202 resultados para Contact Forms
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the contamination of used disposable soft contact lenses with Acanthamoeba. Methods: We evaluated 51 consecutive disposable soft contact lens wearers in a prospective study. Before their check-up visits, patients were offered a free new contact lens in exchange for donating their old one. The used contact lenses (n=102) were then removed and placed in culture medium for Acanthamoeba. We subsequently investigated patterns of wear and hygiene habits. Results: The mean age of this population was 32.6±11.0 years. The average time of disposable soft contact lens wear was 13.7 hours per day. The contact lenses were disinfected daily with commercial solutions. Twenty-five (49.0%) subjects did not clean their lens cases properly. Acanthamoeba was not isolated from any of the 102 lenses. Conclusions: There were no cases of Acanthamoeba contamination in a small population of disposable soft contact lens wearers who regularly disinfected their lenses with standard commercially available contact lens solutions.
Question: How parallel is adaptive evolution when it occurs from different genetic backgrounds? Background: Divergent evolutionary lineages of several post-glacial fish species including the threespine stickleback are found together in Ireland. Goals: To investigate the morphological diversity of stickleback populations in Ireland and assess whether morphology evolved in parallel between evolutionary lineages. Methods: We sampled stickleback from lake, river, and coastal habitats across Ireland. Microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA data revealed evolutionary history. Geometric morphometrics and linear trait measurements characterized morphology. We used a multivariate approach to quantify parallel and non-parallel divergence within and between lineages. Results: Repeated evolution of similar morphologies in similar habitats occurred across Ireland, concordant with patterns observed elsewhere in the stickleback distribution. A strong pattern of habitat-specific morphology existed even among divergent lineages. Furthermore, a strong signal of shared morphological divergence occurred along a marine-freshwater axis. Evidently, deterministic natural selection played a more important role in driving freshwater adaptation than independent evolutionary history. © 2013 Mark Ravinet.
There are two common forms of NRH-quinone oxidoreductase 2 (NQO2) in the human population resulting from SNP rs1143684. One has phenylalanine at position 47 (NQO2-F47) and the other leucine (NQO2-L47). Using recombinant proteins, we show that these variants have similar steady state kinetic parameters, although NQO2-L47 has a slightly lower specificity constant. NQO2-L47 is less stable towards proteolytic digestion and thermal denaturation than NQO2-F47. Both forms are inhibited by resveratrol, but NQO2-F47 shows negative cooperativity with this inhibitor. Thus these data demonstrate, for the first time, clear biochemical differences between the variants which help explain previous biomedical and epidemiological findings. © 2014 Federation of European Biochemical Societies.
Although the past two decades have seen concrete attempts to reduce ethnic and racial prejudice, relatively little has been done to diminish age related prejudice. In this paper, we review intergenerational contact interventions have been applied in a real world setting, the results are mixed. While contact interventions are not a panacea, they do constitute a main plank in efforts to redress ageism. We, therefore, examine the types of interventions that are effective, the processes underlying their enhanced impact, and clarifying when and how intergenerational contact can predict more positive attitudes towards the elderly. Finally, we highlight ways in which findings might be applied to the development of more effective interventions aimed at combating a pervasive stereotype of aging, drawing out lessons for theory and implications for practice.
Two studies investigated the role of personality factors in the amelioration of outgroup attitudes via intergroup contact. In study 1, the effect of extraversion on outgroup attitude operated via an increase in cross-group friendship, whereas openness to experience and agreeableness had a direct effect on outgroup attitude. In study 2, we included intergroup anxiety as a mediator explaining these relationships, and we ruled out ingroup friendship as a potential confound. We found that the relationships between openness to experience and agreeableness on the one hand and outgroup attitude on the other were mediated by reduced intergroup anxiety. In addition, the effect of extraversion on outgroup attitude operated via an increase in cross-group friendship that was in turn associated with lower levels of intergroup anxiety. Across both studies, the friendship–attitude relationship was stronger among those low in agreeableness and extraversion. We discuss the importance of integrating personality and situational approaches to prejudice reduction in optimizing the impact of contact-based interventions. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Extended contact has been shown to improve explicit and implicit attitudes toward a number of outgroups, but not yet toward people with mental health conditions. Using people with schizophrenia as the target group, this experiment is the first to demonstrate that extended contact can reduce explicit prejudice, buffer stress responses to future interactions, improve non-verbal behavior, and improve the quality of interactions in a manner detectable by the target group member. Participants watched a video of a brief, positive interaction between two strangers, one of whom they were led to believe had schizophrenia. Control participants watched the same video without being told that the person had schizophrenia. They then participated in a social interaction with a confederate whom they were led to believe had the disorder. Participants' cardiovascular and electrodermal activity were monitored immediately before the interaction. The interaction was also secretly recorded to allow independent judges to assess the participants' non-verbal behaviors. The confederate also rated the positivity of each interaction. Participants in the extended contact condition reported more positive attitudes toward people with schizophrenia, displayed more positive non-verbal behaviors, and had a more positive interaction with the confederate. Moreover, just prior to the interaction, participants in the extended contact condition displayed smaller anticipatory stress responses, as reflected in smaller changes in interbeat interval and non-specific skin conductance responses during this phase. Together, these findings support the use of the extended contact as an intervention that could lead to genuine changes in attitudes toward and treatment of people with severe mental health disorders.
This study explored segregation and sectarianism among children in integrated and non-integrated Northern Irish schools. Results revealed a substantial relationship between 2 types of intergroup contact—cross-group friendship and extended contact—and lower levels of prejudice. While cross-group friendships were associated with more positive intergroup relations via the mediating mechanisms of self-disclosure and empathy with the out-group, extended contact worked by eliciting positive perceived peer norms toward the out-group. The findings are discussed in terms of their implications for intergroup relations among children in conflict societies.