122 resultados para Dissolution profiles


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Slow release drugs must be manufactured to meet target specifications with respect to dissolution curve profiles. In this paper we consider the problem of identifying the drivers of dissolution curve variability of a drug from historical manufacturing data. Several data sources are considered: raw material parameters, coating data, loss on drying and pellet size statistics. The methodology employed is to develop predictive models using LASSO, a powerful machine learning algorithm for regression with high-dimensional datasets. LASSO provides sparse solutions facilitating the identification of the most important causes of variability in the drug fabrication process. The proposed methodology is illustrated using manufacturing data for a slow release drug.


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Cellulose is dissolved in an ionic liq. without derivatization, and is regenerated in a range of structural forms without requiring the use of harmful or volatile org. solvents. Cellulose soly. and the soln. properties can be controlled by the selection of the ionic liq. constituents, with small cations and halide or pseudohalide anions favoring soln.; dissoln. can be aided by irradn. An ionic liq., [C4mim]Cl, proved to be the best for dissolving cellulose. [on SciFinder(R)]


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The ionic liqs. are for the dissoln. of various polymers and/or copolymers, the formation of resins and blends, and the reconstitution of polymer and/or copolymer solns., and the dissoln. and blending of functional additives and/or various polymers and/or copolymers. Thus, ≥1 ionic liq., which is a liq. salt complex that exists in the liq. phase between about -70 to 300°, is mixed with ≥2 differing polymeric materials to form a mixt., and adding a nonsolvent to the mixt. to remove the ionic liq. from the resin or blend. [on SciFinder(R)]


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Purpose Poor water-solubility of BCS class II drugs can limit their commercialization because of reduced oral bioavailability. It has been reported that loading of drug by adsorption onto porous silica would enhance drug solubility due to the increased surface area available for solvent diffusion. In this work, solid dispersions are formed using supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2). The aim of this research was to characterise the solid-state properties of scCO2 dispersion and to investigate the impact of altering scCO2 processing conditions on final amorphous product performance that could lead to enhancement of drug dissolution rate for BCS class II drugs. Methods Indomethacin (IND) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Dorset, UK) and was used as a model drug with two grades of high surface area silica (average particle sizes 3&[micro] and 7&[micro]), which were obtained directly from Grace-Davison (Germany). Material crystallinity was evaluated using powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD, Rigaku™, miniflex II, Japan) and high-speed differential scanning calorimetry (Hyper-DSC 8000, Perkin Elmer, USA). Materials were placed in a high-pressure vessel consisting of a CO2 cylinder, a Thar™ Technologies P50 high-pressure pump and a 750 ml high-pressure vessel (Thar, USA). Physical mixtures were exposed to CO2 gas above its critical conditions. SEM imaging and elemental analysis were conducted using a Jeol 6500 FEGSEM (Advanced MicroBeam Inc., Austria). Drug release was examined using USP type II dissolution tester (Caleva™, UK). Results The two grades of silica were found to be amorphous using PXRD and Hyper-DSC. Using PXRD, it was shown that an increase in incubation time and pressure resulted in a decrease in the crystalline content. Drug release profiles from the two different silica formulations prepared under the same conditions are shown in Figure 1. It was found that there was a significant enhancement in drug release, which was influenced, by silica type and other experiment conditions such as temperature, pressure and exposure time. SEM imaging and elemental analysis showed drug deposited inside silica pores as well as on the outer surface. Conclusion This project has shown that silica carrier platforms may be used as an alternative approach to generating polymeric solid dispersions of amorphous drugs exhibiting enhanced solubility.


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One of the major challenges in systems biology is to understand the complex responses of a biological system to external perturbations or internal signalling depending on its biological conditions. Genome-wide transcriptomic profiling of cellular systems under various chemical perturbations allows the manifestation of certain features of the chemicals through their transcriptomic expression profiles. The insights obtained may help to establish the connections between human diseases, associated genes and therapeutic drugs. The main objective of this study was to systematically analyse cellular gene expression data under various drug treatments to elucidate drug-feature specific transcriptomic signatures. We first extracted drug-related information (drug features) from the collected textual description of DrugBank entries using text-mining techniques. A novel statistical method employing orthogonal least square learning was proposed to obtain drug-feature-specific signatures by integrating gene expression with DrugBank data. To obtain robust signatures from noisy input datasets, a stringent ensemble approach was applied with the combination of three techniques: resampling, leave-one-out cross validation, and aggregation. The validation experiments showed that the proposed method has the capacity of extracting biologically meaningful drug-feature-specific gene expression signatures. It was also shown that most of signature genes are connected with common hub genes by regulatory network analysis. The common hub genes were further shown to be related to general drug metabolism by Gene Ontology analysis. Each set of genes has relatively few interactions with other sets, indicating the modular nature of each signature and its drug-feature-specificity. Based on Gene Ontology analysis, we also found that each set of drug feature (DF)-specific genes were indeed enriched in biological processes related to the drug feature. The results of these experiments demonstrated the pot- ntial of the method for predicting certain features of new drugs using their transcriptomic profiles, providing a useful methodological framework and a valuable resource for drug development and characterization.


