158 resultados para Continuous chromatography


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Laser plasma interferograms are currently analyzed by extraction of the phase-shift map with fast Fourier transform (FFT) techniques [Appl. Opt. 18, 3101 (1985)]. This methodology works well when interferograms are only marginally affected by noise and reduction of fringe visibility, but it can fail to produce accurate phase-shift maps when low-quality images are dealt with. We present a novel procedure for a phase-shift map computation that makes extensive use of the ridge extraction in the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) framework. The CWT tool is flexible because of the wide adaptability of the analyzing basis, and it can be accurate because of the intrinsic noise reduction in the ridge extraction. A comparative analysis of the accuracy performances of them new tool and the FFT-based one shows that the CWT-based tool produces phase maps considerably less noisy and that it can better resolve local inhomogeneties. (C) 2001 Optical Society of America.


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Conditional Gaussian (CG) distributions allow the inclusion of both discrete and continuous variables in a model assuming that the continuous variable is normally distributed. However, the CG distributions have proved to be unsuitable for survival data which tends to be highly skewed. A new method of analysis is required to take into account continuous variables which are not normally distributed. The aim of this paper is to introduce the more appropriate conditional phase-type (C-Ph) distribution for representing a continuous non-normal variable while also incorporating the causal information in the form of a Bayesian network.


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An immunoaffinity chromatographic (IAC) method for the selective extraction and concentration of 13 organophosphorus pesticides (OPs, including coumaphos, parathion, phoxim, quinalphos, dichlofenthion, triazophos, azinphos-ethyl, phosalone, isochlorthion, parathion-methyl, cyanophos, disulfoton, and phorate) prior to analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) was developed. The IAC column was prepared by covalently immobilizing a monoclonal antibody with broad specificity for OPs on CNBr-activated Sephrose 4B. The column capacity ranged from 884 to 2641 ng/mL of gel. The optimum elution solvent was 0.01 M phosphate-buffered saline containing 80% methanol. The breakthrough volume of the IAC column was found to be 400 mL. Recoveries of OPs from spiked environmental samples by IAC cleanup and HPLC-MS/MS analysis ranged from 60.2 to 107.1%, with a relative standard deviation below 11.1%. The limit of quantitation for 13 OPs ranged from 0.01 to 0.13 ng/mL (ng/g). The application of IAC cleanup coupled to HPLC-MS/MS in real environmental samples demonstrated the potential of this method for the determination of OP residues in environmental samples at trace levels.


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The ionic liquid, tributylmethylammonium methylcarbonate, has been employed as a catalytic base for clean N-methylation of indole with dimethylcarbonate. The reaction conditions were optimised under microwave heating to give 100% conversion and 100% selectivity to N-methylindole, and subsequently transferred to a high temperature/high pressure (285 degrees C/150 bar) continuous flow process using a short (3 min) residence time and 2 mol% of the catalyst to efficiently methylate a variety of different amines, phenols, thiophenols and carboxylic acid substrates. The extremely short residence times, versatility, and high selectivity have significant implications for the synthesis of a wide range of pharmaceutical intermediates, as high product throughputs can be obtained via this scalable continuous flow protocol. It has also been shown that the ionic liquid can be generated in situ from tributylamine, which has the net effect of transforming an ineffective stoichiometric base into a highly efficient catalyst for this broad class of reactions.


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The combination of milli-scale processing and microwave heating has been investigated for the Cu-catalyzed Ullmann etherification in fine-chemical synthesis, providing improved catalytic activity and selective catalyst heating. Wall-coated and fixed-bed milli-reactors were designed and applied in the Cu-catalyzed Ullmann-type CO coupling of phenol and 4-chloropyridine. In a batch reactor the results show clearly increased yields for the microwave heated process at low microwave powers, whereas high powers and catalyst loadings reduced the benefits of microwave heating. Slightly higher yields were found in the Cu/ZnO wall-coated as compared to the Cu/TiO fixed-bed flow-reactor. The benefit here is that the reaction occurs at the surface of the metal nanoparticles confined within a support film making the nano-copper equally accessible. Catalyst deactivation was mainly caused by Cu oxidation and coke formation; however, at longer process times leaching played a significant role. Catalyst activity could partially be recovered by removal of deposited by-product by means of calcination. After 6h on-stream the reactor productivities were 28.3 and 55.1kgprod/(mR3h) for the fresh Cu/ZnO wall-coated and Cu/TiO fixed-bed reactor, respectively. Comparison of single- and multimode microwaves showed a threefold yield increase for single-mode microwaves. Control of nanoparticles size and loading allows to avoid high temperatures in a single-mode microwave field and provides a novel solution to a major problem for combining metal catalysis and microwave heating. Catalyst stability appeared to be more important and provided twofold yield increase for the CuZn/TiO catalyst as compared to the Cu/TiO catalyst due to stabilized copper by preferential oxidation of the zinc. For this catalyst a threefold yield increase was observed in single-mode microwaves which, to the best of our knowledge, led to a not yet reported productivity of 172kgprod/(mR3h) for the microwave and flow Ullmann CO coupling. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Data obtained with any research tool must be reproducible, a concept referred to as reliability. Three techniques are often used to evaluate reliability of tools using continuous data in aging research: intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC), Pearson correlations, and paired t tests. These are often construed as equivalent when applied to reliability. This is not correct, and may lead researchers to select instruments based on statistics that may not reflect actual reliability. The purpose of this paper is to compare the reliability estimates produced by these three techniques and determine the preferable technique. A hypothetical dataset was produced to evaluate the reliability estimates obtained with ICC, Pearson correlations, and paired t tests in three different situations. For each situation two sets of 20 observations were created to simulate an intrarater or inter-rater paradigm, based on 20 participants with two observations per participant. Situations were designed to demonstrate good agreement, systematic bias, or substantial random measurement error. In the situation demonstrating good agreement, all three techniques supported the conclusion that the data were reliable. In the situation demonstrating systematic bias, the ICC and t test suggested the data were not reliable, whereas the Pearson correlation suggested high reliability despite the systematic discrepancy. In the situation representing substantial random measurement error where low reliability was expected, the ICC and Pearson coefficient accurately illustrated this. The t test suggested the data were reliable. The ICC is the preferred technique to measure reliability. Although there are some limitations associated with the use of this technique, they can be overcome.