115 resultados para lymphocyte trafficking


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Ultraviolet-B (UVB) irradiation is known to inhibit lymphocyte activity and consequently to reduce the incidence of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) in experimental models for allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT). GVHD is frequently associated with morbidity and mortality, but also with the beneficial graft-versus-leukemia (GVL) effect, demonstrated by a reduction in the incidence of leukemia relapse. In this study, we investigated whether UVB treatment of allogeneic T cells could prevent GVHD while sparing the beneficial GVL effect following allogeneic BMT in the Brown Norway myelocytic leukemia (BNML) rat model analogous to human acute myelocytic leukemia (AML). The dose of UVB required to abolish lethal GVHD in the rat allogeneic BMT model (WAG/Rij donors into BN recipients) was 4000 J/m2. However, this UVB dose simultaneously abrogated all GVL activity mediated by the T cells in the graft, while the radio-protective capacity of rat BM cells was strongly reduced. The number of allogeneic BM cells required to protect lethally irradiated BN rats was increased 50 to 100-fold. It is concluded that UVB acts as a non-selective form of T cell inactivation, and that UVB pretreatment of an allogeneic marrow graft is unlikely to be useful clinically as a preventive measure for GVHD, since other means of reduction of the number of functional T cells are less damaging to bone marrow stem cells.


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Although Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML) can be treated successfully with allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT), leukaemia relapse remains a significant clinical problem. Molecular monitoring of the post transplant marrow can be useful in predicting relapse particularly in CML patients where the Philadelphia chromosome or its molecular counterpart, the BCR-ABL fusion messenger RNA can be used as a leukaemia specific marker of minimal residual disease (MRD). We have investigated chimaerism (using polymerase chain reaction of short tandem repeat sequences (STR-PCR)) and MRD status (using reverse transcriptase PCR of the BCR-ABL fusion mRNA) in a serial fashion in 18 patients who were in clinical and haematological remission post allogeneic BMT for chronic phase CML. Eleven patients exhibited complete donor chimaerism with no evidence of minimal residual disease. Five patients had transient or low level stable MC. Late MC and MRD was observed in two patients who relapsed > 6 years after T cell depleted BMT for CML. Thus STR-PCR is an appropriate screening test in the post transplant setting for CML patients, but those patients exhibiting mixed haemopoietic chimaerism should also be monitored using a leukaemia specific sensitive molecular assay.


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Autophagic flux involves formation of autophagosomes and their degradation by lysosomes. Autophagy can either promote or restrict viral replication. In the case of Dengue virus (DENV) several studies report that autophagy supports the viral replication cycle, and describe an increase of autophagic vesicles (AVs) following infection. However, it is unknown how autophagic flux is altered to result in increased AVs. To address this question, and gain insight into the role of autophagy during DENV infection, we established an unbiased, image-based flow cytometry approach to quantify autophagic flux under normal growth conditions and in response to activation by nutrient deprivation or the mTOR inhibitor Torin1. We found that DENV induced an initial activation of autophagic flux, followed by inhibition of general and specific autophagy. Early after infection, basal and activated autophagic flux was enhanced. However, during established replication, basal and Torin1-activated autophagic flux was blocked, while autophagic flux activated by nutrient deprivation was reduced, indicating a block to AV formation and reduced AV degradation capacity. During late infection AV levels increased as a result of inefficient fusion of autophagosomes with lysosomes. Additionally, endo-lysosomal trafficking was suppressed, while lysosomal activities were increased. We further determined that DENV infection progressively reduced levels of the autophagy receptor SQSTM1/p62 via proteasomal degradation. Importantly, stable over-expression of p62 significantly suppressed DENV replication suggesting a novel role for p62 as viral restriction factor. Overall our findings indicate that in the course of DENV infection, autophagy shifts from a supporting to an anti-viral role, which is countered by DENV.

IMPORTANCE: Autophagic flux is a dynamic process starting with the formation of autophagosomes and ending with their degradation after fusion with lysosomes. Autophagy impacts the replication cycle of many viruses. However, thus far the dynamics of autophagy in case of Dengue virus (DENV) infections has not been systematically quantified. Therefore, we employed high-content, imaging-based flow cytometry to quantify autophagic flux and endo-lysosomal trafficking in response to DENV infection. We report that DENV induced an initial activation of autophagic flux, followed by inhibition of general and specific autophagy. Further, lysosomal activity was increased, but endo-lysosomal trafficking was suppressed confirming the block of autophagic flux. Importantly, we provide evidence that p62, an autophagy receptor, restrict DENV replication and was specifically depleted in DENV-infected cells via increased proteasomal degradation. These results suggest that during DENV infection autophagy shifts from a pro- to an antiviral cellular process, which is counteracted by the virus.


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Cellular signal transduction in response to environmental signals involves a relay of precisely regulated signal amplifying and damping events. A prototypical signaling relay involves ligands binding to cell surface receptors and triggering the activation of downstream enzymes to ultimately affect the subcellular distribution and activity of DNA-binding proteins that regulate gene expression. These so-called signal transduction cascades have dominated our view of signaling for decades. More recently evidence has accumulated that components of these cascades can be multifunctional, in effect playing a conventional role for example as a cell surface receptor for a ligand whilst also having alternative functions for example as transcriptional regulators in the nucleus. This raises new challenges for researchers. What are the cues/triggers that determine which role such proteins play? What are the trafficking pathways which regulate the spatial distribution of such proteins so that they can perform nuclear functions and under what circumstances are these alternative functions most relevant?