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Glazed Double Skin Facades (DSF) offer the potential to improve the performance of all-glass building skins, common to commercial office buildings in which full facade glazing has almost become the standard. Single skin glazing results in increased heating and cooling costs over opaque walls, due to lower thermal resistance of glass, and the increased impact of solar gain through it. However, the performance benefit of DSF technology continues to be questioned and its operation poorly understood, particularly the nature of airflow through the cavity. This paper deals specifically with the experimental analysis of the air flow characteristics in an automated double skin façade. The benefit of the DSF as a thermal buffer, and to limit overheating is evaluated through analysis of an extensive set of parameters including air and surface temperatures at each level in the DSF, airflow readings in the cavity and at the inlet and outlet, solar and wind data, and analytically derived pressure differentials. The temperature and air-flow are monitored in the cavity of a DSF using wireless sensors and hot wire anemometers respectively. Automated louvre operation and building set-points are monitored via the BMS. Thermal stratification and air flow variation during changing weather conditions are shown to effect the performance of the DSF considerably and hence the energy performance of the building. The relative pressure effects due to buoyancy and wind are analysed and quantified. This research aims to developed and validate models of DSFs in the maritime climate, using multi-season data from experimental monitoring. This extensive experimental study provides data for training and validation of models.


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A full understanding of the hydrodynamic processes within the jet produced by a manoeuvring ship’s propeller is essential in the development and maintenance of ports, docks and harbours. In this study the predominant axial velocity component of a diffusing propeller jet was studied. The flow fields formed by four propellers, each operating at four power levels (speeds of rotation), were investigated under bollard pull conditions within a large free surface tank using Laser Doppler Anemometry. Comparison were made to existing methodologies by which a prediction of the magnitudes of the axial velocity can be made, and where deficient modifications to the methodologies have been developed. The jets were found to produce a maximum axial velocity along the initial efflux plane at a location near the blade mid-span. The position and magnitude of the axial velocity was seen to decrease as the jet entrained more flow and transitioned from the zone of flow establishment into the zone of established flow.


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The use of biological tissues in the in vitro assessments of dissolving (?) microneedle (MN) array mechanical strength and subsequent drug release profiles presents some fundamental difficulties, in part due to inherent variability of the biological tissues employed. As a result, these biological materials are not appropriate for routine used in industrial formulation development or quality control (QC) tests. In the present work a facile system using Parafilm M® (PF) to test drug permeation performance using dissolving MN arrays is proposed. Dissolving MN arrays containing 196 needles (600 μm needle height) were inserted into a single layer of PF and a hermetic “pouch” was created including the array inside. The resulting system was placed in a dissolution bath and the release of model molecules was evaluated. Different MN formulations were tested using this novel setup, releasing between 40 and 180 µg of their cargos after 6 hours. The proposed system is a more realistic approach for MN testing than the typical performance test described in the literature for conventional transdermal patches. Additionally, the use of PF membrane was tested either in the hermetic “pouch” and using Franz Cell methodology yielding comparable release curves. Microscopy was used in order to ascertain the insertion of the different MN arrays in the PF layer. The proposed system appears to be a good alternative to the use of Franz cells in order to compare different MN formulations. Given the increasing industrial interest in MN technology, the proposed system has potential as a standardised drug/active agent release test for quality control purposes.


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Our objective is to define differences in circulating lipoprotein subclasses between intensive vs. conventional management of Type 1 diabetes during the randomization phase of the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT). Nuclear magnetic resonance-determined lipoprotein subclass profiles (NMR-LSP), which estimate molar subclass concentrations and mean particle diameters, were determined in 1,294 DCCT subjects after a median of five (interquartile range: four, six) years following randomization to intensive or conventional diabetes management. In cross-sectional analyses, we compared standard lipids and NMR-LSP between treatment groups. Standard total-, LDL- and HDL-cholesterol levels were similar between randomization groups, while triglyceride levels were lower in the intensively treated group. NMR-LSP showed that intensive therapy was associated with larger LDL diameter (20.7 vs. 20.6 nm, p=0.01) and lower levels of small LDL (median: 465 vs. 552 nmol/l, p=0.007), total IDL/LDL (mean: 1000 vs. 1053 nmol/l, p=0.01), and small HDL (mean: 17.3 vs. 18.6 μmol/l, p<0.0001), the latter accounting for reduced total HDL (mean: 33.8 vs. 34.8 μmol/l, p=0.01). In conclusion, intensive diabetes therapy was associated with potentially favorable changes in LDL and HDL subclasses in sera. Further research will determine whether these changes contribute to the beneficial effects of intensive diabetes management on vascular complications.


