188 resultados para Cats - renal biopsy


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Cardiac surgery modulates pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine balance involving plasma tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFa) and interleukin-10 (IL-10) together with urinary transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGFß1), interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL1ra) and tumour necrosis factor soluble receptor-2 (TNFsr2). Effects on post-operative renal function are unclear. We investigated if following cardiac surgery there is a relationship between cytokine (a) phenotype and renal outcome; (b) genotype and phenotype and (c) genotype and renal outcome. Since angiotensin-2 (AG2), modulates TGFß1 production, we determined whether angiotensin converting enzyme insertion/deletion (ACE I/D) genotype affects urinary TGFß1 phenotype as well as renal outcome.


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Background: A preliminary review of the UK Renal Registry (UKRR) pre-RRT study data revealed results suggesting that, for some patients, the date of start of renal replacement therapy (RRT), as reported to the UKRR, was incorrect and often significantly later than the true date of start. A more detailed study then aimed to validate a set of criteria to identify patients with an incorrect start date. Methods: Pre-RRT laboratory data were electronically extracted from 8,810 incident RRT patients from 9 UK renal centres. Any patient with a low urea (<15 mmol/L) at the start of RRT or with a substantial improvement in kidney function (either a fall in urea >10 mmol/L or rise in eGFR >2 ml/min/1.73 m) within the two months prior to RRT were considered to potentially have an incorrect date of start. In 4
selected centres, the electronic patient records of all patients flagged were reviewed to validate these criteria.
Results: Of 8,810 patients, 1,616 (18.3%) were flagged by the identification criteria as having a potentially incorrect date of start of RRT, although a single centre accounted for 41% of the total flagged cohort. Of these flagged patients, 61.7% had been assigned an incorrect date of start of haemodialysis (HD), 5.7% had evidence of acute RRT being given before the reported date of start of HD
and 9.2% had evidence of starting peritoneal dialysis exchanges prior to the reported date of start. Of
those flagged, 10.7% had a correct date of start of RRT.
Conclusions: Accurate reporting of RRT episodes is vital for the analysis of time dependent studies such as survival or time to transplantation. A proportion of patients starting RRT were assigned an incorrect start date. In order to improve the accuracy of this reporting the UK Renal Registry
must work with renal centres and clinical staff on improving data input for the start of RRT.


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Introduction: The prevalence of comorbidities in incident renal replacement therapy (RRT) patients changes with age and varies between ethnic groups. This study describes these associations and the independent effect of comorbidities on outcomes. Methods: Adult patients starting RRT between 2003 and 2008 in centres reporting to the UK Renal Registry (UKRR) with data on comorbidity (n ¼ 14,909) were included. The UKRR studied the association of comorbidity with patient demographics, treatment modality, haemoglobin, renal function at start of RRT and subsequent listing for kidney transplantation. The relationship between comorbidities and mortality at 90 days and one year after 90 days from start of RRT was explored using Cox regression. Results: Completeness of comorbidity data was 40.0% compared with 54.3% in 2003. Of patients with data, 53.8% had one or more comorbidities. Diabetes mellitus and ischaemic heart disease were the most common conditions seen in 30.1% and 22.7% of patients respectively. Current smoking was recorded for 14.5% of incident RRT patients in the 6-year period. Comorbidities became more common with increasing age in all ethnic groups although the difference between the 65–74 and 75+ age groups was not significant. Within each age group, South Asians and Blacks had lower rates of comorbidity, despite higher rates of diabetes mellitus. In multivariate survival analysis, malignancy and ischaemic/neuropathic ulcers were the strongest independent predictors of poor survival at 1 year after 90 days from the start of RRT. Conclusion: Differences in prevalence of comorbid illnesses in incident RRT patients may reflect variation in access to health care or competing risk prior to commencing treatment. At the same time, smoking rates remained high in this ‘at risk’ population. Further work on this and ways to improve comorbidity reporting should be priorities for 2010–11.


