145 resultados para Rho kinases


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SRC family kinases play essential roles in a variety of cellular functions, including proliferation, survival, differentiation, and apoptosis. The activities of these kinases are regulated by intramolecular interactions and by heterologous binding partners that modulate the transition between active and inactive structural conformations. p130(CAS) (CAS) binds directly to both the SH2 and SH3 domains of c-SRC and therefore has the potential to structurally alter and activate this kinase. In this report, we demonstrate that overexpression of full-length CAS in COS-1 cells induces c-SRC-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of multiple endogenous cellular proteins. A carboxy-terminal fragment of CAS (CAS-CT), which contains the c-SRC binding site, was sufficient to induce c-SRC-dependent protein tyrosine kinase activity, as measured by tyrosine phosphorylation of cortactin, paxillin, and, to a lesser extent, focal adhesion kinase. A single amino acid substitution located in the binding site for the SRC SH3 domain of CAS-CT disrupted CAS-CT's interaction with c-SRC and inhibited its ability to induce tyrosine phosphorylation of cortactin and paxillin. Murine C3H10T1/2 fibroblasts that expressed elevated levels of tyrosine phosphorylated CAS and c-SRC-CAS complexes exhibited an enhanced ability to form colonies in soft agar and to proliferate in the absence of serum or growth factors. CAS-CT fully substituted for CAS in mediating growth in soft agar but was less effective in promoting serum-independent growth. These data suggest that CAS plays an important role in regulating specific signaling pathways governing cell growth and/or survival, in part through its ability to interact with and modulate the activity of c-SRC.


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Several lines of evidence indicate that the adapter molecule p130CAS (crk-associated substrate (CAS)) is required for src-mediated cellular transformation. CAS has been shown to be heavily tyrosine-phosphorylated in src-transformed cells, and genetic variants of src that are deficient in CAS binding are also unable to mediate cellular transformation. In this report, we investigated whether CAS phosphorylation and/or its association with src are required elements of the transformation process. Expression of the carboxy-terminal src binding domain of CAS in Rat 1 fibroblasts expressing a temperature-sensitive allele of v-src inhibited the formation of src-CAS complexes and also inhibited tyrosine phosphorylation of CAS. However, expression of this protein had no effect on morphological transformation, src-mediated actin rearrangements, or anchorage-independent growth of these cells when grown at the src-permissive temperature. Thus, the ability of activated src to mediate cellular transformation is either largely independent of endogenous CAS phosphorylation and/or its association with CAS or, alternatively, the carboxy-terminus of CAS may substitute for endogenous CAS in the process of src-mediated transformation.


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p130(Cas) (crk associated substrate) has the structural characteristics of an adapter protein, containing multiple consensus SH2 binding sites, an SH3 domain, and a proline-rich domain. The structure of p130(Cas) suggests that it may act to provide a framework for protein-protein interactions; however, as yet, its functional role in cells is unknown. In this report we show that p130(Cas) is localized to focal adhesions. We demonstrate that p130(Cas) associates both in vitro and in vivo with pp125(FAK) (focal adhesion kinase), a kinase implicated in signaling by the integrin family of cell adhesion receptors. p130(Cas) also associates with pp41/43(FRNK) (pp125(FAK)-related, non-kinase), an autonomously expressed form of pp125(FAK) composed of only the C-terminal noncatalytic domain. We show that the association of p130(Cas) with pp125(Fak) and pp41/43(FRNK) is direct, and is mediated by the binding of the SH3 domain of p130(Cas) to a proline-rich sequence present in both the C terminus of pp125(FAK) and in pp41/43(FRNK). In agreement with recent studies we show that p130(Cas) is tyrosine-phosphorylated upon integrin mediated cell adhesion. The association of p130(Cas) with pp125(FAK), a kinase which is activated upon cell adhesion, is likely to be functionally important in integrin mediated signal transduction.


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Adaptor proteins play an important role in signal transduction by regulating the establishment and maintenance of functionally important protein complexes. A recently described member of this group of proteins is p130cas (CAS), which contains numerous sequence motifs predicted to be involved in mediating protein-protein interactions. We propose that adaptor molecules like CAS may help determine the response of a cell to a particular signal by interacting with specific subsets of cellular proteins. To test this hypothesis, we have identified potential binding partners of CAS that may play a rote in cellular transformation by the oncoproteins v-SRC and/or v-CRK. We show that individual domains of CAS associate with specific subsets of proteins in vitro, and that many of these interactions are dependent on the state of tyrosine-phosphorylation of CAS. Sequences necessary for interacting with the focal adhesion kinase pp125FAK (FAK), v-SRC and v-CRK have been mapped to distinct regions of CAS. In addition, the identification of a number of putative CAS-binding partners that are present in crk-transformed cell extracts but undetectable in normal and src-transformed cell extracts supports a model in which unique protein complexes are formed in response to different signals.


