159 resultados para vehicle velocity


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Hybrid vehicles can use energy storage systems to disconnect the engine from the driving wheels of the vehicle. This enables the engine to be run closer to its optimum operating condition, but fuel energy is still wasted through the exhaust system as heat. The use of a turbogenerator on the exhaust line addresses this problem by capturing some of the otherwise wasted heat and converting it into useful electrical energy.

This paper outlines the work undertaken to model the engine of a diesel-electric hybrid bus, coupled with a hybrid powertrain model which analysed the performance of a hybrid vehicle over a drive-cycle. The distribution of the turbogenerator power was analysed along with the effect on the fuel consumption of the bus. This showed that including the turbogenerator produced a 2.4% reduction in fuel consumption over a typical drive-cycle.

The hybrid bus generator was then optimised to improve the performance of the combined vehicle/engine package and the turbogenerator was then shown to offer a 3.0% reduction in fuel consumption. The financial benefits of using the turbogenerator were also considered in terms of fuel savings for operators. For an average bus, a turbogenerator could reduce fuel costs by around £1200 per year.


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In this article the multibody simulation software package MADYMO for analysing and optimizing occupant safety design was used to model crash tests for Normal Containment barriers in accordance with EN 1317. The verification process was carried out by simulating a TB31 and a TB32 crash test performed on vertical portable concrete barriers and by comparing the numerical results to those obtained experimentally. The same modelling approach was applied to both tests to evaluate the predictive capacity of the modelling at two different impact speeds. A sensitivity analysis of the vehicle stiffness was also carried out. The capacity to predict all of the principal EN1317 criteria was assessed for the first time: the acceleration severity index, the theoretical head impact velocity, the barrier working width and the vehicle exit box. Results showed a maximum error of 6% for the acceleration severity index and 21% for theoretical head impact velocity for the numerical simulation in comparison to the recorded data. The exit box position was predicted with a maximum error of 4°. For the working width, a large percentage difference was observed for test TB31 due to the small absolute value of the barrier deflection but the results were well within the limit value from the standard for both tests. The sensitivity analysis showed the robustness of the modelling with respect to contact stiffness increase of ±20% and ±40%. This is the first multibody model of portable concrete barriers that can reproduce not only the acceleration severity index but all the test criteria of EN 1317 and is therefore a valuable tool for new product development and for injury biomechanics research.


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In this paper, a novel method for modelling a scaled vehicle–barrier crash test similar to the 20◦ angled barrier test specified in EN 1317 is reported. The intended application is for proof-of-concept evaluation of novel roadside barrier designs, and as a cost-effective precursor to full-scale testing or detailed computational modelling. The method is based on the combination of the conservation of energy law and the equation of motion of a spring mass system representing the impact, and shows, for the first time, the feasibility of applying classical scaling theories to evaluation of roadside barrier design. The scaling method is used to set the initial velocity of the vehicle in the scaled test and to provide scaling factors to convert the measured vehicle accelerations in the scaled test to predicted full-scale accelerations. These values can then be used to calculate the Acceleration Severity Index score of the barrier for a full-scale test. The theoretical validity of the method is demonstrated by comparison to numerical simulations of scaled and full-scale angled barrier impacts using multibody analysis implemented in the crash simulation software MADYMO. Results show a maximum error of 0.3% ascribable to the scaling method.


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Previous research on damage detection based on the response of a structure to a moving load has reported decay in accuracy with increasing load speed. Using a 3D vehicle – bridge interaction model, this paper shows that the area under the filtered acceleration response of the bridge increases with increasing damage, even at highway load speeds. Once a datum reading is established, the area under subsequent readings can be monitored and compared with the baseline reading, if an increase is observed it may indicate the presence of damage. The sensitivity of the proposed approach to road roughness and noise is tested in several damage scenarios. The possibility of identifying damage in the bridge by analysing the acceleration response of the vehicle traversing it is also investigated. While vehicle acceleration is shown to be more sensitive to road roughness and noise and therefore less reliable than direct bridge measurements, damage is successfully identified in favourable scenarios.


