114 resultados para tooth plaque


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In the dental pulp angiogenesis is crucial for tooth development and a prerequisite for successful repair following injury and inflammation. The role of neuropeptides in pulpal inflammation has been well documented but their role in the regulation of angiogenesis in the dental pulp has not been elucidated. Objectives: The aim was to profile the expression of angiogenic growth factors produced by pulp fibroblasts and to study the effects of neuropeptides on their expression. Methods: Human pulp fibroblasts derived from healthy molar teeth were stimulated with neuropeptides previously identified in dental pulp, namely, Substance P (SP), neuropeptide Y (NPY), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and calcitonin related gene peptide (CGRP) for 24 and 48 hrs. Simultaneous expression of ten growth factors was quantified using a novel human angiogenesis array (Ray Biotech, USA). Results: Pulp fibroblasts expressed human angiogenic growth factors, VEGF, bFGF, PDGF-BB, HGF, ANG2, HB-EGF, PIGF, angiogenin and leptin. Among the growth factors expressed VEGF, angiogenin and HGF were abundantly expressed compared to others. Neuropeptides induced variable effects on the expression of the angiogenic factors: CGRP potently up-regulated VEGF, bFGF, HGF and PIGF after 24 hr, while NPY tended to down regulate growth factors after 24 hr in culture but markedly up regulated ANG2, bFGF and leptin after 48 hr. SP down regulated expression of all angiogenic growth factors except for leptin, while VIP induced a small increase in expression of each growth factor, irrespective of time. Conclusion: Pulp fibroblasts express a range of angiogenic growth factors including angiogenin and leptin. Neuropeptides regulate the expression of these factors, suggesting an additional role for neuropeptides in the regulation of inflammation and healing in the dental pulp.
This work is supported by TC White Research Fund


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Introduction: Protease activated receptors (PARs) are G-protein-coupled transmembrane receptors that are expressed on many cell types and implicated in various inflammatory processes in vivo. The induction of PAR2 as a result of the inflammatory response associated with dental caries remains to be determined. Objectives: The aim was to localise the expression of PAR2 in human dental pulp from carious teeth and to confirm receptor functionality using an in vitro assay. Methods: Dental pulp sections from decalcified carious teeth were examined by immunocytochemsitry. Membrane preparations from cultured pulp fibroblasts were subject to SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting to confirm fibroblast-associated immunoreactivity. The functionality of PAR2 on dental pulp fibroblasts was studied using calcium imaging in the presence of several potential activators including a PAR2 agonist (PAR2-AP), trypsin and pulpal enzymes from a carious tooth. Results: Immunocytochemistry revealed intense PAR2 immunoreactivity on pulpal fibroblasts subjacent to carious lesions but not in surrounding regions of the dental pulp. Pulp specimens from a dental injury model showed no expression of PAR2, suggesting its expression was related to cellular changes associated with ongoing caries. The localisation of PAR2 staining to pulpal fibroblasts in carious teeth was confirmed by Western blotting which revealed PAR2 immunoreactive bands in membrane fractions prepared from pulp fibroblasts. In functional studies, challenge of cultured pupal fibroblasts with PAR2-AP, trypsin and an extract of proteolytic enzymes from a carious dental pulp, showed specific activation of PAR2. Conclusions: This work demonstrates that PAR2 is functional and inducible in human dental pulp fibroblasts in response to caries and that endogenous pulpal enzymes can activate PAR2.


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Objective: To evaluate temporal changes in GCF levels of substance P, cathepsin G, interleukin 1 beta (IL-1&beta), neutrophil elastase and alpha1-antitrypsin (&alpha1AT) during development of and recovery from experimental gingivitis. Methods: Healthy human volunteers participated in a split-mouth study: experimental gingivitis was induced using a soft vinyl splint to cover test teeth during brushing over 21 days, after which normal brushing was resumed. Modified gingival index (MGI), gingival bleeding index (BI) and modified Quigley and Hein plaque index (PI) were assessed and 30-second GCF samples taken from 4 paired test and contra-lateral control sites in each subject at days 0, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 42. GCF volume was measured and site-specific quantification of one analyte per GCF sample was performed using radioimmunoassay (substance P), enzyme assay (cathepsin G) or ELISA (IL-1&beta, elastase, &alpha1AT). Site-specific data were analysed using analysis of repeated measurements and paired sample tests. Results: 56 subjects completed the study. All measurements at baseline (day 0) and at control sites throughout the study were low. Clinical indices and GCF volumes at the test sites increased from day 0, peaking at day 21 (difference between test and control for PI, BI, MGI and GCF all p<0.0001) and decreased again to control levels by day 28. Levels of four inflammatory markers showed a similar pattern, with significant differences between test and control apparent at 7 days (substance P p=0.0015; cathepsin G p=0.029; IL-1&beta p=0.026; elastase p=0.0129) and peaking at day 21 (substance P p=0.0023; cathepsin G, IL-1&beta and elastase all p<0.0001). Levels of &alpha1AT showed no apparent pattern over the course of the study. Conclusion: GCF levels of substance P, cathepsin G, IL-1&beta and neutrophil elastase have the potential to act as early markers of experimentally-induced gingival inflammation.


