216 resultados para Vascular smooth muscle cells


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PURPOSE: In the current study we examined the location of interstitial cell of Cajal (ICC)-like cells in the guinea pig bladder wall and studied their structural interactions with nerves and smooth muscle cells. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Whole mount samples and cryosections of bladder tissue were labeled with primary and fluorescent secondary antibodies, and imaged using confocal and multiphoton microscopy. RESULTS: Kit positive ICC-like cells were located below the urothelium, in the lamina propria region and throughout the detrusor. In the suburothelium they had a stellate morphology and appeared to network. They made connections with nerves, as shown by double labeling experiments with anti-kit and anti-protein gene product 9.5. A network of vimentin positive cells was also found, of which many but not all were kit positive. In the detrusor kit positive cells were most often seen at the edge of smooth muscle bundles. They were elongated with lateral branches, running in parallel with the bundles and closely associated with intramural nerves. Another population of kit positive cells was seen in the detrusor between muscle bundles. These cells had a more stellate-like morphology and made connections with each other. Kit positive cells were seen tracking nerve bundles and close to intramural ganglia. Vimentin positive cells were present in the detrusor, of which some were also kit positive. CONCLUSIONS: There are several populations of ICC-like cells throughout the guinea pig bladder wall. They differ in morphology and orientation but all make connections with intramural nerves and in the detrusor they are closely associated with smooth muscle cells.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify interstitial cells (ICs) in the wall of the rabbit urethra using antibodies to the Kit receptor, and to examine their location, morphology and relationship with nerves and smooth muscle cells (SMCs), as studies of enzymatically isolated cells from the rabbit urethra have established that there are specialized cells that show spontaneous electrical activity and have morphological properties of ICs. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Urethral tissues from rabbits were fixed, labelled with antibodies and examined with confocal microscopy. Some specimens were embedded in paraffin wax and processed for histology. Histological sections from the most proximal third and mid-third region of rabbit urethra were stained with Masson's Trichrome to show their cellular arrangement. RESULTS: Sections from both regions had outer longitudinal and inner circular layers of SM, and a lamina propria containing connective tissue and blood vessels; the lumen was lined with urothelial cells. The mid-third region had a more developed circular SM layer than the most-proximal samples, and had extensive inner longitudinal SM bundles in the lamina propria. Labelling with anti-Kit revealed immunopositive cells within the wall of the rabbit urethra, in the circular and longitudinal layers of the muscularis. Double-labelling with an antibody to SM myosin showed Kit-positive cells on the boundary of the SM bundles, orientated parallel to the axis of the bundles. Others were in spaces between the bundles and often made contact with each other. Kit-positive cells were either elongated, with several lateral branches, or stellate with branches coming from a central soma. Similar cells could be labelled with vimentin antibodies. Their relationship with intramural nerves was examined by double immunostaining with an anti-neurofilament antibody. There were frequent points of contact between Kit-positive cells and nerves, with similar findings in specimens double-immunostained with anti-neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS). CONCLUSION: Kit-positive ICs were found within the SM layers of the rabbit urethra, in association with nerves, on the edge of SM bundles and in the interbundle spaces. The contact with nNOS-containing neurones might imply participation in the nitrergic inhibitory neurotransmission of the urethra. PMID: 17212607 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


