137 resultados para immunofluorescence assay


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Background: There is no method routinely used to predict response to anthracycline and cyclophosphamide–based chemotherapy in the clinic; therefore patients often receive treatment for breast cancer with no benefit. Loss of the Fanconi anemia/BRCA (FA/BRCA) DNA damage response (DDR) pathway occurs in approximately 25% of breast cancer patients through several mechanisms and results in sensitization to DNA-damaging agents. The aim of this study was to develop an assay to detect DDR-deficient tumors associated with loss of the FA/BRCA pathway, for the purpose of treatment selection.

Methods: DNA microarray data from 21 FA patients and 11 control subjects were analyzed to identify genetic processes associated with a deficiency in DDR. Unsupervised hierarchical clustering was then performed using 60 BRCA1/2 mutant and 47 sporadic tumor samples, and a molecular subgroup was identified that was defined by the molecular processes represented within FA patients. A 44-gene microarray-based assay (the DDR deficiency assay) was developed to prospectively identify this subgroup from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded samples. All statistical tests were two-sided.

Results: In a publicly available independent cohort of 203 patients, the assay predicted complete pathologic response vs residual disease after neoadjuvant DNA-damaging chemotherapy (5-fluorouracil, anthracycline, and cyclophosphamide) with an odds ratio of 3.96 (95% confidence interval [Cl] =1.67 to 9.41; P = .002). In a new independent cohort of 191 breast cancer patients treated with adjuvant 5-fluorouracil, epirubicin, and cyclophosphamide, a positive assay result predicted 5-year relapse-free survival with a hazard ratio of 0.37 (95% Cl = 0.15 to 0.88; P = .03) compared with the assay negative population.

Conclusions: A formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue-based assay has been developed and independently validated as a predictor of response and prognosis after anthracycline/cyclophosphamide–based chemotherapy in the neoadjuvant and adjuvant settings. These findings warrant further validation in a prospective clinical study.


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A sensitive and rapid method was developed for angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity determination by capillary zone electrophoresis. Hippuryl-View the MathML source-histidyl-View the MathML source-leucine, a synthetic tripeptide, was used as the ACE-specific substrate. Capillary zone electrophoresis was employed to separate the products of the enzymatic reaction and the ACE activity was determined by quantification of hippuric acid, a result of the enzymatic reaction on the tripeptide. The capillary electrophoresis was performed in a 27 cm × 75 μm i.d. fused-silica capillary using 200 mM boric acid–borate buffer (pH 9.0) as a run buffer with an applied voltage of 8.1 kV at a capillary temperature of 23°C. The electrophoresis was monitored at 228 nm. Each electrophoretic run requires only a nanoliter of the enzymatic reactant solution, at only 6 min, rendering a powerful tool for the ACE assay.


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Radiation therapy is one of the most common and effective strategies used to treat cancer. The irradiation is usually performed with a fractionated scheme, where the dose required to kill tumour cells is given in several sessions, spaced by specific time intervals, to allow healthy tissue recovery. In this work, we examined the DNA repair dynamics of cells exposed to radiation delivered in fractions, by assessing the response of histone-2AX (H2AX) phosphorylation (γ-H2AX), a marker of DNA double strand breaks. γ-H2AX foci induction and disappearance were monitored following split dose irradiation experiments in which time interval between exposure and dose were varied. Experimental data have been coupled to an analytical theoretical model, in order to quantify key parameters involved in the foci induction process. Induction of γ-H2AX foci was found to be affected by the initial radiation exposure with a smaller number of foci induced by subsequent exposures. This was compared to chromatin relaxation and cell survival. The time needed for full recovery of γ-H2AX foci induction was quantified (12 hours) and the 1:1 relationship between radiation induced DNA double strand breaks and foci numbers was critically assessed in the multiple irradiation scenarios.


