108 resultados para Rent dependency


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Our knowledge of the effects of consumer species loss on ecosystem functioning is limited by a paucity of manipulative field studies, particularly those that incorporate inter-trophic effects. Further, given the ongoing transformation of natural habitats by anthropogenic activities, studies should assess the relative importance of biodiversity for ecosystem processes across different environmental contexts by including multiple habitat types. We tested the context-dependency of the effects of consumer species loss by conducting a 15-month field experiment in two habitats (mussel beds and rock pools) on a temperate rocky shore, focussing on the responses of algal assemblages following the single and combined removals of key gastropod grazers (Patella vulgata, P. ulyssiponensis, Littorina littorea and Gibbula umbilicalis). In both habitats, the removal of limpets resulted in a larger increase in macroalgal richness than that of either L. littorea or G. umbilicalis. Further, by the end of the study, macroalgal cover and richness were greater following the removal of multiple grazer species compared to single species removals. Despite substantial differences in physical properties and the structure of benthic assemblages between mussel beds and rock pools, the effects of grazer loss on macroalgal cover, richness, evenness and assemblage structure were remarkably consistent across both habitats. There was, however, a transient habitat-dependent effect of grazer removal on macroalgal assemblage structure that emerged after three months, which was replaced by non-interactive effects of grazer removal and habitat after 15 months. This study shows that the effects of the loss of key consumers may transcend large abiotic and biotic differences between habitats in rocky intertidal systems. While it is clear that consumer diversity is a primary driver of ecosystem functioning, determining its relative importance across multiple contexts is necessary to understand the consequences of consumer species loss against a background of environmental change.


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OBJECTIVE: The antitumor effects of FK506-binding protein like (FKBPL) and its extracellular role in angiogenesis are well characterized; however, its role in physiological/developmental angiogenesis and the effect of FKBPL ablation has not been evaluated. This is important as effects of some angiogenic proteins are dosage dependent. Here we evaluate the regulation of FKBPL secretion under angiogenic stimuli, as well as the effect of FKBPL ablation in angiogenesis using mouse and zebrafish models.

APPROACH AND RESULTS: FKBPL is secreted maximally by human microvascular endothelial cells and fibroblasts, and this was specifically downregulated by proangiogenic hypoxic signals, but not by the angiogenic cytokines, VEGF or IL8. FKBPL's critical role in angiogenesis was supported by our inability to generate an Fkbpl knockout mouse, with embryonic lethality occurring before E8.5. However, whilst Fkbpl heterozygotic embryos showed some vasculature irregularities, the mice developed normally. In murine angiogenesis models, including the ex vivo aortic ring assay, in vivo sponge assay, and tumor growth assay, Fkbpl(+/-) mice exhibited increased sprouting, enhanced vessel recruitment, and faster tumor growth, respectively, supporting the antiangiogenic function of FKBPL. In zebrafish, knockdown of zFkbpl using morpholinos disrupted the vasculature, and the phenotype was rescued with hFKBPL. Interestingly, this vessel disruption was ineffective when zcd44 was knocked-down, supporting the dependency of zFkbpl on zCd44 in zebrafish.

CONCLUSIONS: FKBPL is an important regulator of angiogenesis, having an essential role in murine and zebrafish blood vessel development. Mouse models of angiogenesis demonstrated a proangiogenic phenotype in Fkbpl heterozygotes.


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The use of controlled periodic illumination with UV LEDs for enhancing photonic efficiency of photocatalytic decomposition processes in water has been investigated using methyl orange as a model compound. The impact of the length of light and dark time periods (T ON/T OFF times) on photodegradation and photonic efficiency using a UV LED-illuminated photoreactor has been studied. The results have shown an inverse dependency of the photonic efficiency on duty cycle and a very little effect on T ON or T OFF time periods, indicating no effect of rate-limiting steps through mass diffusion or adsorption/desorption in the reaction. For this reactor, the photonic efficiency under controlled periodic illumination (CPI) matches to that of continuous illumination, for the same average UV light intensities. Furthermore, under CPI conditions, the photonic efficiency is inversely related to the average UV light intensity in the reactor, in the millisecond time regime. This is the first study that has investigated the effect of controlled periodic illumination using ultra band gap UV LED light sources in the photocatalytic destruction of dye compounds using titanium dioxide. The results not only enhance the understanding of the effect of periodic illumination on photocatalytic processes but also provide a greater insight to the potential of these light sources in photocatalytic reactions. 


