137 resultados para behavioural phenotypes


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Autonomic management can be used to improve the QoS provided by parallel/distributed applications. We discuss behavioural skeletons introduced in earlier work: rather than relying on programmer ability to design “from scratch” efficient autonomic policies, we encapsulate general autonomic controller features into algorithmic skeletons. Then we leave to the programmer the duty of specifying the parameters needed to specialise the skeletons to the needs of the particular application at hand. This results in the programmer having the ability to fast prototype and tune distributed/parallel applications with non-trivial autonomic management capabilities. We discuss how behavioural skeletons have been implemented in the framework of GCM(the Grid ComponentModel developed within the CoreGRID NoE and currently being implemented within the GridCOMP STREP project). We present results evaluating the overhead introduced by autonomic management activities as well as the overall behaviour of the skeletons. We also present results achieved with a long running application subject to autonomic management and dynamically adapting to changing features of the target architecture.
Overall the results demonstrate both the feasibility of implementing autonomic control via behavioural skeletons and the effectiveness of our sample behavioural skeletons in managing the “functional replication” pattern(s).


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Caretakers intuitively use various sources of evidence when judging infant pain, but the relative importance of salient cues has received little attention. This investigation examined the predictive significance for judgements of painful discomfort in preterm and full-term neonates of behavioural (facial activity and body movement), contextual (invasiveness of the procedure), and developmental (gestational age) information. Judges viewed videotapes showing infants varying in the foregoing characteristics undergoing heel incisions for routine blood sampling purposes. Findings indicated all but the contextual information contributed uniquely to judgements of pain, with facial activity accounting for the most unique variance (35%), followed by bodily activity and gestational age, each accounting for 3% and 1% of the judgmental variance, respectively. Generally, 71% of the variance in ratings of pain could be predicted using facial activity alone, compared to 30% of the variance using bodily activity alone, 19% by relying on context alone, and 8% by referring to gestational age alone. Noteworthy was the tendency to judge early preterm infants to be experiencing less pain even though they were subjected to the same invasive procedure as the older infants. This finding also runs counter to evidence from developmental neurobiology which indicates that preterm newborns may be hypersensitive to invasive procedures.


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The impact of invasive procedures on preterm neonates has received little systematic attention. We examined facial activity, body movements, and physiological measures in 56 preterm and full-term newborns in response to heel lancing, along with comparison preparatory and recovery intervals. The measures were recorded in special care and full-term nurseries during routine blood sampling. Data analyses indicated that in all measurement categories reactions of greatest magnitude were to the lancing procedure. Neonates with gestational ages as short as 25-27 weeks displayed physiological responsivity to the heel lance, but only in the heart rate measure did this vary with gestational age. Bodily activity was diminished in preterm neonates in general, relative to full-term newborns. Facial activity increased with the gestational age of the infant. Specificity of the response to the heel lance was greatest on the facial activity measure. Identification of pain requires attention to gestational age in the preterm neonate.


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Background: The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been home to the world’s deadliest con?ict since World War II and is reported to have the largest number of child soldiers in the world. Despite evidence of the debilitating impact of war, no group-based mental health or psychosocial intervention has been evaluated in a randomised controlled trial for psychologically distressed former child soldiers.

Method: A randomised controlled trial involving 50 boys, aged 13–17, including former child soldiers (n = 39) and other war-affected boys (n = 11). They were randomly assigned to an intervention group, or wait-list control group. The intervention group received a 15-session, group-based, culturally adapted Trauma-Focused Cognitive–Behavioural Therapy (TF-CBT) intervention. Assessment interviews were completed at baseline, postintervention and 3-month follow-up (intervention group).

Results: Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) demonstrated that, in comparison to the wait-list control group, the TF-CBT intervention group had highly signi?cant reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms, overall psychosocial distress, depression or anxiety-like symptoms, conduct problems and a signi?cant increase in prosocial behaviour (p < .001 for all). Effect sizes were higher when former child soldier scores were separated for sub-analysis. Three-month follow-up of the intervention group found that treatment gains were maintained.

