216 resultados para Leeman, C. G.


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A beam of amplified spontaneous emission at 23.2/23.6 nm from a GeXXIII XUV laser has been injected into a separate amplifier plasma and the astigmatic aberrations introduced by plasma density gradients in the amplifier have been estimated from analysis of images of the amplified beam.


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Recent progress in the development of XUV lasers by research teams using high-power and ultrashort-pulse Nd:glass and KrF laser facilities at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory is reviewed. Injector-amplifier operation and prepulse enhanced output of the Ge XXIII collisional laser driven by a kilojoule glass laser, enhanced gain in CVI recombination with picosecond CPA drive pulses from a glass laser, and optical field ionization and XUV harmonic generation with a KrF CPA laser are described.


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Coupling of a soft X-ray laser beam with a relaying concave mirror in a sequentially pumped amplifier geometry using the Ne-like Ge system has been studied experimentally. Preliminary observations indicate an increase in the spatial coherence of the amplified relayed beam. In addition, near-field imaging of one of the amplifier plasmas shows a double-lobed intensity pattern of the emergent beam indicating refractive guiding of the amplified beam with components both normal and tangential to the target surface.


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The finite element method plays an extremely important role in forging process design as it provides a valid means to quantify forging errors and thereby govern die shape modification to improve the dimensional accuracy of the component. However, this dependency on process simulation could raise significant problems and present a major drawback if the finite element simulation results were inaccurate. This paper presents a novel approach to assess the dimensional accuracy and shape quality of aeroengine blades formed from finite element hot-forging simulation. The proposed virtual inspection system uses conventional algorithms adopted by modern coordinate measurement processes as well as the latest free-form surface evaluation techniques to provide a robust framework for virtual forging error assessment. Established techniques for the physical registration of real components have been adapted to localise virtual models in relation to a nominal Design Coordinate System. Blades are then automatically analysed using a series of intelligent routines to generate measurement data and compute dimensional errors. The results of a comparison study indicate that the virtual inspection results and actual coordinate measurement data are highly comparable, validating the approach as an effective and accurate means to quantify forging error in a virtual environment. Consequently, this provides adequate justification for the implementation of the virtual inspection system in the virtual process design, modelling and validation of forged aeroengine blades in industry.


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The scaling of the flux and maximum energy of laser-driven sheath-accelerated protons has been investigated as a function of laser pulse energy in the range of 15-380 mJ at intensities of 10(16)-10(18) W/cm(2). The pulse duration and target thickness were fixed at 40 fs and 25 nm, respectively, while the laser focal spot size and drive energy were varied. Our results indicate that while the maximum proton energy is dependent on the laser energy and laser spot diameter, the proton flux is primarily related to the laser pulse energy under the conditions studied here. Our measurements show that increasing the laser energy by an order of magnitude results in a more than 500-fold increase in the observed proton flux. Whereas, an order of magnitude increase in the laser intensity generated by decreasing the laser focal spot size, at constant laser energy, gives rise to less than a tenfold increase in observed proton flux.


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Thin Al foils (50 nm and 6 mu m) were irradiated at intensities of up to 2x10(19) W cm(-2) using high contrast (10(8)) laser pulses. Ion emission from the rear of the targets was measured using a scintillator-based Thomson parabola and beam sampling 'footprint' monitor. The variation of the ion spectra and beam profile with focal spot size was systematically studied. The results show that while the maximum proton energy is achieved around tight focus for both target thicknesses, as the spot size increases the ion flux at lower energies is seen to peak at significantly increased spot sizes. Measurements of the proton footprint, however, show that the off-axis proton flux is highest at tight focus, indicating that a previously identified proton deflection mechanism may alter the on-axis spectrum. One-dimensional particle-in-cell modelling of the experiment supports our hypothesis that the observed change in spectra with focal spot size is due to the competition of two effects: decrease in laser intensity and an increase in proton emission area.


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Target normal measurements of proton energy spectra from ultrathin (50-200 nm) planar foil targets irradiated by 10(19) W cm(-2) 40 fs laser pulses exhibit broad maxima that are not present in the energy spectra from micron thickness targets (6 mu m). The proton flux in the peak is considerably greater than the proton flux observed in the same energy range in thicker targets. Numerical modelling of the experiment indicates that this spectral modification in thin targets is caused by magnetic fields that grow at the rear of the target during the laser-target interaction.


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The use of schemes involving multiple laser pulses to enhance and control the properties of beams of protons accelerated in ultra-intense laser irradiation of planar foil targets is discussed. Specifically, the schemes include the use of a second laser pulse to produce and control preplasma expansion of the target to enhance energy coupling to the proton beam; the use of a second laser pulse to drive shock deformation of the target to change the direction of the proton beam; and a scheme involving dual high intensity laser pulses to change the properties of the sheath field, with the aim of modifying the proton energy spectrum. An overview of our recent experimental and theoretical results is given. The overall aim of this work is to determine the extent to which the properties of the sheath-accelerated proton beam can be optically controlled, to enable beam delivery at high repetition rates. To cite this article: D.C. Carroll et al., C. R. Physique 10 (2009). (C) 2009 Academie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Using three different laser systems, we demonstrate a convenient and simple plasma based diagnostic of the contrast of high-power short-pulse lasers. The technique is based on measuring the specular reflectivity from a solid target. The reflectivity remains high even at relativistic intensities above 10(19) W/cm(2) in the case of a high-contrast prepulse-free laser. On the contrary, the specular reflectivity drops with increasing intensities in the case of systems with insufficient contrast due to beam breakup and increased absorption caused by preplasma.


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The properties of beams of high energy protons accelerated during ultraintense, picosecond laser-irradiation of thin foil targets are investigated as a function of preplasma expansion at the target front surface. Significant enhancement in the maximum proton energy and laser-to-proton energy conversion efficiency is observed at optimum preplasma density gradients due, to self-focusing Of the incident laser pulse. For very long preplasma expansion, the propagating laser pulse is observed to filament, resulting in highly uniform proton beams, but with reduced flux and maximum energy.