104 resultados para MESSENGER-RNAS


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Molecular Medicine and Molecular Pathology are integral parts of Haematology as we enter the new millennium. Their origins can be linked to fundamental developments in the basic sciences, particularly genetics, chemistry and biochemistry. The structure of DNA and the genetic code that it encrypts are the critical starting points to our understanding of these new disciplines. The genetic alphabet is a simple one, consisting of just 4 letters, buts its influence is crucial to human development and differentiation. The concept of a gene is not a new one but the Human Genome Project (a joint world-wide effort to characterise our entire genetic make-up) is providing an invaluable understanding of how genes function in normal cellular processes and pinpointing how disruption of these processes can lead to disease. Transcription and translation are the key events by which our genotype is converted to our phenotype (via a messenger RNA intermediate), producing the myriad proteins and enzymes which populate the cellular factory of our body. Unlike the bacterial or prokaryotic genome, the human genome contains a large amount of non coding DNA (less than 1% of our genome codes for proteins), and our genes are interrupted, with the coding regions or exons separated by non coding introns. Precise removal of the intronic material after transcription (though a process called splicing) is critical for efficient translation to occur. Incorrect splicing can lead to the generation of mutant proteins, which can have a dilaterious effect on the phenotype of the individual. Thus the 100,000-200,000 genes which are present in each cell in our body have a defined control mechanism permitting efficient and appropriate expression of proteins and enzymes and yet a single base change in just one of those genes can lead to diseases such as haemophilia or fanconis anaemia.


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Monitoring of BCR-ABL transcripts has become established practice in the management of chronic myeloid leukemia. However, nucleic acid amplification techniques are prone to variations which limit the reliability of real-time quantitative PCR (RQ-PCR) for clinical decision making, highlighting the need for standardization of assays and reporting of minimal residual disease (MRD) data. We evaluated a lyophilized preparation of a leukemic cell line (K562) as a potential quality control reagent. This was found to be relatively stable, yielding comparable respective levels of ABL, GUS and BCR-ABL transcripts as determined by RQ-PCR before and after accelerated degradation experiments as well as following 5 years storage at -20 degrees C. Vials of freeze-dried cells were sent at ambient temperature to 22 laboratories on four continents, with RQ-PCR analyses detecting BCR-ABL transcripts at levels comparable to those observed in primary patient samples. Our results suggest that freeze-dried cells can be used as quality control reagents with a range of analytical instrumentations and could enable the development of urgently needed international standards simulating clinically relevant levels of MRD.


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Many sequelae associated with endotoxaemic-induced shock result from excessive production of the cytokine mediators, tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin 1 (IL-1) and IL-6 from lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-activated monocytes. Protein C (PC)/activated protein C (APC) has potent cytokine-modifying properties and is protective in animal models and human clinical trials of sepsis. The precise mechanism by which this anti-inflammatory response is achieved remains unknown; however, the recently described endothelial protein C receptor (EPCR) appears to be essential for this function. The pivotal role that monocytes play in the pathophysiology of septic shock led us to investigate the possible expression of a protein C receptor on the monocyte membrane. We used similarity algorithms to screen human sequence databases for paralogues of the EPCR but found none. However, using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), we detected an mRNA transcribed in primary human monocytes and THP1 cells that was identical to human EPCR mRNA. We also used immunocytochemical analysis to demonstrate the expression of a protein C receptor on the surface of monocytes encoded by the same gene as EPCR. These results confirm a new member of the protein C pathway involving primary monocytes. Further characterization will be necessary to compare and contrast its biological properties with those of EPCR.


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Although Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML) can be treated successfully with allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT), leukaemia relapse remains a significant clinical problem. Molecular monitoring of the post transplant marrow can be useful in predicting relapse particularly in CML patients where the Philadelphia chromosome or its molecular counterpart, the BCR-ABL fusion messenger RNA can be used as a leukaemia specific marker of minimal residual disease (MRD). We have investigated chimaerism (using polymerase chain reaction of short tandem repeat sequences (STR-PCR)) and MRD status (using reverse transcriptase PCR of the BCR-ABL fusion mRNA) in a serial fashion in 18 patients who were in clinical and haematological remission post allogeneic BMT for chronic phase CML. Eleven patients exhibited complete donor chimaerism with no evidence of minimal residual disease. Five patients had transient or low level stable MC. Late MC and MRD was observed in two patients who relapsed > 6 years after T cell depleted BMT for CML. Thus STR-PCR is an appropriate screening test in the post transplant setting for CML patients, but those patients exhibiting mixed haemopoietic chimaerism should also be monitored using a leukaemia specific sensitive molecular assay.


