639 resultados para PLANETARY-NEBULAE


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High-resolution UCLES/AAT spectra are presented for nine B-type supergiants in the SMC, chosen on the basis that they may show varying amounts of nuclear-synthetically processed material mixed to their surface. These spectra have been analysed using a new grid of approximately 12 000 non-LTE line blanketed tlusty model atmospheres to estimate atmospheric parameters and chemical composition. The abundance estimates for O, Mg and Si are in excellent agreement with those deduced from other studies, whilst the low estimate for C may reflect the use of the C II doublet at 4267 Å. The N estimates are approximately an order of magnitude greater than those found in unevolved B-type stars or H II regions but are consistent with the other estimates in AB-type supergiants. These results have been combined with results from a unified model atmosphere analysis of UVES/VLT spectra of B-type supergiants (Trundle et al. 2004, A&A, 417, 217) to discuss the evolutionary status of these objects. For two stars that are in common with those discussed by Trundle et al., we have undertaken a careful comparison in order to try to understand the relative importance of the different uncertainties present in such analyses, including observational errors and the use of static or unified models. We find that even for these relatively luminous supergiants, tlusty models yield atmospheric parameters and chemical compositions similar to those deduced from the unified code fastwind.


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An analysis of high-resolution VLT/UVES spectra of two B-type main sequence stars, NGC 346-11 and AV 304, in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), has been undertaken, using the non-LTE tlusty model atmospheres to derive the stellar parameters and chemical compositions of each star. The chemical compositions of the two stars are in reasonable agreement. Moreover, our stellar analysis agrees well with earlier analyses of H II regions. The results derived here should be representative of the current base-line chemical composition of the SMC interstellar medium as derived from B-type stars.


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We introduce a new survey of massive stars in the Galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds using the Fibre Large Array Multi- Element Spectrograph ( FLAMES) instrument at the Very Large Telescope ( VLT). Here we present observations of 269 Galactic stars with the FLAMES- Giraffe Spectrograph ( R similar or equal to 25 000), in fields centered on the open clusters NGC3293, NGC4755 and NGC6611. These data are supplemented by a further 50 targets observed with the Fibre- Fed Extended Range Optical Spectrograph ( FEROS, R = 48 000). Following a description of our scientific motivations and target selection criteria, the data reduction methods are described; of critical importance the FLAMES reduction pipeline is found to yield spectra that are in excellent agreement with less automated methods. Spectral classifications and radial velocity measurements are presented for each star, with particular attention paid to morphological peculiarities and evidence of binarity. These observations represent a significant increase in the known spectral content of NGC3293 and NGC4755, and will serve as standards against which our subsequent FLAMES observations in the Magellanic Clouds will be compared.


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High- resolution UVES/ VLT spectra of B 12, an extreme pole- on Be star in the SMC cluster NGC 330, have been analysed using non-LTE model atmospheres to obtain its chemical composition relative to the SMC standard star AV304. We find a general underabundance of metals which can be understood in terms of an extra contribution to the stellar continuum due to emission from a disk which we estimate to be at the similar to 25% level. When this is corrected for, the nitrogen abundance for B12 shows no evidence of enhancement by rotational mixing as has been found in other non-Be B-type stars in NGC 330, and is inconsistent with evolutionary models which include the effects of rotational mixing. A second Be star, NGC330-B 17, is also shown to have no detectable nitrogen lines. Possible explanations for the lack of rotational mixing in these rapidly rotating stars are discussed, one promising solution being the possibility that magnetic fields might inhibit rotational mixing.


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High spectral resolution ( R similar to 40 000) and signal-to-noise optical spectra, obtained at the Very Large Telescope ( VLT), are presented for three post-asymptotic giant branch ( AGB) candidates selected from the Edinburgh-Cape ( EC) Faint Blue Object Survey. The stellar atmospheric parameters and chemical compositions, derived using sophisticated non-local thermodynamic equilibrium calculations, reveal that EC 14102-1337 and EC 20068-7324 are both in an evolved post-horizontal branch ( HB) evolutionary state. However, EC 11507-2253 is most likely a post-AGB star.


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The SuperWASP cameras are wide-field imaging systems at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos on the island of La Palma in the Canary Islands, and at the Sutherland Station of the South African Astronomical Observatory. Each instrument has a field of view of some 482 deg2 with an angular scale of 13.7" pixel-1, and is capable of delivering photometry with accuracy better than 1% for objects having V~7.0-11.5. Lower quality data for objects brighter than V~15.0 are stored in the project archive. The systems, while designed to monitor fields with high cadence, are capable of surveying the entire visible sky every 40 minutes. Depending on the observational strategy, the data rate can be up to 100 Gbytes per night. We have produced a robust, largely automatic reduction pipeline and advanced archive, which are used to serve the data products to the consortium members. The main science aim of these systems is to search for bright transiting exoplanet systems suitable for spectroscopic follow-up observations. The first 6 month season of SuperWASP-North observations produced light curves of ~6.7 million objects with 12.9 billion data points.


