101 resultados para treatment response


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Interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) therapy is commonly used in the treatment of neoplastic and autoimmune diseases, including cutaneous T cell lymphoma (CTCL). However, the IFN-alpha response is unpredictable, and the IFN-alpha cell targets and pathways are only partially understood. To delineate the molecular mechanisms of IFN-alpha activity, gene expression profiling was performed in a time-course experiment of both IFN-alpha sensitive and IFN-alpha-resistant variants of a CTCL cell line. These experiments revealed that IFN-alpha is responsible for the regulation of hundreds of genes in both variants and predominantly involves genes implicated in signal transduction, cell cycle control, apoptosis, and transcription regulation. Specifically, the IFN-alpha response of tumoral T cells is due to a combination of induction of apoptosis in which TNFSF10 and HSXIAPAF1 may play an important role and cell cycle arrest achieved by downregulation of CDK4 and CCNG2 and upregulation of CDKN2C and tumor suppressor genes (TSGs). Resistance to IFN-alpha appears to be associated with failure to induce IRF1 and IRF7 and deregulation of the apoptotic signals of HSXIAPAF1, TRADD, BAD, and BNIP3. Additionally, cell cycle progression is heralded by upregulation of CDC25A and CDC42. A critical role of NF-kappaB in promoting cell survival in IFN-alpha-resistant cells is indicated by the upregulation of RELB and LTB.


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The severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mouse model may be used to evaluate new approaches for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). We have previously demonstrated the killing of SCID mouse leukemia initiating cells by in vitro incubation with human GM-CSF fused to Diphtheria toxin (DT-huGM-CSF). In this report, we show that in vivo treatment with DT-huGM-CSF eliminates AML growth in SCID mice. Seven cases of AML were studied. SCID mice were treated intraperitoneally with the maximally tolerated dose of 75 microg/kg/day for 7 days. Antileukemic efficacy was determined at days 40 and 80 after transplantation, by enumerating the percentages of human cells in SCID bone marrow using flow cytometry and short tandem repeat polymerase chain reaction (STR-PCR) analysis. Four out of seven AML cases were sensitive to in vivo treatment with DT-huGM-CSF at both evaluation time points. In three of these cases, elimination of human cells was demonstrated by flow cytometry and STR-PCR. One AML case showed moderate sensitivity for DT-huGM-CSF, and growth of the two remaining AML cases was not influenced by DT-huGM-CSF. Sensitivity was correlated with GM-CSFR expression. Our data show that DT-huGM-CSF can be used in vivo to reduce growth of AML and warrant further development of DT-huGM-CSF for the treatment of human AML.


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The androgen receptor is a key transcription factor contributing to the development of all stages of prostate cancer (PCa). In addition, other transcription factors have been associated with poor prognosis in PCa, amongst which c-Myc (MYC) is a well-established oncogene in many other cancers. We have previously reported that the AR promotes glycolysis and anabolic metabolism; many of these metabolic pathways are also MYC-regulated in other cancers. In this study, we report that in PCa cells de novo purine biosynthesis and the subsequent conversion to XMP is tightly regulated by MYC and independent of AR activity. We characterized two enzymes, PAICS and IMPDH2, within the pathway as PCa biomarkers in tissue samples and report increased efficacy of established anti-androgens in combination with a clinically approved IMPDH inhibitor, mycophenolic acid (MPA). Treatment with MPA led to a significant reduction in cellular guanosine triphosphate (GTP) levels accompanied by nucleolar stress and p53 stabilization. In conclusion, targeting purine biosynthesis provides an opportunity to perturb PCa metabolism and enhance tumour suppressive stress responses.


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Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) is an invaluable tool in the study of transcriptional regulation. ChIP methods require both a priori knowledge of the transcriptional regulators which are important for a given biological system and high-quality specific antibodies for these targets. The androgen receptor (AR) is known to play essential roles in male sexual development, in prostate cancer and in the function of many other AR-expressing cell types (e.g. neurons and myocytes). As a ligand-activated transcription factor the AR also represents an endogenous, inducible system to study transcriptional biology. Therefore, ChIP studies of the AR can make use of treatment contrast experiments to define its transcriptional targets. To date several studies have mapped AR binding sites using ChIP in combination with genome tiling microarrays (ChIP-chip) or direct sequencing (ChIP-seq), mainly in prostate cancer cell lines and with varying degrees of genomic coverage. These studies have provided new insights into the DNA sequences to which the AR can bind, identified AR cooperating transcription factors, mapped thousands of potential AR regulated genes and provided insights into the biological processes regulated by the AR. However, further ChIP studies will be required to fully characterise the dynamics of the AR-regulated transcriptional programme, to map the occupancy of different AR transcriptional complexes which result in different transcriptional output and to delineate the transcriptional networks downstream of the AR.