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We present a comparison of two Suzaku X-ray observations of the nearby (z = 0.184), luminous (L ∼ 10 erg s) type I quasar, PDS 456. A new 125 ks Suzaku observation in 2011 caught the quasar during a period of low X-ray flux and with a hard X-ray spectrum, in contrast with a previous 190 ks Suzaku observation in 2007 when the quasar appeared brighter and had a steep (Γ > 2) X-ray spectrum. The 2011 X-ray spectrum contains a pronounced trough near 9 keV in the quasar rest frame, which can be modeled with blueshifted iron K-shell absorption, most likely from the He- and H-like transitions of iron. The absorption trough is observed at a similar rest-frame energy as in the earlier 2007 observation, which appears to confirm the existence of a persistent high-velocity wind in PDS 456, at an outflow velocity of 0.25-0.30c. The spectral variability between 2007 and 2011 can be accounted for by variations in a partial covering absorber, increasing in covering fraction from the brighter 2007 observation to the hard and faint 2011 observation. Overall, the low-flux 2011 observation can be explained if PDS 456 is observed at relatively low inclination angles through a Compton-thick wind, originating from the accretion disk, which significantly attenuates the X-ray flux from the quasar. © 2014. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents the background rationale and key findings for a model-based study of supercritical waste heat recovery organic Rankine cycles. The paper’s objective is to cover the necessary groundwork to facilitate the future operation of a thermodynamic organic Rankine cycle model under realistic thermodynamic boundary conditions for performance optimisation of organic Rankine cycles. This involves determining the type of power cycle for organic Rankine cycles, the circuit configuration and suitable boundary conditions. The study focuses on multiple heat sources from vehicles but the findings are generally applicable, with careful consideration, to any waste heat recovery system. This paper introduces waste heat recovery and discusses the general merits of organic fluids versus water and supercritical operation versus subcritical operation from a theoretical perspective and, where possible, from a practical perspective. The benefits of regeneration are investigated from an efficiency perspective for selected subcritical and supercritical conditions. A simulation model is described with an introduction to some general Rankine cycle boundary conditions. The paper describes the analysis of real hybrid vehicle data from several driving cycles and its manipulation to represent the thermal inertia for model heat input boundary conditions. Basic theory suggests that selecting the operating pressures and temperatures to maximise the Rankine cycle performance is relatively straightforward. However, it was found that this may not be the case for an organic Rankine cycle operating in a vehicle. When operating in a driving cycle, the available heat and its quality can vary with the power output and between heat sources. For example, the available coolant heat does not vary much with the load, whereas the quantity and quality of the exhaust heat varies considerably. The key objective for operation in the vehicle is optimum utilisation of the available heat by delivering the maximum work out. The fluid selection process and the presentation and analysis of the final results of the simulation work on organic Rankine cycles are the subjects of two future publications.


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In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of bridges which are being instrumented and monitored on an ongoing basis. This is in part due to the introduction of bridge management systems designed to provide a high level of protection to the public and early warning if the bridge becomes unsafe. This paper investigates a novel alternative; a low-cost method consisting of the use of a vehicle fitted with accelerometers on its axles to monitor the dynamic behaviour of bridges. A simplified half-car vehicle-bridge interaction model is used in theoretical simulations to test the effectiveness of the approach in identifying the damping ratio of the bridge. The method is tested for a range of bridge spans and vehicle velocities using theoretical simulations and the influences of road roughness, initial vibratory condition of the vehicle, signal noise, modelling errors and frequency matching on the accuracy of the results are investigated.


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This paper presents a novel method to carry out monitoring of transport infrastructure such as pavements and bridges through the analysis of vehicle accelerations. An algorithm is developed for the identification of dynamic vehicle-bridge interaction forces using the vehicle response. Moving force identification theory is applied to a vehicle model in order to identify these dynamic forces between the vehicle and the road and/or bridge. A coupled half-car vehicle-bridge interaction model is used in theoretical simulations to test the effectiveness of the approach in identifying the forces. The potential of the method to identify the global bending stiffness of the bridge and to predict the pavement roughness is presented. The method is tested for a range of bridge spans using theoretical simulations and the influences of road roughness and signal noise on the accuracy of the results are investigated.