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Background: Periodontal ligament (PDL) cells are exposed to physical forces in vivo in response to mastication, parafunction, speech and orthodontic tooth movement. Although it has been shown that PDL cells perceive and respond directly to mechanical stimulation, the nature of the ion channels that mediate this mechanotransduction remain to be fully elucidated. The transient receptor potential (TRP) superfamily of ion channels is believed to play a critical role in sensory physiology, where they act as transducers for thermal, chemical and mechanical stimuli. Recent studies have shown that members of the vanilloid (TRPV) and ankyrin (TRPA) subfamilies encode mechanosensitive TRPs. The vanilloid family member TRPV4 is one such non selective calcium permeable cationic channel which has been shown to be activated by chemical ligands, hypotonicity, and mechanical stimuli. Objectives: The objective of the current study was to investigate functional expression of TRPV4 in cultured human PDL cells. Methods: Human PDL cells were grown in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium with L-glutamine supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS), 100UI/ml penicillin and 100μg/ml streptomycin. Cells in passage 4-6 were used in all experiments. TRPV4 functional expression was determined using ratiometric calcium imaging. Cultured cells were loaded with intracellular Ca2+ probe fura-2 and cells were then stimulated with the TRPV4 agonists, 4alpha-phorbol 12,13-didecanoate (4alpha-PDD), GSK1016790A or hypotonic solution. The TRPV4 antagonist RN 1734 was used to block the corresponding agonist responses. Results: PDL fibroblasts responded to application of TRPV4 agonists and hypotonic stimuli by an increase in intracellular calcium which was attenuated in the presence of the TRPV4 antagonist. Conclusions: We have shown for the first time the functional expression of the mechanosensitive TRPV4 channel in human PDL cells. The molecular identity and mechanisms of activation of mechanosensitive TRP channels in PDL cells merit further investigation.


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Background: LL-37, composed of 37 amino acid residues, is an innate host defence peptide of the cathelicidin family. It is expressed by neutrophils, monocytes and epithelial cells and exhibits both anti-bacterial and immunomodulatory properties. LL-37 is however prone to proteolytic degradation by proteinases, thus potentially limiting its inherent host defence properties in the inflammatory milieu. Objectives: The present study was designed to determine whether LL-37 was degraded by components of gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) from healthy subjects or those with periodontitis. In addition, we aimed to deduce whether degradation of the peptide was accelerated in GCF samples which were determined to be positive for the periodontopathic bacterium Porphyromonas gingivalis. Methods: GCF and bacterial plaque samples, pre- and post non-surgical periodontal treatment, were collected from 4 individual sites in patients presenting with advanced periodontitis. In healthy subjects, GCF samples only were collected. Plaque samples were analysed by QPCR for the presence or absence of P. gingivalis. Pooled GCF samples from healthy sites; periodontitis sites which were P. gingivalis negative (Pg-); or periodontitis sites which were P. gingivalis positive (Pg+), were incubated with synthetic LL-37 for 0 – 180 min. The degradation products were then analysed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). Results: LL-37 was not degraded when incubated with GCF from healthy subjects. In contrast, LL-37 was degraded after 30 min when incubated with Pg- GCF. However degradation of LL-37 was apparent after only 2 min incubation with Pg+ GCF and the parent molecule was almost completely degraded after 30 min. Conclusions: The rapid degradation of LL-37, particularly in Pg+ sites, highlights the limited role which this host defence peptide may play in the presence of biologically active proteinases. It also underscores a potent virulence mechanism of P. gingivalis used to circumvent innate host responses.