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Endocrine disruptors (EDs) are compounds known to interfere with the endocrine system by disturbing the action or pathways of natural hormones which may lead to infertility or cancer.Our diet is considered to be one of the main exposure routes to EDs. Since milk and dairy products are major components of our diet they should be monitored for ED contamination. Most assays developed to date utilise targeted, chromatography based methods which lack information on the biological activity and mixture effects of the monitored compounds.A biological reporter gene assay (RGA) was developed to assess the total estrogen hormonal load in milk. It has been validated according to EU decision 2002/657/EC. Analytes were extracted by liquid-liquid extraction with acetonitrile followed by clean up on a HLB column which yielded good recovery and small matrix effects. The method has been shown to be estrogen specific, repeatable and reproducible, with covariance values below 20%. In conclusion, this method enables the detection of low levels of estrogen hormonal activity in milk with a detection capability of 36pgg EEQ and has been successfully applied in testing a range of milk samples. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.


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In this study, we report the antimicrobial planktonic and biofilm kill kinetics of ultrashort cationic lipopeptides previously demonstrated by our group to have a minimum biofilm eradication concentration (MBEC) in the microgram per mL (μg/mL) range against clinically relevant biofilm-forming micro-organisms. We compare the rate of kill for the most potent of these lipopeptides, dodecanoic (lauric) acid-conjugated C12-Orn-Orn-Trp-Trp-NH2 against the tetrapeptide amide H-Orn-Orn-Trp-Trp-NH2 motif and the amphibian peptide Maximin-4 via a modification of the MBEC Assay™ for Physiology & Genetics (P&G). Improved antimicrobial activity is achieved upon N-terminal lipidation of the tetrapeptide amide. Increased antimicrobial potency was demonstrated against both planktonic and biofilm forms of Gram-positive micro-organisms. We hypothesize rapid kill to be achieved by targeting of microbial membranes. Complete kill against established 24-h Gram-positive biofilms occurred within 4 h of exposure to C12-OOWW-NH2 at MBEC values [methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis (ATCC 35984): 15.63 μg/mL] close to the values for the planktonic minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) [methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis (ATCC 35984): 1.95 μg/mL]. Such rapid kill, especially against sessile biofilm forms, is indicative of a reduction in the likelihood of resistant strains developing with the potential for quicker resolution of pathogenic infection. Ultrashort antimicrobial lipopeptides have high potential as antimicrobial therapy.


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The development of a quick PCR-based method to distinguish European cryptic Myotis spp., Myotis mystacinus, Myotis brandtii and Myotis alcathoe is described. Primers were designed around species-specific single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP's) in the ND1 mitochondrial gene, and a pair of control primers was designed in the 12S mitochondrial gene. A multiplex of seven primer combinations produces clear species-specific bands using gel electrophoresis. Robustness of the method was tested on 33 M. mystacinus, 16 M. brandtii and 15 M. alcathoe samples from across the European range of these species. The method worked well on faecal samples collected from maternity roosts of M. mystacinus. The test is intended to aid collection of data on these species through a rapid and easy identification method with the ability to use DNA obtained from a range of sources including faecal matter.


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Phenotypic identification of Gram-negative bacteria from respiratory specimens of patients with cystic fibrosis carries a high risk of misidentification. Molecular identification techniques that use single-gene targets are also susceptible to error, including cross-reaction issues with other Gram-negative organisms. In this study, we have designed a Pseudomonas aeruginosa duplex real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (PAduplex) assay targeting the ecfX and the gyrB genes. The PAduplex was evaluated against a panel of 91 clinical and environmental isolates that were presumptively identified as P. aeruginosa. The results were compared with those obtained using a commercial biochemical identification kit and several other P. aeruginosa PCR assays. The results showed that the PAduplex assay is highly suitable for routine identification of P. aeruginosa isolates from clinical or environmental samples. The 2-target format provides simultaneous confirmation of P. aeruginosa identity where both the ecfX and gyrB PCR reactions are positive and may also reduce the potential for false negatives caused by sequence variation in primer or probe targets.