Conclusions: A culturally modi?ed, group-based TF-CBT intervention was effective in reducing posttraumatic stress and psychosocial distress in former child soldiers and other war-affected boys.


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To evaluate the relative effect of cyanosis, surgical interventions and family processes on neuropsychological and behavioural outcomes in 4-year-old survivors of serious congenital heart disease (CHD).


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Eighteen adolescents who had survived Reye syndrome (RS) in early childhood were assessed on cognitive, emotional, and behavioural variables in a second follow-up study tracking this group. Siblings were used as controls. The entire group with RS had survived with no obvious neurological damage at the first follow-up study. Indeed, current findings suggested that long-term cognitive, emotional, and behavioural functioning was comparable to siblings in approximately half of the group with RS. However, two factors were associated with a less favourable outcome. Cognitive, emotional, and behavioural functioning were significantly poorer in the subgroup of survivors whose illness had occurred in the first year of life. In addition, loss of consciousness, although the association with poor outcome was not as noticeable, was also associated with relative deficits on some scales of cognitive ability. Many of these deficits had not been obvious at the first follow-up and the importance of neurodevelopmental factors are considered. Finally, the implications of these findings for research and interventions in RS and other such encephalopathies are discussed.


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Signalling interplay between transforming growth factor-beta (TGF beta) and CCN2 [also called connective tissue growth factor (CTGF)] plays a crucial role in the progression of diabetic nephropathy and has been implicated in cellular differentiation. To investigate the potential role of microRNAs (miRNAs) in the mediation of this signalling network, we performed miRNA screening in mesangial cells treated with recombinant human CCN2. Analysis revealed a cohort of 22 miRNAs differentially expressed by twofold or more, including members of the miR-302 family. Target analysis of miRNA to 3'-untranslated regions (3'-UTRs) identified TGF beta receptor II (T beta RII) as a potential miR-302 target. In mesangial cells, decreased T beta RII expression was confirmed in response to CCN2 together with increased expression of miR-302d. T beta RII was confirmed as an miR-302 target, and inhibition of miR-302d was sufficient to attenuate the effect of CCN2 on T beta RII. Data from the European Renal cDNA Biopsy Bank revealed decreased T beta RII in diabetic patients, suggesting pathophysiological significance. In a mouse model of fibrosis (UUO), miR-302d was increased, with decreased T beta RII expression and aberrant signalling, suggesting relevance in chronic fibrosis. miR-302d decreased TGF beta-induced epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) in renal HKC8 epithelial cells and attenuated TGF beta-induced mesangial production of fibronectin and thrombospondin. In summary, we demonstrate a new mode of regulation of TGF beta by CCN2, and conclude that the miR-302 family has a role in regulating growth factor signalling pathways, with implications for nephropathic cell fate transitions.