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AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: To assess the effects of diabetes-induced activation of protein kinase C (PKC) on voltage-dependent and voltage-independent Ca2+ influx pathways in retinal microvascular smooth muscle cells. METHODS: Cytosolic Ca2+ was estimated in freshly isolated rat retinal arterioles from streptozotocin-induced diabetic and non-diabetic rats using fura-2 microfluorimetry. Voltage-dependent Ca2+ influx was tested by measuring rises in [Ca2+]i with KCl (100 mmol/l) and store-operated Ca2+ influx was assessed by depleting [Ca2+]i stores with Ca2+ free medium containing 5 micromol/l cyclopiazonic acid over 10 min and subsequently measuring the rate of rise in Ca2+ on adding 2 mmol/l or 10 mmol/l Ca2+ solution. RESULTS: Ca2+ entry through voltage-dependent L-type Ca2+ channels was unaffected by diabetes. In contrast, store-operated Ca2+ influx was attenuated. In microvessels from non-diabetic rats 20 mmol/l D-mannitol had no effect on store-operated Ca2+ influx. Diabetic rats injected daily with insulin had store-operated Ca2+ influx rates similar to non-diabetic control rats. The reduced Ca2+ entry in diabetic microvessels was reversed by 2-h exposure to 100 nmol/l staurosporine, a non-specific PKC antagonist and was mimicked in microvessels from non-diabetic rats by 10-min exposure to the PKC activator phorbol myristate acetate (100 nmol/l). The specific PKCbeta antagonist LY379196 (100 nmol/l) also reversed the poor Ca2+ influx although its action was less efficacious than staurosporine. CONCLUSION/INTERPRETATION: These results show that store-operated Ca2+ influx is inhibited in retinal arterioles from rats having sustained increased blood glucose and that PKCbeta seems to play a role in mediating this effect.


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Freshly dispersed sheep mesenteric lymphatic smooth muscle cells were studied at 37 degrees C using the perforated patch-clamp technique with Cs(+)- and K(+)-filled pipettes. Depolarizing steps evoked currents that consisted of L-type Ca(2+) [I(Ca(L))] current and a slowly developing current. The slow current reversed at 1 +/- 1.5 mV with symmetrical Cl(-) concentrations compared with 23.2 +/- 1.2 mV (n = 5) and -34.3 +/- 3.5 mV (n = 4) when external Cl(-) was substituted with either glutamate (86 mM) or I(-) (125 mM). Nifedipine (1 microM) blocked and BAY K 8644 enhanced I(Ca(L)), the slow-developing sustained current, and the tail current. The Cl(-) channel blocker anthracene-9-carboxylic acid (9-AC) reduced only the slowly developing inward and tail currents. Application of caffeine (10 mM) to voltage-clamped cells evoked currents that reversed close to the Cl(-) equilibrium potential and were sensitive to 9-AC. Small spontaneous transient depolarizations and larger action potentials were observed in current clamp, and these were blocked by 9-AC. Evoked action potentials were triphasic and had a prominent plateau phase that was selectively blocked by 9-AC. Similarly, fluid output was reduced by 9-AC in doubly cannulated segments of spontaneously pumping sheep lymphatics, suggesting that the Ca(2+)-activated Cl(-) current plays an important role in the electrical activity underlying spontaneous activity in this tissue. PMID: 11029279 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


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1. Freshly isolated sheep lymphatic smooth muscle cells were studied using the perforated patch-clamp technique. Hyperpolarisation with constant-current pulses caused a time-dependent rectification evident as a depolarising 'sag' followed by an anode-break overshoot at the end of the pulse. Both sag and overshoot were blocked with 1 mM Cs+. 2. Cells were voltage clamped at -30 mV and stepped to -120 mV in 10 mV steps of 2 s duration. Steps negative to -60 mV evoked a slowly activating, non-inactivating inward current which increased in size and rate of activation with increasing hyperpolarisation. 3. The slowly activating current was reduced in Na+-free bathing solution but enhanced when the extracellular K+ concentration was increased to 60 mM. The current was significantly reduced by 1 mM Cs+ and 1 microM ZD7288 but not by 1.8 mM Ba2+. 4. The steady-state activation curve of the underlying conductance showed a threshold at -50 mV and half-maximal activation at -81 mV. Neither threshold nor half-maximal activation was significantly affected by increasing the external K+ concentration to 60 mM. 5. The frequency of spontaneous contractions and fluid propulsion in isolated cannulated segments of sheep mesenteric lymphatics were decreased by 1 mM Cs+ and by 1 microM ZD7288. 6. We conclude that sheep lymphatics have a hyperpolarisation-activated inward current similar to the If seen in sinoatrial node cells of the heart. Blockade of this current slows spontaneous pumping in intact lymphatic vessels suggesting that it is important in normal pacemaking.