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Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the leading cause of blindness in the working-age population in the United States. The vision-threatening processes of neuroglial and vascular dysfunction in DR occur in concert, driven by hyperglycemia and propelled by a pathway of inflammation, ischemia, vasodegeneration, and breakdown of the blood retinal barrier. Currently, no therapies exist for normalizing the vasculature in DR. Here we show that a single intravitreal dose of adeno-associated virus serotype 2 encoding a more stable, soluble, and potent form of angiopoietin 1 (AAV2.COMP-Ang1) can ameliorate the structural and functional hallmarks of DR in Ins2Akita mice, with sustained effects observed through six months. In early DR, AAV2.COMP-Ang1 restored leukocyte-endothelial interaction, retinal oxygenation, vascular density, vascular marker expression, vessel permeability, retinal thickness, inner retinal cellularity, and retinal neurophysiological response to levels comparable to non-diabetic controls. In late DR, AAV2.COMP-Ang1 enhanced the therapeutic benefit of intravitreally-delivered endothelial colony-forming cells by promoting their integration into the vasculature and thereby stemming further visual decline. AAV2.COMP-Ang1 single-dose gene therapy can prevent neurovascular pathology, support vascular regeneration, and stabilize vision in DR.


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Prostate cancer development and progression are associated with alterations in expression and function of elements of cytokine networks, some of which can activate multiple signaling pathways. Protein inhibitor of activated signal transducers and activators of transcription (PIAS)1, a regulator of cytokine signaling, may be implicated in the modulation of cellular events during carcinogenesis. This study was designed to investigate the functional significance of PIAS1 in models of human prostate cancer. We demonstrate for the first time that PIAS1 protein expression is significantly higher in malignant areas of clinical prostate cancer specimens than in normal tissues, thus suggesting a growth-promoting role for PIAS1. Expression of PIAS1 was observed in the majority of tested prostate cancer cell lines. In addition, we investigated the mechanism by which PIAS1 might promote prostate cancer and found that down-regulation of PIAS1 leads to decreased proliferation and colony formation ability of prostate cancer cell lines. This decrease correlates with cell cycle arrest in the G0/G1 phase, which is mediated by increased expression of p21(CIP1/WAF1). Furthermore, PIAS1 overexpression positively influences cell cycle progression and thereby stimulates proliferation, which can be mechanistically explained by a decrease in the levels of cellular p21. Taken together, our data reveal an important new role for PIAS1 in the regulation of cell proliferation in prostate cancer.


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LYRIC/AEG-1 and its altered expression have been linked to carcinogenesis in prostate, brain and melanoma as well as promoting chemoresistance and metastasis in breast cancer. LYRIC/AEG-1 function remains unclear, although LYRIC/AEG-1 is activated by oncogenic HA-RAS, through binding of c-myc to its promoter, which in turn regulates the key components of the PI3-kinase and nuclear factor-kappaB pathways. We have identified the transcriptional repressor PLZF as an interacting protein of LYRIC/AEG through a yeast two-hybrid screen. PLZF regulates the expression of genes involved in cell growth and apoptosis including c-myc. Coexpression of LYRIC/AEG-1 with PLZF leads to a reduction in PLZF-mediated repression by reducing PLZF binding to promoters. We have confirmed that nuclear LYRIC/AEG-1 and PLZF interact in mammalian cells via the N- and C termini of LYRIC/AEG-1 and a region C terminal to the RD2 domain of PLZF. Both proteins colocalize to nuclear bodies containing histone deacetylases, which are known to promote PLZF-mediated repression. Our data suggest one mechanism for cells with altered LYRIC/AEG-1 expression to evade apoptosis and increase cell growth during tumourigenesis through the regulation of PLZF repression.