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Early-onset child conduct problems are common and costly. A large number of studies and some previous reviews have focused on behavioural and cognitive-behavioural group-based parenting interventions, but methodological limitations are commonplace and evidence for the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of these programmes has been unclear. To assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of behavioural and cognitive-behavioural group-based parenting programmes for improving child conduct problems, parental mental health and parenting skills. We searched the following databases between 23 and 31 January 2011: CENTRAL (2011, Issue 1), MEDLINE (1950 to current), EMBASE (1980 to current), CINAHL (1982 to current), PsycINFO (1872 to current), Social Science Citation Index (1956 to current), ASSIA (1987 to current), ERIC (1966 to current), Sociological Abstracts (1963 to current), Academic Search Premier (1970 to current), Econlit (1969 to current), PEDE (1980 to current), Dissertations and Theses Abstracts (1980 to present), NHS EED (searched 31 January 2011), HEED (searched 31 January 2011), DARE (searched 31 January 2011), HTA (searched 31 January 2011), mRCT (searched 29 January 2011). We searched the following parent training websites on 31 January 2011: Triple P Library, Incredible Years Library and Parent Management Training. We also searched the reference lists of studies and reviews. We included studies if: (1) they involved randomised controlled trials (RCTs) or quasi-randomised controlled trials of behavioural and cognitive-behavioural group-based parenting interventions for parents of children aged 3 to 12 years with conduct problems, and (2) incorporated an intervention group versus a waiting list, no treatment or standard treatment control group. We only included studies that used at least one standardised instrument to measure child conduct problems. Two authors independently assessed the risk of bias in the trials and the methodological quality of health economic studies. Two authors also independently extracted data. We contacted study authors for additional information. This review includes 13 trials (10 RCTs and three quasi-randomised trials), as well as two economic evaluations based on two of the trials. Overall, there were 1078 participants (646 in the intervention group; 432 in the control group). The results indicate that parent training produced a statistically significant reduction in child conduct problems, whether assessed by parents (standardised mean difference (SMD) -0.53; 95% confidence interval (CI) -0.72 to -0.34) or independently assessed (SMD -0.44; 95% CI -0.77 to -0.11). The intervention led to statistically significant improvements in parental mental health (SMD -0.36; 95% CI -0.52 to -0.20) and positive parenting skills, based on both parent reports (SMD -0.53; 95% CI -0.90 to -0.16) and independent reports (SMD -0.47; 95% CI -0.65 to -0.29). Parent training also produced a statistically significant reduction in negative or harsh parenting practices according to both parent reports (SMD -0.77; 95% CI -0.96 to -0.59) and independent assessments (SMD -0.42; 95% CI -0.67 to -0.16). Moreover, the intervention demonstrated evidence of cost-effectiveness. When compared to a waiting list control group, there was a cost of approximately $2500 (GBP 1712; EUR 2217) per family to bring the average child with clinical levels of conduct problems into the non-clinical range. These costs of programme delivery are modest when compared with the long-term health, social, educational and legal costs associated with childhood conduct problems. Behavioural and cognitive-behavioural group-based parenting interventions are effective and cost-effective for improving child conduct problems, parental mental health and parenting skills in the short term. The cost of programme delivery was modest when compared with the long-term health, social, educational and legal costs associated with childhood conduct problems. Further research is needed on the long-term assessment of outcomes.


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The present study investigated the long-term consistency of individual differences in dairy cattles’ responses in tests of behavioural and hypothalamo–pituitary–adrenocortical (HPA) axis reactivity, as well as the relationship between responsiveness in behavioural tests and the reaction to first milking. Two cohorts of heifer calves, Cohorts 1 (N = 25) and 2 (N = 16), respectively, were examined longitudinally from the rearing period until adulthood. Cohort 1 heifers were subjected to open field (OF), novel object (NO), restraint, and response to a human tests at 7 months of age, and were again observed in an OF test during first pregnancy between 22 and 24 months of age. Subsequently, inhibition of milk ejection and stepping and kicking behaviours were recorded in Cohort 1 heifers during their first machine milking. Cohort 2 heifers were individually subjected to OF and NO tests as well as two HPA axis reactivity tests (determining ACTH and/or cortisol response profiles after administration of exogenous CRH and ACTH, respectively) at 6 months of age and during first lactation at approximately 29 months of age. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to condense correlated response measures (to behavioural tests and to milking) within ages into independent dimensions underlying heifers’ reactivity. Heifers demonstrated consistent individual differences in locomotion and vocalisation during an OF test from rearing to first pregnancy (Cohort 1) or first lactation (Cohort 2). Individual differences in struggling in a restraint test at 7 months of age reliably predicted those in OF locomotion during first pregnancy in Cohort 1 heifers. Cohort 2 animals with high cortisol responses to OF and NO tests and high avoidance of the novel object at 6 months of age also exhibited enhanced cortisol responses to OF and NO tests at 29 months of age. Measures of HPA axis reactivity, locomotion, vocalisation and adrenocortical and behavioural responses to novelty were largely uncorrelated, supporting the idea that stress responsiveness in dairy cows is mediated by multiple independent underlying traits. Inhibition of milk ejection and stepping and kicking behaviours during first machine milking were not related to earlier struggling during restraint, locomotor responses to OF and NO tests, or the behavioural interaction with a novel object. Heifers with high rates of OF and NO vocalisation and short latencies to first contact with the human at 7 months of age exhibited better milk ejection during first machine milking. This suggests that low underlying sociality might be implicated in the inhibition of milk ejection at the beginning of lactation in heifers.