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Internalization of cargo proteins and lipids at the cell surface occurs in both a constitutive and signal-regulated manner through clathrin-mediated and other endocytic pathways. Clathrin-coated vesicle formation is a principal uptake route in response to signalling events. Protein-lipid and protein-protein interactions control both the targeting of signalling molecules and their binding partners to membrane compartments and the assembly of clathrin coats. An emerging aspect of membrane trafficking research is now addressing how signalling cascades and vesicle coat assembly and subsequently disassembly are integrated.


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Dynamin is a large GTPase with a relative molecular mass of 96,000 (Mr 96K) that is involved in clathrin-mediated endocytosis and other vesicular trafficking processes. Although its function is apparently essential for scission of newly formed vesicles from the plasma membrane, the nature of dynamin's role in the scission process is still unclear. It has been proposed that dynamin is a regulator (similar to classical G proteins) of downstream effectors. Here we report the analysis of several point mutants of dynamin's GTPase effector (GED) and GTPase domains. We show that oligomerization and GTP binding alone, by dynamin, are not sufficient for endocytosis in vivo. Rather, efficient GTP hydrolysis and an associated conformational change are also required. These data argue that dynamin has a mechanochemical function in vesicle scission.


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Hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate (Hrs) is a prominent substrate for activated tyrosine kinase receptors that has been proposed to play a role in endosomal membrane trafficking. The protein contains a FYVE domain, which specifically binds to the lipid phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-phosphate (PI 3-P). We show that this interaction is required both for correct localization of the protein to endosomes that only partially coincides with early endosomal autoantigen 1 and for efficient tyrosine phosphorylation of the protein in response to epidermal growth factor stimulation. Treatment with wortmannin reveals that Hrs phosphorylation also requires PI 3-kinase activity, which is necessary to generate the PI 3-P required for localization. We have used both hypertonic media and expression of a dominant-negative form of dynamin (K44A) to inhibit endocytosis; under which conditions, receptor stimulation fails to elicit phosphorylation of Hrs. Our results provide a clear example of the coupling of a signal transduction pathway to endocytosis, from which we propose that activated receptor (or associated factor) must be delivered to the appropriate endocytic compartment in order for Hrs phosphorylation to occur.


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Rationale: IL-17A is purported to help drive early pathogenesis in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) by enhancing neutrophil recruitment. Whilst IL-17A is the archetypal cytokine of T helper (Th)17 cells, it is produced by a number of lymphocytes, the source during ARDS being unknown.

Objectives: To identify the cellular source and the role of IL17A in the early phase of lung injury

Methods: Lung injury was induced in WT (C57BL/6) and IL-17 KO mice with aerosolised LPS (100 µg) or Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. Detailed phenotyping of the cells expressing RORγt, the transcriptional regulator of IL-17 production, in the mouse lung at 24 hours was carried out by flow cytometry.

Measurement and Main Results: A 100-fold reduction in neutrophil infiltration was observed in the lungs of the IL-17A KO compared to wild type (WT) mice. The majority of RORγt+ cells in the mouse lung were the recently identified type 3 innate lymphoid cells (ILC3). Detailed characterisation revealed these pulmonary ILC3s (pILC3s) to be discrete from those described in the gut. The critical role of these cells was verified by inducing injury in Rag2 KO mice which lack T cells but retain ILCs. No amelioration of pathology was observed in the Rag2 KO mice.

Conclusions: IL-17 is rapidly produced during lung injury and significantly contributes to early immunopathogenesis. This is orchestrated largely by a distinct population of pILC3 cells. Modulation of pILC3s’ activity may potentiate early control of the inflammatory dysregulation seen in ARDS, opening up new therapeutic targets.


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Paediatric cardiac catheterizations may result in the administration of substantial amounts of iodinated contrast media and ionizing radiation. The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of iodinated contrast media in combination with in vitro and in vivo X-ray radiation on lymphocyte DNA. Six concentrations of iodine (15, 17.5, 30, 35, 45, and 52.5 mg of iodine per mL blood) represented volumes of iodinated contrast media used in the clinical setting. Blood obtained from healthy volunteers was mixed with iodinated contrast media and exposed to radiation doses commonly used in paediatric cardiac catheterizations (0 mGy, 70 mGy, 140 mGy, 250 mGy and 450 mGy). Control samples contained no iodine. For in vivo experimentation, pre and post blood samples were collected from children undergoing cardiac catheterization, receiving iodine concentrations of up to 51 mg of iodine per mL blood and radiation doses of up to 400 mGy. Fluorescence microscopy was performed to assess γH2AX-foci induction, which corresponded to the number of DNA double-strand breaks. The presence of iodine in vitro resulted in significant increases of DNA double-strand breaks beyond that induced by radiation for ≥17.5 mg/mL iodine to blood. The in vivo effects of contrast media on children undergoing cardiac catheterization resulted in a 19% increase in DNA double-strand breaks in children receiving an average concentration of 19 mg/mL iodine to blood. A larger investigation is required to provide further information of the potential benefit of lowering the amount of iodinated contrast media received during X-ray radiation investigations. 


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The lymphocyte adaptor protein (LNK) is one of a family of adaptor proteins involved cell signalling and control of B cell populations. It has a critical role in regulation of signalling in hematopoiesis. Lnk negatively regulates cytokine initiated cell signalling and it functions as a negative regulator of the mutant protein in myeloproliferative neoplasms JAK2V617F. A number of mutations in LNK have been described in a variety of myeloproliferative neoplasms some of which have been demonstrated to cause increased cellular proliferation. The majority of mutations occur in exon 2. In a small number of cases idiopathic erythrocytosis with subnormal erythropoietin levels LNK mutations have been found which may account for the clinical phenotype. Thus investigation for LNK mutations should be considered in the investigation of idiopathic erythrocytosis and perhaps other myeloproliferative neoplasms.