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Photometric transit surveys promise to complement the currently known sample of extra-solar planets (ESPs) by providing additional information on the planets and especially their radii. Here, we present ESP candidates from one such survey called, the Wide Angle Search for Planets (WASP) obtained with the SuperWASP wide-field imaging system. Observations were taken with SuperWASP North located in La Palma during the 2004 April to October observing season. The data cover fields between 23 and 03 h in RA at declinations above +12. This amounts to over ~400000 stars with V magnitudes 8-13.5. For the stars brighter than 12.5, we achieve better than 1 per cent photometric precision. Here, we present 41 sources with low-amplitude variability between ~1 and 10 mmag, from which we select 12 with periods between 1.2 and 4.4 d as the most promising ESP candidates. We discuss the properties of these ESP candidates, the expected fraction of transits recovered for our sample and implications for the frequency and detection of hot-Jupiters.


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We present photometric and spectroscopic data of the Type II-P supernova (SN II-P) 2003gd, which was discovered in M74 close to the end of its plateau phase. SN 2003gd is the first Type II supernova ( SN) to have a directly confirmed red supergiant ( RSG) progenitor. We compare SN 2003gd to SN 1999 em, a similar SN II-P, and estimate an explosion date of 2003 March 18. We determine a reddening towards the SN of E(B-V) = 0.14 +/- 0.06, using three different methods. We also calculate three new distances to M74 of 9.6 +/- 2.8, 7.7 +/- 1.7 and 9.6 +/- 2.2 Mpc. The former was estimated using the standard candle method (SCM), for Type II supernovae (SNe II), and the latter two using the brightest supergiants method (BSM). When combined with existing kinematic and BSM distance estimates, we derive a mean value of 9.3 +/- 1.8 Mpc. SN 2003gd was found to have a lower tail luminosity compared with other normal Type II-P supernovae ( SNe II-P) bringing into question the nature of this SN. We present a discussion concluding that this is a normal SN II-P, which is consistent with the observed progenitor mass of 8(-2)(+4) M-circle dot.


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Oscillations in network bright points (NBPs) are studied at a variety of chromospheric heights. In particular, the three-dimensional variation of NBP oscillations is studied using image segmentation and cross-correlation analysis between images taken in light of Ca II K3, Ha core, Mg I b2, and Mg I b1-0.4 Å. Wavelet analysis is used to isolate wave packets in time and to search for height-dependent time delays that result from upward- or downward-directed traveling waves. In each NBP studied, we find evidence for kink-mode waves (1.3, 1.9 mHz), traveling up through the chromosphere and coupling with sausage-mode waves (2.6, 3.8 mHz). This provides a means for depositing energy in the upper chromosphere. We also find evidence for other upward- and downward-propagating waves in the 1.3-4.6 mHz range. Some oscillations do not correspond to traveling waves, and we attribute these to waves generated in neighboring regions.


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High time resolution observations of a white-light flare on the active star EQ PegB show evidence of intensity variations with a period of ≈10 s. The period drifts to longer values during the decay phase of the flare. If the oscillation is interpreted as an impulsively-excited, standing-acoustic wave in a flare loop, the period implies a loop length of ≈3.4 Mm and ≈6.8 Mm for the case of the fundamental mode and the second harmonic, respectively. However, the small loop lengths imply a very high modulation depth making the acoustic interpretation unlikely. A more realistic interpretation may be that of a fast-MHD wave, with the modulation of the emission being due to the magnetic field. Alternatively, the variations could be due to a series of reconnection events. The periodic signature may then arise as a result of the lateral separation of individual flare loops or current sheets with oscillatory dynamics (i.e., periodic reconnection).


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X-ray spectra of the late-type star AB Dor obtained with the XMM-Newton satellite are analyzed. AB Dor was particularly active during the observations. An emission measure reconstruction technique is employed to analyze flare and quiescent spectra, with emphasis on the Fe XVII 15 - 17 angstrom wavelength region. The Fe XVII 16.78 angstrom/ 15.01 angstrom line ratio increases significantly in the hotter flare plasma. This change in the ratio is opposite to the theoretical predictions and is attributed to the scattering of 15.01 angstrom line photons from the line of sight. The escape probability technique indicates an optical depth of approximate to 0.4 for the 15.01 angstrom line. During the flare, the electron density is 4.4(-1.6)(+2.7) x 10(10) cm(-3), and the fractional Fe abundance is 0.5 +/- 0.1 of the solar photospheric value Using these parameters, a path length of approximate to 8000 km is derived. There is no evidence of opacity in the quiescent X-ray spectrum of the star.


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Simultaneous observations of explosive chromospheric evaporation are presented using data from the Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) and the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory. For the first time, cospatial imaging and spectroscopy have been used to observe explosive evaporation within a hard X-ray emitting region. RHESSI X-ray images and spectra were used to determine the flux of nonthermal electrons accelerated during the impulsive phase of an M2.2 flare. When we assumed a thick-target model, the injected electron spectrum was found to have a spectral index of similar to 7.3, a low-energy cutoff of similar to 20 keV, and a resulting flux of >= 4 x10(10) ergs cm(-2) s(-1). The dynamic response of the atmosphere was determined using CDS spectra; we found a mean upflow velocity of 230 +/- 38 km s(-1) in Fe (XIX) (592.23 angstrom) and associated downflows of 36 +/- 16 and 43 +/- 22 km s(-1) at chromospheric and transition region temperatures, respectively, relative to an averaged quiet- Sun spectra. The errors represent a 1 j dispersion. The properties of the accelerated electron spectrum and the corresponding evaporative velocities were found to be consistent with the predictions of theory.