161 resultados para proton-antiproton annihilation


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Spectra of ?-ray Doppler shifts for positron annihilation in benzene and its fluoro-derivatives are simulated using low energy plane wave positron (LEPWP) approximation. The results are compared with available measurements. It is found that the Doppler shifts in these larger aromatic compounds are dominated by the contributions of the valence electrons and that the LEPWP model overestimates the measurements by approximately 30%, in agreement with previous findings in noble gases and small molecules. It is further revealed that the halogen atoms not only switch the sign of the charges on carbon atoms that they bond to, but that they also polarize other C-H bonds in the molecule leading to a redistribution of the molecular electrostatic potentials. As a result, it is likely that the halogen atoms contribute more significantly to the annihilation process. The present study also suggests that, while the Doppler shifts are sensitive to the number of valence electrons in the molecules, they are less sensitive to the chemical structures of isomers that have the same numbers and type of atoms and, hence, the same numbers of electrons. Further investigation of this effect is warranted. © EDP Sciences, Società Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag 2012.


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Positron annihilation on many molecules occurs via positron capture into vibrational Feshbach resonances, with annihilation rates often further enhanced by energy transfer to vibrational excitations weakly coupled to the positron continuum. Data presented here uncover another scenario in which the positron couples directly to a quasicontinuum of multimode vibrational states. A model that assumes excitation and escape from a statistically complete ensemble of multimode vibrations is presented that reproduces key features of the data.


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Calculations of gamma spectra for positron annihilation for a selection of molecules, including methane and its fluoro-substitutes, ethane, propane, butane and benzene are presented. The contribution to the ?-spectra from individual molecular orbitals is obtained from electron momentum distributions calculated using the density functional theory (DFT) based B3LYP/TZVP model. For positrons thermalised to room temperature, the calculation, in its simplest form, effectively treats the positron as a plane wave and gives positron annihilation ?-spectra linewidths that are broader (30-40%) than experiment, although the main chemical trends are reproduced. The main physical reason for this is the neglect of positron repulsion from the nuclei. We show that this effect can be incorporated through momentum-dependent correction factors, determined from positron-atom calculations, e.g., many-body perturbation theory. Inclusion of these factors in the calculation gives linewidths that are in improved agreement with experiment.


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A review of the proton radiography technique will be presented. This technique employs laser-accelerated laminar bunches of protons to diagnose the temporal and spatial characteristic of the electric and magnetic fields generated during high-intensity laser-plasma interactions. The remarkable temporal and spatial resolution that this technique can achieve (of the order of a picosecond and a few microns respectively) candidates this technique as the preferrable one, if compared to other techniques, to probe high intensity laser-matterinteractions.


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Patients attending for diagnostic oesophagogastroduodenoscopy (OGD) for dyspeptic symptoms are often receiving acid-suppression therapy that has not been discontinued prior to endoscopy, and this may reduce the diagnostic yield of endoscopy. The aim of this study was to compare the diagnostic yield of OGD in uncomplicated dyspepsia in patients receiving no medication, those receiving acid-suppression therapy, and those receiving nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) at the time of endoscopy.


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Gastric atrophy is associated with Helicobacter pylori infection. Conflicting results have been obtained as to whether acid suppressant therapy hastens the development or changes the distribution of atrophy in the stomach. The aim of this study was to investigate whether concomitant proton pump inhibitor (PPI) therapy in H. pylori-infected individuals resulted in an increase or an alteration in atrophy distribution and whether this was reflected by the plasma gastrin.


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This article reports on an experimental method to fully reconstruct laser-accelerated proton beam parameters called radiochromic film imaging spectroscopy (RIS). RIS allows for the characterization of proton beams concerning real and virtual source size, envelope- and microdivergence, normalized transverse emittance, phase space, and proton spectrum. This technique requires particular targets and a high resolution proton detector. Therefore thin gold foils with a microgrooved rear side were manufactured and characterized. Calibrated GafChromic radiochromic film (RCF) types MD-55, HS, and HD-810 in stack configuration were used as spatial and energy resolved film detectors. The principle of the RCF imaging spectroscopy was demonstrated at four different laser systems. This can be a method to characterize a laser system with respect to its proton-acceleration capability. In addition, an algorithm to calculate the spatial and energy resolved proton distribution has been developed and tested to get a better idea of laser-accelerated proton beams and their energy deposition with respect to further applications.