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Background Rapid Response Systems (RRS) consist of four interrelated and interdependent components; an event detection and trigger mechanism, a response strategy, a governance structure and process improvement system. These multiple components of the RRS pose problems in evaluation as the intervention is complex and cannot be evaluated using a traditional systematic review. Complex interventions in healthcare aimed at changing service delivery and related behaviour of health professionals require a different approach to summarising the evidence. Realist synthesis is such an approach to reviewing research evidence on complex interventions to provide an explanatory analysis of how and why an intervention works or doesn’t work in practice. The core principle is to make explicit the underlying assumptions about how an intervention is suppose to work (ie programme theory) and then use this theory to guide evaluation. Methods A realist synthesis process was used to explain those factors that enable or constrain the success of RRS programmes. Results The findings from the review include the articulation of the RRS programme theories, evaluation of whether these theories are supported or refuted by the research evidence and an evaluation of evidence to explain the underlying reasons why RRS works or doesn’t work in practice. Rival conjectured RRS programme theories were identified to explain the constraining factors regarding implementation of RRS in practice. These programme theories are presented using a logic model to highlight all the components which impact or influence the delivery of RRS programmes in the practice setting. The evidence from the realist synthesis provided the foundation for the development of hypothesis to test and refine the theories in the subsequent stages of the Realist Evaluation PhD study [1]. This information will be useful in providing evidence and direction for strategic and service planning of acute care to improve patient safety in hospital. References: McGaughey J, Blackwood B, O’Halloran P, Trinder T. J. & Porter S. (2010) Realistic Evaluation of Early Warning Systems and the Acute Life-threatening Events – Recognition and Treatment training course for early recognition and management of deteriorating ward-based patients: research protocol. Journal of Advanced Nursing 66 (4), 923-932.


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Aim The aim of the study is to evaluate factors that enable or constrain the implementation and service delivery of early warnings systems or acute care training in practice. Background To date there is limited evidence to support the effectiveness of acute care initiatives (early warning systems, acute care training, outreach) in reducing the number of adverse events (cardiac arrest, death, unanticipated Intensive Care admission) through increased recognition and management of deteriorating ward based patients in hospital [1-3]. The reasons posited are that previous research primarily focused on measuring patient outcomes following the implementation of an intervention or programme without considering the social factors (the organisation, the people, external influences) which may have affected the process of implementation and hence measured end-points. Further research which considers the social processes is required in order to understand why a programme works, or does not work, in particular circumstances [4]. Method The design is a multiple case study approach of four general wards in two acute hospitals where Early Warning Systems (EWS) and Acute Life-threatening Events Recognition and Treatment (ALERT) course have been implemented. Various methods are being used to collect data about individual capacities, interpersonal relationships and institutional balance and infrastructures in order to understand the intended and unintended process outcomes of implementing EWS and ALERT in practice. This information will be gathered from individual and focus group interviews with key participants (ALERT facilitators, nursing and medical ALERT instructors, ward managers, doctors, ward nurses and health care assistants from each hospital); non-participant observation of ward organisation and structure; audit of patients' EWS charts and audit of the medical notes of patients who deteriorated during the study period to ascertain whether ALERT principles were followed. Discussion & progress to date This study commenced in January 2007. Ethical approval has been granted and data collection is ongoing with interviews being conducted with key stakeholders. The findings from this study will provide evidence for policy-makers to make informed decisions regarding the direction for strategic and service planning of acute care services to improve the level of care provided to acutely ill patients in hospital. References 1. Esmonde L, McDonnell A, Ball C, Waskett C, Morgan R, Rashidain A et al. Investigating the effectiveness of Critical Care Outreach Services: A systematic review. Intensive Care Medicine 2006; 32: 1713-1721 2. McGaughey J, Alderdice F, Fowler R, Kapila A, Mayhew A, Moutray M. Outreach and Early Warning Systems for the prevention of Intensive Care admission and death of critically ill patients on general hospital wards. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2007, Issue 3. www.thecochranelibrary.com 3. Winters BD, Pham JC, Hunt EA, Guallar E, Berenholtz S, Pronovost PJ (2007) Rapid Response Systems: A systematic review. Critical Care Medicine 2007; 35 (5): 1238-43 4. Pawson R and Tilley N. Realistic Evaluation. London; Sage: 1997