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1. Fast inward currents were elicited in freshly isolated sheep lymphatic smooth muscle cells by depolarization from a holding potential of -80 mV using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. The currents activated at voltages positive to -40 mV and peaked at 0 mV. 2. When sodium chloride in the bathing solution was replaced isosmotically with choline chloride inward currents were abolished at all potentials. 3. These currents were very sensitive to tetrodotoxin (TTX). Peak current was almost abolished at 1 microM with half-maximal inhibition at 17 nM. 4. Examination of the voltage dependence of steady state inactivation showed that more than 90% of the current was available at the normal resting potential of these cells (-60 mV). 5. The time course of recovery from inactivation was studied using a double-pulse protocol and showed that recovery was complete within 100 ms with a time constant of recovery of 20 ms. 6. Under current clamp, action potentials were elicited by depolarizing current pulses. These had a rapid upstroke and a short duration and could be blocked with 1 microM TTX. 7. Spontaneous contractions of isolated rings of sheep mesenteric lymphatic vessels were abolished or significantly depressed by 1 microM TTX.


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1. Effects of endothelin-1 (Et-1) were studied on membrane currents in choroidal arteriolar smooth muscle by using perforated patch-clamp recordings. 2. Et-1 (10 nM) activated oscillatory Ca(2+)-activated Cl(-)-currents (I(Cl(Ca))) which could not be reversed by washing out. 3. Currents through L-type Ca(2+) channels were resolved in a divalent free medium (I(Ca(L)Na)). Et-1 reduced I(Ca(L)Na) by 75 +/- 7% within 30 s and this effect faded over 5 min, when the depression remained constant. On washing out Et-1, I(Ca(L)Na) almost completely recovered within 10 s. 4. BQ123 (1 microM), a peptide Et(A) receptor blocker, prevented the activation of I(Cl(Ca)), but failed to inhibit I(Cl(Ca)) transients once they had been initiated. In contrast, BQ123 not only prevented but also reversed the inhibition of I(Ca(L)Na) by Et-1. BQ788 (1 microM), an Et(B) receptor antagonist, did not prevent the activation of I(Cl(Ca)) or the inhibition of I(Ca(L)Na) by Et-1. 5. ABT-627 (10 nM), a non-peptide Et(A) receptor antagonist also blocked the activation of I(Cl(Ca)). However, on I(Ca(L)Na), ABT-627 (10 nM) mimicked the action of Et-1 an effect blocked by BQ123 suggesting that ABT-627 acted as an agonist. 6. The data are consistent with choroidal arteriolar smooth muscle cells having two types of Et(A) receptor, one where BQ123 is an antagonist and ABT-627 an agonist, where ligands dissociate freely and this receptor is coupled to inhibition of L-type Ca(2+) channels. In the other, BQ123 and ABT-627 are both antagonists and with Et-1 the receptor converts to a high affinity state producing the classical irreversible activation I(Cl(Ca)).


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Downstream effects of muscarinic receptor stimulation in intestinal smooth muscle include contraction and intestinal transit. We thought to determine whether classic transient receptor potential (TRPC) channels integrate the intracellular signaling cascades evoked by the stimulated receptors and thereby contribute to the control of the membrane potential, Ca-influx, and cell responses. METHODS: We created trpc4-, trpc6-, and trpc4/trpc6-gene-deficient mice and analyzed them for intestinal smooth muscle function in vitro and in vivo. RESULTS: In intestinal smooth muscle cells TRPC4 forms a 55 pS cation channel and underlies more than 80% of the muscarinic receptor-induced cation current (mI(CAT)). The residual mI(CAT) depends on the expression of TRPC6, indicating that TRPC6 and TRPC4 determine mI(CAT) channel activity independent of other channel subunits. In TRPC4-deficient ileal myocytes the carbachol-induced membrane depolarizations are diminished greatly and the atropine-sensitive contraction elicited by acetylcholine release from excitatory motor neurons is reduced greatly. Additional deletion of TRPC6 aggravates these effects. Intestinal transit is slowed down in mice lacking TRPC4 and TRPC6. CONCLUSIONS: In intestinal smooth muscle cells TRPC4 and TRPC6 channels are gated by muscarinic receptors and are responsible for mI(CAT). They couple muscarinic receptors to depolarization of intestinal smooth muscle cells and voltage-activated Ca(2+)-influx and contraction, and thereby accelerate small intestinal motility in vivo.