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Electric vehicles (EVs) offer great potential to move from fossil fuel dependency in transport once some of the technical barriers related to battery reliability and grid integration are resolved. The European Union has set a target to achieve a 10% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 relative to 2005 levels. This target is binding in all the European Union member states. If electric vehicle issues are overcome then the challenge is to use as much renewable energy as possible to achieve this target. In this paper, the impacts of electric vehicle charged in the all-Ireland single wholesale electricity market after the 2020 deadline passes is investigated using a power system dispatch model. For the purpose of this work it is assumed that a 10% electric vehicle target in the Republic of Ireland is not achieved, but instead 8% is reached by 2025 considering the slow market uptake of electric vehicles. Our experimental study shows that the increasing penetration of EVs could contribute to approach the target of the EU and Ireland government on emissions reduction, regardless of different charging scenarios. Furthermore, among various charging scenarios, the off-peak charging is the best approach, contributing 2.07% to the target of 10% reduction of Greenhouse gas emissions by 2025.


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Globally vehicle operators are experiencing rising fuel costs and increased
running expenses as governments around the world attempt to decrease carbon dioxide emissions and fossil fuel consumption, due to global warming and the drive to reduce dependency on fossil fuels. Recent advances in hybrid vehicle design have made great strides towards more efficient operation, with regenerative braking being widely used to capture otherwise lost energy. In this paper a hybrid series bus is developed a step further, by installing another method of energy capture on the vehicle. In this case, it is in the form of the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC). The waste heat expelled to the exhaust and coolant streams is recovered and converted to electrical energy which is then stored in the hybrid vehicles batteries. The electrical energy can then be used for the auxiliary power circuit or to assist in vehicle propulsion, thus reducing the load on the engine, thereby improving the overall fuel economy of the vehicle and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.


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Dependency on thermal generation and continued wind power growth in Europe due to renewable energy and greenhouse gas emissions targets has resulted in an interesting set of challenges for power systems. The variability of wind power impacts dispatch and balancing by grid operators, power plant operations by generating companies and market wholesale costs. This paper quantifies the effects of high wind power penetration on power systems with a dependency on gas generation using a realistic unit commitment and economic dispatch model. The test system is analyzed under two scenarios, with and without wind, over one year. The key finding of this preliminary study is that despite increased ramping requirements in the wind scenario, the unit cost of electricity due to sub-optimal operation of gas generators does not show substantial deviation from the no wind scenario.


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If cities are to become more sustainable and resilient to change it is likely that they will have to engage with food at increasingly localised levels, in order to reduce their dependency on global systems. With 87 percent of people in developed regions estimated to be living in cities by 2050 it can be assumed that the majority of this localised production will occur in and around cities. As part of a 12 month engagement, Queen’s University Belfast designed and implemented an elevated aquaponic food system spanning the top internal floor and exterior roof space of a disused mill in Manchester, England. The experimental aquaponic system was developed to explore the possibilities and difficulties associated with integrating food production with existing buildings. This paper utilises empirical research regarding crop growth from the elevated aquaponic system and extrapolates the findings across a whole city. The resulting research enables the agricultural productive capacity of today’s cities to be estimated and a framework of implementation to be proposed.


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Policymakers have largely replaced Single Bounded Discrete Choice (SBDC) valuation by the more statistically efficient repetitive methods; Double Bounded Discrete Choice (DBDC) and Discrete Choice Experiments (DCE) . Repetitive valuation permits classification into rational preferences: (i) a priori well-formed; (ii) consistent non-arbitrary values “discovered” through repetition and experience; (Plott, 1996; List 2003) and irrational preferences; (iii) consistent but arbitrary values as “shaped” by preceding bid level (Tufano, 2010; Ariely et al., 2003) and (iv) inconsistent and arbitrary values. Policy valuations should demonstrate behaviorally rational preferences. We outline novel methods for testing this in DBDC applied to renewable energy premiums in Chile.


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Discourses around poverty, dependency and austerity take a particular form when it comes to Northern Ireland which is seen as ripe for economic ‘rebalancing’ and public sector reduction. The Welfare Reform Act 2012 is pivotal in that it provides the muscle for disciplining claimants for a low-waged, flexible labour market. But the Northern Ireland Assembly has not passed the Act or agreed a budget and the return of Direct Rule beckons as a result. The article sheds light on the stand-off over the Welfare Reform Act using data from the 2012 PSE Survey. It demonstrates that the impact of violent conflict is imprinted on the population in terms of high rates of deprivation, poor physical and mental health, and significant differences between those experiencing little or no conflict, and those with ‘high’ experience. In ignoring these legacies of the conflict, the Westminster government is risking peace in its ‘war against the poor’.


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This paper presents a study on concrete fracture and the associated mesh sensitivity using the finite element (FE) method with a local concrete model in both tension (Mode I) and compression.To enable the incorporation of dynamic loading, the FE model is developed using a transient dynamic analysis code LS-DYNA Explicit.A series of investigations have been conducted on typical fracture scenarios to evaluate the model performances and calibration of relevant parameters.The K&C damage model was adopted because it is a comprehensive local concrete model which allows the user to change the crack band width, fracture energy and rate dependency of the material.Compressive localisation modelling in numerical modelling is also discussed in detail in relation to localisation.An impact test specimen is modelled.