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Objectives: Receptor Activator of NF-kappaB ligand (RANKL), through binding to its receptor (RANK), plays an important role in osteoclast differentiation and activation. Conversely, osteoprotegerin (OPG), a decoy receptor for RANKL, inhibits osteoclastogenesis and subsequent bone turnover. Little is known about the role of resident periodontal ligament fibroblasts in regulating bone turnover. The aim of this study was to determine (i) if periodontal ligament fibroblasts produced OPG in vitro and (ii) the effects of IL-1b and TGF-b1 on OPG expression. Methods: Three human periodontal ligament fibroblast populations, developed by explant culture, were grown to confluence in 6-well plates in DMEM supplemented with 10% FCS. Cells were washed in HBSS and then cultured for an additional 48 hours in serum-free media supplemented with IL-1b or TGF-b1 at 10ng/ml. OPG expression levels in the conditioned medium were determined by ELISA (R&D Systems, UK) and confirmed by Western blot. Results: All three fibroblast strains produced quantifiable levels of OPG. Both IL-1b and, to a lesser extent, TGF-b1 significantly stimulated OPG expression in all fibroblast strains (p<0.05). Pre-incubation of samples with N-glycosidase F prior to Western blots indicated glycosylation of expressed OPG. Conclusions: These data indicate that periodontal ligament fibroblasts can regulate osteoclast activation via the RANK/RANKL signalling pathway. These fibroblasts may play an important role in regulating bone turnover both in periodontal disease and orthodontic tooth movement.


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Successful root canal treatment requires management of the bacterial infection within the root canal space and protection of residual tooth structure with direct/indirect restorations. Long-term success depends upon prevention of re-infection of the root canal space as well as ensuring favorable distribution of the occlusal forces throughout the residual tooth structure. Appropriate planning and design of the final restoration prior to initiating root canal treatment is paramount in achieving this objective. This article describes simultaneous restorability assessment and access cavity preparation to optimize outcome of both endodontic and prosthodontic treatment of the endodontically involved tooth.


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Objectives: To identify factors associated with root caries development during a two year period in a population of independently living older adults. Methods: A prospective cohort study was carried out with 334 independently living volunteers aged 65 and older. At baseline (t0), each participant completed a questionnaire which recorded age, gender, medical history, fluoride exposure, oral and denture hygiene practices, smoking and alcohol consumption, diet information, and socio economic information. Clinical examinations were performed and stimulated saliva samples were collected. Patients were reviewed 12(t1) and 24(t2) months later to determine the root caries increment. Results: 307 adults were assessed at t1 and 280 were assessed at t2 with 83.8% of participants examined at 24 months. Incidence of root caries in this cohort was 17.4% at t1 and 21.6% at t2. The mean root caries increment was 0.43 (SD 1.45) surfaces at t1 and 0.70 (SD 1.86) surfaces at t2. Age >70 years, completing education at primary level, poor oral hygiene, xerostomia, coronal decay at baseline, higher root caries index at baseline and number of exposed root surfaces showed a statistically significant association (P < 0.05) with root caries development. Conclusion: Root caries is a substantive dental health problem for our older population. Root caries prevention strategies should be targeted at older adults who have poor plaque control and high levels of caries experience. In particular patients with xerostomia should be targeted with preventive measures.


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Objective: To determine the risk indicators associated with root caries experience in a cohort of independently living older adults in Ireland.
Methods: The data reported in the present study were obtained from a prospective longitudinal study conducted on the risk factors associated with root caries incidence in a cohort of independently living older adults (n=334). Each subject underwent an oral examination, performed by a single calibrated examiner, to determine the root caries index and other clinical variables. Questionnaires were used to collect data on oral hygiene habits, diet, smoking and alcohol habits and education level. A regression analysis with the outcome variable of root caries experience (no/yes) was conducted.
Results: A total of 334 older adults with a mean age of 69.1 years were examined. 53.3% had at least one filled or decayed root surface. The median root caries index was 3.13 (IQR 0.00, 13.92). The results from the multivariate regression analysis indicated that individuals with poor plaque control (OR 9.59, 95%CI 3.84-24.00), xerostomia (OR 18.49, 95%CI 2.00-172.80), two or more teeth with coronal decay (OR 4.50, 95% CI 2.02-10.02) and 37 or more exposed root surfaces (OR 5.48, 95% CI 2.49-12.01) were more likely to have been affected by root caries.
Conclusions: The prevalence of root caries was high in this cohort. This study suggests a correlation between root caries and the variables poor plaque control, xerostomia, coronal decay (≥2 teeth affected) and exposed root surfaces (≥37). The significance of these risk indicators and the resulting prediction model should be further evaluated in a prospective study of root caries incidence.
Clinical Significance: Identification of risk indicators for root caries in independently living older adults would facilitate dental practitioners to identify those who would benefit most from interventions aimed at prevention.