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PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to establish the prevalence of potentially inappropriate prescribing (PIP) in middle-aged adults (45-64 years) in two populations with differing socio-economic profiles, and to investigate factors associated with PIP, using the PROMPT (PRescribing Optimally in Middle-aged People's Treatments) criteria.METHODS: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted using 2012 data from the Enhanced Prescribing Database (EPD), covering the full population in Northern Ireland and the Health Services Executive Primary Care Reimbursement Service (HSE-PCRS) database, covering the most socio-economically deprived third of the population in this age group in the Republic of Ireland. The prevalence for each PROMPT criterion and overall prevalence of PIP were calculated. Logistic regression was used to investigate the association between PIP and gender, age group and polypharmacy.RESULTS: This study included 441,925 patients from the EPD and 309,748 patients from the HSE-PCRS database. Polypharmacy was common in both datasets (46.7 % in the HSE-PCRS and 20.3 % in the EPD). The prevalence of PIP was 42.9 % (95%CI 42.7, 43.1) in the HSE-PCRS and 21.1 % (95%CI 21.0, 21.2) in the EPD. Age group, female gender and polypharmacy were significantly associated with PIP in both populations (p < 0.05) and polypharmacy had the strongest association.CONCLUSIONS: PIP is common amongst middle-aged people with the risk of PIP increasing with polypharmacy. Differences in the prevalence of polypharmacy and PIP between the two populations may relate to heterogeneity in healthcare services and different socio-economic profiles, with higher rates of multimorbidity and associated polypharmacy in more deprived groups.


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Recently, new lines of yellow-seeded (CS-Y) and black-seeded canola (CS-B) have been developed with chemical and structural alteration through modern breeding technology. However, no systematic study was found on the bioactive compounds, chemical functional groups, fatty acid profiles, inherent structure, nutrient degradation and absorption, or metabolic characteristics between the newly developed yellow- and black-seeded canola lines. This study aimed to systematically characterize chemical, structural, and nutritional features in these canola lines. The parameters accessed include bioactive compounds and antinutrition factors, chemical functional groups, detailed chemical and nutrient profiles, energy value, nutrient fractions, protein structure, degradation kinetics, intestinal digestion, true intestinal protein supply, and feed milk value. The results showed that the CS-Y line was lower (P ≤ 0.05) in neutral detergent fiber (122 vs 154 g/kg DM), acid detergent fiber (61 vs 99 g/kg DM), lignin (58 vs 77 g/kg DM), nonprotein nitrogen (56 vs 68 g/kg DM), and acid detergent insoluble protein (11 vs 35 g/kg DM) than the CS-B line. There was no difference in fatty acid profiles except C20:1 eicosenoic acid content (omega-9) which was in lower in the CS-Y line (P < 0.05) compared to the CS-B line. The glucosinolate compounds differed (P < 0.05) in terms of 4-pentenyl, phenylethyl, 3-CH3-indolyl, and 3-butenyl glucosinolates (2.9 vs 1.0 μmol/g) between the CS-Y and CS-B lines. For bioactive compounds, total polyphenols tended to be different (6.3 vs 7.2 g/kg DM), but there were no differences in erucic acid and condensed tannins with averages of 0.3 and 3.1 g/kg DM, respectively. When protein was portioned into five subfractions, significant differences were found in PA, PB1 (65 vs 79 g/kg CP), PB2, and PC fractions (10 vs 33 g/kg CP), indicating protein degradation and supply to small intestine differed between two new lines. In terms of protein structure spectral profile, there were no significant differences in functional groups of amides I and II, α helix, and β-sheet structure as well as their ratio between the two new lines, indicating no difference in protein structure makeup and conformation between the two lines. In terms of energy values, there were significant differences in total digestible nutrient (TDN; 149 vs 133 g/kg DM), metabolizable energy (ME; 58 vs 52 MJ/kg DM), and net energy for lactation (NEL; 42 vs 37 MJ/kg DM) between CS-Y and CS-B lines. For in situ rumen degradation kinetics, the two lines differed in soluble fraction (S; 284 vs 341 g/kg CP), potential degradation fraction (D; 672 vs 590 g/kg CP), and effective degraded organic matter (EDOM; 710 vs 684 g/kg OM), but no difference in degradation rate. CS-Y had higher digestibility of rumen bypass protein in the intestine than CS-B (566 vs 446 g/kg of RUP, P < 0.05). Modeling nutrient supply results showed that microbial protein synthesis (MCP; 148 vs 171 g/kg DM) and rumen protein degraded balance (DPB; 108 vs 127 g/kg DM) were lower in the CS-Y line, but there were no differences in total truly digested protein in small intestine (DVE) and feed milk value (FMV) between the two lines. In conclusion, the new yellow line had different nutritional, chemical, and structural features compared to the black line. CS-Y provided better nutrient utilization and availability.