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Demographic change as well as pressure from the European Union and national government are forcing organisations to change age-discriminatory HRM approaches. Based on a qualitative analysis of eight British and German organisations, we found that commitment, scope, coverage and implementation of age management differ due to country-specific institutions, particularly government, in nudging employers and unions to preferred age practices. This confirms the path dependency concept suggested by institutional theory. Nevertheless, we also found that industry-specific factors mediate the implementation of age management, leading to some convergence across countries. This indicates that organisations deviate from the institutional path to implement practices that they deem important.


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Rationale for the development of the Certificate in Health Studies: Intensive Care and High Dependency for Adults course developed at Queens University Belfast, Northern Ireland. Structure and content of clinical module reviewed. Clinical assessment strategy discussed. Focus on the utilization of a standardized portfolio, individualized learning contract and objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) to evaluate clinical competence. Evaluation of OSCE as an assessment tool and of the course provision.


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There is considerable interest in the use of heavy atom nanoparticles as theranostic contrast agents due to their high radiation cross-section compared to soft tissue. However, published studies have primarily focused on applications of gold nanoparticles. This study applies Monte Carlo radiation transport modelling using Geant4 to evaluate the macro- and micro-scale radiation dose enhancement following X-ray irradiation with both imaging and therapeutic energies on nanoparticles consisting of stable elements heavier than silicon. An approach based on the Local Effect Model was also used to assess potential biological impacts. While macroscopic dose enhancement is well predicted by simple absorption cross-sections, nanoscale dose deposition has a much more complex dependency on atomic number, with local maxima around germanium (Z = 32) and gadolinium (Z = 64), driven by variations in secondary Auger electron spectra, which translate into significant variations in biological effectiveness. These differences may provide a valuable tool for predicting and elucidating fundamental mechanisms of these agents as they move towards clinical application.


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High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) is the most recent video codec coming after currently most popular H.264/MPEG4 codecs and has promising compression capabilities. It is conjectured that it will be a substitute for current video compression standards. However, to the best knowledge of the authors, none of the current video steganalysis methods designed or tested with HEVC video. In this paper, pixel domain steganography applied on HEVC video is targeted for the first time. Also, its the first paper that employs accordion unfolding transformation, which merges temporal and spatial correlation, in pixel domain video steganalysis. With help of the transformation, temporal correlation is incorporated into the system. Its demonstrated for three different feature sets that integrating temporal dependency substantially increased the detection accuracy.


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Neutrophil elastase (NE), a biomarker of infection and inflammation, correlates with the severity of several respiratory diseases including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, it’s detection and quantification in biological samples is confounded by a lack of reliable and robust methodologies. Standard assays using chromogenic or fluorogenic substrates are not specific when added to complex clinical samples containing multiple proteolytic and hydrolytic enzymes which have the ability to hydrolyse the substrate, thereby resulting in an over-estimation of the target protease. Furthermore, ELISA systems measure total protease levels which can be a mixture of latent, active and protease-inhibitor complexes. Therefore, we have developed a novel immunoassay (ProteaseTag™ Active NE Immunoassay) which is selective and specific for the capture of active NE in sputum and Bronchoalveolar Lavage (BAL) in patients with COPD. The objective of this study was to clinically validate ProteaseTag™ Active NE Ultra Immunoassay for the detection of NE in sputum from COPD patients. 20 matched sputum sol samples were collected from 10 COPD patients (M=6, F=4; 73 ± 6 years) during stable and exacerbation phases. Samples were assayed for NE activity utilising both ProteaseTag™ Active NE Ultra Immunoassay and a fluorogenic substrate-based kinetic activity assay. Both assays detected elevated levels of NE in the majority of patients (n=7) during an exacerbation (mean=217.2 μg/ml ±296.6) compared to their stable phase (mean=92.37 μg/ml ±259.8). However, statistical analysis did not show this difference to be significant (p=0.07, ProteaseTag™ Active NE Ultra Immunoassay; p=0.06 kinetic assay), most likely due to the low study number. A highly significant correlation was found between the 2 assay types (p≤0.0001, r=0.996). NE as a primary efficacy endpoint in clinical trials or as a marker of inflammation within the clinic has been hampered by the lack of a robust and simple to use assay. ProteaseTag™ Active NE Immunoassay specifically measures only active NE in clinical samples, is quick and easy to use (< 3 hours) and has no dependency on a kinetic readout. ProteaseTag™ technology is currently being transferred to a lateral flow device for use at Point of Care.