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Introduction: The prevalence of 13 comorbid conditions and smoking status at the time of starting renal replacement therapy (RRT) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are described. Methods: Adult patients starting RRT between 2002 and 2007 in centres reporting to the UK Renal Registry (UKRR) and with data on comorbidity (n¼13,293) were included. The association of comorbidity with patient demographics, treatment modality, haemoglobin, renal function at start of RRT and subsequent listing for kidney transplantation were studied. Association between comorbidities and mortality at 90 days and one year after 90 days from start of RRT was explored using Cox regression. Results: Completeness of data on comorbidity returned to the UKRR remained poor. Of patients with data, 52% had one or more comorbidities. Diabetes mellitus and ischaemic heart disease were the most common conditions seen in 28.9% and 22.5% of patients respectively. Comorbidities became more common with increasing age (up to the 65–74 age group), were more common amongst Whites and were associated with a lower likelihood of pre-emptive transplantation, a greater likelihood of starting on haemodialysis (rather than peritoneal dialysis) and a lower likelihood of being listed for kidney transplantation. In multivariable survival analysis, malignancy and ischaemic/neuropathic ulcers were the strongest predictors of poor survival at 1 year after 90 days from start of RRT. Conclusions: The majority of patients had at least one comorbid condition and comorbidity is an important predictor of early mortality on RRT.


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Introduction: This chapter describes the characteristics of
adult patients on renal replacement therapy (RRT) in the
UK in 2009. The prevalence rates per million population
(pmp) were calculated for Primary Care Trusts in England,
Health and Social Care Areas in Northern Ireland, Local
Health Boards in Wales and Health Boards in Scotland.
These areas will be referred to in this report as ‘PCT/HBs’.
Methods: Data were electronically collected from all 72
renal centres within the UK. A series of cross-sectional and
longitudinal analyses were performed to describe the
demographics of prevalent RRT patients in 2009 at centre
and national level. Age and gender standardised ratios for
prevalence rates in PCT/HBs were calculated. Results:
There were 49,080 adult patients receiving RRT in the UK
on 31st December 2009, equating to a UK prevalence of
794 pmp. This represented an annual increase in prevalent
numbers of approximately 3.2% although there was significant
variation between centres and PCT/HB areas. The
growth rate from 2008 to 2009 for prevalent patients by
treatment modality in the UK was 4.2% for haemodialysis
(HD), a fall of 7.2% for peritoneal dialysis (PD) and a
growth of 4.4% with a functioning transplant. There has
been a slow but steady decline in the proportion of PD
patients from 2000 onwards. Median RRT vintage was 5.4
years. The median age of prevalent patients was 57.7
years (HD 65.9 years, PD 61.2 years and transplant 50.8
years). For all ages, prevalence rates in males exceeded
those in females: peaks for males were in the 75–79 years
age group at 2,632 pmp and for females in the 70–74
years age group at 1,445 pmp. The most common identifiable
renal diagnosis was biopsy-proven glomerulonephritis
(16.0%), followed by diabetes (14.7%). Transplantation was
the most common treatment modality (48%), HD in 44%
and PD 8%. However, HD was increasingly common with
increasing age and transplantation less common. Conclusions:
The HD and transplant population continued to
expand whilst the PD population contracted. There were
national, regional and dialysis centre level variations in
prevalence rates. This has implications for service planning
and ensuring equity of care for RRT patients.


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Signalling interplay between transforming growth factor-beta (TGF beta) and CCN2 [also called connective tissue growth factor (CTGF)] plays a crucial role in the progression of diabetic nephropathy and has been implicated in cellular differentiation. To investigate the potential role of microRNAs (miRNAs) in the mediation of this signalling network, we performed miRNA screening in mesangial cells treated with recombinant human CCN2. Analysis revealed a cohort of 22 miRNAs differentially expressed by twofold or more, including members of the miR-302 family. Target analysis of miRNA to 3'-untranslated regions (3'-UTRs) identified TGF beta receptor II (T beta RII) as a potential miR-302 target. In mesangial cells, decreased T beta RII expression was confirmed in response to CCN2 together with increased expression of miR-302d. T beta RII was confirmed as an miR-302 target, and inhibition of miR-302d was sufficient to attenuate the effect of CCN2 on T beta RII. Data from the European Renal cDNA Biopsy Bank revealed decreased T beta RII in diabetic patients, suggesting pathophysiological significance. In a mouse model of fibrosis (UUO), miR-302d was increased, with decreased T beta RII expression and aberrant signalling, suggesting relevance in chronic fibrosis. miR-302d decreased TGF beta-induced epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) in renal HKC8 epithelial cells and attenuated TGF beta-induced mesangial production of fibronectin and thrombospondin. In summary, we demonstrate a new mode of regulation of TGF beta by CCN2, and conclude that the miR-302 family has a role in regulating growth factor signalling pathways, with implications for nephropathic cell fate transitions.


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Aim-To develop an expert system model for the diagnosis of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) of the breast.

Methods-Knowledge and uncertainty were represented in the form of a Bayesian belief network which permitted the combination of diagnostic evidence in a cumulative manner and provided a final probability for the possible diagnostic outcomes. The network comprised 10 cytological features (evidence nodes), each independently linked to the diagnosis (decision node) by a conditional probability matrix. The system was designed to be interactive in that the cytopathologist entered evidence into the network in the form of likelihood ratios for the outcomes at each evidence node.