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PURPOSE: We investigated the 3-dimensional morphological arrangement of KIT positive interstitial cells of Cajal in the human bladder and explored their structural interactions with neighboring cells.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Human bladder biopsy samples were prepared for immunohistochemistry/confocal or transmission electron microscopy.RESULTS: Whole mount, flat sheet preparations labeled with anti-KIT (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) contained several immunopositive interstitial cell of Cajal populations. A network of stellate interstitial cells of Cajal in the lamina propria made structural connections with a cholinergic nerve plexus. Vimentin positive cells of several morphologies were present in the lamina propria, presumably including fibroblasts, interstitial cells of Cajal and other cells of mesenchymal origin. Microvessels were abundant in this region and branched, elongated KIT positive interstitial cells of Cajal were found discretely along the vessel axis with each perivascular interstitial cell of Cajal associated with at least 6 vascular smooth muscle cells. Detrusor interstitial cells of Cajal were spindle-shaped, branched cells tracking the smooth muscle bundles, closely associated with smooth muscle cells and vesicular acetylcholine transferase nerves. Rounded, nonbranched KIT positive cells were more numerous in the lamina propria than in the detrusor and were immunopositive for anti-mast cell tryptase. Transmission electron microscopy revealed cells with the ultrastructural characteristics of interstitial cells of Cajal throughout the human bladder wall.CONCLUSIONS: The human bladder contains a network of KIT positive interstitial cells of Cajal in the lamina propria, which make frequent connections with a cholinergic nerve plexus. Novel perivascular interstitial cells of Cajal were discovered close to vascular smooth muscle cells, suggesting interstitial cells of Cajal-vascular coupling in the bladder. KIT positive detrusor interstitial cells of Cajal tracked smooth muscle bundles and were associated with nerves, perhaps showing a functional tri-unit controlling bladder contractility.


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In plasma membranes derived from bovine mesenteric lymphatic smooth muscle cells, guanine nucleotide and forskolin stimulated adenylyl cyclase (AC) activity in a concentration-dependent manner, indicative of the presence of the stimulatory G-protein G(s) linked to AC. There was no significant enzyme inhibition by low concentrations of guanine nucleotide and no effect on basal or guanine nucleotide-stimulated activity following pertussis toxin treatment of cells, suggesting the absence of G(1) linked to inhibition of AC. Furthermore, there was no effect of adrenaline, isoprenaline or clonidine on basal or forskolin-stimulated activities, nor was there any specific binding of the beta-adrenoceptor ligand [I-125]cyanopindolol to membranes, suggesting that cate-cholamine receptors do not modulate AC activity in these membranes. Pertussis toxin-mediated ADP ribosylation of membrane proteins and Western immunoblotting analysis revealed the presence of G-protein subunits G(alpha l2), G(alpha q), G(alpha 11) and G(beta 1). In experiments designed to identify a possible effector enzyme for these G-proteins, membranes were screened with a range of antibodies raised against phospholipase C (PLC) beta, gamma and delta isozymes. Though no evidence was obtained by Western blotting for any of these proteins, PLC activity was concentration-dependently stimulated by Ca2+, but not by AlF4-, GTP[S], or purified G(beta gamma) subunits. Finally, no specific binding to membranes of the alpha(1)-adrenoceptor ligand [H-3]prazosin or the alpha(2)-adrenoceptor ligand [H-3]yohimbine was obtained. In conclusion, this study provides evidence for a G(s)-dependent stimulation of AC, and for the presence of G(2) and G(q11), which do not appear to regulate a PLC activity also identified in lymphatic smooth muscle cell membranes. Furthermore, neither AC nor PLC appear to be associated with catecholamine receptors. Copyright(C) 1996 Elsevier Science Inc.


