199 resultados para laser energy


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Thin Al foils (50 nm and 6 mu m) were irradiated at intensities of up to 2x10(19) W cm(-2) using high contrast (10(8)) laser pulses. Ion emission from the rear of the targets was measured using a scintillator-based Thomson parabola and beam sampling 'footprint' monitor. The variation of the ion spectra and beam profile with focal spot size was systematically studied. The results show that while the maximum proton energy is achieved around tight focus for both target thicknesses, as the spot size increases the ion flux at lower energies is seen to peak at significantly increased spot sizes. Measurements of the proton footprint, however, show that the off-axis proton flux is highest at tight focus, indicating that a previously identified proton deflection mechanism may alter the on-axis spectrum. One-dimensional particle-in-cell modelling of the experiment supports our hypothesis that the observed change in spectra with focal spot size is due to the competition of two effects: decrease in laser intensity and an increase in proton emission area.


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Target normal measurements of proton energy spectra from ultrathin (50-200 nm) planar foil targets irradiated by 10(19) W cm(-2) 40 fs laser pulses exhibit broad maxima that are not present in the energy spectra from micron thickness targets (6 mu m). The proton flux in the peak is considerably greater than the proton flux observed in the same energy range in thicker targets. Numerical modelling of the experiment indicates that this spectral modification in thin targets is caused by magnetic fields that grow at the rear of the target during the laser-target interaction.


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Fast electron energy spectra have been measured for a range of intensities between 10(18) and 10(21) W cm(-2) and for different target materials using electron spectrometers. Several experimental campaigns were conducted on petawatt laser facilities at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and Osaka University, where the pulse duration was varied from 0.5 to 5 ps relevant to upcoming fast ignition integral experiments. The incident angle was also changed from normal incidence to 40 degrees in p-polarized. The results confirm a reduction from the ponderomotive potential energy on fast electrons at the higher intensities under the wide range of different irradiation conditions.


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The use of schemes involving multiple laser pulses to enhance and control the properties of beams of protons accelerated in ultra-intense laser irradiation of planar foil targets is discussed. Specifically, the schemes include the use of a second laser pulse to produce and control preplasma expansion of the target to enhance energy coupling to the proton beam; the use of a second laser pulse to drive shock deformation of the target to change the direction of the proton beam; and a scheme involving dual high intensity laser pulses to change the properties of the sheath field, with the aim of modifying the proton energy spectrum. An overview of our recent experimental and theoretical results is given. The overall aim of this work is to determine the extent to which the properties of the sheath-accelerated proton beam can be optically controlled, to enable beam delivery at high repetition rates. To cite this article: D.C. Carroll et al., C. R. Physique 10 (2009). (C) 2009 Academie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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The properties of beams of high energy protons accelerated during ultraintense, picosecond laser-irradiation of thin foil targets are investigated as a function of preplasma expansion at the target front surface. Significant enhancement in the maximum proton energy and laser-to-proton energy conversion efficiency is observed at optimum preplasma density gradients due, to self-focusing Of the incident laser pulse. For very long preplasma expansion, the propagating laser pulse is observed to filament, resulting in highly uniform proton beams, but with reduced flux and maximum energy.


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Proton imaging has become a common diagnostic technique for use in laser-plasma research experiments due to their ability to diagnose electric field effects and to resolve small density differences caused through shock effects. These interactions are highly dependent on the use of radiochromic film (RCF) as a detection system for the particle probe, and produces very high-resolution images. However, saturation effects, and in many cases, damage to the film limits the usefulness of this technique for high-flux particle probing. This paper outlines the use of a new technique using contact radiography of (p,n)-generated isotopes in activation samples to produce high dynamic range 2D images with high spatial resolution and extremely high dynamic range, whilst maintaining both energy resolution and absolute flux measurements. (C)007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An experimental investigation of lateral electron transport in thin metallic foil targets irradiated by ultraintense (>= 10(19) W/cm(2)) laser pulses is reported. Two-dimensional spatially resolved ion emission measurements are used to quantify electric-field generation resulting from electron transport. The measurement of large electric fields (similar to 0.1 TV/m) millimeters from the laser focus reveals that lateral energy transport continues long after the laser pulse has decayed. Numerical simulations confirm a very strong enhancement of electron density and electric field at the edges of the target.


