138 resultados para timetabling,orario delle lezioni, interfaccia web,ottimizzaizone,GUI
The number of Internet surveys is increasing, and there is a need to examine critically their value in psychosocial cancer care research. This study explored the use of an online method of recruiting and surveying people affected by cancer. An online survey was designed to measure the health status and service needs of adult cancer survivors and caregivers. The online survey received 491 page visits; only 5% of visitors (13 survivors and 14 cancer caregivers) completed the online questionnaire. The average age of survivors and caregivers was 43 and 42 years, respectively. The majority of survivor and caregiver online respondents were female (23/27, 85%) and had been affected by cancer between 1 and 3 years previously (16/27, 59%). Our online research did not appear to be an effective method for recruiting and surveying the psychosocial health of cancer survivors. This study identified potential pitfalls and obstacles of online cancer care surveys particularly in relation to the age of cancer survivors, access to the Internet and the need to ensure surveys are easily and immediately accessible. Future Internet surveys should pay particular attention to the need to advertise and improve survey access via targeted and tailored techniques.
Il D.Lgs. 150/09 ha inteso dar vita ad una “riforma organica” della PA italiana, improntandone il funzionamento a logiche di programmazione e controllo delle performance. Attorno a tale concetto la riforma ha costruito un Sistema teso a programmare, misurare, controllare, valutare e comunicare la performance degli enti. Il lavoro si focalizza sulla programmazione, e in particolare sullo strumento cardine introdotto dal D.Lgs. 150/09: il Piano della Performance (PdP). Il contributo, basato su una metodologia deduttivo-induttiva, si concentra sui comuni medi italiani, scelti in quanto statisticamente rappresentativi del livello medio di complessità degli enti locali. Sono stati oggetto di indagine i PdP pubblicati sui siti istituzionali degli enti considerati, al fine di verificarne sia il livello di aderenza alle Linee Guida (LG) emanate dalla Commissione Indipendente per la Valutazione, la Trasparenza e l’Integrità delle amministrazioni pubbliche (CIVIT) e dalla Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani (ANCI), sia il loro livello di adeguatezza economico-aziendale. Preliminarmente si indagherà il tema della programmazione, sotto il profilo normativo-dottrinale, concentrandosi su soggetti, processi e strumenti. Poi si sposterà il focus sul PdP: dopo aver definito obiettivi, quesiti e metodologia della ricerca, verranno esplicitate le configurazioni di PdP emergenti dalle LG CIVIT e ANCI. Verranno poi illustrati i risultati della ricerca empirica, mettendo in luce il livello di allineamento dei PdP dei comuni medi alle LG, nonché il livello di adeguatezza economico-aziendale degli stessi. Si tratteggeranno quindi alcune brevi conclusioni.
The purpose of this paper is to examine website adoption and its resultant effects on credit union performance in Ireland over the period 2002 to 2010. While there has been a steady increase in web adoption over the period a sizeable proportion (53%) of credit unions did not have a web-based facility in 2010. To gauge web functionality the researchers accessed all websites in 2010/2011 and it transpired that most sites were classified as informational with limited transactional options. Panel data techniques are then used to capture the dynamic nature of website diffusion and to investigate the effect of website adoption on cost and performance. The empirical analysis reveals that credit unions that have web-based functionality have a reduced spread between the loan and pay-out rate with this primarily caused by reduced loan rates. This reduced spread, although small, is found to both persist and increase over time.
In this paper the evolution of a time domain dynamic identification technique based on a statistical moment approach is presented. This technique can be used in the case of structures under base random excitations in the linear state and in the non linear one. By applying Itoˆ stochastic calculus, special algebraic equations can be obtained depending on the statistical moments of the response of the system to be identified. Such equations can be used for the dynamic identification of the mechanical parameters and of the input. The above equations, differently from many techniques in the literature, show the possibility of obtaining the identification of the dissipation characteristics independently from the input. Through the paper the first formulation of this technique, applicable to non linear systems, based on the use of a restricted class of the potential models, is presented. Further a second formulation of the technique in object, applicable to each kind of linear systems and based on the use of a class of linear models, characterized by a mass proportional damping matrix, is described.
Abstract. The possibility of using pumice aggregates for concrete in structural applications is discussed. In particular, the mix design of lightweight concrete for the manufacturing masonry units having proper strength, is discussed. Moreover, the design of the unit shape according to the technical code requirements and making it possible to arrange reinforcing steel bars is described. Reinforced bearing masonry walls, made with the concrete units in question, were manufactured and tests on the panels and on the designed units were carried out. For comparison, tests on concrete units and structural elements were carried out after the substitution of pumice aggregates with ordinary lightweight aggregates, proving that pumice can be considered an alternative to them. Sommario. L’uso della pomice come inerte per il confezionamento di calcestruzzo è poco diffuso sebbene essa sia stata usata già in antiche costruzioni come il Pantheon in Roma. In questo studio si affronta la possibilità di realizzare blocchi in calcestruzzo alleggerito con granuli di pomice. I blocchi, progettati e realizzati secondo le indicazioni normative correnti, sono stati usati per realizzare pannelli murari armati da sottoporre a carichi ciclici orizzontali. I risultati ottenuti, messi a confronto con quelli di pannelli realizzati con blocchi in cls alleggerito con argilla espansa, hanno mostrato la possibilità di utilizzare la pomice come validissima alternativa all’argilla espansa.
