230 resultados para RADIATIVE OPACITIES


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We present results of a study of the effect of target polarization on electron-ion recombination, and show that coherent radiation by the target electrons gives a large contribution to the recombination rate. It significantly modifies the nonresonant photorecombination background. A procedure has been devised whereby this contribution can be evaluated together with the conventional radiative recombination, independently of the dielectronic recombination component. Numerical results are presented for Zn2+, Cd2+, Sn4+, and Xe8+, showing up to an order-of-magnitude enhancement.


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Electron-impact ionization cross sections have been determined for hydrogen like iron ions at selected electron energies between 1.45 and 4.3 times the threshold energy. The cross sections were obtained by measuring the equilibrium ionization balance in an electron beam ion trap. This ionization balance is obtained from x-ray measurements of radiative recombination into the K-shell of hydrogen-like and bare iron ions. The measured cross sections are compared with distorted-wave calculations and several semiempirical formulations.


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The electron beam ions traps (EBITs) are widely used to study highly charged ions (HCIs). In an EBIT, a high energy electron beam collides with atoms and ions to generate HCIs in the trap region. It is important to study the physics in the trap. The atomic processes, such as electron impact ionisation (EI), radiative recombination (RR), dielectronic recombination (DR) and charge exchange (CX), occur in the trap and numerical simulation can give some parameters for design, predict the composition and describe charge state evolution in an EBIT [Phys. Rev. A 43 (199 1) 4861]. We are presently developing a new code, which additionally includes a description of the overlaps between the ion clouds of the various charge-states. It has been written so that it can simulate experiments where various machine parameters (e.g. beam energy and current) can vary throughout the simulation and will be able to use cross- sections either based on scaling laws or derived from atomic structure calculations. An object-oriented method is used in developing the new software, which is an efficient way to organize and write code. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have determined resonant strengths of the KLn (2 less than or equal to n less than or equal to 5) resonances for helium-like Ti ions and (3 less than or equal to n less than or equal to 5) resonances for helium-like Fe ions. The results were obtained using the Tokyo electron beam ion trap. Characteristic X-rays from both dielectronic recombination and radiative recombination were detected as the electron beam energy was scanned through the resonances. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Dielectronic recombination (DR) has been studied in highly charged He-like Ti ions using an electron beam ion trap. X-rays emitted from radiative recombination (RR) and DR were observed as the electron beam energy was scanned through the resonances. Differential DR resonant strengths were determined by normalizing the DR x-ray intensity to the RR intensity using theoretical RR cross sections. KLn (2 less than or equal to n less than or equal to 5) resonant strengths were determined for He-like Ti ions. The differential resonant strengths were calibrated without reference to any theoretical DR calculations while the electron energy scale was derived with reference to the well-known energy for ionization of the He-like and H-like ions from the ground state. Calibration in this way facilitates a more exacting comparison between theory and experiment than has been reported previously. To facilitate this comparison, total and differential theoretical resonance strengths were calculated. These calculations were found to be in good agreement with the measured results.


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Absolute cross sections have been measured for single and double charge exchange and x-ray line emission for highly charged ions of C, N, 0, and Ne colliding with He, H-2 CO2, and H2O at collisions energies of 7q keV. Present results of charge exchange in He and H-2 compare favorably with previous results. For CO2 and H2O, where prior work is scarce, the classical overbarrier model is found to overestimate results by up to a factor of 3. An analysis of the relative intensities of the observed Lyman x-ray transitions indicates that capture into l states is not statistical, as collision velocities are insufficient to populate the highest angular-momentum states. The importance of autoionization following multiple capture is highlighted, and enhanced radiative stabilization following double capture is observed and compared to other studies. Present results are also discussed in terms of mechanisms likely to generate x-ray emission in comets.


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Charge exchange followed by radiative stabilization are the main processes responsible for the recent observations of X-ray emission from comets in their approach to the Sun. A new apparatus was constructed at JPL to measure, in collisions of HCIs with atoms and molecules, (a) absolute cross sections for single and multiple charge exchange, and (b) normalized X-ray emission cross sections. The ions are produced by the JPL HCI Facility and passed through a neutral-gas target cell. The product charge states are analyzed by a retarding potential difference technique. Results are made absolute by measuring target pressure, and incident and product ion currents. X-rays emitted from the product ions are detected with a Ge solid-state detector having a resolution of approximately 100 eV. X-ray astronomy has taken major steps forward with the recent launch of the high-resolution satellites Chandra and Newton. The cross sections reported herein are essential for the development of the solar wind comet interaction models inspired by these observations.


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A preliminary differential non-LTE model atmosphere analysis of moderate resolution (R ~ 5 000) and signal-to-noise ratio spectra of 48 Small Magellanic Cloud B-type supergiants is presented. Standard techniques are adopted, viz. plane-parallel geometry and radiative and hydrostatic equilibrium. Spectroscopic atmospheric parameters (T_eff, log g and v_turb), luminosities and chemical abundances (He, C, N, O, Mg and Si) are estimated. These are compared with those deduced for a comparable sample of Galactic supergiants. The SMC targets appear to have similar atmospheric parameters, luminosities and helium abundances to the Galactic sample. Their magnesium and silicon underabundances are compatible with those found for main sequence SMC objects and there is no evidence for any large variation in their oxygen abundances. By contrast both their carbon and nitrogen lines strengths are inconsistent with single abundances, while their nitrogen to carbon abundance ratios appear to vary by at least as much and probably more than that found in the Galactic sample.