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Proton bursts with a narrow spectrum at an energy of (2.8 +/- 0.3 MeV) are accelerated from sub-micron water spray droplets irradiated by high-intensity (similar to 5 x 10(19)W/cm(2)), high-contrast (similar to 10(10)), ultra-short (40 fs) laser pulses. The acceleration is preferentially in the laser propagation direction. The explosion dynamics is governed by a residual ps-scale laser pulse pedestal which "mildly" preheats the droplet and changes its density profile before the arrival of the high intensity laser pulse peak. As a result, the energetic electrons extracted from the modified target by the high-intensity part of the laser pulse establish an anisotropic electrostatic field which results in anisotropic Coulomb explosion and proton acceleration predominantly in the forward direction. Hydrodynamic simulations of the target pre-expansion and 3D particle-in-cell simulations of the measured energy and anisotropy of the proton emission have confirmed the proposed acceleration scenario. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4731712]


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A new approach to spectroscopy of laser induced proton beams using radiochromic film (RCF) is presented. This approach allows primary standards of absorbed dose-to-water as used in radiotherapy to be transferred to the calibration of GafChromic HD-810 and EBT in a 29 MeV proton beam from the Birmingham cyclotron. These films were then irradiated in a common stack configuration using the TARANIS Nd:Glass multi-terawatt laser at Queens University Belfast, which can accelerate protons to 10-12 MeV, and a depth-dose curve was measured from a collimated beam. Previous work characterizing the relative effectiveness (RE) of GafChromic film as a function of energy was implemented into Monte Carlo depth-dose curves using FLUKA. A Bragg peak (BP) "library" for proton energies 0-15 MeV was generated, both with and without the RE function. These depth-response curves were iteratively summed in a FORTRAN routine to solve for the measured RCF depth-dose using a simple direct search algorithm. By comparing resultant spectra with both BP libraries, it was found that the effect of including the RE function accounted for an increase in the total number of protons by about 50%. To account for the energy loss due to a 20 mu m aluminum filter in front of the film stack, FLUKA was used to create a matrix containing the energy loss transformations for each individual energy bin. Multiplication by the pseudo-inverse of this matrix resulted in "up-shifting" protons to higher energies. Applying this correction to two laser shots gave further increases in the total number of protons, N of 31% and 56%. Failure to consider the relative response of RCF to lower proton energies and neglecting energy losses in a stack filter foil can potentially lead to significant underestimates of the total number of protons in RCF spectroscopy of the low energy protons produced by laser ablation of thin targets.


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The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of passive scattered (PS) and pencil beam scanned (PBS) proton beam delivery techniques for uniform beam configurations was determined by clonogenic survival. The radiobiological impact of modulated beam configurations on cell survival occurring in- or out-of-field for both delivery techniques was determined with intercellular communication intact or physically inhibited. Cell survival responses were compared to those observed using a 6 MV photon beam produced with a linear accelerator. DU-145 cells showed no significant difference in survival response to proton beams delivered by PS and PBS or 6 MV photons taking into account a RBE of 1.1 for protons at the centre of the spread out Bragg peak. Significant out-of-field effects similar to those observed for 6 MV photons were observed for both PS and PBS proton deliveries with cell survival decreasing to 50-60% survival for scattered doses of 0.05 and 0.03 Gy for passive scattered and pencil beam scanned beams respectively. The observed out-of-field responses were shown to be dependent on intercellular communication between the in-and out-of-field cell populations. These data demonstrate, for the first time, a similar RBE between passive and actively scanned proton beams and confirm that out-of-field effects may be important determinants of cell survival following exposure to modulated photon and proton fields


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Density-functional theory (DFT) is used to examine the basal and prism surfaces of ice Ih. Similar surface energies are obtained for the two surfaces; however, in each case a strong dependence of the surface energy on surface proton order is identified. This dependence, which can be as much as 50% of the absolute surface energy, is significantly larger than the bulk dependence (< 1%) on proton order, suggesting that the thermodynamic ground state of the ice surface will remain proton ordered well above the bulk order-disorder temperature of about 72 K. On the basal surface this suggestion is supported by Monte Carlo simulations with an empirical potential and solution of a 2D Ising model with nearest neighbor interactions taken from DFT. Order parameters that define the surface energy of each surface in terms of nearest neighbor interactions between dangling OH bonds (those which point out of the surface into vacuum) have been identified and are discussed. Overall, these results suggest that proton order-disorder effects have a profound impact on the stability of ice surfaces and will most likely have an effect on ice surface reactivity as well as ice crystal growth and morphology. S Supplementary data are available from stacks.iop.org/JPhysCM/22/074209/mmedia


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Ice Ih is comprised of orientationally disordered water molecules giving rise to positional disorder of the hydrogen atoms in the hydrogen bonded network of the lattice. Here we arrive at a first principles determination of the surface energy of ice Ih and suggest that the surface of ice is significantly more proton ordered than the bulk. We predict that the proton order-disorder transition, which occurs in the bulk at similar to 72 K, will not occur at the surface at any temperature below surface melting. An order parameter which defines the surface energy of ice Ih surfaces is also identified.