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This study assessed the contribution of L-type Ca2+ channels and other Ca2+ entry pathways to Ca2+ store refilling in choroidal arteriolar smooth muscle. Voltage-clamp recordings were made from enzymatically isolated choroidal microvascular smooth muscle cells and from cells within vessel fragments (containing <10 cells) using the whole-cell perforated patch-clamp technique. Cell Ca2+ was estimated by fura-2 microfluorimetry. After Ca2+ store depletion with caffeine (10 mM), refilling was slower in cells held at -20 mV compared to -80 mV (refilling half-time was 38 +/- 10 and 20 +/- 6 s, respectively). To attempt faster refilling via L-type Ca2+ channels, depolarising steps from -60 to -20 mV were applied during a 30 s refilling period following caffeine depletion. Each step activated L-type Ca2+ currents and [Ca2+]i transients, but failed to accelerate refilling. At -80 mV and in 20 mM TEA, prolonged caffeine exposure produced a transient Ca2+-activated Cl- current (I(Cl)(Ca)) followed by a smaller sustained current. The sustained current was resistant to anthracene-9-carboxylic acid (1 mM; an I(Cl)(Ca) blocker) and to BAPTA AM, but was abolished by 1 microM nifedipine. This nifedipine-sensitive current reversed at +29 +/- 2 mV, which shifted to +7 +/- 5 mV in Ca2+-free solution. Cyclopiazonic acid (20 microM; an inhibitor of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase) also activated the nifedipine-sensitive sustained current. At -80 mV, a 5 s caffeine exposure emptied Ca2+ stores and elicited a transient I(Cl)(Ca). After 80 s refilling, another caffeine challenge produced a similar inward current. Nifedipine (1 microM) during refilling reduced the caffeine-activated I(Cl)(Ca) by 38 +/- 5 %. The effect was concentration dependent (1-3000 nM, EC50 64 nM). In Ca2+-free solution, store refilling was similarly depressed (by 46 +/- 6 %). Endothelin-1 (10 nM) applied at -80 mV increased [Ca2+]i, which subsided to a sustained 198 +/- 28 nM above basal. Cell Ca2+ was then lowered by 1 microM nifedipine (to 135 +/- 22 nM), which reversed on washout. These results show that L-type Ca2+ channels fail to contribute to Ca2+ store refilling in choroidal arteriolar smooth muscle. Instead, they refill via a novel non-selective store-operated cation conductance that is blocked by nifedipine.


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The defensive skin secretions of amphibians are a rich resource for the discovery of novel, bioactive peptides. Here we report the identification of a novel vascular smooth muscle-relaxing peptide, named vasorelaxin, from the skin secretion of the Chinese piebald odorous frog, Odorrana schmackeri. Vasorelaxin consists of 20 amino acid residues, SRVVKCSGFRPGSPDSREFC, with a disulfide-bridge between Cys-6 and Cys-20. The structure of its biosynthetic precursor was deduced from cloned skin cDNA and consists of 67 amino acid residues encoding a single copy of vasorelaxin (vasorelaxin, accession number: HE860494). Synthetic vasorelaxin caused a profound relaxation of rat arterial smooth muscle with an EC50 of 6.76 nM.


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In recent years, research on the roles of TRP channels in vascular function and disease has undergone a rapid expansion from tens of reports published in the early 2000s to several hundreds of papers published to date. Multiple TRP subtypes are expressed in vascular smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells, where they form diverse non-selective cation channels permeable to Ca2+. These channels mediate Ca2+ entry following receptor stimulation, Ca2+ store depletion and mechanical stimulation of vascular myocytes and endothelial cells. The complex molecular composition and signalling pathways leading to the activation of various vascular TRP channels and the growing evidence for their involvement in various vascular disorders, including dysregulation of vascular tone and hypertension, impaired endothelium-dependent vasodilatation, increased endothelial permeability, occlusive vascular disease, vascular injury and oxidative stress, are summarised and discussed in this review.