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Background: A strong evidence base for cognitive behavioural therapy has led to CBT models becoming available within mainstream mental health services. As the concept of stepped care develops, new less intensive mental health interventions such as guided self-help are emerging, delivered by staff not trained to the level of accredited Cognitive Behavioural Therapists. Aim: The aim of this study was to determine how mental health staff evaluated the usefulness of a short training programme in CBT concepts, models and techniques for routine clinical practice.
Method: A cohort of mental health staff (n = 102) completed pre- and posttraining self-report questionnaires measuring trainee perceptions of the impact of a short training programme on knowledge and skills. Mentors and managers were also asked to comment on perceived impact of the training.
Results: Trainees and mentors reported perceived gains in knowledge and skills posttraining and at 1-year follow-up. Managers and trainees reported perceived improvements in skills and practice. Conclusion: A short Cognitive Behavioural skills programme can enable mental health staff to integrate basic CB knowledge and skills into routine clinical practice.


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Incorporating ecological processes and animal behaviour into Species Distribution Models (SDMs) is difficult. In species with a central resting or breeding place, there can be conflict between the environmental requirements of the 'central place' and foraging habitat. We apply a multi-scale SDM to examine habitat trade-offs between the central place, roost sites, and foraging habitat in . Myotis nattereri. We validate these derived associations using habitat selection from behavioural observations of radio-tracked bats. A Generalised Linear Model (GLM) of roost occurrence using land cover variables with mixed spatial scales indicated roost occurrence was positively associated with woodland on a fine scale and pasture on a broad scale. Habitat selection of radio-tracked bats mirrored the SDM with bats selecting for woodland in the immediate vicinity of individual roosts but avoiding this habitat in foraging areas, whilst pasture was significantly positively selected for in foraging areas. Using habitat selection derived from radio-tracking enables a multi-scale SDM to be interpreted in a behavioural context. We suggest that the multi-scale SDM of . M. nattereri describes a trade-off between the central place and foraging habitat. Multi-scale methods provide a greater understanding of the ecological processes which determine where species occur and allow integration of behavioural processes into SDMs. The findings have implications when assessing the resource use of a species at a single point in time. Doing so could lead to misinterpretation of habitat requirements as these can change within a short time period depending on specific behaviour, particularly if detectability changes depending on behaviour. © 2011 Gesellschaft für ökologie.


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Repetitive questions and temper outbursts form part of the behavioural phenotype of Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS). We investigated the phenomenology of temper outbursts in PWS and their relationship with other PWS behavioural characteristics.


Four individuals with PWS were observed (5-10 h), during a number of experimental and natural environment challenges, some of which were expected to trigger temper outbursts. Individual behaviours including crying, ignoring, arguing, questioning, stereotypy, frowning and posture changes were recorded and subjected to lag sequential analysis.


All participants were significantly more likely to show repetitive questioning before more challenging behaviours such as crying, arguing or ignoring requests. Precursor behaviours such as frowning and stereotypical behaviour were identified in three participants.


Temper outbursts in PWS may be associated with other PWS behavioural phenotypic characteristics such as repetitive questions and 'stubbornness'. A progression of behaviours may lead up to the most challenging temper outburst behaviours. This may have important implications for effective coping strategies.