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Deoxyuridine triphosphate nucleotidohydrolase (dUTPase) catalyzes the hydrolysis of dUTP to dUMP and PPi. Although dUTP is a normal intermediate in DNA synthesis, its accumulation and misincorporation into DNA is lethal. Importantly, uracil misincorporation is a mechanism of cytotoxicity induced by fluoropyrimidine chemotherapeutic agents including 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and elevated expression of dUTPase is negatively correlated with clinical response to 5-FU-therapy. In this study we performed the first functional characterization of the dUTPase promoter and demonstrate a role for E2F-1 and Sp1 in driving dUTPase expression. We establish a direct role for both mutant and wild-type forms of p53 in modulating dUTPase promoter activity. Treatment of HCT116 p53(+/+) cells with the DNA-damaging agent oxaliplatin induced a p53-dependent transcriptional downregulation of dUTPase not observed in the isogenic null cell line. Oxaliplatin treatment induced enrichment of p53 at the dUTPase promoter with a concomitant reduction in Sp1. The suppression of dUTPase by oxaliplatin promoted increased levels of dUTP that was enhanced by subsequent addition of fluoropyrimidines. The novel observation that oxaliplatin downregulates dUTPase expression may provide a mechanistic basis contributing to the synergy observed between 5-FU and oxaliplatin in the clinic. Furthermore, these studies provide the first evidence of a direct transcriptional link between the essential enzyme dUTPase and the tumor suppressor p53.


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For physicians facing patients with organ-limited metastases from colorectal cancer, tumor shrinkage and sterilization of micrometastatic disease is the main goal, giving the opportunity for secondary surgical resection. At the same time, for the majority of patients who will not achieve a sufficient tumor response, disease control remains the predominant objective. Since FOLFOX or FOLFIRI have similar efficacies, the challenge is to define which could be the most effective targeted agent (anti-EGFR or anti-VEGF) to reach these goals. Therefore, a priori molecular identification of patients that could benefit from anti-EGFR or anti-VEGF monoclonal antibodies (i.e. the currently approved targeted therapies for metastatic colorectal cancer) is of critical importance. In this setting, the KRAS mutation status was the first identified predictive marker of response to anti-EGFR therapy. Since it has been demonstrated that tumors with KRAS mutation do not respond to anti-EGFR therapy, KRAS status must be determined prior to treatment. Thus, for KRAS wild-type patients, the choices that remain are either anti-VEGF or anti-EGFR. In this review, we present the most updated data from translational research programs dealing with the identification of biomarkers for response to targeted therapies.


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Angiogenesis is a crucial component of tumor growth and metastasis. Targeting the vascular endothelial growth factor pathway represents therapeutic potentials for treating cancer. To date, 3 Food and Drug Administration-approved agents targeting angiogenesis have been developed, bevacizumab, sunitinib, and sorafenib. However, no validated biomarkers are available to identify those patients who are likely to benefit from antiangiogenesis therapy. Molecular biomarker research in antiangiogenesis inhibition is an actively growing field. Although current data are extremely promising, it is still uncertain which biomarker(s) can reliably predict their efficacy. With increasing numbers of inhibitors being developed, the need for biomarkers is more critical than ever. This review will focus on translational research that strives to identify molecular biomarkers (tissue, circulating and genomic) for approved antiangiogenesis therapies that can indicate benefit, resistance, and toxicity.


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The discovery of somatic mutations, primarily JAK2V617F and CALR, in classic BCR-ABL1-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) has generated interest in the development of molecularly targeted therapies, whose accurate assessment requires a standardized framework. A working group, comprised of members from European LeukemiaNet (ELN) and International Working Group for MPN Research and Treatment (IWG-MRT), prepared consensus-based recommendations regarding trial design, patient selection and definition of relevant end points. Accordingly, a response able to capture the long-term effect of the drug should be selected as the end point of phase II trials aimed at developing new drugs for MPNs. A time-to-event, such as overall survival, or progression-free survival or both, as co-primary end points, should measure efficacy in phase III studies. New drugs should be tested for preventing disease progression in myelofibrosis patients with early disease in randomized studies, and a time to event, such as progression-free or event-free survival should be the primary end point. Phase III trials aimed at preventing vascular events in polycythemia vera and essential thrombocythemia should be based on a selection of the target population based on new prognostic factors, including JAK2 mutation. In conclusion, we recommended a format for clinical trials in MPNs that facilitates communication between academic investigators, regulatory agencies and drug companies.


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Sepsis is a common condition that is associated with significant morbidity, mortality and health-care cost. Pulmonary and non-pulmonary sepsis are common causes of the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The mortality from ARDS remains high despite protective lung ventilation, and currently there are no specific pharmacotherapies to treat sepsis or ARDS. Sepsis and ARDS are characterised by activation of the inflammatory cascade. Although there is much focus on the study of the dysregulated inflammation and its suppression, the associated activation of the haemostatic system has been largely ignored until recently. There has been extensive interest in the role that platelet activation can have in the inflammatory response through induction, aggregation and activation of leucocytes and other platelets. Aspirin can modulate multiple pathogenic mechanisms implicated in the development of multiple organ dysfunction in sepsis and ARDS. This review will discuss the role of the platelet, the mechanisms of action of aspirin in sepsis and ARDS, and aspirin as a potential therapy in treating sepsis and ARDS.