Abstract. The possibility of using pumice aggregates for concrete in structural applications is discussed. In particular, the mix design of lightweight concrete for the manufacturing masonry units having proper strength, is discussed. Moreover, the design of the unit shape according to the technical code requirements and making it possible to arrange reinforcing steel bars is described. Reinforced bearing masonry walls, made with the concrete units in question, were manufactured and tests on the panels and on the designed units were carried out. For comparison, tests on concrete units and structural elements were carried out after the substitution of pumice aggregates with ordinary lightweight aggregates, proving that pumice can be considered an alternative to them. Sommario. L’uso della pomice come inerte per il confezionamento di calcestruzzo è poco diffuso sebbene essa sia stata usata già in antiche costruzioni come il Pantheon in Roma. In questo studio si affronta la possibilità di realizzare blocchi in calcestruzzo alleggerito con granuli di pomice. I blocchi, progettati e realizzati secondo le indicazioni normative correnti, sono stati usati per realizzare pannelli murari armati da sottoporre a carichi ciclici orizzontali. I risultati ottenuti, messi a confronto con quelli di pannelli realizzati con blocchi in cls alleggerito con argilla espansa, hanno mostrato la possibilità di utilizzare la pomice come validissima alternativa all’argilla espansa.
No abstract available
Automatically determining and assigning shared and meaningful text labels to data extracted from an e-Commerce web page is a challenging problem. An e-Commerce web page can display a list of data records, each of which can contain a combination of data items (e.g. product name and price) and explicit labels, which describe some of these data items. Recent advances in extraction techniques have made it much easier to precisely extract individual data items and labels from a web page, however, there are two open problems: 1. assigning an explicit label to a data item, and 2. determining labels for the remaining data items. Furthermore, improvements in the availability and coverage of vocabularies, especially in the context of e-Commerce web sites, means that we now have access to a bank of relevant, meaningful and shared labels which can be assigned to extracted data items. However, there is a need for a technique which will take as input a set of extracted data items and assign automatically to them the most relevant and meaningful labels from a shared vocabulary. We observe that the Information Extraction (IE) community has developed a great number of techniques which solve problems similar to our own. In this work-in-progress paper we propose our intention to theoretically and experimentally evaluate different IE techniques to ascertain which is most suitable to solve this problem.
In this paper, we propose a new learning approach to Web data annotation, where a support vector machine-based multiclass classifier is trained to assign labels to data items. For data record extraction, a data section re-segmentation algorithm based on visual and content features is introduced to improve the performance of Web data record extraction. We have implemented the proposed approach and tested it with a large set of Web query result pages in different domains. Our experimental results show that our proposed approach is highly effective and efficient.
Repeat proteins have become increasingly important due to their capability to bind to almost any proteins and the potential as alternative therapy to monoclonal antibodies. In the past decade repeat proteins have been designed to mediate specific protein-protein interactions. The tetratricopeptide and ankyrin repeat proteins are two classes of helical repeat proteins that form different binding pockets to accommodate various partners. It is important to understand the factors that define folding and stability of repeat proteins in order to prioritize the most stable designed repeat proteins to further explore their potential binding affinities. Here we developed distance-dependant statistical potentials using two classes of alpha-helical repeat proteins, tetratricopeptide and ankyrin repeat proteins respectively, and evaluated their efficiency in predicting the stability of repeat proteins. We demonstrated that the repeat-specific statistical potentials based on these two classes of repeat proteins showed paramount accuracy compared with non-specific statistical potentials in: 1) discriminate correct vs. incorrect models 2) rank the stability of designed repeat proteins. In particular, the statistical scores correlate closely with the equilibrium unfolding free energies of repeat proteins and therefore would serve as a novel tool in quickly prioritizing the designed repeat proteins with high stability. StaRProtein web server was developed for predicting the stability of repeat proteins.
Carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) stable isotope analysis (SIA) has been used to identify the terrestrial subsidy of freshwater food webs. However, SIA fails to differentiate between the contributions of old and recently fixed terrestrial C and consequently cannot fully determine the source, age, and biochemical quality of terrestrial carbon. Natural abundance radiocarbon (∆14C) was used to examine the age and origin of carbon in Lower Lough Erne, Northern Ireland. 14C and stable isotope values were obtained from invertebrate, algae, and fish samples, and the results indicate that terrestrial organic C is evident at all trophic levels. High winter δ15N values in calanoid zooplankton (δ15N = 24‰) relative to phytoplankton and particulate organic matter (δ15N = 6‰ and 12‰, respectively) may reflect several microbial trophic levels between terrestrial C and calanoid invertebrates. Winter and summer calanoid ∆14C values show a seasonal switch between autochthonous and terrestrial carbon sources. Fish ∆14C values indicate terrestrial support at the highest trophic levels in littoral and pelagic food webs. 14C therefore is useful in attributing the source of carbon in freshwater in addition to tracing the pathway of terrestrial carbon through the food web.