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Membrane type-1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) is a zinc-binding endopeptidase, which plays a crucial role in tumour growth, invasion and metastasis. We have shown previously that MT1-MMP has higher expression levels in the human urothelial cell carcinoma (UCC) tissue. We show here that siRNA against MT1-MMP blocks invasion in UCC cell lines. Invasion is also blocked by broad-spectrum protease and MMP inhibitors including tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 and -2. Membrane type-1-MMP can also regulate transcription. We have used expression arrays to identify genes that are differentially transcribed when siRNA is used to suppress MT1-MMP expression. Upon MT1-MMP knockdown, Dickkopf-3 (DKK3) expression was highly upregulated. The stability of DKK3 mRNA was unaffected under these conditions, suggesting transcriptional regulation of DKK3 by MT1-MMP. Dickkopf-3 has been previously shown to inhibit invasion. We confirm that the overexpression of DKK3 leads to decreased invasive potential as well as delayed wound healing. We show for the first time that the effects of MT1-MMP on cell invasion are mediated in part through changes in DKK3 gene transcription.


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PURPOSE: We conducted a phase I/II clinical trial to determine the safety and feasibility of combining vorinostat with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) and elevated intratumoral thymidylate synthase (TS).

METHODS: Patients with mCRC who had failed all standard therapeutic options were eligible. Intratumoral TS mRNA expression and peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) histone acetylation were measured before and after 6 consecutive days of vorinostat treatment at 400 mg PO daily. 5-FU/LV were given on days 6 and 7 and repeated every 2 weeks, along with continuous daily vorinostat. Dose escalation occurred in cohorts of three to six patients.

RESULTS: Ten patients were enrolled. Three dose levels were explored in the phase I portion of the study. Two dose-limiting toxicities (DLTs) were observed at the starting dose level, which resulted in dose de-escalation to levels -1 and -2. Given the occurrence of two DLTs at each of the dose levels, we were unable to establish a maximum tolerated dose (MTD). Two patients achieved significant disease stabilization for 4 and 6 months. Grade 3 and 4 toxicities included fatigue, thrombocytopenia and mucositis. Intratumoral TS downregulation > or = 50% was observed in one patient only. Acetylation of histone 3 was observed in PBMCs following vorinostat treatment.

CONCLUSIONS: The study failed to establish a MTD and was terminated. The presence of PBMC histone acetylation indicates biological activity of vorinostat, however, consistent reductions in intratumoral TS mRNA were not observed. Alternate vorinostat dose-scheduling may alleviate the toxicity and achieve optimal TS downregulation.


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The introduction of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) has revolutionised population genetics, providing studies of non-model species with unprecedented genomic coverage, allowing evolutionary biologists to address questions previously far beyond the reach of available resources. Furthermore, the simple mutation model of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) permits cost-effective high-throughput genotyping in thousands of individuals simultaneously. Genomic resources are scarce for the Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus), a small pelagic species that sustains high revenue fisheries. This paper details the development of 578 SNPs using a combined NGS and high-throughput genotyping approach. Eight individuals covering the species distribution in the eastern Atlantic were bar-coded and multiplexed into a single cDNA library and sequenced using the 454 GS FLX platform. SNP discovery was performed by de novo sequence clustering and contig assembly, followed by the mapping of reads against consensus contig sequences. Selection of candidate SNPs for genotyping was conducted using an in silico approach. SNP validation and genotyping were performed simultaneously using an Illumina 1,536 GoldenGate assay. Although the conversion rate of candidate SNPs in the genotyping assay cannot be predicted in advance, this approach has the potential to maximise cost and time efficiencies by avoiding expensive and time-consuming laboratory stages of SNP validation. Additionally, the in silico approach leads to lower ascertainment bias in the resulting SNP panel as marker selection is based only on the ability to design primers and the predicted presence of intron-exon boundaries. Consequently SNPs with a wider spectrum of minor allele frequencies (MAFs) will be genotyped in the final panel. The genomic resources presented here represent a valuable multi-purpose resource for developing informative marker panels for population discrimination, microarray development and for population genomic studies in the wild.


