240 resultados para Laboratory diagnosis


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Experiments were carried out from June 2000 to April 2001 to compare survival of European lobster (Homarus gammarus) offspring (larvae and juveniles) from three brood sources, Kvitsøy Wild (KW), Kvitsøy Cultured (KC), and Rogaland Wild (RW), Norway. In the first set of experiments, newly hatched larvae (stage I) were raised in separate family tanks. All larvae groups survived to stage III/IV, although large variation in relative survival was observed among families within each of the three different female groups. Highest overall survival was observed for the RW group (12.8%), whereas no differences in overall survival were found between the KW (9.0%) and KC groups (9.6%). From stage III/IV, larvae from single family tank experiments were mixed in five “common garden” juvenile experiments. These lasted for 9 months, and the surviving juveniles were identified to family/female group using microsatellite DNA profiling. Significantly higher survival of the KW families (7.0%) was found compared with the KC (3.7%) and the RW families (3.2%), and differences in family ranking of relative survival values were evident between the KW and KC groups. The relative survival rate of the different groups was independent of female lobster size. An estimate based on only stage IV larvae reduced the difference in survival between the KW (11.4%) and KC (8.3%) group. The experiments provided evidence that cultured females (KC) are producing viable offspring with lower, but comparable survival to that of offspring from wild females (KW).


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The research reported here is based on the standard laboratory experiments routinely performed in order to measure various geotechnical parameters. These experiments require consolidation of fine-grained samples in triaxial or stress path apparatus. The time required for the consolidation is dependent on the permeability of the soil and the length of the drainage path. The consolidation time is often of the order of several weeks in large clay-dominated samples. Long testing periods can be problematic, as they can delay decisions on design and construction methods. Acceleration of the consolidation process would require a reduction in effective drainage length and this is usually achieved by placing filter drains around the sample. The purpose of the research reported in this paper is to assess if these filter drains work effectively and, if not, to determine what modifications to the filter drains are needed. The findings have shown that use of a double filter reduces the consolidation time several fold.


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While the causes of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) still are not fully understood, increasingly research focuses on interventions and treatment of children diagnosed with ASD. Considerably less attention is paid to family systems, family functioning, and family needs. This paper takes a family system perspective exploring how families with children on the autism spectrum function during the particularly stressful period of the diagnosis process and thereafter. Recommendations made in this paper include the need for empirical studies that address in detail family systems, family needs, the assessment and diagnostic process, service provision, social support networks, and additional stressful life events. Furthermore, the development of a family functioning assessment tools is called for in order to promote child-family-centred assessment and intervention. Details of an ongoing comparative study are outlined that will make a contribution to family studies and autism research field with a specific focus on the diagnosis


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Background For families of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) getting a diagnosis is a traumatic experience on which future care and education plans for the child depend. In this paper parental experiences of diagnosis and forward planning for children with ASD are reported. Method This paper is part of a large cross-sectional study conducted in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland that assessed the needs and experiences of parents of children diagnosed with ASD. Questionnaires were designed and completed by 95 parents, reporting on 100 children, as well as 67 multi-disciplinary professionals. Results Findings confirm that diagnostic and planning processes are extremely stressful for parents, that statutory diagnosis takes a long time, that care and education plans do not include full parental participation, and that reviews of plans do not consistently include intervention data. Conclusion Policy and practice implications of these findings are important for future revisions of diagnostic tools and manuals.


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A total of 8 calves approximately 6 months old and 22 lambs of similar age were infected with metacercariae of Fasciola hepatica of various laboratory-maintained isolates including: Cullompton (sensitive to triclabendazole) and Sligo, Oberon and Leon (reported as resistant to triclabendazole). Ten to 16 weeks after infection, flukes were harvested from these experimental animals and the histology of the testis tissue was examined in a representative sample of flukes from each population. Adult wild-type flukes were also collected from 5 chronically infected cattle and 7 chronically infected sheep identified at post-mortem inspection. The testis tissue of these flukes was compared with that of the various laboratory-maintained isolates. Whilst the testes of the wild-type, Oberon and Leon flukes displayed all the usual cell types associated with spermatogenesis in Fasciola hepatica (spermatogonia, spermatocytes, spermatids and mature sperm), the Cullompton flukes from both cattle and sheep showed arrested spermatogenesis, with no stages later than primary spermatocytes represented in the testis profiles. The presence of numerous eosinophilic apoptotic bodies and nuclear fragments suggested that meiotic division was anomalous and incomplete. In contrast to the wild-type flukes, no mature spermatozoa were present in the testes or amongst the shelled eggs in the uterus. A high proportion of the eggs collected from these flukes hatched to release normal-appearing miracidia after an appropriate incubation period, as indeed was the case with all isolates examined and the wild-type flukes. It is concluded that the eggs of Cullompton flukes are capable of development without fertilization, i.e. are parthenogenetic. The implications of this for rapid evolution of resistant clones following an anthelmintic selection event are discussed. Amongst the Sligo flukes examined, two subtypes were recognised, namely, those flukes with all stages of spermatogenesis and mature spermatozoa present in the testes (type 1), and those flukes with all stages of spermatogenesis up to spermatids present, but no maturing spermatozoa in the testes (type 2). Each sheep infected with the Sligo isolate had both type 1 (approximately 60%) and type 2 (approximately 40%) flukes present in the population. Spermatozoa were found amongst the eggs in the uterus in 64% of flukes and this did not necessarily reflect the occurrence of spermatozoa in the testis profiles of particular flukes, suggesting that cross-fertilization had occurred. The apparent disruption of meiosis in the spermatocytes of the Cullompton flukes is consistent with reports that Cullompton flukes are triploid (3n = 30), whereas the Sligo and wild-type flukes are diploid (2n = 20). In the Sligo flukes the populations are apparently genetically heterogenous, with a proportion of the flukes unable to produce fully formed spermatozoa perhaps because of a failure in spermiogenesis involving elongation of the nucleus during morphogenesis. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In a laboratory experiment that permitted both observations of the behaviour of individuals and the monitoring of small populations, the role of 'intraguild predation' in the elimination of the freshwater amphipod Gammarus duebeni celticus by the introduced G. pulex was examined. Over 18 weeks, deaths in single and mixed species replicates were monitored. Rates of 'mortality' (deaths not due to cannibalism or predation) did not differ between the species. Gammarus cl. celticus, however, was more cannibalistic than G. pulex and, in both species, males were more often cannibalized than females. In mixed species replicates, the mean proportions of animals preyed upon did not differ among replicates with differing starting proportions of the two species, nor was there a difference between the sexes in numbers preyed upon. G. pulex, however, preyed more frequently on G. d celticus than vice versa, and this became more pronounced over time. In 87% of mixed species replicates, G. pulex eliminated G. d. celticus. The results support the proposition that intraguild predation may be the primary mechanism whereby G. pulex rapidly replaces G. d. celticus in freshwater. Integrating behavioural observations with population level monitoring may thus link pattern and process in behaviour and ecology.