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This work presents the application of reduced rank regression to the field of systems biology. A computational approach is used to investigate the mechanisms of the janus-associated kinases/signal transducers and transcription factors (JAK/STAT) and mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPK) signal transduction pathways in hepatic cells stimulated by interleukin-6. The results obtained identify the contribution of individual reactions to the dynamics of the model. These findings are compared to previously available results from sensitivity analysis of the model which focused on the parameters involved and their effect. This application of reduced rank regression allows for an understanding of the individual reaction terms involved in the modelled signal transduction pathways and has the benefit of being computationally inexpensive. The obtained results complement existing findings and also confirm the importance of several protein complexes in the MAPK pathway which hints at benefits that can be achieved by further refining the model.


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Arachidonic acid release in cells highly over expressing cytosolic phospholipase A2 has been attributed to mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation of cytosolic phospholipase A2 on serine-505. To investigate the role of cytosolic phospholipase A2 in cellular physiology, we attempted to inhibit cytosolic phospholipase A2 in the intact cell employing an antisense RNA strategy. Swiss 3T3 cells were stably transfected with an antisense cytosolic phospholipase A2 expression vector. A clone of cells with reduced immunodetectable cytosolic phospholipase A2, compared to a vector transfected cell line, was identified by Western blotting and a corresponding decrease in phospholipase A2 activity was confirmed by enzymatic assay in cell free extracts. However, arachidonic acid release from intact cells in response to agonists was not different between antisense and control cell lines. Thus, arachidonic acid release in intact cells with decreased cytosolic phospholipase A2 activity is likely to be modulated by rate limiting factors that are extrinsic to cytosolic phospholipase A2.


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The OSCAR test, a clinical device that uses counterphase flicker photometry, is believed to be sensitive to the relative numbers of long-wavelength and middle-wavelength cones in the retina, as well as to individual variations in the spectral positions of the photopigments. As part of a population study of individual variations in perception, we obtained OSCAR settings from 1058 participants. We report the distribution characteristics for this cohort. A randomly selected subset of participants was tested twice at an interval of at least one week: the test-retest reliability (Spearman's rho) was 0.80. In a whole-genome association analysis we found a provisional association with a single nucleotide polymorphism (rs16844995). This marker is close to the gene RXRG, which encodes a nuclear receptor, retinoid X receptor γ. This nuclear receptor is already known to have a role in the differentiation of cones during the development of the eye, and we suggest that polymorphisms in or close to RXRG influence the relative probability with which long-wave and middle-wave opsin genes are expressed in human cones.


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SN 2004et is one of the nearest and best-observed Type IIP supernovae, with a progenitor detection as well as good photometric and spectroscopic observational coverage well into the nebular phase. Based on nucleosynthesis from stellar evolution/explosion models we apply spectral modeling to analyze its 140-700 day evolution from ultraviolet to mid-infrared. We find a M_ZAMS= 15 Msun progenitor star (with an oxygen mass of 0.8 Msun) to satisfactorily reproduce [O I] 6300, 6364 {\AA} and other emission lines of carbon, sodium, magnesium, and silicon, while 12 Msun and 19 Msun models under- and overproduce most of these lines, respectively. This result is in fair agreement with the mass derived from the progenitor detection, but in disagreement with hydrodynamical modeling of the early-time light curve. From modeling of the mid-infrared iron-group emission lines, we determine the density of the "Ni-bubble" to rho(t) = 7E-14*(t/100d)^-3 g cm^-3, corresponding to a filling factor of f = 0.15 in the metal core region (V = 1800 km/s). We also confirm that silicate dust, CO, and SiO emission are all present in the spectra.