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Introduction: Ca2+ ion is an important intracellular messenger essential for the regulation of various cellular functions including proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) channels are calcium permeable cationic channels that play important role in regulation of free intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) in response to thermal, physical and chemical stimuli. Ca2+ signalling in human dental pulp stem cells (hDPSCs) and the ion channels regulating Ca2+ are largely not known. Objectives: Investigate changes in [Ca2+]i and determine the ion channels that regulate calcium signalling in hDPSCs. Methods: DPSCs were derived from immature third molars and cells less than passage 6 were used in all the experiments. Changes in [Ca2+]i were studied with Fura2 calcium imaging. RNA was extracted from DPSCs and a panel of TRP channel gene expression was determined by qPCR employing custom designed FAM TRP specific primers and probes (Roche, UK) and the Light Cycler 480 Probes Master (Roche). Results: hDPSCs express gene transcripts for all TRP families including TRPV1, V2, V4, TRPA1, TRPC3, TRPC5, TRPC6, TRPM3, TRPM7 and TRPP2. Stimulation of cells with appropriate TRP channel agonist induced increase in [Ca2+]i and similar responses were obtained when cell were mechanically stimulated by membrane stretch with application of hypotonic solution. Conclusion: TRP channels mediate calcium signalling in hDPSCs that merit further investigation.


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Background: Deficiencies in effective flukicide options and growing issues with drug resistance make current strategies for liver fluke control unsustainable, thereby promoting the need to identify and validate new control targets in Fasciola spp. parasites. Calmodulins (CaMs) are small calcium-sensing proteins with ubiquitous expression in all eukaryotic organisms and generally use fluctuations in intracellular calcium levels to modulate cell signalling events. CaMs are essential for fundamental processes including the phosphorylation of protein kinases, gene transcription, calcium transport and smooth muscle contraction. In the blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni, calmodulins have been implicated in egg hatching, miracidial transformation and larval development. Previously, CaMs have been identified amongst liver fluke excretory-secretory products and three CaM-like proteins have been characterised biochemically from adult Fasciola hepatica, although their functions remain unknown.

Methods: In this study, we set out to investigate the biological function and control target potential of F. hepatica CaMs (FhCaMs) using RNAi methodology alongside novel in vitro bioassays.

Results: Our results reveal that: (i) FhCaMs are widely expressed in parenchymal cells throughout the forebody region of juvenile fluke; (ii) significant transcriptional knockdown of FhCaM1-3 was inducible by exposure to either long (~200 nt) double stranded (ds) RNAs or 27 nt short interfering (si) RNAs, although siRNAs were less effective than long dsRNAs; (iii) transient long dsRNA exposure-induced RNA interference (RNAi) of FhCaMs triggered transcript knockdown that persisted for ≥ 21 days, and led to detectable suppression of FhCaM proteins; (iv) FhCaM RNAi significantly reduced the growth of juvenile flukes maintained in vitro; (v) FhCaM RNAi juveniles also displayed hyperactivity encompassing significantly increased migration; (vi) both the reduced growth and increased motility phenotypes were recapitulated in juvenile fluke using the CaM inhibitor trifluoperazine hydrochloride, supporting phenotype specificity.

Conclusions: These data indicate that the Ca(2+)-modulating functions of FhCaMs are important for juvenile fluke growth and movement and provide the first functional genomics-based example of a growth-defect resulting from gene silencing in liver fluke. Whilst the phenotypic impacts of FhCaM silencing on fluke behaviour do not strongly support their candidature as new flukicide targets, the growth impacts encourage further consideration, especially in light of the speed of juvenile fluke growth in vivo.


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Schizophrenia is a heritable brain illness with unknown pathogenic mechanisms. Schizophrenia's strongest genetic association at a population level involves variation in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) locus, but the genes and molecular mechanisms accounting for this have been challenging to identify. Here we show that this association arises in part from many structurally diverse alleles of the complement component 4 (C4) genes. We found that these alleles generated widely varying levels of C4A and C4B expression in the brain, with each common C4 allele associating with schizophrenia in proportion to its tendency to generate greater expression of C4A. Human C4 protein localized to neuronal synapses, dendrites, axons, and cell bodies. In mice, C4 mediated synapse elimination during postnatal development. These results implicate excessive complement activity in the development of schizophrenia and may help explain the reduced numbers of synapses in the brains of individuals with schizophrenia.