studies showed that the internal climate of a room was the strongest factor in establishing thermal comfort. Direct manipulation of the internal climate is necessary to retain an acceptable level of thermal comfort. In order for Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS) strategies to be efficiently utilised it is necessary to have the ability to predict the effect that activating a heating/cooling source (radiators, windows and doors) will have on the room. The numerical modelling of the domain can be challenging due to necessity to capture temperature stratification and/or different heat sources (radiators, computers and human beings). Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) models are usually utilised for this function because they provide the level of details required. Although they provide the necessary level of accuracy these models tend to be highly computationally expensive especially when transient behaviour needs to be analysed. Consequently they cannot be integrated in BEMS. This paper presents and describes validation of a CFD-ROM method for real-time simulations of building thermal performance. The CFD-ROM method involves the automatic extraction and solution of reduced order models (ROMs) from validated CFD simulations. The test case used in this work is a room of the Environmental Research Institute (ERI) Building at the University College Cork (UCC). ROMs have shown that they are sufficiently accurate with a total error of less than 1% and successfully retain a satisfactory representation of the phenomena modelled. The number of zones in a ROM defines the size and complexity of that ROM. It has been observed that ROMs with a higher number of zones produce more accurate results. As each ROM has a time to solution of less than 20 seconds they can be integrated into the BEMS of a building which opens the potential to real time physics based building energy modelling.


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The generalized Langevin equation (GLE) method, as developed previously [L. Stella et al., Phys. Rev. B 89, 134303 (2014)], is used to calculate the dissipative dynamics of systems described at the atomic level. The GLE scheme goes beyond the commonly used bilinear coupling between the central system and the bath, and permits us to have a realistic description of both the dissipative central system and its surrounding bath. We show how to obtain the vibrational properties of a realistic bath and how to convey such properties into an extended Langevin dynamics by the use of the mapping of the bath vibrational properties onto a set of auxiliary variables. Our calculations for a model of a Lennard-Jones solid show that our GLE scheme provides a stable dynamics, with the dissipative/relaxation processes properly described. The total kinetic energy of the central system always thermalizes toward the expected bath temperature, with appropriate fluctuation around the mean value. More importantly, we obtain a velocity distribution for the individual atoms in the central system which follows the expected canonical distribution at the corresponding temperature. This confirms that both our GLE scheme and our mapping procedure onto an extended Langevin dynamics provide the correct thermostat. We also examined the velocity autocorrelation functions and compare our results with more conventional Langevin dynamics.


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Building Information Modelling (BIM) is growing in pace, not only in design and construction stages, but also in the analysis of facilities throughout their life cycle. With this continued growth and utilisation of BIM processes, comes the possibility to adopt such procedures, to accurately measure the energy efficiency of buildings, to accurately estimate their energy usage. To this end, the aim of this research is to investigate if the introduction of BIM Energy Performance Assessment in the form of software analysis, provides accurate results, when compared with actual energy consumption recorded. Through selective sampling, three domestic case studies are scrutinised, with baseline figures taken from existing energy providers, the results scrutinised and compared with calculations provided from two separate BIM energy analysis software packages. Of the numerous software packages available, criterion sampling is used to select two of the most prominent platforms available on the market today. The two packages selected for scrutiny are Integrated Environmental Solutions - Virtual Environment (IES-VE) and Green Building Studio (GBS). The results indicate that IES-VE estimated the energy use in region of ±8% in two out of three case studies while GBS estimated usage approximately ±5%. The findings indicate that the introduction of BIM energy performance assessment, using proprietary software analysis, is a viable alternative to manual calculations of building energy use, mainly due to the accuracy and speed of assessing, even the most complex models. Given the surge in accurate and detailed BIM models and the importance placed on the continued monitoring and control of buildings energy use within today’s environmentally conscious society, this provides an alternative means by which to accurately assess a buildings energy usage, in a quick and cost effective manner.


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Ultracold hybrid ion–atom traps offer the possibility of microscopic manipulation of quantum coherences in the gas using the ion as a probe. However, inelastic processes, particularly charge transfer can be a significant process of ion loss and has been measured experimentally for the ${\rm Y}{{{\rm b}}^{+}}$ ion immersed in a Rb vapour. We use first-principles quantum chemistry codes to obtain the potential energy curves and dipole moments for the lowest-lying energy states of this complex. Calculations for the radiative decay processes cross sections and rate coefficients are presented for the total decay processes; ${\rm Y}{{{\rm b}}^{+}}(6{\rm s}{{\;}^{2}}{\rm S})+{\rm Rb}(5{\rm s}{{\;}^{2}}{\rm S})\to {\rm Yb}(6{{{\rm s}}^{2}}{{\;}^{1}}{\rm S})+{\rm R}{{{\rm b}}^{+}}(4{{{\rm p}}^{6}}{{\;}^{1}}{\rm S})+h\nu $ and ${\rm Y}{{{\rm b}}^{+}}(6{\rm s}{{\;}^{2}}{\rm S})+{\rm Rb}(5{\rm s}{{\;}^{2}}{\rm S})\to {\rm YbR}{{{\rm b}}^{+}}({{X}^{1}}{{\Sigma }^{+}})+h\nu $. Comparing the semi-classical Langevin approximation with the quantum approach, we find it provides a very good estimate of the background at higher energies. The results demonstrate that radiative decay mechanisms are important over the energy and temperature region considered. In fact, the Langevin process of ion–atom collisions dominates cold ion–atom collisions. For spin-dependent processes [1] the anisotropic magnetic dipole–dipole interaction and the second-order spin–orbit coupling can play important roles, inducing coupling between the spin and the orbital motion. They measured the spin-relaxing collision rate to be approximately five orders of magnitude higher than the charge-exchange collision rate [1]. Regarding the measured radiative charge transfer collision rate, we find that our calculation is in very good agreement with experiment and with previous calculations. Nonetheless, we find no broad resonances features that might underly a strong isotope effect. In conclusion, we find, in agreement with previous theory that the isotope anomaly observed in experiment remains an open question.