Results-The efficiency of the network was tested on a series of 40 breast FNAC specimens. The highest diagnostic probability provided by the network agreed with the cytopathologists' diagnosis in 100% of cases for the assessment of discrete, benign, and malignant aspirates. A typical probably benign cases were given probabilities in favour of a benign diagnosis. Suspicious cases tended to have similar probabilities for both diagnostic outcomes and so, correctly, could not be assigned as benign or malignant. A closer examination of cumulative belief graphs for the diagnostic sequence of each case provided insight into the diagnostic process, and quantitative data which improved the identification of suspicious cases.

Conclusion-The further development of such a system will have three important roles in breast cytodiagnosis: (1) to aid the cytologist in making a more consistent and objective diagnosis; (2) to provide a teaching tool on breast cytological diagnosis for the non-expert; and (3) it is the first stage in the development of a system capable of automated diagnosis through the use of expert system machine vision.


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In both the UK and throughout Europe, more patients are presenting with renal cell cancer (RCC), also known as renal cell carcinoma or kidney cancer. The overall survival rate varies depending on tumour grade, nodal involvement and metastasis. For those with metastasis survival drops to 10%. This article explores the risk factors associated with RCC diagnosis and staging, treatments including drugs and procedures and the role of the nurse in diagnosis and accurate assessment. Nurses are ideally suited to consider the physical, functional, social, and emotional status of their patients In addition, it is essential that the nurse has an understanding of new pharmaceutical therapies, which have been licensed to treat RCC, and a sound knowledge of the possible side effects and nursing management associated with these drugs.


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Introduction: Cachexia is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in people who have end-stage renal disease (ESRD). The majority of research into cachexia in ESRD has focused on the biological aspects of the syndrome and potential treatment modalities. While this research is necessary, it predominately focuses on the physical impact of cachexia in ESRD. The multi-dimensional psychosocial ramifications of this syndrome have been highlighted in other end-stage illness trajectories, but have not been systematically explored in persons who have ESRD. Aim: This paper discusses why this research is necessary, alongside further studies to help define the pathophysiology of this syndrome. Conclusion: The rich insightful data gained from understanding the patients' illness experience will positively contribute to the limited knowledge base available and inform future holistic patient-centred care delivery which recognises and responds to not only the biological but also the psychosocial impact of cachexia. © 2013 European Dialysis and Transplant Nurses Association/European Renal Care Association.


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Determination of HER2 protein expression by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and genomic status by fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) are important in identifying a subset of high HER2-expressing gastric cancers that might respond to trastuzumab. Although FISH is considered the standard for determination of HER2 genomic status, brightfield ISH is being increasingly recognised as a viable alternative. Also, the impact of HER2 protein expression/genomic heterogeneity on the accuracy of HER2 testing has not been well studied in the context of gastric biopsy samples.


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Lipoxins, which are endogenously produced lipid mediators, promote the resolution of inflammation, and may inhibit fibrosis, suggesting a possible role in modulating renal disease. Here, lipoxin A4 (LXA4) attenuated TGF-ß1-induced expression of fibronectin, N-cadherin, thrombospondin, and the notch ligand jagged-1 in cultured human proximal tubular epithelial (HK-2) cells through a mechanism involving upregulation of the microRNA let-7c. Conversely, TGF-ß1 suppressed expression of let-7c. In cells pretreated with LXA4, upregulation of let-7c persisted despite subsequent stimulation with TGF-ß1. In the unilateral ureteral obstruction model of renal fibrosis, let-7c upregulation was induced by administering an LXA4 analog. Bioinformatic analysis suggested that targets of let-7c include several members of the TGF-ß1 signaling pathway, including the TGF-ß receptor type 1. Consistent with this, LXA4-induced upregulation of let-7c inhibited both the expression of TGF-ß receptor type 1 and the response to TGF-ß1. Overexpression of let-7c mimicked the antifibrotic effects of LXA4 in renal epithelia; conversely, anti-miR directed against let-7c attenuated the effects of LXA4. Finally, we observed that several let-7c target genes were upregulated in fibrotic human renal biopsies compared with controls. In conclusion, these results suggest that LXA4-mediated upregulation of let-7c suppresses TGF-ß1-induced fibrosis and that expression of let-7c targets is dysregulated in human renal fibrosis.


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Microalbuminuria is a common diagnosis in the clinical care of patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Long-term outcomes after the development of microalbuminuria are variable.