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Ribosome biogenesis is a fundamental cellular process which is tightly regulated in normal cells. A number of tumour suppressors and oncogenes could affect the production of ribosomes at different levels and an upregulation could lead to increased protein biosynthesis which is one of the characteristic features of all cancer cells. Ribosome biogenesis is a very complex process which requires coordinated transcription by all three nucleolar polymerases and the first event in this process is synthesis of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) by RNA Polymerase I (Pol I). Importantly, recent data has pictured rRNA transcription as a key regulator of whole ribosome biogenesis and therefore makes it a valid and very attractive target for anticancer therapy, as well as a perspective biomarker. However, at the moment there is only one known specific inhibitor of Pol I transcription (at stage one of clinical trials) and this makes it very difficult for the development of drugs which would target rRNA transcription and consequently ribosome biogenesis. We have recently discovered that antitumor alkaloid ellipticine (isolated in 1959 from the plant species Ochrosia) is a potent inhibitor of Pol I transcription (both in vitro and in vivo). Ellipticine and its derivatives are known as efficient topoisomerase II inhibitors and inhibitors of some kinases, however we have shown that these inhibitory activities and the ability of ellipticine to repress Pol I activity are unrelated. Moreover, our preliminary data suggests that ellipticine specifically targets Pol I transcription and it has no effect on transcription by Pol II and Pol III at the same time scale. The possible mechanisms of inhibition of Pol I transcription by ellipticines will be discussed.


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Cathelicidin is an antimicrobial peptide (AMP) and signaling molecule in innate immunity and a direct target of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25D3) in primary human keratinocytes (NHEK). The expression of cathelicidin is dysregulated in various skin diseases and its regulation differs depending on the epithelial cell type. The secondary bile acid lithocholic acid (LCA) is a ligand of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) and can carry out in vivo functions of vitamin D3. Therefore we analyzed cathelicidin mRNA- and peptide expression levels in NHEK and colonic epithelial cells (Caco-2) after stimulation with LCA. We found increased expression of cathelicidin mRNA and peptide in NHEK, in Caco-2 colon cells no effect was observed after LCA stimulation. The VDR as well as MEK-ERK signaled the upregulation of cathelicidin in NHEK induced by LCA. Collectively, our data indicate that cathelicidin induction upon LCA treatment differs in keratinocytes and colonic epithelial cells. Based on these observations LCA-like molecules targeting cathelicidin could be designed for the treatment of cutaneous diseases that are characterized by disturbed cathelicidin expression.


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Background: To determine the role of rhodopsin (RHO) gene mutations in patients with sector retinitis pigmentosa (RP) from Northern Ireland.

Design: A case series of sector RP in a tertiary ocular genetics clinic.

Participants: Four patients with sector RP were recruited from the Royal Victoria Hospital (Belfast, Northern Ireland) and Altnagelvin Hospital (Londonderry, Northern Ireland) following informed consent.

Methods: The diagnosis of sector RP was based on clinical examination, International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (ISCEV) standard electrophysiology, and visual field analysis. DNA was extracted from peripheral blood leucocytes and the coding regions and adjacent flanking intronic sequences of the RHO gene were polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplified and cycle sequenced.

Main Outcome Measure: Rhodopsin mutational status.

Results: A heterozygous missense mutation in RHO (c.173C > T) resulting in a non-conservative substitution of threonine to methionine (p. Thr58Met) was identified in one patient and was absent from 360 control individuals. This non-conservative substitution (p.Thr58Met) replaces a highly evolutionary conserved polar hydrophilic threonine residue with a non-polar hydrophobic methionine residue at position 58 near the cytoplasmic border of helix A of RHO.

Conclusions: The study identified a RHO gene mutation (p.Thr58Met) not previously reported in RP in a patient with sector RP. These findings outline the phenotypic variability associated with RHO mutations. It has been proposed that the regional effects of RHO mutations are likely to result from interplay between mutant alleles and other genetic, epigenetic and environmental factors.


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Feasible, cost-effective instruments are required for the surveillance of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and sedentary behaviour (SB) and to assess the effects of interventions. However, the evidence base for the validity and reliability of the World Health Organisation-endorsed Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ) is limited. We aimed to assess the validity of the GPAQ, compared to accelerometer data in measuring and assessing change in MVPA and SB.


Participants (n = 101) were selected randomly from an on-going research study, stratified by level of physical activity (low, moderate or highly active, based on the GPAQ) and sex. Participants wore an accelerometer (Actigraph GT3X) for seven days and completed a GPAQ on Day 7. This protocol was repeated for a random sub-sample at a second time point, 3–6 months later. Analysis involved Wilcoxon-signed rank tests for differences in measures, Bland-Altman analysis for the agreement between measures for median MVPA and SB mins/day, and Spearman’s rho coefficient for criterion validity and extent of change.