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Part 1: The alkaline single-cell gel electrophoresis (comet) assay was used to analyse the integrity and DNA content of exfoliated cells extracted from bladder washing specimens from 9 transitional cell carcinoma patients and 15 control patients. DNA damage, as expressed by % tail DNA and tail moment values, was observed to occur in cells from both control and bladder cancer samples. The extent of the damage was, however, found to be significantly greater in the cancer group than in the control group. Comet optical density values were also recorded for each cell analysed in the comet assay and although differences observed between tumour grades were not found to be statistically significant, the mean comet optical density value was observed to be greater in the cancer group than in the control population studied, These preliminary results suggest that the comet assay may have potential as a diagnostic tool and as a prognostic indicator in transitional cell carcinoma, Part 2: Baseline DNA damage in sperm cells from 13 normozoospermic fertile males, 17 normozoospermic infertile males and 11 asthenozoospermic infertile males were compared using a modified alkaline comet assay technique. No significant difference in the level of baseline DNA damage was observed between the 3 categories of sperm studied; however the untreated sperm cells were observed to display approximately 20% tail DNA. This is notably higher than the background DNA damage observed in somatic cells where the % tail DNA is normally less than 5%. Sperm from the 3 groups of men studied were also compared for sensitivity to DNA breakage, using the modified alkaline comet assay, following X-ray irradiations (5, 10 and 30 Gy) and hydrogen peroxide treatments (40, 100 and 200 mu M). Significant levels of X-ray-induced damage were found relative to untreated control sperm in the two infertile groups following 30 Gy irradiation. Significant damage in hydrogen peroxide-treated sperm was observed in sperm from fertile samples, at 200 mu M and in infertile samples at 100- and 200-mu M doses relative to controls. These results therefore indicate that fertile sperm samples are more resistant to X-ray- and hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA breakage than infertile samples. Further studies involving greater numbers of individuals are currently in progress to confirm these findings.


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Antimicrobial residues found to be present in milk can have both health and economic impacts. For these reasons, the widespread routine testing of milk is required. Due to delays with sample handling and test scheduling, laboratory-based tests are not always suited for making decisions about raw material intake and product release, especially when samples require shipping to a central testing facility. Therefore, rapid on-site screening tests that can produce results within a matter of minutes are required to facilitate rapid intake and product release processes. Such tests must be simple for use by non-technical staff. There is increasing momentum towards the development and implementation of multiplexing tests that can detect a range of important antimicrobial residues simultaneously. A simple in situ multiplexed planar waveguide device that can simultaneously detect chloramphenicol, streptomycin and desfuroylceftiofur in raw dairy milk, without sample preparation, has been developed. Samples are simply mixed with antibody prior to an aliquot being passed through the detection cartridge for 5 min before reading on a field-deployable portable instrument. Multiplexed calibration curves were produced in both buffer and raw milk. Buffer curves, for chloramphenicol, streptomycin and desfuroylceftiofur, showed linear ranges (inhibitory concentration (IC)20–IC80) of 0.1–0.9, 3–129 and 12–26 ng/ml, whilst linear range in milk was 0.13–0.74, 11–376 and 2–12 ng/ml, respectively, thus meeting European legislated concentration requirements for both chloramphenicol and streptomycin, in milk, without the need for any sample preparation. Desfuroylceftiofur-contaminated samples require only simple sample dilution to bring positive samples within the range of quantification. Assay repeatability and reproducibility were lower than 12 coefficient of variation (%CV), whilst blank raw milk samples (n = 9) showed repeatability ranging between 4.2 and 8.1 %CV when measured on all three calibration curves.


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Leptospirosis is a globally important zoonotic infection caused by spirochaetes of the genus Leptospira. It is transmitted to humans by direct contact with infected animals or indirectly via contaminated water. It is mainly a problem of the resource-poor developing countries of the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world but outbreaks due to an increase in travel and recreational activities have been reported in developed and more industrialized areas of the world. Current methods of diagnosis are costly, time-consuming and require the use of specialized laboratory equipment and personnel. The purpose of this paper is to report the validation of the 'Leptorapide®' test (Linnodee Ltd, Northern Ireland) for the diagnosis of human leptospirosis. It is a simple one-step latex agglutination assay performed using equal volumes of serum sample and antigen-bound latex beads. Evidence of leptospiral antibodies is determined within minutes. Agglutination is scored on a scale of 1-5 and the results interpreted using a score card provided with the kit. Validation has been performed with a large sample size obtained from individuals originating from various parts of the world including Brazil and India. The test has shown sensitivity and specificity values of 97·1% and 94·0%, respectively, relative to the microscopic agglutination test. The results demonstrate that Leptorapide offers a cost-effective and accurate alternative to the more historical methods of antibody detection.