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The possibility of using high-power lasers to generate high-quality beams of energetic ions is attracting large global interest. The prospect of using laser-accelerated protons in medicine attracts particular interest, as these schemes may lead to compact and relatively low-cost sources. Among the challenges remaining before these sources can be used in medicine is to increase the numbers and energies of the ions accelerated. Here, we extend the energy and intensity range over which proton scaling is experimentally investigated, up to 400 J and 6 x 10(20) W cm(-2) respectively, and find a slower proton scaling than previously predicted. With the aid of plasma-expansion simulation tools, our results suggest the importance of time-dependent and multidimensional effects in predicting the maximum proton energy in this ultrahigh-intensity regime. The implications of our new understanding of proton scaling for potential medical applications are discussed.


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Reduction of proton acceleration in the interaction of a high-intensity, picosecond laser with a 50-mu m aluminum target was observed when 0.1-6 mu m of plastic was deposited on the back surface (opposite side of the laser). The maximum energy and number of energetic protons observed at the back of the target were greatly reduced in comparison to pure aluminum and plastic targets of the same thickness. This is attributed to the effect of the interface between the layers. Modeling of the electron propagation in the targets using a hybrid code showed strong magnetic-field generation at the interface and rapid surface heating of the aluminum layer, which may account for the results. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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Electron energy transport experiments conducted on the Vulcan 100 TW laser facility with large area foil targets are described. For plastic targets it is shown, by the plasma expansion observed in shadowgrams taken after the interaction, that there is a transition between the collimated electron flow previously reported at the 10 TW power level to an annular electron flow pattern with a 20 degrees divergence angle for peak powers of 68 TW. Intermediate powers show that both the central collimated flow pattern and the surrounding annular-shaped heated region can co-exist. The measurements are consistent with the Davies rigid beam model for fast electron flow (Davies 2003 Phys. Rev. E 68 056404) and LSP modelling provides additional insight into the observed results.


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Neutron time of flight signals have been observed with a high resolution neutron spectrometer using the petawatt arm of the Vulcan laser facility at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory from plastic sandwich targets containing a deuterated layer. The neutron spectra have two elements: a high-energy component generated by beam-fusion reactions and a thermal component around 2.45 MeV. The ion temperatures calculated from the neutron signal width clearly demonstrate a dependence on the front layer thickness and are significantly higher than electron temperatures measured under similar conditions. The ion heating process is intensity dependent and is not observed with laser intensities on target below 10(20) W cm(-2). The measurements are consistent with an ion instability driven by electron perturbations.


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The possibility of using high-intensity laser-produced plasmas as a source of energetic ions for heavy ion accelerators is addressed. Experiments have shown that neon ions greater than 6 MeV can be produced from gas jet plasmas, and well-collimated proton beams greater than 20 MeV have been produced from high-intensity Laser solid interactions. The proton beams from the back of thin targets appear to be more collimated and reproducible than are high-energy ions generated in the ablated plasma at the front of the target and may be more suitable for ion injection applications. Lead ions have been produced at energies up to 430 MeV.


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Nuclear activation has been observed in materials exposed to the ablated plasma generated from high intensity laser-solid interactions (at focused intensities up to 2x10(19) W/cm(2)) and is produced by protons having energies up to 30 MeV. The energy spectrum of the protons is determined from these activation measurements and is found to be consistent with other ion diagnostics. The possible development of this technique for


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Experimental demonstration of negative ion acceleration to MeV energies from sub-micron size droplets of water spray irradiated by ultra-intense laser pulses is presented. Thanks to the specific target configuration and laser parameters, more than 109 negative ions per steradian solid angle in 5% energy bandwidth are accelerated in a stable and reliable manner. To our knowledge, by virtue of the ultra-short duration of the emission, this is by far the brightest negative ion source reported. The data also indicate the existence of beams of neutrals with at least similar numbers and energies.