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The two-electron QED contributions to the ground-state binding energy of Kr34+ ions have been determined in two independent experiments performed with electron beam ion traps (EBIT) in Heidelberg (HD) and Tokyo (BT, Belfast-Tokyo collaboration). X rays arising from radiative recombination (RR) of free electrons to the ground state of initially bare Kr36+ and hydrogenlike Kr35+ ions were observed as a function of the interacting electron energy. The K edge absorption by thin Eu and W foils provided fixed photon energy references used to measure the difference in binding energy Delta E-2e between the H- and He-like Kr ions (Kr35+ and Kr34+, respectively). The two values agree well, yielding a final result of Delta E-2e=641.8 +/- 1.7 eV, confirming recent results of rigorous QED calculations. This accuracy is just of the order required to access screened radiative QED contributions.


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We describe a collisional-radiative equilibrium model for predicting the optical emission spectrum of low-temperature magnesium plasmas, specifically those created by laser ablation. In the model, levels are populated by a balance of collisional and radiative rates. We include Stark widths of lines and trapping of radiation in the calculations. By use of this model we discuss various issues of importance in spectral analysis of laser ablated plasma plumes, such as the partial local thermodynamic equilibrium approximation, line trapping and time dependence.


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In a recent paper, Verma et al. [Eur. Phys. J. D 42, 235 (2007)] have reported results for energy levels, radiative rates, collision strengths, and effective collision strengths for transitions among the lowest 17 levels of the (1s(2)2s(2)2p(6))3s(2)3p(6), 3s(2)3p(5)3d and 3s3p(6)3d configurations of Ni XI. They adopted the CIV3 and R-matrix codes for the generation of wavefunctions and the scattering process, respectively. In this paper, through two independent calculations performed with the fully relativistic DARC (along with GRASP) and FAC codes, we demonstrate that their results are unreliable. New data are presented and their accuracy is assessed.


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New fully relativistic calculations of radiative rates and electron impact excitation cross-sections for Fe XVI are used to determine theoretical emission-line ratios applicable to the 251-361 and 32-77 angstrom portions of the extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) and soft X-ray spectral regions, respectively. A comparison of the EUV results with observations from the Solar Extreme-Ultraviolet Research Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS) reveals excellent agreement between theory and experiment. However, for emission lines in the 32-49 angstrom portion of the soft X-ray spectral region, there are large discrepancies between theory and measurement for both a solar flare spectrum obtained with the X-Ray Spectrometer/Spectrograph Telescope (XSST) and for observations of Capella from the Low- Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer (LETGS) on the Chandra X-ray Observatory. These are probably due to blending in the solar flare and Capella data from both first-order lines and from shorter wavelength transitions detected in second and third order. By contrast, there is very good agreement between our theoretical results and the XSST and LETGS observations in the 50-77 angstrom wavelength range, contrary to previous results. In particular, there is no evidence that the Fe XVI emission from the XSST flare arises from plasma at a much higher temperature than that expected for Fe XVI in ionization equilibrium, as suggested by earlier work.


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Fully relativistic calculations of radiative rates and electron impact excitation cross-sections for Fe X are used to derive theoretical emission-line ratios involving transitions in the 174-366 angstrom wavelength range. A comparison of these with solar active region observations obtained during the 1989 and 1995 flights of the Solar Extreme-ultraviolet Research Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS) reveals generally very good agreement between theory and experiment. Several Fe X emission features are detected for the first time in SERTS spectra, while the 3s(2)3p(5) P-2(3/2)-3s(2)3p(4)(S-1)3d D-2(3/2) transition at 195.32 angstrom is identified for the first time (to our knowledge) in an astronomical source. The most useful Fe X electron density (N-e) diagnostic line ratios are assessed to be 175.27/174.53 and 175.27/177.24, which both involve lines close in wavelength and free from blends, vary by factors of 13 between N-e = 10(8) and 10(11) cm(-3), and yet show little temperature sensitivity. Should these lines not be available, then the 257.25/345.74 ratio may be employed to determine N-e, although this requires an accurate evaluation of the instrument intensity calibration over a relatively large wavelength range. However, if the weak 324.73 angstrom line of Fe X is reliably detected, the use of 324.73/345.74 or 257.25/324.73 is recommended over 257.25/345.74. Electron densities deduced from 175.27/174.53 and 175.27/177.24 for the stars Procyon and alpha Cen, using observations from the Extreme-Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) satellite, are found to be consistent and in agreement with the values of N-e determined from other diagnostic ratios in the EUVE spectra. A comparison of several theoretical extreme-ultraviolet Fe X line ratios with experimental values for a theta-pinch, for which the plasma parameters have been independently determined, reveals reasonable agreement between theory and observation, providing some independent support for the accuracy of the adopted atomic data.


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A detailed study is presented of the decaying solar-active region NOAA 10103 observed with the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS), the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) and the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). Electron-density maps formed using Si x (356.03 angstrom/347.41 angstrom) show that the density varies from similar to 10(10) cm(-3) in the active-region core to similar to 7 x 108 cm-3 at the region boundaries. Over the 5 d of observations, the average electron density fell by similar to 30 per cent. Temperature maps formed using Fe XVI (335.41 angstrom)/Fe XIV (334.18 angstrom) show electron temperatures of similar to 2.34 x 10(6) K in the active-region core and similar to 2.10 x 10(6) K at the region boundaries. Similarly to the electron density, there was a small decrease in the average electron temperature over the 5-d period. The radiative, conductive and mass-flow losses were calculated and used to determine the resultant heating rate (P-H). Radiative losses were found to dominate the active-region cooling process. As the region decayed, the heating rate decreased by almost a factor of 5 between the first and last day of observations. The heating rate was then compared to the total unsigned magnetic flux (Phi(tot) = integral dA vertical bar B-z vertical bar), yielding a power law of the form P-H similar to Phi(0.81 +/- 0.32)(tot) This result suggests that waves rather than nanoflares may be the dominant heating mechanism in this active region.