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Background: Nursing homes for older people provide an environment likely to promote the acquisition and spread of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), putting residents at increased risk of colonisation and infection. It is recognised that infection control strategies are important in preventing and controlling MRSA transmission.

Objectives: The objective of this review was to determine the effects of infection control strategies for preventing the transmission of MRSA in nursing homes for older people.

Search strategy: We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL, The Cochrane Library 2009, Issue 2), the Cochrane Wounds Group Specialised Register (searched May 29th, 2009). We also searched MEDLINE (from 1950 to May Week 4 2009), Ovid EMBASE (1980 to 2009 Week 21), EBSCO CINAHL (1982 to May Week 4 2009), British Nursing Index (1985 to May 2009), DARE (1992 to May 2009), Web of Science (1981 to May 2009), and the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) website (1988 to May 2009). Research in progress was sought through Current Clinical Trials (www.controlled-trials.com), Medical Research Council Research portfolio, and HSRPRoj (current USA projects). SIGLE was also searched in order to identify atypical material which was not accessible through more conventional sources.

Selection criteria: All randomised and controlled clinical trials, controlled before and after studies and interrupted time series studies of infection control interventions in nursing homes for older people were eligible for inclusion.

Data collection and analysis: Two authors independently reviewed the results of the searches.

Main results: Since no studies met the selection criteria, neither a meta-analysis nor a narrative description of studies was possible.

Authors' conclusions: The lack of studies in this field is surprising. Nursing homes for older people provide an environment likely to promote the acquisition and spread of infection, with observational studies repeatedly reporting that being a resident of a nursing home increases the risk of MRSA colonisation. Much of the evidence for recently-issued United Kingdom guidelines for the control and prevention of MRSA in health care facilities was generated in the acute care setting. It may not be possible to transfer such strategies directly to the nursing home environment, which serves as both a healthcare setting and a resident's home. Rigorous studies should be conducted in nursing homes, to test interventions that have been specifically designed for this unique environment.


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Nematodes include both free-living species such as Caenorhabditis elegans and major parasites of humans, livestock and plants. The apparent simplicity and uniformity of their nervous system belies a rich diversity of putative signalling molecules,particularly neuropeptides. This new appreciation stems largely from the genome-sequencing project with C. elegans, which is due to be completed by the end of 1998. The project has provided additional insights into other aspects of nematode neurobiology, as have studies on the mechanism of action of anthelmintics. Here, progress on the identification, localization, synthesis and physiological actions of transmitters identified in nematodes is explored.


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Propionibacterium acnes, a non-spore-forming, anaerobic Gram-positive bacterium, is most notably recognized for its association with acne vulgaris (I. Kurokawa et al., Exp. Dermatol. 18:821–832, 2009). We now present the draft genome sequence of an antibiotic-resistantP. acnesstrain, PRP-38, isolated from an acne patient in the United Kingdom and belonging to the novel type IC cluster. Copyright © 2012, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.


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The occurrence of classical neurotransmitter molecules and numerous peptidic messenger molecules in nematode nervous systems indicate that although structurally simple, nematode nervous systems are chemically complex. Thus far, studies on one nematode neuropeptide family, namely the FMRFamide-related peptides (FaRPs), have revealed an unexpected variety of neuropeptide structures in both free-living and parasitic species. To date 23 nematode FaRPs have been structurally characterized including 12 from Ascaris suum, 8 from Caenorhabditis elegans, 5 from Panagrellus redivivus and 1 from Haemonchus contortus. Ten FaRP-encoding genes have been identified in Caenorhabditis elegans. However, the full complement of nematode neuronal messengers has yet to be described and unidentified nematode FaRPs await detection. Preliminary characterization of the actions of nematode neuropeptides on the somatic musculature and neurones of A. suum has revealed that these peptidic messengers have potent and complex effects. Identified complexities include the biphasic effects of KNEFIRFamide/KHEYLRFamide (AF1/2; relaxation of tone followed by oscillatory contractile activity) and KPNFIRFamide (PF4; rapid relaxation of tone followed by an increase in tone), the diverse actions of KSAYMRFamide (AF8 or PF3; relaxes dorsal muscles and contracts ventral muscles) and the apparent coupling of the relaxatory effects of SDPNFLRFamide/SADPNFLRFamide (PF1/PF2) to nitric oxide release. Indeed, all of the nematode FaRPs which have been tested on somatic muscle strips of A. suum have actions which are clearly physiologically distinguishable. Although we are a very long way from understanding how the actions of these peptides are co-ordinated, not only with those of each other but also with those of the classical transmitter molecules, to control nematode behaviour, their abundance coupled with their diversity of structure and function indicates a hitherto unidentified sophistication to nematode neuromuscular intergration.