95 participants completed baseline measurements (44 females, 51 males; mean age 44 years, (SD 14); measurements of change were calculated for 41 (21 females, 20 males; mean age 46 years, (SD 14). There was moderate agreement between GPAQ and accelerometer for MVPA mins/day (r = 0.48) and poor agreement for SB (r = 0.19). The absolute mean difference (self-report minus accelerometer) for MVPA was −0.8 mins/day and 348.7 mins/day for SB; and negative bias was found to exist, with those people who were more physically active over-reporting their level of MVPA: those who were more sedentary were less likely to under-report their level of SB. Results for agreement in change over time showed moderate correlation (r = 0.52, p = 0.12) for MVPA and poor correlation for SB (r = −0.024, p = 0.916).


Levels of agreement with objective measurements indicate the GPAQ is a valid measure of MVPA and change in MVPA but is a less valid measure of current levels and change in SB. Thus, GPAQ appears to be an appropriate measure for assessing the effectiveness of interventions to promote MVPA.


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Despite advancement in breast cancer treatment, 30% of patients with early breast cancers experience relapse with distant metastasis. It is a challenge to identify patients at risk for relapse; therefore, the identification of markers and therapeutic targets for metastatic breast cancers is imperative. Here, we identified DP103 as a biomarker and metastasis-driving oncogene in human breast cancers and determined that DP103 elevates matrix metallopeptidase 9 (MMP9) levels, which are associated with metastasis and invasion through activation of NF-κB. In turn, NF-κB signaling positively activated DP103 expression. Furthermore, DP103 enhanced TGF-β-activated kinase-1 (TAK1) phosphorylation of NF-κB-activating IκB kinase 2 (IKK2), leading to increased NF-κB activity. Reduction of DP103 expression in invasive breast cancer cells reduced phosphorylation of IKK2, abrogated NF-κB-mediated MMP9 expression, and impeded metastasis in a murine xenograft model. In breast cancer patient tissues, elevated levels of DP103 correlated with enhanced MMP9, reduced overall survival, and reduced survival after relapse. Together, these data indicate that a positive DP103/NF-κB feedback loop promotes constitutive NF-κB activation in invasive breast cancers and activation of this pathway is linked to cancer progression and the acquisition of chemotherapy resistance. Furthermore, our results suggest that DP103 has potential as a therapeutic target for breast cancer treatment.


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The histamine H4 receptor regulates the inflammatory response. However, it is not known whether this receptor has a functional role in human neutrophils. We found that fMLP (1 μM), but not histamine (0.1-1 μM), induced Mac-1-dependent adhesion, polarization, and degranulation (release of lactoferrin). A pretreatment of neutrophils with histamine (0.001-1 μM) or JNJ 28610244 (0.1-10 μM), a specific H4 receptor agonist, led to inhibition of degranulation. Total inhibition of degranulation was obtained with 0.1 μM histamine and 10 μM JNJ 28610244. Furthermore, such inhibition by histamine of degranulation was reversed by JNJ 7777120 and JNJ 28307474, two selective H4 receptor antagonists. However, neither histamine nor the H4 receptor agonist JNJ 28610244 prevented fMLP-induced, Mac-1-dependent adhesion, indicating that the H4 receptor may block signals emanating from Mac-1-controlling degranulation. Likewise, engagement of the H4 receptor by the selective agonist JNJ 28610244 blocked Mac-1-dependent activation of p38 MAPK, the kinase that controls neutrophil degranulation. We also show expression of the H4 receptor at the mRNA level in ultrapure human neutrophils and myeloid leukemia PLB-985 cells. We concluded that engagement of this receptor by selective H4 receptor agonists may represent a good, therapeutic approach to accelerate resolution of inflammation.


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The breast cancer susceptibility gene BRCA1 encodes a protein implicated in the cellular response to DNA damage, with postulated roles in homologous recombination as well as transcriptional regulation. To identify downstream target genes, we established cell lines with tightly regulated inducible expression of BRCA1. High-density oligonucleotide arrays were used to analyze gene expression profiles at various times following BRCA1 induction. A major BRCA1 target is the DNA damage-responsive gene GADD45. Induction of BRCA1 triggers apoptosis through activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase/stress-activated protein kinase (JNK/SAPK), a signaling pathway potentially linked to GADD45 gene family members. The p53-independent induction of GADD45 by BRCA1 and its activation of JNK/SAPK suggest a pathway for BRCA1-induced apoptosis.