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In the interaction between vehicles, pavements and bridges, it is essential to aim towards a reduction of vehicle axle forces to promote longer pavement life spans and to prevent bridges loads becoming too high. Moreover, as the road surface roughness affects the vehicle dynamic forces, an efficient monitoring of pavement condition is also necessary to achieve this aim. This paper uses a novel algorithm to identify the dynamic interaction forces and pavement roughness from vehicle accelerations in both theoretical simulations and a laboratory experiment; moving force identification theory is applied to a vehicle model for this purpose. Theoretical simulations are employed to evaluate the ability of the algorithm to predict forces over a range of bridge spans and to evaluate the influence of road roughness level on the accuracy of the results. Finally, in addressing the challenge for the real-world problem, the effects of vehicle configuration and speed on the predicted road roughness are also investigated in a laboratory experiment.


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Periodic monitoring of structures such as bridges is necessary as their condition can deteriorate due to environmental conditions and ageing, causing the bridge to become unsafe. This monitoring - so called Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) - can give an early warning if a bridge becomes unsafe. This paper investigates an alternative wavelet-based approach for the monitoring of bridge structures which consists of the use of a vehicle fitted with accelerometers on its axles. A simplified vehicle-bridge interaction model is used in theoretical simulations to examine the effectiveness of the approach in detecting damage in the bridge. The accelerations of the vehicle are processed using a continuous wavelet transform, allowing a time-frequency analysis to be performed. This enables the identification of both the existence and location of damage from the vehicle response. Based on this analysis, a damage index is established. A parametric study is carried out to investigate the effect of parameters such as the bridge span length, vehicle speed, vehicle mass, damage level, signal noise level and road surface roughness on the accuracy of results. In addition, a laboratory experiment is carried out to validate the results of the theoretical analysis and assess the ability of the approach to detect changes in the bridge response.


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Pavements and bridges are subject to a continuous degradation due to traffic aggressiveness, ageing and environmental factors. A rational transport policy requires the monitoring of this transport infrastructure in order to provide adequate maintenance and guarantee the required levels of transport service and safety. This paper investigates the use of an instrumented vehicle fitted with accelerometers on its axles to monitor the dynamics of bridges. A simplified quarter carbridge interaction model is used in theoretical simulations and the natural frequency of the bridge is extracted from the spectra of the vehicle accelerations. The accuracy is better at lower speeds and for smooth road profiles. The structural damping of the bridge was also monitored for smooth and rough road profiles. The magnitude of peaks in the power spectral density of the vehicle accelerations decreased with increasing bridge damping and this decrease was easier to detect the smoother the road profile.


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This paper investigates a wavelet-based damage detection approach for bridge structures. By analysing the continuous wavelet transform of the vehicle response, the approach aims to identify changes in the bridge response which may indicate the existence of damage. A numerical vehicle-bridge interaction model is used in simulations as part of a sensitivity study. Furthermore, a laboratory experiment is carried out to investigate the effects of varying vehicle configuration, speed and bridge damping on the ability of the vehicle to detect changes in the bridge response. The accelerations of the vehicle and bridge are processed using a continuous wavelet transform, allowing time-frequency analysis to be carried out on the responses of the laboratory vehicle-bridge interaction system. Results indicate the most favourable conditions for successful implementation of the approach.


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In this paper we investigate the first order characteristics of the radio channel between a moving vehicle and a stationary person positioned by the side of a road at 5.8 GHz. The experiments considered a transmitter positioned at different locations on both the body and receivers positioned on the vehicle. The transmitter was alternated between positions on the central chest region, back and the wrist (facing the roadside) of the body, with the receivers placed on the outside roof, the outside rear window and the inside dashboard of the vehicle. The Rice fading model was applied to the measurement data to assess its suitability for characterizing this emerging type of wireless channel. The Ricean K factors calculated from the data suggest that a significant dominant component existed in the majority of the channels considered in this study.


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Thermocouples are one of the most popular devices for temperature measurement due to their robustness, ease of manufacture and installation, and low cost. However, when used in certain harsh environments, for example, in combustion systems and engine exhausts, large wire diameters are required, and consequently the measurement bandwidth is reduced. This article discusses a software compensation technique to address the loss of high frequency fluctuations based on measurements from two thermocouples. In particular, a difference equation (DE) approach is proposed and compared with existing methods both in simulation and on experimental test rig data with constant flow velocity. It is found that the DE algorithm, combined with the use of generalized total least squares for parameter identification, provides better performance in terms of time constant estimation without any a priori assumption on the time constant ratios of the thermocouples.